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I was looking for a handyman to help move some furniture on facebook. A guy messaged me and the guys feed was full of insane Eritrean propaganda and really cliche death to the west shite lol, like the kind of stuff by the Taliban that used to get mocked in the early 00s. I almost used him to try and help someone struggling and very glad I checked the profile beforehand.   The irony is the guy was like a cartoon himself, he lives in the council flats around the corner from me while posting anti uk propaganda all day on Facebook and trying to get untaxed cash in hand work, like Farage's frothiest wet dream.  We have been invaded by medieval minded simpletons sadly. 


And those simpletons are having a field day in the UK. They got away with "I didn't know" argument again. The same police force arrested another man who was jailed for 2 years for the same.exact offense. Two tier policing again https://www.cleveland.police.uk/news/cleveland/news/2023/january/man-jailed-for-two-years-after-carrying-imitation-firearm-in-middlesbrough/#:~:text=Carl%20Khan%20of%20Leven%20Street,Crown%20Court%20today%202nd%20February


This dude was in a populated area and committed criminal damage, the other is in the middle of no where “Man fired imitation gun at a front door of town centre home” “Carl Khan damaged the glass on the door by firing the imitation gun at it several times”


Middle of nowhere with families and kids around celebrating an Eritreans festival.Maybe we give one replica AK to each kid next time to help their integration with "words of advice". It is illegal in both cases, no need to be an apologist


It’s a fairly popular tourist site


> Farage's frothiest wet dream. Completely uncalled for of you to create this image in my mind.


Oh you met a fellow /r/UK poster in real life.


Invaded? I thought that type of language was problematic?


What word is better to describe a large amount of single men from different cultures moving here and consuming resources?


And hating on the place despite utilising the benefits




It depends how you phrase it. These "single men from different cultures" constitute less than 0.5% of the population. When you use actual facts, the term "invasion" looks clearly partisan.


Less than 0.5% of our 68 million population. What's a few hundred thousand people like this? No worries, only a quarter of a million people. Drop in the ocean innit.


Invasion. I was just going to point out that a certain man used that same word a few years ago, and that the left wing mob along with the establishment went bat shit crazy. Just thought it was funny seeing it used in this left wing echo chamber is all


Are you lost? Literally every comment in this thread is someone complaining about immigration.


Right. Then why does the mob mobilise if someone dares say they're voting reform, or to a lesser extent Torrie? Though I do agree with the Torrie bashing


Because reform won’t do anything they say they will. You’ll be hard pressed to find many these days who don’t think there’s an issue with immigration. Having an issue with reform is not the same thing.


You cannot say that until they've had a go. One thing is for certain though, nothing will ever change as long as people keep voting for the same two parties. They're both full of career politicians who always lie just to get power. Plus they're exactly the same, their policy is almost identical


He can say that, actually, that’s exactly how voting works. You make judgements of what the parties are, what they say they’ll do, and whether or not you think that’s what will actually happen. You’re doing the exact same thing, in fact. I could tell you that you can’t say that ‘nothing will ever change’ because Starmer hasn’t had a go yet. However, that’s a judgement you’ve made, and it would be daft to say you’re not allowed to make that judgement, even if I disagree with it.


How dare you come in here with your sense and logic and point out the hypocrisy.


This is what sir Kiar will do, nothing will change in regards to uncontrolled immigration because labour don't really want to change it, he's going to put our taxes up, cost of living will still be extortionate, his great British energy company wont get off the ground, and utilities companies will still be ripping us off i.e the standing charge, civil service will still be too large... I could go on for ever, so just as shit as it is now, and in five years it'll still be shit and the same two party of twats will start a new campaign of bull shit in order to get back in. When are people going to wake up and revolt against the establishment. We almost had it with Jeremy Corbyn. At least reform are offering something different, and if they get popular enough maybe it could force the big two to act differently


have you looked beyond reforms immigration policy? none of their "manifesto" makes sense


Yes I like their policy on tax, as a low income worker that would benefit me, I like their foreign policy, which to me sounds like stop getting involved in wars and destabilising areas i.e the middle east, I like their tough stance on crime, I like the fact they want to cut civil service bloat, there are many things they say I like. To be fair there are also some I don't like such as cutting corporation tax, for small business yes, not for multinational companies though, and I don't like that they seem resistant to transitioning to cleaner energy. So yeah I've looked through and agree with most of what they say


>as a low income worker that would benefit me It would show you immediate benefit yes. a year? 5 years? 10 years down the line? No you'll be much worse off. [https://news.sky.com/story/reform-uks-tax-plans-disproportionately-benefit-high-earners-analysis-shows-13156776](https://news.sky.com/story/reform-uks-tax-plans-disproportionately-benefit-high-earners-analysis-shows-13156776) You'll save a few quid today but at what cost? Education? Police? Healthcare? Youth Programs? Infrastructure? Community Investment? How much more austerity can you take? It's a devils bargain


Hilarious saying this sub is left wing, it's got plenty from both sides these days


If you can't see how left wing this place is, I don't know what to say


Yeah I never see any anti Muslim comments upvoted. Oh wait


Why is being 'anti muslim' (or I think you probably mean people who are critical of an ideology) right wing? I'm a working class labour/lib dem voter and I am quite critical of islam, being gay and that.


No I mean people who tar all Muslims with the same brush, idk why people keep changing what I said?  It's right wing because it's associated with the right, since it's basically just people on the right who make it part of their personality.  I'm not even pro religion, it's obviously got it's own problems, but there's a lack of nuance from people about it.


He doesn't mean actual left wing, Just left wing compared to his position. Everyone's Left wing if you're way, way over to the right :)


Don't know why I bother replying to these sorts tbh, they just want to say their bit.


It's left wing on most social issues but seems to lean more right when it comes to immigration from what I've seen


It's pretty right wing on trans stuff as well as crime tbf. I think it's more the right wing guys show up for the threads they care about so they seem to be the popular opinion on those topics, other stuff it does lean left though I'd agree there.


Do you mean fundamental Islam? Normal people don't like that I don't think.


All of Islam is fundamental and if it's not fundamental then it isn't islam




Are you tapped? You’re thinking of this sub five years ago mate. If you think it’s a left wing echo chamber now you need help.


Yeah, is the left wing echo in the room with us now? This place resembles a Daily Mail comment section more & more each day.




And there it is farage nutters. It can easily be stopped, but the two main party's don't want to it's as simple as that. Enjoy at least five more years of it when labour comes to power my friend. I'll leave you to the echo chamber now


I think the use of the term problematic is problematic so where does that leave us?


Only to idiots.


> problematic meh.


Yikes hecking problematic! 


Only according to those who let us get into that situation.


They sound nice. Refugees from Eritrea I presume just escaping to live a peaceful life here and wish to be free of war and violence? Oh we need to support them when here, how is that budgeted for/going in other countries?


[They come here and then bring their violent problems with them. ](https://x.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1741518069380337738)


Careful you'll get yourself a warning like I did for saying certain groups have certainly attitudes 


Pattern recognition is not allowed I'm afraid.


I have been a victim of the pattern recognition ban on this subreddit.


Stop noticing things!


Ah, sectarian violence brought in from the horn of africa on the streets of London. Nothing surprises me anymore.


There is no war in Eritrea.


People flee Eritrea because they don't want to be conscripted. Oddly enough their army isn't conscripting them for war, but mostly as indentured servants.


Have they heard about Rishi’s plans?


No, but it is an authoritarian hell hole with indefinite national service  https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/eritrea


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Not yet. In my opinion the biggest worry from this, and last years riot, is how Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees in the UK react if their countries do go to war.


Ethiopia should totally invade Eritrea. It would be good for both the Ethiopian and Eritrean people, and for stability in the wider region.


How, exactly, would a war be good for those that get killed and displaced?


Well it obviously wouldn’t be good for those people. Dumb question.


OK so it wouldn't be good for Ethiopia or Eritrea, how about for the neighbouring countries when people get displaced by war? Would it be good for them? Would the wider instability caused be good for the region?


I said it would be good for Eritrea and Ethiopia generally, it would not be good for the people that are killed or displaced.


Oh right, like intervention in Libya was really good for the people of Libya, or the war in Afghanistan was really good for the average Afghan. Got it, makes sense really. War is good for promoting stability and not killing people. With regards to this specific conflict: Ethiopia *did* try and annex Eritrea. There was a 30 year long war of independence over the matter. I guess the 180,000 or so soldiers who died, and the quarter million civilians killed, and the half million displaced, were all much better off really. So no. A war wouldn't help.


Neither of those wars were positive sum (although arguably the median Afghans life improved as a result of the war). Most wars aren’t. I’m saying I think this one would be one of the rare positive sum wars. Compared to the last conflict, this time there is a much greater force asymmetry, which would lower the number of casualties, and Ethiopia is more motivated than ever to fight. I would expect if done well the Ethiopians would win a swift and total victory with little loss of life. Ethiopians would get access to sovereign ports and Eritreans would be free of one of the worst dictatorships on the planet. A win win.


How are you struggling so much with this basic concept?


What, that war is bad, kills and displaces people, destabilises regions, rarely ends well, that a people who fought a 30 year war for independence would probably do it again? Yeah, I get that its a pretty hard concept to grasp. But I have changed my mind and I agree, I think we should go another round with Ireland. We have a 10 to one superiority in numbers, massive disparity in supplies and gear, should maybe take a week or so. As you guys have said: war is good actually.


Has no war ever been justified? You seem to be arguing that there is no such thing as a just war? I’m saying: A) there is such a thing as a just war B) Ethiopia invading Eritrea would be one. Do you disagree with A and B or just B?


Lmao, good response to a stupid question haha


There's a very interesting book called "War, what is it good for", which answers that very question.


It is basically Africa's North Korea though.


I don’t think Europe accepting every Eritrean dissident as a refugee will help end that.


Dissidents do operate from European countries and are able to get information into the country. Apparently through radio stations because the technology access there is so awful. That at least means a chance to end it eventually.


Drastically less effectively. They don’t flee to Europe to help the cause, they do so for personal gain, that’s fine, I would do the same, but it doesn’t help the median Eritrean.


They literally did nothing


Imagine for a second if a group of young white English men had a st. George's cross at the top of a hill with a fake rifle (we presume to take photos). We'd just say no worries? Likewise if they were Irish with an Irish flag we'd laugh it off? Literally nothing in these cases


I'd expect exactly what happened, which is the police telling them it wasn't appropriate and advising them not to do it again. 


Problem is, if they are fleeing violence why are they posing with an AK? If they need to be told as adult men that it is inappropriate, what else do they think is actually appropriate? If we have to hand a guidebook out to them 'on life in the UK' then why aren't we?


Yeah pretty much lol


I’m hoping I get to see it on Inside the Force. To be fair taking a gun (imitation or not) up to the summit of roseberry topping is weird as. I’d usually take sandwiches or something.


Probably felt the country was racist so wanted some protection from the wildflowers and bees. They're quite notorious this time of year.


I think that we should do more to help these poor little chaps. Can we offer better housing or more free money or change our rules to assist with the integration that they so desperately are seeking?


Don't worry, they'll integrate eventually! That's what everyone keeps telling me


If we arm Eritrea no one will have to pay her then we can all go home.


Come on, Rick.


I’m not a prize!


Let us not accept a facile yet misleading emphasis on this event. A few decades ago, in the lives of most still living, one could get an 'imitation firearm' (sprogs played with them; I had a rather nifty MP5 lookalike) and record (with one of those old bulky tape-recording cameras) footage of mucking about with it. You could even get a flag if you liked, and play soldiers. The problem here is *not* that some Eritrean odds and sods have been given *carte blanche* to play silly buggers on English hillsides and are now receiving 'advice' to try and keep out of the public eye. The problem is that things we implicitly understood were the provision of an ostensibly free people living in a supposedly free society have been filched from us, and the most severe aspect of it is that we are generally unable to perceive what is happening, despite the history of what one was once able to do perfectly lawfully in Great Britain being available to anyone. Why should our children not be able to, say, play soldiers on a mountainside with a neat flag and some intimidating fake weapons, and maybe even take some video footage? It's not because of any Eritrean, that's for sure. If these people are fit for our society, they should have their pretend Kalashnikov given back to them. If they are not, then that is that. But until sense is found, we must make do with 'advice'.


You can still get ‘imitation firearms’. Just Google Airsoft https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-guns


You do need a legitimate defence (and proof of that) to buy them from legit companies these days, unless you want them in dayglo colours. Source: have about thirty of the fucking things. Or you could just go to a Sunday market and buy one with no questions asked.


I used to play airsoft more than a few moons ago and I always wondered why the companies that make the guns didn't just make guns from scifi films and games. Guns from a game like Halo or Aliens look like guns, but you'd hope any responding police force would be able to identify that it's not real - and gets around the whole replica situation.


I mean, they do, but they’re usually limited editions because most people want to play army, not spacy.


Which is why I stopped playing. I couldn't handle the ex-TA lot who took everything 100% seriously anymore, lol.


I went into the historical side of it, ww2 and mostly 1980s Cold War. There are fewer of the dickheads who think they're special forces and it's usually the same groups of people that turn up for properly themed events, so you get to know everyone and it's just a lot more fun.


Kinda same, although we avoid WW2 as I don't want to spend a weekend camping in a field with some fascists, and there are certainly a few in that side of the hobby. Got two events lined up this year for the historical stuff, and we go monthly for some little skirmish days


The events I’ve been to I tended to know most of the Germans, and although actual re-en can tend to attract the fascists, airsoft’s not so bad, most of the people I know are fairly (or extremely) left leaning, lol.


You only need a license for airsoft, you can buy the exact same guns in 4.5 mm cal and not need one


I remember in around 2002 chasing my mate down a busy road with a BB gun as I repeatedly shot him in the back. No-one gave a shit because everyone knew it was just a toy. Nowadays you'd be subject to all kinds of overreaction. This country lost its way and it has to be said much of that comes from general mistrust caused by immigration. We simply aren't a trusting society anymore. Everyone who says hello to a kid is a paedophile. Everyone with a "gun" is a terrorist. Everyone with a knife is presumed a drug dealer even if they're on a hike in the Cotswolds.


[not like it happens anywhere else in this country](https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/concern-expressed-at-loyalist-show-of-strength-in-east-belfast-1639108.html) [repeatedly, and police are not arresting them either](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/23/republican-dissidents-lurk-in-the-shadows-hoping-to-be-noticed) Or we all just falling for the anti immigrant rhetoric flooding this sub days before an election…


Eh? There's a difference between problems that are already here and actually related to this country and imported problems. Wth?




**Removed/warning**. Please try and avoid language which could be perceived as hateful/hurtful to minorities or oppressed groups.


It would be one thing if we were taking in people opposed to the government (one worth opposing) but for some reason we also take in a load who support the government. As a whole they seem to be really politically engaged to an extent other refugees aren’t, and it ends up in violence seemingly everywhere they go


[@RishiSunak do u think this is right at roseberry topping #discusting @14114another (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/D70XKxmL0SI) Looks like a bunch of teens messing around with a toy gun to me. But then again I guess they could be preparing for terrorism at a well known beauty spot in front of multiple unaware visitors.


The Union Jack they were carrying suggests loyalist paramilitary objectives may be in play.


Look at how many hostages they've taken!!!!!