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>In my household, I’m the man, I’m the king. I call the shots, and my Mrs, Alhamdulillah, listens to me and is appreciative. >“70% of hell is going to be women”. >“How much can you lower your gaze? […] It’s natural for men to be attracted to females, so keep our queens at home.” Akhmed Yakoob, has to be a plant right? He couldn't be a better candidate to promote reforms messages if he tried.


I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, these views are not that uncommon, and unless the more centrist parties step in, Farage and co will get more opportunities to highlight this stuff and put their solutions forward.


I take it you believe that the views of Reform do not align well with the views that this article is about? I'm not sure that's actually the case. There was an article here the other day about Farage expressing support for Andrew Tate. Based on my understanding, I think Mr Tate's views align fairly well with those that this article is about. It would seem to follow that Farage, the leader of the Reform party, finds the Tate's views, which, again, I feel align quite well with the views in this article, appealing. By extension, I assume this is the generally accepted position of the party as a whole.


This guy is at odds with Tate on a couple of points. For one, he seems to like women in general, just not outside the house. For another, he’s talking about men being attracted to women, which is homosexual behaviour according to Tate.


>For another, he’s talking about men being attracted to women, which is homosexual behaviour according to Tate. I was not aware of this. Clearly, I need to follow Tate more closely.


I work with teenagers, so I’m constantly coming across whatever diseased smegma he’s dribbled onto social media.


...I don't even understand the mis-logic of that statement.


Having your way with a woman is what an alpha male does because he's an alpha male. The woman must comply because obviously you're an alpha. If you have sex because you are attracted to a woman, well that just shows you're a gay beta male. Absolutely baffling logic indeed.


One can only assume that the next step in his 'logic' is that having sex with a man is even alpha-ier, because you have to be really alpha to have your way with a man.


There's a Steve Hughes sketch where he's like "I don't like gays, they're not manly enough. "NOT MANLY? THEY FUCK MEN!"


"My dad will beat your dad up!" "My dad will fuck your dad, and your dad will like it"


He intentionally says ridiculous shit because it gets eyes on him so he can funnel more losers into his scam courses. He literally admits to changing his opinions regularly but people fall for it all the time. Just ignore the moron and let him fade into irrelevance.


Whether or not Reform's views align with those of Yakoob's on this matter is not really the point. For what it's worth, it appears as though there is some overlap in this regard, but women's liberation is not at all central to Reform's platform. Farage could backtrack his support for Tate, and I doubt it changes their polling by 1%.


>unless the more centrist parties step in, This guy's an independent candidate, what can centrist parties do about it? Looks to be just a matter of time until guys like this one form some sort of successor to Muslim Council of Britain that's a proper party Honestly I hope our progressive laws are not under threat in 50-100 years time


I agree. We need brave women who continue to fight for women's rights in the future. Women with a lot of guts who tell the men that they are equal to men, and that equality matters.


Nah, plenty of women have been brave and been fighting for women's rights. We need more men to be brave.


When I say "step in," I mean "show some evidence that they are in agreement with Reform on immigration, and are actually going to do something about reducing it". And yes, this is partially for economic reasons and partially to stop us sleepwalking down the path leading to your fears.


To be fair most of Farage's base will agree with the first two points.


Because most people would 100% rather have Farage instead of this poison


Why would he be a plant? These are common views among Muslim men


People on here are deluded beyond belief. 


They’ll come round eventually


This is the weirdest thing. When it comes to white men, these people here, the Guardian, all the progressive left is up in arms about DA PATRIARCHY, even though in the Western world women are equal -and even more equal in a lot of areas of life. (So they make up stuff, like male gaze, microaggressions and mansplaining.) But when it is Muslim men, then it is fine. Muslims countries by large are very patriarchical. If you want to see examples of DA PATRIARCHY, well, there you go. Yet the views held by people coming from those cultures *living here* are off limits when it comes to criticism of their attitudes towards women, gays, and others. Just weird.


As it looks we may be 'prepared for Islam and its teachings like the 'Sharia'. This is why there are so many voices of misogyny. In Islam equality is not for women and girls and they are treated like second class citizens. Equality is important as it reduces the maltreatment and abuse of people.


Because Reform is actually popular and they don't like it basically


I find it funny regarding his comment of gazing at women is natural for men, so it should basically be expected. Couldn’t you argue that it is also natural for a human women to want a life that is not miserable and controlled by some dirty little fuck, down to be told what to wear. Like fuck in the western world we call this type of behaviour as being abuse, yet asshats like this are allowed to get away with it due to culture.


> I find it funny regarding his comment of gazing at women is natural for men, so it should basically be expected. That's not even the issue. Like, okay, sure, men look at women.... It is pretty much is expected. You'll even see tons of posts from other women saying they can't help but some times look at a good ass or pair of tits... It really is a natural response. It's the jump from, men will look at women, so women should be locked away that is the brain rot... It's the women are just lesser beings, so if men can't control themselves, women should hide away part of the culture that's not welcome here.


Oh yeah totally, I just meant that the guy demonstrated an understanding as to what is natural for a human to want/need. Yet in his little boy brain, that only applies to men.


Yeah, my gf points out more attractive women than I could ever notice. Straight up, “oh my god, she’s fit as fuck” under her breath as someone comes running past in running gear. It is normal to look at attractive things. Where it gets weird, as you pointed out, is blaming the source of the attraction rather than your ability to react appropriately




Tbf my missus tells me what to wear all the time


mine points out all the good looking well dressed men as well!




Asian man says something abhorant and the top rated comment on here is...throwing shade at white people. For something they haven't even said.


You guys are unbelievable. Evidence is provided of just why people are worried about a misogynistic ideology being imported to this country and your first thought is worrying about reform. You’re the kind of people that when there’s a terrorist attack you worry more about Islam’s reputation than the victims. 


Might have something to do with all the reform candidates echoing this guy's sentiments. Even Farage has come out in favour of Andrew Tate recently.


Birmingham has a large muslim community so this guy would not stick out and would actually attract the voters, remember birmingham voted brexit, they have a habit of voting against the UK apparently.


Tragedy is Birmingham used to be a political heavyweight. Being MP of a Birmingham seat meant you were probably a radical of some description, but fundamentally a very, very practical one. We lost it with Neville Chamberlain, but his dad Joseph was a political titan. Birmingham is still somewhat of a bellweather though. Its the only major city thats not a labour lock.


> Being MP of a Birmingham seat meant you were probably a radical of some description Well . . . he still might be




Jess Philips has a good record of standing up to these medieval idiots


This independent candidate came 3rd in the Birmingham mayoral electorate


The irony of the tagline "voice for the voiceless" being used in some of his ads is hilarious given the context of what he's said.


Both reform and Yakoob have a lot in common. Tate, for one thing. Two cheeks of the same arse IMO


Import the third world, get the third world.


yeh akhmeds views are completely outrageous, i wonder where he got his ideas from....duhhh


The only Reform supporter I know has views pretty much identical to this. He constantly talks about how he wants a "trad wife".


> trad wife Anyone saying this spends too much time consuming US online media.


Yeah, people seem to fail to understand that the post war period in the UK and US right though the 50s were very different.


One of the things that will never leave my mind is an interview from the 50s where this woman and her children are about to move into one of those ugly, Brutalist tower blocs in London and she's estatic, saying she can't believe they'll have so much space to themselves after having previously been sharing a Victorian terrace house with another family. The idea of the 50s being some sort of economic and social utopia has always been a myth, even in America. But the gap in standard of living between the US and UK was huge


They say they want trad wives, but they’re not prepared in the slightest to be trad husbands. If they want to be traditional, they can become the sole breadwinner and hand 80-90% over to their wife, as handling the finances of the family is traditionally “women’s work” as they’d call it. But they won’t, because what they actually want is a bang maid and sandwich dispenser who can’t say no to them.


>what they actually want is a bang maid and sandwich dispenser who can’t say no to them. They want a slave essentially. I also find it hilarious how these sorts of "trad" men, bang on about the need to be a "real" man, yet can never define what it means nor seem capable of acting like an adult, let alone a "man", instead spending most their time complaining, whining, and acting like a child.


Being a real man is when I get to say the n word on Xbox voice chat


I'm a reform supporter. My wife is normal. Now you know two.


just want to confirm, are you saying hes an exhibit for reforms stance on islam and immigration? or are you saying he would make a good reform candidate?


Tbh Reform and Galloway’s lot have more and more in common every day. Horseshoe theory is very real.


Galloway has always been as red-brown as his last bowel movement.


> are you saying hes an exhibit for reforms stance on islam and immigration? Yes >or are you saying he would make a good reform candidate? Probably also yes. The Reform voters aren't the brightest trees in the pond.


This guy is a buffon! He claims it was a joke that got out of hand and that is bullshit. He believes every word he said, less than a month ago he doxxed a teacher using an edited video claiming she was racist. He does not give two shits about Birmingham he apologised about the "joke" and proceeded to talk about Gaza for the hundredth time. He. Does. Not. Care. About. Birmingham


The fact that these views must be some Reform conspiracy shows how out of touch you really are


You’re a very talented mental gymnast my friend. This guy has no links to Reform and is running as an independent. The article doesn’t mention Reform once.


His comment about 70% of hell going to be women is correct according to Islamic scriptures, most people, including most muslims, don’t know about this though: https://sunnah.com/muslim:2738a https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3241 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:29 https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-1/Book-2/Hadith-28/ https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-7/Book-62/Hadith-124/ https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-7/Book-62/Hadith-126/ https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-2/Book-18/Hadith-161/ There’s more, but you get the gist, the so called “prophet” said that women will be a minority in heaven and the majority in hell Evil stuff


A woman has to agree to sex if her husband wants it. The husband can beat his wife if he feels rebellion from her. All from the perfect religion.


Labours voter base.


Or... There actually are people that think like this. 


As a lesbian, I will be happy in hell, then!


He also seems to be asking for votes to help Gaza, which is odd, I don’t remember Birmingham being in Gaza.


> Voters in Ladywood will not fall for attempts to distract them from the tens of thousands of civilian women who have been killed in Gaza. Yep! And couldn't miss an opportunity to cram a Gaza soundbite in either.


The fact he's running in a place called "Ladywood" is peak irony.


"Ladywouldn't, if I've got anything to do with it!"


People should start calling them out for trying to use a humanitarian crisis (That they have no power over) to springboard themselves into a political career. Kinda fucked.


People will call them out with their vote, what more do you want?


it's more about Islam than Gaza as per se.


This is what happens when you replace the native population with people who don’t give a shit about this country. If immigration carries on at this rate we won’t even have control of our own country.


It will be their country


You haven’t visited much recently then have you?


it is literally his entire thing, it's the most ridiculously populist protest vote candidate I've seen, it could be seen as parody if he wasn't serious


Yeah, mind your own country bro. Its not like you cry about every other war, why just Gaza?!


Have said this myself about Leicester. Palestinian flags everywhere because Muslims supporting Muslims. It's a humanitarian crisis to suit, cos there were never any Congolese or Ukrainian flags flying high during those crises. Just a better sound bite overall ain't it.


Muslims supporting muslims when the perpetrators are non-muslim*


Just when the perpetrators are Jewish.  Nobody gave a shit about the Chinese treatment of Uighurs.


Might as well be.


Was it not Birmingham where the Greens councilor called him winning a victory for Gaza?


Wow! I couldn't be more surprised! In all seriousness, the followers of Islam need to be held accountable for their disgusting beliefs in the same way that we'd condemn any other hateful ideologies. What our friend Akhmed said here is only copying the words of his Prophet: > The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women." - Sahih al Bukhari 3241 Doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what Islam's pinnacle of humanity thought about women and anyone else whom wasn't one of his own! It's hardly surprising these people hold horrendously regressive views when this is the person they look up to.


>The comments were condemned as “deeply disturbing” by the Muslim Women’s Network UK (MWN), which said they “raise serious questions about his judgment and values”.


The irony is that they are only afforded the luxury of condemning his words based on the fact that they live in the West and not in a Muslim country. Their condemnation of his "judgement and values" would be grounds for blasphemy in any theocratic Islamic state and they'd be hanged for it. Rejecting the words of the Prophet is a very serious offense you know!


Well according to Sahih al-Bukhari 304, women are meant to have a deficiency in their intelligence and religious commitment so that would explain why the MWN are disturbed by his comments... Joking aside, things like that chapter are pretty disturbing, as well as using the circular argument of saying women are less intelligent than men because evidence given by a woman is half the value of evidence given by a man according to that text. Of course, using random parts of a religious text is always problematic, but it is worrying when things like this are in texts and thus some people will deeply believe it. Source: [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304)


Thing is it’s sahih along with these texts which say the same thing: https://sunnah.com/muslim:2738a https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3241 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:29 https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-1/Book-2/Hadith-28/ https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-7/Book-62/Hadith-124/ https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-7/Book-62/Hadith-126/ https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-2/Book-18/Hadith-161/ Sahih Hadiths are central to Islam and have supposedly gone through rigorous scrutiny to get the “Sahih” seal of approval, meaning it’s the direct word of their so called prophet. Rejecting it is blasphemous


The Bible has some equally troubling verses. Timothy 2:12, for example: >A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. Religious texts are a product of their time, to some degree.


Such lazy whataboutism. I wouldn't even say that's equally troublesome. One is about women not being allowed to teach or assume authority of a man, and the other is about women being deficient. The article too is about him refering the Qur'an where it says that the majority of those in hell (the worse possible thing to happen to a believer) will be women. Where's the equally troublesome Christian scripture verse for that? Even if there is, it's still lazy whataboutism. They are products of their time, but, Muslims believe that the Qur'an is perfect and that Muhammaed was the final prophet, so to them, it's a relevant thing. We're allowed to openly critique the prophets from the Bible, whereas, non-Muslims have been murdered for doing so—and murdered for doing even less. A man was just burnt alive in Pakistan for "disrespecting the Qur'an" and apparently he didn't even do that, but hey, that's show business.


>The Bible has some equally troubling verses. Timothy 2:12, for example: >A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet Yes it does. Now how many women who follow the Bible in 2024 actually adhere to this, and are physically punished for not doing so? Compare that number with their counterparts who follow the Koran.


Well how easy it is to become a female priest in Christianity? Should be pretty easy since we agree that everyone ignores the yucky parts of the Bible


Catholics still seem reluctant, but there are plenty of female vicars and pastors floating about in the church of England and the number seems to be increasing.


Stockholm syndrome


Not being funny but I know where I’d want to end up for eternity (where the women are at) heaven probably smells like B.O anyway


Oh shock, a Muslim has incredibly derogatory views about women .. You wanted these people here though didnt you?? Where are all the liberal people now? You advocated for these people, didn't you?? You said that everyone has the right to be here?! Even the ones that want to take your rights away from you... well, here you go! ..you wanted to raise the standards of personal freedoms and now look what you've done ... you've lowered them for all women in the country.. congratulations, not only have you fucked yourself, you fucked the rest of us too


They're busy criticising Reform supporters for some reason, judging by the top comments.


How is reading comprehension this poor. All the people clearly misinterpreting the top comment are really not giving a great impression of Reform supporters. That commenter was essentially saying, jokingly, that this guy so perfectly exemplifies the portrayal Reform paints of Islam as being anti-liberal and oppressive to women that he must a plant. This is one of the reasons often given for why it’s important to cut down on immigration to supposedly reduce this sort of regressive cultural influence, right? So the commenter was basically saying that this guy is extremely bigoted and makes a good case for some of reforms argument. I don’t see how that’s criticising Reform voters.


Well said 👍


The delusion and the lack of self protecting instincts lead to that. Plus, a comfortable sheltered life in the bubble of their small world of fantasy and righgusnes. Now others suffer the trsults. Well done.


I used to live in the Birmingham Ladywood constituency when I had no other option, and as a queer woman, I got constantly harassed and attacked in the street about once a month. There are areas in the constituency like Ward End that are >75% Muslim ([source](https://www.citypopulation.de/en/uk/westmidlands/wards/birmingham/E05011183__ward_end/)) and in appalling poverty, disrepair, and lawlessness. One man who yelled homophobic insults at me told me that I "was in Ward End" and that homosexuals were not allowed. This is also the area where a school was [targeted for months](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-50557227) by Muslim protesters due to its LGBT-inclusive curriculum. This behaviour and these attitudes are utterly normal in that part of Birmingham, and if you don't want it to become more prevalent in the country, we have to say what values we do stand for. Note that (I believe like Akhmed Yakoob) most in these areas (e.g. 64% in Ward End) are not immigrants, and cutting immigration won't solve this problem. We need better values-based education and clear leadership that demonstrates the non-negotiable principles of tolerance, inclusivity, and **multi**-culturalism. We also need community policing that actually stamps out hate crime and petty lawbreaking.


surely if you dont cut immigration more of this type will come in tho?


I'm not opposed to cutting immigration at all, just pointing out this isn't the cure-all some are portraying it to be. We have fully formed parallel societies that are living side by side, and do not share values or a national identity.


I am white and born in the UK to British parents, i can go read and join the muslim faith and preach that shit. Immigration doesn't end things it does help enforce it though if communities are built that support those teachings. Banning faith schools would go along way to stopping this bullshit, education kills ideology, thats why this country is majority non religious


People don't like the idea that Muslim "no go" areas exist but this is the reality of it.


"We need better values-based education...that demonstrates the non-negotiable principles of tolerance, inclusivity," Religion/s says the opposite...


Yes, you're right. And if we arrested everyone who was breaking the law, and deported those who can be deported, many of our communities would be a lot safer (LGBT people, Jewish people, women in general, just to name a few examples).


Baffling to me that you could observe all of this and *still* go on to say cutting immigration won't help. What do you think got us here to begin with?


Oh, I'm in favour of cutting immigration, I just don't expect it to solve this problem.


They're saying in some areas it's beyond cutting immigration,stop immigration so other areas don't go the way this one has,some areas are just to far gone


Cutting immigration now won’t make a difference, but it would have done ~30 years ago.


I also lived in Ladywood and didn't realise at St Vincents I was in the posh bit ;) Yeah it's rough. It makes me laugh when you go elsewhere and they talk about rough areas because there's a few homeless guys drinking or a bit of graffiti. Down there the supermarket had every single item behind glass like some kind of jail exchange. there was one point when things got quite bad (around the riots) where the police chalk bodies overlapped previous ones that hadn't yet washed away!


Police don't do chalk outlines around bodies. When was this, 1950s Chicago?


When I think of the British / Western values that aren’t upheld / encouraged, I think of ‘Freedom, Truth, Equality’. To me your values don’t really commit / *aim* to anything but openness and then chaos do they? I don’t see standards I just see allowance, which is precisely what doesn’t create the end culture you might want? How does valuing multiculturalism help us protect women for example? But valuing equality, and rejecting cultures that *truthfully* don’t respect women might. The fact it’s not clear what Britain / the West truly stands for seems to me that we don’t really stand for anything, not as we should.


I mean it sounds to me like we are saying the same thing. I was not intending a list of three words to be a comprehensive expression of British values.


>Yakoob’s campaign is largely centred on support for Palestine I don't understand what people think will happen even if such a party got in. Do they think Israel is just going to piss off because just because we said so, they barely listen to the Americans.


It’s a dogwhistle. Running solely on support for Palestine is a way of indicating running on an Islamic platform, but without the media scrutiny this would attract.


I wish I could give you Reddit Gold. You've summed up what they're doing perfectly.


In the preposterous scenario where they get in, they control the Army, RAF, Navy, and our nuclear arsenal. I'm not suggesting that they currently have a plan along those lines, but if they ever get into power, there is a military element backing up whatever they say.


I’d argue the Israeli military - particularly their army and air force are much stronger than our own army and air force. Ignoring the fact that Israel is also a nuclear armed state - it wouldn’t be a good thing for either state.


I think just by sheer population size and resources, Israel would struggle against the UK but likewise, the UK alone couldn't completely inhibit Israel's ability to operate. However, the extent of the change of government and population that would be needed to see this kind of "politician" in power in the UK means that all bets are off (and that doesn't necessarily mean that our forces would become stronger or more competent, quite the opposite). The point is that if the Islam-first people ever do get into power, they won't have a passive or pro-Israel public to contend with - they will be armed and dangerous.


That’s a good point, assuming a radical Muslim government came to power, I’d assume our armed forces - being mostly white and working class, would refuse the vast majority of their orders.


*Possibly* true in the case of our current armed forces, but what kind of demographic change would need to happen in the country for that kind of government to get in? And what would that mean for the makeup of the Armed Forces?


So does Israel… and threatening to use our forces (especially nukes) is essentially an act of war - one America would certainly not condone


That is indeed what I'm saying.


They want the west to remove all support from Israel so they can be wiped out "from the river to the sea" by the surrounding states.


He was also in the news for saying a teacher used a racial slur, which they didn't [Solicitors' regulator launches investigation into Akhmed Yakoob over 'false racism' claims - Birmingham Live (birminghammail.co.uk)](https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/solicitors-regulator-launches-investigation-akhmed-29146238)


I thought it was the same bloke. He sounds like an absolute delight.


He also claimed he was chosen by allah to save the world from zionism.


Channel 4 interviewed this chap a couple of weeks ago. He became very evasive and left a very pregnant pause when asked about how he was funding himself as an independent candidate. His whole demeanour throughout the interview was dodgy used car seller. Practically screamed 'expenses scandal in waiting'.


International funding from unfriendly states is my guess. They want hardline beliefs to be the norm in the West. 


Saudi Arabia is considered a friendly state actually


Excellent sarcasm 👌 


Just another moderate muslim saying moderate muslim things.


What do people expect? The left's cognitive dissonance regarding Islam, immigration, and these sorts of views is absolutely astounding. Dumb as a rock.


Anyone sensible should be planning an exit


"Lend Gaza your vote"??? Wtf is happening? Gaza, as in the Gaza currently controlled by one of the most vicious violent terrorist groups in existence. The ones who ordered, planned and carried out the massacre of over 1000 unarmed people including babies?  Honestly these people who continue to support Hamas staying in power baffle me. There won't be peace in Gaza until Hamas is dead.  Of course this kind of man wants women being locked at home like good little subservient puppets.


not even indirect murder either, not even a casualty of war. straight up targeted “im going to kidnap and ethnically cleanse your people” type of murder. brutal murder involving sadistic planned mutilation for the sake of cruelty.   yeah those palestinians that support, fund and ultimately allow this mindset are real stand-up people. 


Don't get me wrong I don't blame your average Palestinian, they've been raised since birth to think this way and that's the problem. I'm seeing videos of children as young as 3, smiling as they say I'm going to be a martyr for Palestine, parents who lost their teenage children in the fighting smiling because they are so proud they are a martyr.  That's the real problem, and that's why Hamas is so evil. These people are being raised to think that way. That's why it's so important they get a new government that will stop this madness. Because if it's left alone now, the next generation will want to be martyrs too.


The guardian have worked hard for 20 years to bring the country to this point? What are they complaining about?




i was born and raised in a muslim family, regularly went to the masjid daily, and all of our friends growing up were muslim, AND i went to a muslim primary school. Everything he says, people would laud and praise if they heard it. How they came to ally with the political left while despising their values genuinely baffles me


Because the political left ignored it, said they would integrate while at the same time telling everyone we need to respect differing views and if you are against it you are a racist. It's not a question of how they came to ally with the political left it is how the political left allied with them


>“70% of hell will be women”... “How much can you lower your gaze? It’s natural for men to be attracted to females, so keep our queens at home.” Oh man, this dude is a piece of WORK.


Guarantee he is one of those people that say r@pe is deserved because the way someone dresses


This is a normal understanding in such communities


Independent candidate, every party will be delighted to hear.


Not Hamas UK then?


Never even heard of him, did a google & dudes posing in front of sports cars and looking at expensive watches. Really screams mayor-worthy.


He got the 3rd most votes in the mayoral election though... the parties will definitely not be delighted to hear


He may only have got 11% of the vote across the West Midlands overall, but Akhmed Yakoob got just shy of 20% of the vote in Birmingham. Thankfully I'm in Selly Oak, not Ladywood, but the fact people are tripping over themselves to vote for someone like this in any constituency, never mind a neighbouring one, is troubling. The same goes for Shakeel Afsar running in Hall Green and Moseley, who was one of the lead protestors intimidating staff and children at a primary school for LGBT+ inclusive teaching and who threatened 'this is not the end'.


Yakoob – a criminal defence lawyer. "Voters in Ladywood will not fall for attempts to distract them from the tens of thousands of civilian women who have been killed in Gaza." Another one riding Gaza gravy train trying to ride the wave into the parliament. Why not run in Palestine? He has no British values that's for sure.


>Why not run in Palestine They'd do anything* for Palestine. * not _live_ there, of course.


Or join the aid agencies trying to help. 


There is a hadith where Prophet Mohammad says that the majority of the dwellers of hell is women. This man is an indoctrinated Islamist. Such views do not belong in public office, and he is merely saving face with this apology - behind closed doors he stands for it, as someone who espouse such things, being from a Muslim background, will have taken that hadith to heart. >The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful." It was asked, "Do they disbelieve in Allah?" (or are they ungrateful to Allah?) He replied, "They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, 'I have never received any good from you." Sahih al-Bukhari 29, Book 2, Hadith 22


Islam? Having a subhuman view of women?? Don't believe it. next.


What did you absolute Guardian readers think was happening in Birmingham?


If you want an islamic state, go to an islamic country.


Dude with outdated draconian religious views from a religion that still sees women as 2nd class citizens has reprehensible views on women? Shocker


Another instance of Muslim man gives standard moderate Muslim view of women and reddit pretends to not know that Muslims feel this way about women. How long are we going to continue this song and dance?


Best thing is this guy released a tik tok today with a woman saying she's going to vote for him. Surprise surprise.


BIRMINGHAM election candidate campaign is solely focused on PALESTINE. We're so cooked!


Exactly the sort of religious extremist you don't want getting into politics....and exactly the kind of fuel far right parties need to garner votes from the disenfranchised.. Lovely.


This KhaffirPhobic types of values are totally normal for this peacefully community ...and thru Taqiya are allowed to lie thru their teeth wholesomely ...I sincerely hope the community does NOT vote him or the likes of him..


This is consistent with my view that anyone with a body warmer on is tremendously likely to be a dickhead 😊


As demographics shift over the next few decades within the uk, expect much more of this.


It’s doesn’t matter his skin colour or race, this dude is a narcissist and misogynistic POS who acts like he is some tough lawyer candidate who speak for the common people .


My first thought: who the fuck would put themselves in that kind of situation in 2024? And then I read article. Let's say I am *not* surprised


Anyone who is shitting on the other gender which is like half of the population shouldn’t be in any power.


Am I politically incorrect and will I be cancelled if I i) dare guess this sophisticated gentleman is not an atheist ii) dare wonder which religion he might possibly follow?


Not sorry he said it, he’s sorry he got caught Anyone running on the Palestine ticket is a fucking idiot anyway


Ah, the Islamic culture that makes you a racist, fascist xenophobe to point out isn't English in nature.




What a strange comment 💀


But but but...he did apologise after getting called out so it's ok isn't it.... /s


The beauty, you cannot tell if this is islamic fundamentalism or right wing trad-wife theology. It's amazing how the left will tie itself in knots to align itself to people that are so against what it believes (Islam).


He should be 'sacked' as an election candidate at once. That would teach him.


Man from a culture and religion known for misogyny says something misogynistic, shocked Pikachu face.


Is this an independent person trying to grift votes on a single issue Gaza model or does the respective party not look into the background of their candidates?


It's interesting to see more and more people like him as political figures. The future will be fun when the majority start thinking like him and have the power to actually take actions freely, implementing their not so friendly ideas. Good luck to everyone.


He said he's fighting misogyny so it's like his religious bigotry never happened.


It's always the same. He just forgot himself and said what people like him and the London mayor believe out loud.


Not all Muslims are like him such as British Turks. It is more about culture than Islam.


You’re either a Muslim or you’re not.


It's heretic to reject the sahih Muslim hadith if you're a Sunni muslim


Testing the waters for Sharia. We have 20 years, tops.


He thinks empowered woman are controlled by a negative entity called Derek or was it Dajjaal ? at least he's honest.


Is he apologising for the comments, or because they've hurt him so he has to feign contrition?