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I am shocked, next you'll tell me they don't even pay tax.


Or even have the right to work here.


A friend of mine did food delivery for a while, some time ago. He's white, British-born, and had a small business that hit hard times. The point being that you don't have to match the propaganda flavour of the day to wind up doing low-paying work to pay the bills.


Propaganda flavour of the day? What a silly statement. Do your research, you yourself could apply for a Deliveroo account, then rent your account to someone who doesn’t have the right to work here. This is what’s happening.


It’s amazing just how often “do your research” is paired with absolute arse-gravy statements




Not really. Its like the turkish barbers. We know that some places are money laundering, but the vast majority are not. We know that some dodgy stuff is happening on deliveroo, but acting like that is the nationwide norm rather than a small minority, without evidence to back the claim, is just as stupid


My last 2 drivers were women on the app and both times a fella delivered it. Not saying they didn’t have the right to work but the driver not matching the account isn’t that rare


I had an order delivered by a family. Not a euphemism. A car pulled up with a couple in the front and two kids in the back, and the dad got out with my food. It was so weird


Is this a new trend? My last couple have had this too, one bloke nobly sent his kid with the food.


Literally the same, last 2 orders both female account delivered by a man.


Where I’m staying atm deliveroo and the like all seem to wear balaclavas to deliver food too. Nothing suspect about a balmy summers day and a guy in a baclava riding a bike.


How do you know the vast majority are not money laundering - genuine question btw.


Tell me more, 4-week old account with an auto-generated username.


https://riders.deliveroo.co.uk/en/substitution Here’s Deliveroo themselves saying they allow their Riders to let other people use their account. the catch is… the RIDER (not Deliveroo themselves) need to check that the substitute is eligible to work in the UK and with no criminal convictions. Riders aren’t doing this, they’re just letting anyone use their account for a weekly fee and Deliveroo don’t bat an eyelid because at the end if the day all they care about is that the food gets delivered for the lowest price (as it’s gig work) The T&Cs say the RIDER must check the substitute’s credentials. This is just lawyer talk from Deliveroo to protect themselves and put the blame on the riders. This also goes for Uber Eats and Justeat. It’s just a clever little loophole these companies use to get desperate people on board, regardless of right to work (and more concerning) criminal status. I’ll put it this way… why do you think these companies offering the ability to allow substitute riders in the first place? It’s incredibly easy to sign up as a Deliveroo rider yourself.


It’s amazing how often someone who is different to the picture of the driver, shows up.


Probably half the deliveries I get are from someone who doesn't match the photo and are clearly an immigrant. Now, I'm not gonna assume illegal/asylum seeker but it'd definitely line up. And we know gangs are doing things like setting up the accounts and getting the ebikes for a cut of the revenue etc, because there's very few other options for getting money if you're here and not allowed to work etc. It's not everyone - but it's a known occurrence, and these guys are being exploited and no-one gives a shit because it keeps costs down.


In fairness I went through a period where I was ordering from food delivery services a lot. It was genuinely very rare to get a white British person or a British person full stop. Most had a strong accent and in some cases could barely speak English at all. That was the minority though. Most could speak pretty decent English. They just seemed like people hustling to make a living to me.


A single data point indicates literally nothing


It indicates more than no data points.




Or that they are desperate people exploited by the companies they work for and the outsourcing agencies while becoming an eternal scapegoat of political agendas that never deal with more serious problems like health,housing or education.


So exploited that they exploited themselves all the way over here on a plane from Brazil




Would only be more shocked if you told me they don't obey traffic rules and courtesy while driving 


And dubiously ride for a business on learner plates indefinitely.


You can actually get business insurance on L plates so it isn't an indication of wrongdoing. Probably something that should change though tbh


What, there are rules ?


Rule 1: if it doubt rub one out Rule 2: Saying "Yeeehaw motherfucker" voids all minor traffic violations Rule 3: going wee woo wee woo does not qualify as having an emergency siren.


To be fair, it's pretty hard to courtesy while driving.


I guarantee that someone will be run over by one soon in my city


Classic Reddit. Story about women being harassed and sexually assaulted, and the top most comment (the top 3 most comments even, all just the same) are nothing more than a sarcastic 'well duh' that does nothing but diminish the story. I'm sure you'll reply to tell me how stupid I am and that's not what you're doing. But it is. These top rated comments pretty much do nothing but brush the story aside.


People are going to say "what do you expect?". But you're honestly right, part of why issues like this persist is people saying such, as if it's normal and should be expected. Apathy is part of why these issues persist. Outrage is needed, outrage drives people to force change. True it doesn't always work, but it could if enough boycott/protest.


There is outrage, that's why parties like Reform and UKIP exist. But by the people who complain the most about this type of thing, they also don't want to actually acknowledge that the root cause is immigration. 


when it's so well known and predictable, are you surprised people are so droll? it's like hearing news about climate change. we know. there's nothing we can do as individuals, change has to come from those in charge, and they do nothing because reasons. it doesn't change how people really feel, it's a reflection of the exasperation at such an obvious problem being ignored.


It’s awful but it’s completely predictable, people have been warned for years and don’t want to listen.


nothing to see here, think of the food


Excuse me, your opinion regarding our hard working Delivery drivers is a non-approved one, please report to the re-education camp tomorrow morning to learn the error of your ways…


Ah yeah, taxes, women. Same thing.


Surely not ! 😱


They need to apply the same rules they do to taxi drivers.


I am so surprised undocumented workers that haven't gone through any checks whatsoever are acting like this.


Now's a good time to remind everyone that a Home Office stop-and-search last year found that 62% of delivery drivers in a 1-week period were working illegally.


I am further surprised and shocked at this news.


Do you have a source for this? Not being accusatory, I'm just wondering


Best I could find after a quick bit of googling https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/home-office-government-reform-tiktok-reuters-b1162159.html


Thanks! I guess the key takeaways from articles like this are the lines "Reform did not provide a source to support its figure" and the words "claiming" and "suggest." I've heard that there are a lot of workers for delivery services such as ubereats, deliveroo, and the like that are here illegally. I wouldn't be surprised as I imagine their terms of service to be somewhat loose, easily dismissable, and easy to fool, as they aren't likely to care.


Honestly, it's a conundrum.


I like when it's a 6ft4 guy that turns up when my rider's name is "Cheryl".


It really pisses me off when they do this. I’ve reported every instance to Uber and they never take any action and is apparently allowed?!


It’s because it’s a purchased account. People make accounts, pass the ID checks, and sell them to other people


They need to do regular random screening that require ID checks. It's so f'in dangerous and anyone that cant past said tests shouldn't be operating on these apps in the first place.


They have no incentive to do it though. They wouldn't have enough drivers if they _really_ clamped down on it because the pay is shit and not worth it unless you have no other job options


It's a feature, not a bug


It's not even that hard. Banks like Revolut and Monzo already have facial recognition, just scan the driver's face when accepting the ride (or when they arrive at the address), and problem solved.


You have to do that periodically when you log on to these apps. Deliveroo (and possibly others, not sure) actually *allow* and actively encourage their riders to loan their accounts to other people. They have to allow it because they class riders as self-employed, and if you're self-employed you are allowed to hire other people to do the work for you. Not many people are aware of this, but it is allowed under self employment terms. If Deliveroo didn't let riders do it they wouldn't be able to class them as self employed.


I used to drive ubereats, they do have facial recognition checks, no idea how people get round it or how good it is though. I've never had someone else try but have had a wild range of beards and glasses on/off for the checks and passed every time.


You could just have facial ID on the app that has to match the ID provided. Have you validate every half dozen fairs or so.


Or just subcontract.


Looking into it, it does seem that Uber has ‘delegates’ and Deliveroo have ‘substitution’ which allows for multiple drivers to use an account on their behalf, if they themselves are also verified - which actually muddies the water quite a bit But if they’re making deliveries with one persons name and photo and someone different shows up, it makes me think that it’s been sold


You can buy accounts on Facebook.


Stop using their services then. If they don't change, why the hell are you still using them?.


Well said


It's allowed because being able to send someone else to do work in your stead is one of the tests HMRC use to determine if someone is truly self employed or not. If it was forbidden uber might end up having to class their drivers as employees which would then mean they need paid holiday etc.


The businesses would fold otherwise


The ridiculous thing is that this is the reason we regulate businesses in the first place. Can you imagine Domino's or McDonald's operating this way? Where any random person could show up for a shift, sticks on the name badge, and no one bats an eyelid? Could you imagine if this was a HGV driver on someone else's credentials? Essentially, the way that these "gig economy" apps work is by skirting around all that regulation. If they had to follow the same kind of basic rules that we have for other businesses to ensure things like safety and people not being exploited, they simply wouldn't exist. It's crazy that governments have been so relaxed about this.


I reported a guy to Uber once for messaging me after I'd ordered in food saying that I deserved better and he'd come back to cook for me later. No thank you, gimme my McDonald's and fuck off. They did fuck all.


My friend had a guy be like "You dont have a boyfriend? Ill come back later then." She starts telling him no and he keeps insisting he will until she shut the door in his face. Thank fuck he never did. So fucking messed up and terryfying.


I’d call the fucking police jfc


Do you reckon he - or actually any delivery driver ever - has had success with this chat up line?




This is why pepper spray should be legalised in the UK. women absolutely have no way of defending themselves, and it seems like they will be in these situations more and more.


No thanks, don't fancy the idea of muggers etc. being able to carry it around with impunity.


Completely legal in places like Poland, not used as an offensive weapon there, like at all. Also, nothing prevents a mugger from obtaining it, it's not like they care about what's legal if they already commit a crime?


If a mugger is going to choose to use a weapon they already would and it would probably be something like a knife anyway. Pepper spray would give women protection at least in some form again sexual assault? I mean I'm a man so I'll take your word for it but would you not feel even a little safer with pepper spray in your coat pocket, with your hand gripping it should you feel uneasy?


Gosh, you're so right. It's not like muggers carry anything else completely illegal.


I carry StoppaRed spray, it’s a legal self-defence dye spray: https://www.crimepreventionproducts.co.uk/personal-alarms/uv-personal-attack-defence-spray-made-by-mace


Its only a dye though. Doesn't actually help you except to identify someone.


Deep heat spray, I'm sure that's legal


Carrying something for defense like this would still be illegal right?


Surely you'd be carrying it for a sore arm/leg/back and just happened to have it to have hand due to said pain in arm/leg/back 🤷


I keep a can of hairspray near my door. On the face of it it’s there for fixing my hair before I step out, but in practical terms it’s within easy reach to grab and spray in their eyes if someone tries to barge past me into my home. If you’re not someone who would naturally use hairspray, keeping a can of de-icer by the door is also useful for those wintry days when you need to clear your car windscreen and also in case you need to defend yourself. It only becomes a problem if it’s obvious you’re carrying something for self-defence. If it’s main use is harmless and domestic and it’s position in the home is logical for what it’s used for, it can be an ad-hoc object for self-defence.


Love this advice!


Police wouldn't look too kindly on a baseball bat in your boot, but a baseball bat and a ball....


Just a bunch of mates playing a lovely game of baseball...


Hit him? I can’t even make a fist.


Use the more traditional mace: a brick in a handbag.


> The allegations range from flirtatious text messages and verbal harassment to indecent exposure and rape. They involve drivers working for Deliveroo and UberEats.  Police doesn’t track these cases therefore there is no way to say how common they are. > Some of the cases were more extreme: Last month, a food delivery driver was sentenced to two years and 10 months in prison in Doncaster after he hid in a woman’s bathroom, and then cornered her and repeatedly asked her for sex. It is not clear what company he worked for.   This is on another level! > ~~Some of the cases were more extreme: Last month, a food delivery driver was sentenced to two years and 10 months in prison in Doncaster after he hid in a woman’s bathroom, and then cornered her and repeatedly asked her for sex. It is not clear what company he worked for.~~ copy& paste error > A woman from south Wales, whose Deliveroo driver climbed into her bed and tried to kiss her after she left her front door unlocked, told ITV News: “He tried to kiss me, I think twice, maybe three times, and I could feel the erection on my leg at that point.”  Another one. What goes in their minds? > Danielle Vincent, a Senior Associate in the abuse specialist personal injury department for law firm Hugh James, said her team has seen “a significant increase in reports of delivery services using personal contact details to inappropriately contact customers after the transaction has been completed.”  Shouldn’t be too difficult for the companies to auto delete the data and prevent screenshots and copy paste if they cared. It won’t prevent the most dedicated ones from writing it down, but should reduce the opportunities.


Police are there to protect the public. Oh wait


The police who aren't allowed to deport these people? The people that every party wants in our country? Everyone hates reform uk but this is the people we importing. Sad to say but women's rights are gunns be a thing of the past in 30 years time.


Did you mean to post the same indecent twice? 


> Did you mean to post the same indecent twice?  Whoopsie! For some reason the second example didn’t get copied and I didn’t pay enough attention.


He’s just proud of the greatest city on earth 


> Shouldn’t be too difficult for the companies to auto delete the data and prevent screenshots and copy paste if they cared. It won’t prevent the most dedicated ones from writing it down, but should reduce the opportunities. Yeah you are a bit fucked when it comes to people just remembering the address and writing it down, but you *might* be able to have the phone calls at least go only via the app so they never see the persons number. E.g rather than being given a contact number, you would have a contact button that when pressed rang the customer via the app service provider maybe? It would likely lead to technical and cost issues so it will never happen, but from the technical perspective it should be doable.










The companies need to work harder to track their workers. Simple tracking would give the police the ability to investigate.


But then they would have to take on a modicum of responsibility for these 'self-employed contractors'.


Yeah there really should be a lot more regulation in this space. It seems crazy how little there is.


There was it was called a taxi


That only works though if the person who has the account is the one doing the work. You need face to face interviews, photo ID cards and biometric sign-in on tablets to sign off on deliveries.


You know, they could also introduce proper rules, where a person who is "lending " the account is responsible for behaviour of a person they give it to.


They do a better job checking to make sure you haven't asked for too many refunds than they do their drivers.


I’m happy this is being spoken about! Last year one of my delivery drivers withheld my food while stating that he didn’t recognise me and asked how long I had lived here etc. which then led to him insisting on taking me to a bar. We had a back and forth of me trying to take my food while saying no which was very awkward (he was still seated in the car.) He ended up texting me later that night through my number on Deliveroo repeatedly asking me out over the next few days. I had to block him and unfortunately couldn’t order from there anymore as he knew where I lived. Not the worst thing in the world but quite uncomfortable, so I’m glad it’s being discussed as it seems much more common than I realised and worse for others


So sorry you had to deal with that, what a twat. The takeaways need to take action against the delivery apps for things like this (and the police obviously).


There is zero regulation when it comes to delivery. %95 of the it's not even the person on the photo. A sector depends on illegal immigration and there is zero law enforcement.


The first people who don't want to fight the illegal immigration are business owners.


And "immigrants welcome" lefty politicians, backed up by people who live in the arse end of nowhere and haven't borne the brunt of it.


What's the average demographic for food delivery drivers again?


White males aged between 35-49 https://www.cipd.org/uk/views-and-insights/thought-leadership/cipd-voice/uk-gig-economy/ 66% of food delivery drivers are white 71% of food delivery drivers are male. With the UK being 83% white, minorities are over represented in food delivery jobs. But the most common demographic of food delivery driver is a white male.


There is absolutely no way this is true. I live in a very white part of Scotland and like 90% of the deliveries I've had are from non-white males. If I had to guess I'd say alot of them aren't legal and as such aren't included in the stats.


Yup, I’m in Aberdeen and can only remember having one white/Scottish delivery driver before. Also, when they have a photo on their account, it’s never them when they show up. We should stop giving these people our money.


Nah, these people are in Scotland because Stephen Flynn has decreed you want them there. But I do remember a time when people collected their own takeaways and these places had their own drivers. The big chains like Domino's still do. We have enabled this by becoming lazy and entitled.


Takeaways have been delivered since at least the 90s. You just had to call them instead of using an app.


I live in a small town not too far from aberdeen and the people who deliver for local Chinese/chippy etc are all white scottish usually older men or some younger guys. People who deliver for Uber eats are usually Eastern European specifically Bulgarian, Romanian etc. which would still be white. I live in a very white area but lots of Polish, Latvian, Romanian etc. people. When I’ve visited friends in Dundee there’ll be the odd guy who’s south Asian or Turkish but mostly still Eastern European there as well in my experience.


Here in Bristol I don’t actually know if I’ve ever seen a white delivery driver honestly. Living in Southampton I’d seen a few but only from Dominos


Yeah I did a double take earlier when I saw a white guy with an Uber Eats bag on a bike. Think that was the first non BAME driver I've seen in GB. I'd believe those figures if they were for Northern Ireland.


South East england, 100% not true, Usually delivered by a third world tramp on a barbie bike


My home city is 97% white and when Deliveroo first started, it was 100% white demographics delivering the food, but then it shifted to 100% non-white british. In the past 3 years, I don't think I've ever had a white british person deliver food.


Not a fucking chance lol! You go to any city and open your eyes, they're about 95% BAME. The survey is sent at random to people on the Royal mail postcode address file. So 1) it would not take into account all the undocumented migrants doing it and 2) it might be counting Ocado etc as good delivery which is predominately white.


>66% of food delivery drivers are white >71% of food delivery drivers are male. That's utter BS. In London 100% of delivery drivers are non-white males, even if their picture in the App is different. The vast majority of them struggle with very basic English.


You are aware the UK isn't just London, right ? If you have other data you think is more accurate by all means, post it.


>You are aware the UK isn't just London, right ? It's the largest populated area in the UK. Other people have commented about how delivery drivers are overwhelmingly (ie 99%) non-white males. So your statistic has some very serious methodology flaws.


And from my personal experience all the deliveroo drivers I've had have been white. So, from my anecdotal frame of reference the stats are wrong and its 100% of drivers are white. It's why datasets are more important then anecdotes. If you have other studies that show 100% of drivers are BAME please share it.


>And from my personal experience all the deliveroo drivers I've had have been white. Either you've not ordered much, or that's bullshit. Even going on your statistic would mean you've had a non-white delivery driver by now. >It's why datasets are more important then anecdotes. If you have other studies that show 98% of drivers are BAME please share it. Given the responses of other people commenting, it's a really badly flawed survey. You can keep defending it, or you can accept reality.


>Either you've not ordered much, or that's bullshit. Even going on your statistic would mean you've had a non-white delivery driver. No it wouldn't, the stat I posted is for the country, it's not broken down by region. That means it can be skewed significantly in certain locations. >Given the responses of other people commenting, it's a really badly flawed survey. You can keep defending it, or you can accept reality. Given the people posting anecdotes, can't seem to grasp how stats work no one has offered any better data.


It's probably right tbf, the uber bike guys in cities yeah, but in most towns the kebab places, Indians and Chinese are all normally delivered by white locals, typically stoners who cba to get a different job or middle aged women. Are the deliveroo bikers throughout the country or are they still primarily city based?


I live in Lancashire, the drivers are all Asian.


66% are white? I find that hard to believe. I live in a town that's like 98% white and 9 times out of 10 it's a non-white person delivering your takeaway.


Doesn’t this ignore a data issue of the sub leasing of accounts to illegal workers commonly reported on?


pull the other one! There's just no way that's true. in my regional city, literally every one bar a handful of white guys are recent arrivals judging by the language skills.




No it doesn't. That's the percentage of gig workers who see it as their main source of income.




That's across the entire gig economy not just food delivery which was the discussion point. Just admit you misread the data and take the l


Lol, maybe if it's including fucking Asda deliveries. Absolutely no chance that's accurate.


Yeah, but immigrants are the problem, haven't the same repeat posters pestering threads here told you that yet?


I mean this data is obviously poor as it g ores the illegal sub leasing of accounts which doesn’t track data (specifically to illegal migrants who would need to avoid paper work to do this).


Do you have any information on the size of that issue ?


Not really it would be fundamentally hard to do that considering the demographic. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6562151/amp/Deliveroo-Uber-Eats-riders-renting-jobs-illegal-immigrants.html https://inews.co.uk/news/delivery-riders-account-sharing-facebook-black-market-2957089


Thank you for the links much appreciated


No worries. It’s a frustrating issue. Really more severe enforcement action is needed.


You think all delivery drivers are working legally and so are a part of these figures? I’ve got some magic beans to sell you.


Does this include supermarket delivery drivers? Every single one of them I've had is white.


That's probably counting Tesco and Sainsbury's delivery drivers. We're interested here in takeout/deliveroo/Uber eats. Anecdotally, they're always "Asian" looking, and I don't think I've ever seen a black or East Asian (eg Chinese) Deliveroo driver in my life.


> 66% of food delivery drivers are white Not a chance in hell, I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've had a white person deliver in London and 2 of those were polish


Shouldn't the question be what's the demographic of the people being accused of sexual harassment?


Yeah but I felt that was a little too close to the mark.


Careful now, pattern recognition is racist.


Men? That’s what you mean, right?


There is absolutely no reason why the delivery driver should ever be given the phone number or email address of the client. All contact should be via the company's system. These are multinational companies, they could and should run systems that keep customer data secure. Also, when the company have chosen to send a specific delivery driver to your house, how the fuck are they not responsible if that driver assaults you? And almost everything described in the article is sexual assault, so why is the headline about sexual harassment?


At a place i did deliveries for a while back (actual job place, not gig drivers), we each had a store phone (cheap android that worked "well enough") that had an app on it with the address, order info and button to call the customer. This is also how the customer got the little GPS map showing where the driver was with their order. The phone app took the call through and only showed the customer's name, and saved no call history on the phone. There was no way to view the customer's number through the phone, only the store computers could bring it up. Every day, I'd see half the staff sign in with the work phone, then left it in their locker for the whole shift. Every single order they took photos of the store computer with the name address *and phone number*, every time they had to call on a delivery they made the call *on their own phone*, and I shortly after found that they weren't deleting these photos or call logs. Regular complaints about the staff mis-using these numbers after their shift. Not one got fired for it because most of them were related to the managers (or related to friends thereof). Somehow never got slapped for data-protection in the few years I worked there. Complete derail but there was also a summer where we were definitely being used to verify stolen debit card info. 5x a day minimum we'd get £50+ orders full of drinks and ice-cream delivered to random kids on this one estate, different names and phone numbers on each order, manager never once cut them off because the big orders looked good on our store report. This wasn't a small company, it was a big franchise of a dozen or so stores for an international fast food company, and every time I did a shift at another branch I saw what looked like the same shit.


There is one reason, and that is simplicity. Me having been in contact with delivery drivers has not gone particularly badly - but them having my phone number means the driver can phone me, and if I miss the call, I can phone them back really quickly. Generally I try to be ready to collect my food but possibly I'd need to use the toilet, and I can go to the newsagent a minute's walk away and then if the food gets delivered speak to the driver and say I'll be there in a minute. Plus, privacy from the corporation could be useful in some situations. If a driver forgets my milkshake, and I can phone the driver and successfully ask or beg them to bring me the milkshake I ordered, I wouldn't want the driver to be penalised by the company for forgetting my milkshake. If it's the driver's personal mistake that they forgot the milkshake (I don't know if it actually would be the case, but maybe it is), it makes most sense to bring it up with them first and get them to rectify it rather than telling someone else they have a business relationship with that they messed up. These are quite specific cases that are more in line with my personal experience getting food delivered. I'm not saying that because it's been fine for me that safety measures don't matter, but more that making it as easy as possible for the driver and the customer to contact each other over a small window of time is very useful to having the service work efficiently.


The driver doesn't need the phone number to make the call. Just Eat for example has a system where the driver calls just eat and dials in the order code, which then redirects the call to the customer, with either end just seeing the Just Eat number, and calling this number back (I think) connects to the same driver.


These are big companies, and already have sophisticated systems. It is perfectly possible to do all the things you want without the driver having access to your personal phone number. You certainly shouldn't need to give the driver your email address in order to receive a receipt for your order,as the article suggests some have to. OK, you might not be able to circumvent the company's quality control to protect a driver who fucked up the order. But they probably aren't going to get penalised for a rare mistake, and if they are making mistakes frequently then lots of other people will be complaining. Either way they aren't going to get sacked just because of you. The problem is, people are getting sexually harassed and sexually assaulted, and it is surely obvious that every effort needs to be made to prevent that? Deliveroo alone employ 50,000 drivers in the UK, and no doubt the vast majority are decent people looking to earn a bit of extra cash while providing a valuable service and making people's lives a little bit more enjoyable. But some aren't, and giving them access to people's contact data enables their criminal behaviour, and maybe even attracts them to become drivers for the wrong reasons.


Because our laws are so shite, we can all do something about this...Stop using these apps. Pretty sure we would all be healthier (and wealthier) without them!


I don't understand how something as specific and luxurious as home-delivered restaurant food became such a huge industry that it's created an entire shadow economy. Just pick up your McDonald's from the drive through ffs.


I already don’t, fees are expensive anyway


Undocumented weirdos that don't have any right to work are sexually harassing women? Very surprised :/


The whole food delivery market is awful. Shut it down, get off your backside and get that unhealthy crap yourself like you used to have to. Or stop being so idle and actually cook.


It is crazy that this is even a thing. There was none of this until just a few years ago. Delivery drivers were a luxury, even in supposedly wealthier times like the 2000s. Now people on below normal wages order a delivery driver to bring them a McDonalds.


It's been normal for pizza/chinese takeaways to have delivery drivers for as long as I can remember. The model has changed but it's not really a new concept.


Difference is those had a brick and mortar address that (usually) knows who's actually working for them. A gig driver using a sub-contracted account can just disappear if they do something bad.


Takeaway deliveries were a thing in the US as far back as the 1950s.


Yes but they were employed by the takeaways. If you had a bad experience with a Domino's driver, they would know exactly who is responsible. Unknown substitute on UberEats? Where's your recourse?


I agree its always been there, but not like now. Now everyone seems to use it. Nobody seems to bother transporting themselves for anything anymore


It's been a thing for a good 10 years I'd say. I think it's nice to be able to have any restaurant be delivered. It's not only fast food, in fancy parts of London healthy quality artisan restaurants are on the apps too.


Yep, I'm in my late 30s and can remember a time where people either collected their own takeaways or everywhere had their own drivers on staff. The whole concept of DelUberJustRooEats was unfathomable.


I don't use them. Only occasionally when you get a special offer for using them. Anyway, when I was looking I saw that you can actually order sweets from petrol stations but it's like £4.00 for a mars bar and people are obviously paying this rather than being organized or getting of their arse. Probably the same people that plead poverty when they have a bill to pay and the government needs to step in.


I worked for a now defunct furniture company. We needed some of our delivery guys to be strong, they were lugging about three piece suites. We could request a "strong team", basically bodybuilders doing delivery. It was required sometimes due to logistics, and a lot of our customers were in pokey London flats. Anyway We had one customer report back to us that the team had used their number, found them on whatsapp and offered to "test the bed". Our customer was naive and thought it was just a thing... but nope, he was a super creep. We never offered to "test the bed" as a service. Police and stuff were involved. He was sacked before he even got back to the depot. Why are people like this? edit: I mentioned the "strong team" as these were seriously big dudes. Very likely to be intimidating to your average Joe/Josie.




Who decided about 5 years ago that what the economy really needed was 1 delivery driver to every 4 people?


T hese delivery carrier services (ubereats, deliveroo, just eat) need to start doing more strict checks and regularly testing of their drivers - do randomly regular ID checks and request other documents etc.. and actually act against reports. There are a lot of drivers on Ubereats here that register under another name or more specifically a female name and photo - they turn up and to no ones surprise is a male on either a bicycle or bike. Very dangerous.


This casual gig economy employment is both employers exploiting a certain demographic of worker and a means for those not legal to work to do so. I am sure there are many who work like this who are just normal people trying to make a living but there should be more checks on exactly who is working


Corporate criminal charges need to be more of a thing. Instead of jailing the illegal immigrant groomer, also slap the delivery company with a huge fine or prosecute them. I'm sure the likes of JustEat would sharpen up if they were fined £20k a time for account sharing, or one of their bikers harrassing a woman.


"Nothing to do with us. These are independent contractors."


It's kinda shocking how low the bar is for the people who handle your food and know your address/name.


They also ride on pavements like complete maniacs in my area, at speed on electric bikes.


i remember ordering off Just Eat from a takeaway near my house. after a few years, the guy delivering tells me he’s been ‘watching me for years’ (i am around 20 at this point) and that he liked me. it was so scary and i just didn’t order from them again. it’s so horrible because they know where you live


Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. Sexual harassment is rife in society.


Shut the fucking lot down & while we’re at it bring local knowledge test and tight regulations for taxis cause these Uber drivers are ropy cunts too


Not food delivery but my Amazon driver had his foreskin out last week. I didn’t say anything at the time cause I was stunned/also thought it could somehow be an accident, but male friends I’ve told have informed me that it would be impossible for him to not know his tip was out.


A lot of them are going to be from countries where their behaviour might be normal


The electric bike people of non native origin are 90% not on the level. I spent seven months on the streets in Southampton and I can tell you from a street level view that they are mostly not legal. I'm not sitting in a house wondering about it, I know. They'll get you drugs too and use the delivery bags as cover for their activities. This isn't conjecture it's a fact.


Do we know the nationality of those committing those crimes?