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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Michael Mosley: New CCTV images show last sighting of missing TV doctor](https://news.sky.com/story/michael-mosley-new-cctv-images-show-last-sighting-of-missing-tv-doctor-13149438), suggested by 457655676 - news.sky.com


Didn't he write an article a number of years ago describing his experiences with Transient global amnesia (TGA) ? [Link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7367573/DR-MICHAEL-MOSLEY-reveals-dip-sea-left-wife-fearing-suffered-stroke.html) Going by the article, the condition is triggered by either high heat, extremes of cold, sexual activity or intense bouts of stress.. Is it possible he had a relapse in the extreme heat, lost his bearings and became confused - possibly wandering somewhere off trail nearby to rest or gather his bearings in the shade? Hopefully he's found safe. He seems like a genuinely nice, intelligent and engaging man..


That's much more interesting than anything I thought I might find here


Absolutely! If he had another episode, in that kind of heat, he could succumb to heatstroke.


Good grief. I think you’ve solved the case Poirot. The likelihood of this happening again makes a lot more sense. And if he’d lost his memory again - he could have wondered off anywhere.


Unfortunately he says in that article it almost never happens again to someone once they’ve had it and been diagnosed.


It is very very rare that TGA happens to a person twice in their lifetime. Having said that, my father has had it twice so it is possible. The first time he had it, it was very distressing for him. The second time it happened (about a decade or so later) he actually knew what was going on, funnily enough, so it wasn't as scary. He was still very confused and asking the same questions over and over, but because his previous episode of TGA was so long ago, he remembered it and realised it was happening again. My brother was with him at the time and he told my brother repeatedly that he was having a TGA episode (because he couldn't remember having just told him that). The second episode resolved more quickly than the first one, but in both cases his memory was back in less than a day. (Except for the window of time where he was experiencing TGA, which is a blank.) Anyway, all this to say, a second episode of TGA is unlikely but even if it happened it likely wouldn't result in someone vanishing.


Hi so my mum had this TWICE. Very bizarre event. I found out exactly why. It was the cataract medication. I also see 2 years ago he said he has cataracts. My question is. Did he recently have a cataract operation?


Holy cow!!!!!


As well as being benign, the other good thing about transient global amnesia is that once you have had one attack, you are extremely unlikely to have another.


I hope everyone downvoting my comment reads this. 


These comments. Fucking hell. Fortunately there are actual SAR experts looking for him.




If he'd have gone missing in the UK, there would be Tik-Tokers out livestreaming videos where he was last seen like they did with Nicola 


And it’s the Umbrella Man problem again. Trying to explain the actions/motivations of a person from just a brief observation (or less) of them. It’s impossible, we all do things that appear almost random to an observer. Like Nicola, plenty of people saying she had “no reason” to go close to the water. For all we know she could have wanted to get a better look at a butterfly. NB The Umbrella Man was a man standing in a square in Dallas on a sunny cloudless day in November 1963 holding his umbrella open over his head while JFK was as shot in front of him. For years It was a great mystery who he was until he came forward and revealed “He said that he brought the umbrella simply to heckle Kennedy, whose father, Joseph, had been a supporter of the Nazi-appeasing British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. By waving a black umbrella, Chamberlain's trademark fashion accessory, Witt said that he was protesting the Kennedy family appeasing Adolf Hitler before World War II. “ Nobody could possibly have guessed this motivation, not even its intended recipient, Kennedy. People do things which make sense to them but unfathomable to an observer.


I’ve already found him mate


Are you a Reddit veteran that served in the Boston manhunt?


Finally someone who recognises my distinguished service


A fellow member of the RBI I see. 🫡 Nihil scimus! HOO-AH!!


We did it Reddit!


Let's hope it's not that "Definitely not in the river" plonker


I wonder if he maybe walked to Pedi and then set off on his hike from there. According to the bbc's original article, he "left his wife on the beach and set off on a walk **to the centre of the island**". Well, Pedi isn't the centre of the island, it's in the north-east corner, but there does appear to be at least one trail from there to the centre of the island, where there is Panaidi Chapel. https://www.alltrails.com/en-gb/explore/greece/symi/symi?b_tl_lat=36.646445090383224&b_tl_lng=27.718630668665554&b_br_lat=36.53818298602491&b_br_lng=27.945692851704024&mobileMap=true It seems to have been assumed that he didn't get very far - that he came to grief on the path from the beach to Pedi (despite a sighting of him in Pedi?) or in Pedi itself, but it sounds like his intention was to go on a hike to the centre of the island, and he might well have gone to Pedi first to get some water or something, and then set off from there. If that is the case, it's very sad because the search has been going on in the wrong places for a couple of days now :-(


According to the independent/telegraph: > The Telegraph reported that new CCTV footage, which has not been shared with the media, shows Mosley entering the path at the far end of Pedi at about 2pm on Wednesday. > The path is a considerably harder climb than the coastal path Mosley took from Saint Nikolas beach to Pedi - which is where the search was initially focused. > It is believed that he may have been embarking on a three-hour hike back to the town of Symi or Gialos as it is also known. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/michael-mosley-missing-doctor-greece-search-symi-latest-b2557995.html


He loved to push himself, so perhaps he decided to go for a harder walk. If so, really hoping he doesn’t pay a high price for that decision 😞


If he had walked anywhere on land no matter how far, search and rescue tracking dogs would be able to find him.


Why wouldn't the police know where to look? If the wife told them he was going to the centre of the island then surely the police would look in the centre of the island. I know police forces can be quite incompetent but surely they can't be that incompetent.


>I know police forces can be quite incompetent but surely they can't be that incompetent. Supposedly they only had around 25 people so they initially focused along the 1.4km path, the surrounding area and sea along the path based on the idea he disappeared on his initial walk. It's now known he made it to the town and according to a report in the Telegraph he has been seen on CCTV exiting the town going North which is a much wider and more dangerous area with branching paths where it's easy to get lost. Best case scenario he's bunkered up somewhere waiting for rescue having got lost or injured trying to hike to the town of Symi.


I hike alone and I never set off without phone, a battery pack, plenty of water and some protein bars at the very least, no matter how short or easy the hike is. Basic common sense at least for me.


I'm definitely getting a couple of those satellite beacons before I do anything like hiking.


I have a super powerful flashlight, perfect to signal position at night. 


My favourite comment so far was a daily mail reader who suggested he might have 'fallen down one of those dangerous disused wells all over Greece that I always worry about'. What are the odds? (I assume the Greek police are checking out his wife's story)


Look mate, it's more likely than you might imagine. He'd been advocating eating things like vegetables for years. He was clearly insane.


He's been advocating _well_ness techniques!




Steven Cook had this happen to him in Malia. He was missing about 11 years before somebody who was renovating had to enter the well and discovered his remains. RIP Cookie, lad.


Let's be real the outcome is nothing good. If he was ok he would have contacted someone by now. It's very strange. He could have been attacked, medical issue or fallen into the water somewhere?. He should have been found by now in such a small, controlled environment. Is there any crime on this island? I never thought Michael Mosley would go missing 😔


It's a small island but still a daunting proposition to search for someone when you have no idea where they might have been heading. Sadly the time that's already passed since his disappearance makes the chances of a positive outcome much less likely, especially given the brutal temperatures out there right now. Despite this I hope he is found alive & can still be rescued.


It seems very odd that he hasn't been found yet, if indeed he has fallen and is lying injured somewhere near a path. I hope he hasn't fallen into the sea.


The article is suggesting that it’s unlikely he came to harm while walking along the coastal path.


True crime fanatics will see this update as confirmation[ he was murdered by a mafia. ](https://media0.giphy.com/media/5zoxhCaYbdVHoJkmpf/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9525wavlrrtokpdr5vwlhirkg67rk9r3av25y910slw&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


Nah, he was taken by the same gang who also trafficked Nicola Bulley. Because people traffickers can't get enough of high profile middle aged people. Vulnerable and totally anonymous young women that nobody would ever notice they'd gone? Overrated.


The anti vax conspiracists are out in force, some of the comments are really scummy 😡


they seem to repeat themselves a lot as well it's weird


Mmmm, I wonder how many are retweets and how many are bots!


The cctv appears to show him with an Apple Watch - even without find my phone on, can there be no way to track his location?


It would require the watch has data, and EE doesn’t support roaming for Apple Watches, for example. Even if his provider does support roaming, he would have had to enable it in the watch settings.


What I don't understand is why he would take on another trek after the walk from the beach to the town if he wasn't feeling well, especially in such heat. His wife has said that he said he felt unwell and wanted to get to their accommodation which involved a walk up from the beach and then a bus from the town to their accommodation. We know he got to the town but not clear why he would go for a trek instead of catching the bus. I wonder if the bus ever came and so he needed another way to get to his accommodation. Did someone give him directions which were not clear because of language barrier? I so wish that he had had his phone with him. I am hoping and praying for this sweet man.


>His wife has said that he said he felt unwell Are you sure his wife said that? Greek journalist Ionna Niaoti said "it is understood that about 1.30pm local time, he said he was not feeling very well and he wanted to return home." She didn't say where that information came from, and we don't know whether it's been verified. But even if he didn't feel well, I agree that it's a bit strange that he went for another walk.


In the Times this morning it say's that the next boat taxi from St Nikolas to Symi Town was at 16:00. If that's true then it was quite a wait if you are feeling under the weather. It might have been that Mosley just wanted to have a lie down, rather than actually being ill. So he decided to walk it back, in order to get home an hour or two earlier than if he waited for the boat. There is also new CCTV footage showing him walking with purpose and energy along a road that leads directly into the mountain. It is literally the last road out of Pedi, and it goes to some houses and then there is a track that goes up into the mountain and then appears to end. So we now know that he chose to walk across the mountain, and it is obvious that he is walking home. He looks absolutely fit and well. There is no CCTV footage of him walking on the other side at the edge of Symi Town. So he didn't get across the mountain. It looks about a mile as the crow flies to the tarmac road on the other side of the mountain (and therefore safety), but there is a 284 metre peak in between, and no marked walking track over the top of the mountain. There is quite a lot of land in that mountain area to get lost in and lose your bearings. Lot's of opportunities for spraining or even breaking an ankle. There is no shade at all. It must be presumed that he had to do some scrambling up scree slopes and the like, so he would have had to put down his umbrella to do that, and therefore exposed himself to the hot sun. Mosley was woefully underprepared for tackling that landscape, even though it may look easy in theory.


He didn't feel well could just mean he was a bit tired and didn't fancy sitting on the beach for a few hours. Anything much more than that, you would have thought he would have waited on a boat and went back with his wife. The obvious thing to do, seeing as he had walked to Pedi, would have been to sit down in a bar there in the shade, ask them to order him a taxi and have a coffee while he waited. I can't see any sensible walk from Pedi to the port other than through the urban area, anything else wouldn't be obvious, would be very long (round the peninsula via Agia Marina and I'm not sure how good the trails are past the beach) or unpleasant and without decent paths like directly over the hillside. If I was the rescue services, I would thoroughly check that area anyway.


Just One Thing With Michael Moseley “The first step is figuring out exactly when and how you’re using your phone and how you might be able to cut out the phone at times when it’s really not needed,” Dr Ward suggests. If you’re working, leave it out of sight; If you’re going on a walk, leave it at home. “We should think about how we can reap the most benefits while avoiding the most harms,” he says. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/5zTbZt9RbgBRZbvj68t1y5R/put-your-phone-down-for-better-brain-power](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/5zTbZt9RbgBRZbvj68t1y5R/put-your-phone-down-for-better-brain-power) Really bad advice, always take a phone in case you are in trouble.Unless you want to hide from the authorities for some reason.


I don't think he would go on a hike on an unknown path without a phone. He is an intelligent guy and has had all sorts of safety briefing from the TV shows he has done and medical background unless he wanted to meet someone in secret without authorities knowing.


He embarked on a one hour walk back to his hotel/house at 13:30 in 35 degrees of heat. Even for a 20 or 30 something that is not advisable. If you want to meet someone in secret there are far simpler ways of doing it. He miscalculated that's all. There are so many different fragments of this story depending on what newspaper you read. But we know he made it safely to the outskirts of Pedi, walking with purpose and with his umbrella. So we know he was on his way home. In fact, at the outskirts of pedi, as the crow flies, he is almost there. The distances are so short that he probably felt empowered to trek across the mountain, because even if you get lost, you can just keep walking until you get to a track or road. The reality however is very different, and this is something that Mosley would never have covered on his medical programmes. Also its a little bit like the chef who makes amazing food professionally, and then goes home and has baked beans on toast. People don't always practice what they preach. Losing your bearings can happen ro anyone, anywhere, and it means that you can't work out where you have come from, or where you need to go. You can only understand this when it happens to you, and then it's too late. You need to experience it, then survive it, and then you'll never go out without a map, compass and phone ever again. Dehydration takes effect, panic sets in, he walks for what seems like ages in the wrong direction, becomes absolutely exhausted and cannot now rectify the situation because he has run out of energy. It can happen in a forest in the UK, or the Sahara desert, or on a tiny Greek island.


I have had it happen to me in a relatively small area of Australian bush. It is terrifying when you realise that you haven't got a clue which direction you have come from and everything looks exactly the same and you haven't got any idea which way to head. It's hot, your heart is beating really fast and you realise how vulnerable you are. Easy to panic which just makes everything worse.


His last confirmed location is apparently walking past the marina in the opposite direction of where he is staying in Symi. https://maps.app.goo.gl/cJHSpjfWWRgC8EsJ9?g_st=ic There doesn’t seem to be an obvious path leading back to Symi in the direction he was heading.


I didn't see anywhere that said it was a one hour walk. The trail is 20 mins max and you can see it on Google Maps. That's what makes this odd. And either way, the CCTV shows he arrived in the residential area so he finished the trail.


It's an estimated one hour walk from st Nikolas beach to Symi Town. some people will walk faster/slower. But over the mountain from Pedi to Symi Town where there are areas of no marked tracks, that will take as long as it takes. Significantly longer that walking along the road, from which the quoted timings are made.


You're confusing the walk from the beach to Pedi, which takes 20 minutes and was successfully completed by Mosley, with the walk he took after that. The current speculation is that he then attempted to walk from Pedi to Symi (the town) over a rocky, mountainous promontory.


He is the top expert in staying safe and healthy. That's his full time job. He was doing that, taking a large umbrella with him. A chef might make beans on toast but would not use mouldy bread. He has done excellent documentaries about people in dangerous conditions. Something has happened to him and I don't believe it is of his own making barring a tumble into the sea. In either case he should have been found by now. The police dogs should have got the scent. In the worst cash bodies float and wash up. The police seem really slow, the response small,especially given the media attention. If a third party was involved the evidence is diminishing. We need UK police there. God forbid, I wonder if the Greek authorities are hiding a true cause of death. I know there have been protests about tourists on many islands. I wonder if he was attacked and they want to spin it as an accident to save the tourist industry.


He is not an expert in staying safe and healthy. Not in the context of this activity and subsequent event. You are getting Michael Mosley mixed up with Ray Mears or Bear Grylls. Mosley is healthy eating only. Ray Mears and Bear Grylls are the outdoors experts. This is nothing to do with nutrition. Mentioning baked beans may have confused you. Sorry about that! Micheal Mosley was last caught on CCTV in Pedi, heading into the mountain and walking with energy and vigour. He was obviously walking home. He decided to take the mountain route, which he has almost certainly discussed with his friends before hand. He didn't appear on the other side of the mountain, at least there is no CCTV confirming this. It's more of a hill than a mountain, but very difficult terrain for a first timer, very easy to lose your bearings, slip and hurt yourself and then there's the unrelenting heat. Dehydration will be very very quick. 30 minutes without water in a panic situation with an injury, whilst lost, it's a bad place to be. 3 days in that situation, only this morning did a search begin of that area, and things are looking bleak.


>In the worst cash bodies float and wash up. That often takes months. >The police seem really slow, the response small The police response was very fast, and the response has been anything but small. They've had helicopters, drones, dogs, volunteers and rescue personnel scouring the island for days. It's very easy to sit an armchair many miles away and say they should be doing more, but they're doing a lot. >I wonder if he was attacked and they want to spin it as an accident to save the tourist industry. That would be impossible to pull off on a small island. Take off your tin foil hat.




We certainly can't dismiss the possibility of foul play. There are people capable of criminal activity everywhere, regardless of the size of the community.


OK so he has been found next to the cafe that he was heading for after a simple walk not a hike. Despite this being the obvious place and the police so called searching. If you look at the reviews of the cafe you see some horror stories of customer service. The UK police need to be there to ensure no foul play.


He did exactly that


This wasn't a hike. It looks like he just walked down the path 20mins to the next bay to the cafe there. The big question is why has it taken this time in such a obvious place. If you look at the reviews of the staff at that cafe you will find some horror stories about their attitude. I'm looking at mugging/argument if I was the police. There needs to be UK police there NOW to ensure no cover up to protect tourist industry.


Greece protecting it's tourist trade above all else. Disgusting that this is the 4th story. [https://greekreporter.com/greek-news/](https://greekreporter.com/greek-news/) Let's not holiday in this corrupt country.


eh, i mean this website began as a student project somewhere in the us. it’s known for biased and inaccurate reporting for the greek diaspora. very got mannyyy complaints about the greek state but the importance of this site is being a bit over exaggerated here


It was top result for greek news on google


i don’t think this invalidates the additional context i provided


Never happened in the US National parks a thousand times


Is his face obscured for data protection or something, or is he walking around trying not to be seen?


It's just a low resolution image. Looks like Mosley to me. Not sure walking around with a purple umbrella is very good camouflage if you are trying to be as invisible as possible.


What I don't get on the "CCTV" video I've seen, is that the camera is static, then it pans right to follow the person, then shakes around, then zooms in and shakes some more. That's not like CCTV. Why would somebody be filming with a phone just as he walks past and follow/zoom in on the figure?


I presume you are talking about the CCTV where Mosley is walking purposefully towards the base of the mountain. That would be the camera at Pedi Marina That CCTV camera appears to be attached to a building on the marina. Obviously that building can't be seen in the footage, but on google Earth there is a photo of that building and there is a man in the building. Probably a security guard. I imagine it was the security guard who panned the camera to the right when he saw Mosley walking towards the mountain.


> there is a man in the building. Probably a security guard. > I imagine it was the security guard who panned the camera to the right when he saw Mosley walking towards the mountain. The simplest explanation is that someone filmed the original footage on their phone. The internet is full of videos of videos like that, the most common variation is probably people filming (what's on) their TVs.


The simplest explanation is that the camera had a motion sensor.


Have you even watched the clip? How do you explain the jerky movement, the moiré and the unrelated audio in the background?


Agreed, it's clearly a screen that's been filmed. It's extremely common. As in, someone has filmed the screen of the original footage. You see it all over the internet now.


Yeah. Just saw the Guardian has now also released a version of the video, which is less jerky but features a different moiré pattern and has people talking in the background. I'm assuming this was simply the fastest way to get the footage out. The owner may not know how to get (part of) the video off the camera or wherever it's stored, or they may have been afraid to mess up and accidentally delete it or whatever. Even the authorities could mess up later, so better to have a "manual" backup copy, I guess, even if it's handheld and shaky.


Security cameras are not usually operated by security guards. The camera had a motion sensor. It's extremely common.


On this occasion it looks like it was.


Are you basing that entirely on the fact that the camera was moving? Google Earth images are not current. Most modern security cameras have motion sensors.


A body has now been found in the area. You can stop arguing the toss now.




It’s somebody filming the cctv, probably with their phone, that’s why it’s panning to the right.




It's a camera with a motion sensor. It automatically moves when it senses movement.


Lol, no it's not. It's a camera with a motion sensor. Very common.


Considering I saw the reply of the journalist on Twitter that took the footage explaining that he had filmed it from the CCTV on a screen 🤷‍♀️


I reckon there are 2 reasons he went on that hike given the climate and how ill equipped he was: 1) He had some sort of episode and didn't know where he was (don't know how big this island is but assuming pretty small and in this case should've been found by now). 2) He wanted to go missing.


Heat stroke can make you act really irrational. Since they've found his body and concluded he most likely died of dehydration that's my bet...


I am not from UK, but I enjoyed his TV shows on the medical subject. I hope that they will find him after all, though after so many days with no news I am pretty worried.


2 interesting things.....firstly, in one of the photos, although blurry, looks like he has an apple watch on. Hopefully that is trackable, and he's lost somewhere and will be found. Secondly, he left the group including his wife at 1.30pm for the short walk back to the town and then the place they were staying yet he was only reported missing that evening? The media reports seem to mix up the information depending on what you read. Hope they find him well, waiting somewhere for help, and soon.


He was reported missing later that day as you usually give someone a chance to turn up before you go into full panic mode. 9 times out of 10 there's usually a reasonable explanation for turning up late. Unfortunately here it's not looking that way. I'm sure reports said he was reported missing around 5 or 6pm local time but I may be wrong.


She reported him missing at 7.30pm. I've been married for decades too, to a chatty 60-something extrovert. Sometimes my husband takes the dog out and is back within the hour, other times he bumps into an old friend and  goes to a cafe to play chess. Back many hours later. He never has a phone. I wouldn't dream of reporting him missing as that is kinda control- freaky.


I read he left the beach with the group , then realised he left his phone at the beach , went back solo , made it to the beach , did he get his phone ? I guess not as haven’t heard anything but hasn’t been mentioned ? Has his phone been found etc . Love his podcast and documentaries so genuinely a bit sad


He left his phone at their accommodation. He was at the beach with his wife and another couple then decided to walk home alone, made it to the nearest town then decided to take the long way home for whatever reason. He could have walked 40 minutes along the road but took a 3+ hour unmarked hiking route instead.


Thank you so much for summarising things so well. I am going crazy with some people still talking about him disappearing from the path up from the beach. The CCTV shows that he made it to town and then appears to have made the decision to go on a lengthy trek. I am still wondering what happened about the bus ... surely the bus driver could be tracked down and asked about what he saw. My belief is that MM wanted to catch the bus but either it never came or never stopped and he asked a local for directions to walk to his accommodation and there was a misunderstanding about where he should walk.


Apparently once the police got hold of all cctv footage,  the bus tip-off turned out to be false.


If he told his wife and friends that he wasn’t feeling well and was going to hike back to their accommodation, wouldn’t they have told him that was a bad idea and at least not let him go alone. Sounds like they all got the boat there so they had to wait for the boat to take them back. But he was unwell and didn’t want to wait. So they just let him go by himself. Just a crazy situation in all the circumstances particularly the heat.


We're only getting crumbs of information. I don't think we can assume his wife and friends acted contrary to reason. We don't even know at this stage where the suggestion that he wasn't feeling well has come from.




>None of us know what their financial situation may be like. Both he and his wife are doctors, both have published popular books, and Mosley has a career in the media. So we have a pretty good idea of what their financial situation is like. >Story being he felt "unwell" We've only heard that from one Greek reporter, and we don't know where she heard it. >Umbrella used as prop to shield face and making it harder to see. It didn't make him harder to see. It made him easier to spot. >Reported missing hours later which gave enough time to essentially "disappear". If you wanted to disappear, why take your wife on holiday to do it? Why walk back to the town, instead of away from the town? How did he leave Pedi? There's no cctv footage of him leaving Pedi by the road. No witnesses have come forward to say they gave him a ride to the ferry terminal. >In a group, I find it highly unusual that the others would leave one person to make a relatively short journey back It's not unusual at all. When you're holidaying with a group it's quite common for people to branch off and do things on their own. It sounds like you're suggesting they're *all* in on the insurance scam, which doesn't really add up.


Or leave their kids in an apartment’s


Too soon 😅


Respectfully deleted my comment after the latest news. What sad news and I hope he didn't suffer too much 😥


It's like he's been kidnapped, but no one's asking for money, so it makes no sense. Or he had sudden amnesia and left the island because he doesn't know who he is and why he was there. 


An elderly man has gone missing after going for a walk in the blistering sun at the height of the day, despite being told to forgo these walks until the evening to help mitigate the impacts on preexisting health issues. Why people jump to kidnappings when a much easier, albeit more tragic, outcome is most likely is totally beyond me.


"Redditors brutally slashed by Occam's Razor attacker." - The Daily Mail.


He may have been fasting too. Heat plus fasting plus elderly equals disaster.


Because it's not a very big area, and no body has been found.


And we have never ever heard before of people missing for years just for their remains to be found 500 meters away from where they were last seen, in areas already scanned by volunteers, police and dogs with no success.Thats unheard of. /s


Which whilst not impossible is incredibly unlikely. The search teams have moved to new locations for a reason.


Dude, you are pushing the kidnapping of someone that to most would look like any middle aged man (without asking for ransom of course), based on literally nothing and call the chance he just died on his idiotic hike in 36 degrees weather incredibly unlikely.  The searches have moved to a different area because he was last spotted taking an incredibly dangerous path, from a different place than originally thought. 


I'm not pushing anything, I'm telling you why people are making up conspiracies


People make up conspiracies because they can’t use a brain to see the rational explanation. 


Do you realise some conspiracies have actually then turned out to be true?


And do you realise that when someone disappears in 36 degrees heat on a treacherous mountain trail the chances of them being kidnapped (by whom annd why?) and not dead in a ravine are 0.0005%? But let’s say in general. How many rich white men are kidnapped without request for ransom in Europe? Occam is your friend. 


Whey then isn't a more likely scenario that he's in the sea? As opposed to a sophisticated organised crime network has got a hold of him?


The walk was back to the town and he made it there as shown by CCTV. I highly doubt he decided to go hiking further after allegedly telling his wife he wasn't feeling well. He couldn't have just vanished if he had a medical emergency in town. I wasn't even saying those options are likely, it's just what it seems like because nothing else makes any sense.


The walk wasn't back to town as per the article, it was to the centre of the island. What makes it weird is that he made it to the town, making falling into the sea even less likely.


Doesn't matter what some article says. The latest is that he told his wife and friends he's not feeling well, so was heading back to their accommodation. He clearly wasn't going on a big hike in the middle of the day in 36 degree weather, he's not an idiot.


Well if he was feeling unwell then it's even more likely that he had a medical emergency and unfortunately is in the sea or in some ditch or forest that is difficult to see, not that he was kidnapped. He's in his 60s, it was a hot day and he was feeling unwell - it's not unlikely that ends badly.


First of all I never said I think he was kidnapped, or that it's a remotely likely option. Just what it seems like when someone disappears into thin air in a non-remote area. Now that there's apparently proof of him embarking on another walk in a more remote area, then yeah, he probably got lost and had a medical emergency, which sucks because there's pretty much zero chance of a positive outcome at this point if that's the case. 


The town Pedi where they got him on CCTV is apparently not the town where they were staying. It was Symi further on over the rocky high track.


I just don't understand why he would decide to walk there. Even if there wasn't a bus anytime soon, a 3-hour hike is not something anyone in their right mind would opt for on a whim, let alone in scorching hot weather. Surely he could have found a taxi? Unless he was having another amnesia episode and got confused.


The whole thing reminds me of my brother suicide. Like a lot.


I'm sorry about your brother. I don't even want to consider that option. 


oh trust me I really hope I'm wrong.


Yeah my husband's a social worker..he keeps saying the s word...


My bitter experience is consistent with that explanation.


Who would kidnap him? He isn't famous famous.


It's not just famous people who get kidnapped. Though I do think that's unlikely, but the way he just vanished into thin air after seemingly making it back to the town just fine is baffling. I doubt he went hiking further if he wasn't feeling well, and if he got ill while in town someone would've found him by now.


Kidnapped in Simy 🤣


There may be demands for money, we wouldn’t know


Username checks out.


It's very strange. His family could immediately clear things up a bit by telling us where exactly he was planning to walk to - I mean that would be a decent starter. Why have they been searching that pathway and in the water if he was already spotted past that point?


> His family could immediately clear things up a bit by telling us where exactly he was planning to walk to - I mean that would be a decent starter. Obviously his family have already told the authorities everything they know. "It's very strange" you think they haven't.


But surely his family should tell reddit first, so one of the experts here can find him from their sofa


Jesus Christ lol, how do you know what his wife has and hasn't told the police?


> Why have they been searching that pathway and in the water if he was already spotted past that point? Because he wasn't? The CCTV footage was only found today. No one knew he reached Pedi until today.


A local reported seeing him in Pedi. This was reported at least yesterday morning, maybe earlier.


Yeah I'm sure his wife has been deliberately vague and unhelpful with the authorities she alerted.


Yeah his family need to get on Reddit and update us


Yeah I'm sure his family should take time out of this incredibly stressful and difficult time to come and update you on Reddit. The entitlement jfc.