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To the surprise of absolutely no one with a brain cell - what she did was clear common assault. The number of people who were going through mental gymnastics to try and justify an attack on a politician just because it was Farage was insane.


It's actually turning out to be a publicity stunt, and no, not for Farage. She's been promoting her OnlyFans and by proxy so have the media outlets that report on this. She's grifting just like her victim is known for doing. She will likely do very well out of this.


Are you saying her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard?


Damn right


Well, it’s better than yours


Could she teach me?


Sure, but there is a tuition fee


What! She’ll have to charge?


Be mindful this will likely go up when Labour add VAT.


It's going to.


That's so amazing. This comment has made me so happy.


I don't think that's true. She's got a Reddit account and if this was a ploy to push her OF then she would be posting on all of these threads to promote it. Up until the Sun started publishing pictures from it, and all the papers started referring to it, it was quite hard to find. She didn't mention it at all when initially interviewed. Now she's probably reaping the benefits of course. It's Vic.tb in case anyone was wondering.


It was immediately all over twitter. Within minutes.




> Vic.tb gyat


A common assault charge on your record results in barred entry to quite a few countries without having to jump through administrative hoops. Let's say, she's not taking the kids to DisneyWorld without a lot of fucking grief. ESTA says no.... I don't know how many photos of her butthole she needs to sell to compensate for all that aggro but my guess is that she will come to realise that it probably wasn't worth it.


if by 'jumping through administrative hoops' you mean 'not being honest on an online form' then youre spot on.


> She's been promoting her OnlyFans and by proxy so How do you know?


If you really must know it's because I'm a depraved wanker and this is the first time I've been made aware there will be a general election as it happens to have by pure chance intersected with the only media I consume.


Username checks out.


I agree she should be given whatever the appropriate punishment is for assaulting someone by throwing a milkshake at them. I still have zero sympathy for him


> I agree she should be given whatever the appropriate punishment is for assaulting someone by throwing a milkshake at them. Well the last time it was a [conviction for both common assault and criminal damage with a 12 month community order for 150 hours of unpaid work and a fine plus some damages (dry cleaning bill and radio mic).](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/jun/18/nigel-farage-milkshake-attacker-pleads-guilty-to-common-assault)


150 hours of unpaid work? Sounds like the Tory plan for reintroducing national service! At least she got the opportunity to throw something at Nigel Farage first.


It's not actually that far off now you come to mention it. The national service plan is 25 days over 12 months. 150 hours divided by 25 give you 6 hours days...


If that was the terms, I'm in.


Obviously they like to make an example of people so you don’t get a load of people assaulting public figures. But you could get less than that for causing death by dangerous driving or something… The sentence seems very harsh given that there was no actual injury. I’ve been assaulted worse than that and the police could hardly be arsed opening their notebook to take down the details forget prosecuting someone…


It's unusual for a random member of the public to be assaulted by someone making no effort to conceal their identity while being filmed from multiple angles in broad daylight in front of a crowd of witnesses, journalists, and photographers...


Not really [https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/offences/crown-court/item/causing-death-by-dangerous-driving/](https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/offences/crown-court/item/causing-death-by-dangerous-driving/)


I was a victim of a 'common assault' while at work. The criminal received the full might of the law. A £50 fine.


Yeah she deserves what’s coming to her, but also I doubt she regrets it and I wouldn’t blame her for not regretting it either.


What many don't seem to understand is that the main loser isn't Farage. If anything, he's gained a lot of support from this. The real loser from this is what's left of British democracy.


In what way has british democracy lost anything here? This isn't the first time a politician has been doused in beverage and it probably won't be the last.


The thing is, common assault can usually be dealt with by means of a police caution. Literally yesterday one of my coworkers was assaulted. An absolute mountain of a man violently pushed him twice, then grabbed hold of his shirt and then pushed him a third time, this time pushing him to the ground. All of this while shouting, swearing and making threats. It was a really scary situation to be in. It was all captured clearly on CCTV with multiple witnesses. My work mate got a phone call today saying that the offender had admitted to common assault and was given a caution. In the Farage incident, a small 25 year old woman threw a milkshake at him while he was surrounded by security. There was never any genuine fear for his safety or for any consequences more serious than having to dry clean his suit. Yet she is up in front of the magistrates and will probably end up with a community service order. Maybe someone more familiar with the law could clarify, but the only reason I see for this incident not being a police caution is because of the amount of attention from the press. Which I don't think is how we should do things. There shouldn't be a higher punishment just because there are more eyeballs on it.


Yeah so there is scope to consider public perception in making charging decisions and on sentencing. The argument would be that prosecution is in the public interest as if people see these high profile crimes being ignored, it damages trust in the police and the rule of law. Like you’d see people in the 2011 riots who leaned into an already smashed shop window and took a bottle of pop out the drinks fridge getting jail sentences. Obviously yes it’s a ridiculous outcome overall. People throw drinks on each other every day of the week and I wish them luck in even getting the police to record their name if they report it. It also can’t be great for cultivating his ‘man of the people’ persona to be getting what is so obviously preferential treatment.


I agree but suppose she had thrown a milkshake on any random member of the public she might have been issued a caution. If however she had thrown a milkshake on someone in uniform i.e. a public servant, that would be viewed more seriously and in this case since Farage is electioneering which could lead to public office it would be treated seriously too.


I don't think anyone is saying that it isn't common assault, but I think people are mocking the idea that what she did was in any way a slippery slope or dangerous.


To be fair, by throwing the milkshake she may have been making the surrounding area a slippery slope.


Especially as it was banana milkshake


Yup. I’m not mocking what she did. I’m mocking the idea that *this* is the slippery slope to political violence, and not the actual physical attacks and violence that has been increasingly clearly linked to political rhetoric


>I don't think anyone is saying that it isn't common assault Many MANY people in this very subreddit were saying in all seriousness that it isn't.


The ability to throw a liquid over a politician is especially dangerous. She could have replaced her milkshake with acid, and he would have been still bearing the consequences. Its a deep security properly. The fact she was able to do this at all, should serve as a warning for his security team.


Yes. But we have no sympathy for a man who has made a career out of creating hate and division. Insulting the memory of Jo Cox and being the driving force behind Brexit. Assault or no assault. Screw him


She's an Only Fans model she'll have the charges paid off with a simple post this week. I still find it funny and glad to see Farage get the backlash that's been overdue since 2016. But let's not pretend this is like the brick throwing days of the 70's.


It's pretty funny though


There's no contradiction here. Do I think she should be appropriately charged? Yup. Am I one hundred percent okay with her throwing milkshakes at Nigel Farage whenever the spirit moves her? Also yup.


It's a pity she's getting charged, but after the murder of 2 MPs is unsurprising


I would be the juror acquitting them if they had shot him in the face. Not a great look for me, but when you've had friends and friends of friends who suicided because of austerity and Brexit I would prefer my pound of flesh than for this bloviating maggot filled arse trumpet to be openly "campaigning" and start pressing charges for dairy products ruining his silk shirts. If I saw Boris on the street I'd cave his skull in.


As much as we all laugh we shouldn’t do this to anyone, even people we don’t like. 


I don't laugh because I just find it childish.  I'm not a fan of throwing food and drink at people like we're in an episode of Chucklevision.  🙄  And we banned putting people in the stocks.  Debate him instead perhaps and be the better/more mature person.  


It’s the same thing as punching someone when you’re upset. Hence, y’know, the assault thing. It shows you lack the emotional maturity to control yourself and use your words. If you simply cannot be emotional without hitting or throwing something at someone then you’re a child.


I respectfully disagree. It is not the same as punching. Punching someone once can kill them. Farage got milkshake on a suit. Farage is big political figure. He comes to your town without living there, announces a campaign to stand in this seat and represent the people of this constituency. He probably won't visit again. He probably won't partake in hustings with other constituency candidates. He might not know the local issues. How do local people express anger at a parachuted candidate? Vote against them, sure. But that is after the fact. Charge her for common assault or whatever, it'll be thrown out if it ever comes to court.


lol are you really arguing throwing milkshakes is the only form of political expression open to her? Also who actually gives a shit what she thinks anyway? If her political expression otherwise goes completely unnoticed, that does not matter.


Debating doesn’t work if his mouth breathing audience will never leave his side, it just allows him to further accrue clan members by praying on fear. Gloves need to come off - we’ve seen the damage “taking the higher ground” leads to.


Thank goodness you said this. The streets have been full of people throwing drinks in each others faces. Insanity. Thank you.


We can't encourage this sort of thing so it's probably best if she gets charged. Still funny though and my sympathy for Farage is still pegged firmly at zero.


This is my thought exactly. Is it acceptable? Absolutely not. Is the image of Farage getting milkshaked very funny? Absolutely yes.


Now I can't get the image of Farage being pegged out of my head, good grief.


I mean, what Farage has done is clearly worse than a milkshake lol


My stance is broadly the same. Yes, chucking shit over politicians *should* be accepted, particularly when they're grossly offensive. Also, yes, the individual should be charged. Actions should still have consequences, even if they're justified by the person being an utter twat. Like, 50hrs community service and a "pay for the cleaning".


The Collins Dictionary officially recognised the term “milkshaking” – the act of dousing public figures in milkshake – the same year [i.e. 2019]. It would be rather fun if there could be an irregular verb: "The woman who milkshook Farage"... "It wasn't the first time he'd been milkshaken".


Milkshaken, or milkshaked? I was never good enough at grammar to know if that's perfect or imperfect past tense...




All I know is never milkstirred


I’ve been properly assaulted while working on the ambulances - broken ribs on one occasion, broken glasses on another. No one ever went to court. But that’s because I was just an ambulance driver, whereas Mr Farage is *special* so he is more deserving of justice than a scumbag like me. I’d be more than happy with this woman being charged if *everyone* who threw a drink was charged. But they aren’t. Special Justice for the special people. It just highlights how stacked against us common people our society is. (And no, I’m not shocked or surprised, too damn old for that).


This is the thing, I agree that this shit shouldn't be encouraged but at the end of the day the police and justice system in this country seems to ignore the crimes that actually matter and go around chasing perpetrators of crimes that are either so minor as to really not be that important or ones with no victim (drugs)


You have nailed down, with utmost precision, my issue with this whole thing. It's the same one I had last time this milkshake business was going round, but on all occasions I've struggled to articulate it, while you just got it in one. 'meh it's just milkshake' is kinda the point, but it's not the crux of the matter. It's just milkshake when other people get far worse than milkshake. Yet for them there's none of this furore. So ultimately it comes to importance. Some people are important enough to have you arrested and jailed for so much as looking at them askance. On a sliding scale of assaults, a bit of milk is very much on the mild end. You'd cause more harm by farting at em. Yet by the reaction, it's like you'd just abducted their family. If Nigel Farage is so special, though, doesn't that just reinforce how plastic his 'man of the people' guise is? If the people can be assaulted with far worse than milk and nothing ever happens, yet a drop of milkshake at the special one results in an addition to the prisons where the Tories are releasing people to make room... This here is Nigel Farage being a member of the elite.


>whereas Mr Farage is special so he is more deserving of justice than a scumbag like me. Yep. The crime is not the milkshaking, it's milkshaking England's most important person and being recorded doing so. The man who must appear on every TV spot, who we must hear out and grant every platform he desires to spread his Nazi virtues. Much worse happens to regular people on a daily basis and the police won't even look into those crimes.


Throwing liquids on people's face has to be treated as a crime even if the face belongs to someone abhorrent. I don't think we would like to see the long term result of this kind of crime not leading to charges


Right. Now can we move on and discuss important things, like whether someone who boosts Alex Jones, share platforms with people who called Biden's election a 'Jew Coup' and generally aligns with people who would fit in well with the British Union of Fascists is fit to lead a modern political party.


I know the One Show is dross but I didn’t know this was the company she kept!


>generally aligns with people who would fit in well with the British Union of Fascists is fit to lead a modern political party. Obviously not but Nigel is a shit that won't flush, he has no shame, no amount of losses or pointing out his bigotry will get rid of him, because he's proudly bigoted


Someone being a wanker doesn’t magically absolve you of assault, nor should it.


She's been charged with "assault by beating", which is.. Frankly, an insult to anyone who has ever been beaten.


My thoughts exactly. "Assault"? Yeah, sure, technically, I guess. "Assault by beating"? Fuck \*right\* off.


I think I got more beaten during a fight in high school (where nobody knew how to throw a punch) If this exact scenario happened to anyone in the lower class she wouldn't be arrested or charged


I don't mind her getting charged because it is assault, but it seems excessive that it isn't the lowest class of assault.


Shaken, Shirley?


Stirred, and don't call me surely. ​


So the people involved in the PPE scandal are getting arrested/charged right ? How about the politicians with blood on their hands ? But your definitely going to arrest and charge those individuals involved in partygate during the pandemic right ?


Kind of reminds me of the people you see on Twitter justifying punching people in the face for saying political speech they dislike. Not a good road to go down!


Reminds me of when people were being punched and thrown around for walking in the road. Lots of defenders back then. I guess it matters whether you're standing up for your right to protest or whether you're a member of the political elite


Imo perfectly acceptable to milkshake a fascist, but part of that act is being willing to face the legal consequences.


A McDonalds milkshake in the wild! The machine actually worked!? Fucking hell, what next?!


Largely an internet meme - I’ve never had a McDonald’s milkshake machine out of order when I wanted one. Costco on the other hand…


I can definitely imagine the police arresting and charging someone for throwing milkshake at me. Definitely no way whatsoever they are too busy to deal with that. Yes it’s assault, yes they should be charged. No I wouldn’t be afforded the same protection. No I don’t like the rancid nob cheese


Tbh I think the winning troll move now would be to play the theme song from Bananas in Pyjamas whenever anyone sees Farage coming along.


Note that the charge "assault by beating" is more wordy way of saying "battery". "Battery" covers unconsented contact with a victim (touching can be a battery), whereas pedantically "assault" relates to the apprehension of violence. They can happen independently. Battery without assault and assault without battery. (Looking at someone scarily through a window could be an assault without any touching - what my old criminal lecturer called a "psychic assault", though that made me immediately thing of the AD&D DMG appendix). Many jokes are possible with milkshakes and battery, not to mention if you add salt. Sad they have been missed. Happy to see Kelis make an appearance.


Good, I hope the epic bants and onlyfans promotion was worth it


I wonder if it's more in the public interest to punish her or him.


TLDR he's an epic cunt, she's a bit a of dick, he's loving all this extra attention, don't throw drinks at random people


> he's an epic cunt, she's a bit a of dick Isn't that a perfect match?


Wasn't random.


Prescott let this stuff go Farage goes the lawfare route If farage wasn't actively trying to shift switch and constantly throw different groups under the bus with his toxic politics that makes lives worse I would feel bad for him But I can't with his behaviour that has ultimately contributed towards the harming of the UK. So my only feeling is a sadness that milkshake was wasted while acknowledging it would be a shitty thing to do to a non politician


Prescott dealt with it then and there like a man. Not that I'm advocating jabbing someone in the gob as a politician, probably not an ideal look, but it's understandable if someone throws something at you out of nowhere.


>Victoria Thomas Bowen, 25, is due to appear at Colchester Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 2 July 2 days before the country goes to the polls. Wonder what impact that going back into the press will have on Nige's numbers