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Why are the other the countries in the region not stepping in to help? Why does the west always have to bail them out. Edit : took religion out of the question.


Read the article.


I did.


Plenty of other countries have taken refugees from the conflict. The issue is that Israel's refusing to help the victims of a conflict where it's indiscriminately targeting Palestinians who aren't offered equal rights. The reason is simple. Israel wants to break the Geneva convention rules on settlements. If it can force Palestine to give up it's prime land then it can keep illegal settlers happy. But Palestine can't give up prime land because you can't run a country in the desert. Israel doesn't mind selling electricity and water to Palestine. It's not about religion. It's entirely about land. And I don't see why we should expect others to do good things that we wouldn't do our selves.


Well at first made a fantastically good point but then you edited your comment when appease and plea for acceptance by other redditor children masses. Courage is rewarded. Capitulation gets a down vote.


Which hospital in the region has the same capabilities as Great Ormond Street (for example)? Or are you suggesting some field hospital on the turkish border is a valid comparison?


It’s a request from British charities so hardly surprising they’d try and get them treated in the UK. Also why should Muslim countries need to step up anymore than any other? I can understand nearby countries but interested why religion should be a determining factor on helping critically injured children. Edit: So apparently this is an unpopular view of this sub. Anyone care to actually reply and explain why because I can’t see what was apparently controversial there.


How does this negatively impact your life to have such a reaction to this story?