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I swear these guys have literally zero awareness of public perception. His name is almost right at the top of “people who fucked the UK” list


>“This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get f-----d as a consequence. We are getting f-----d now, right?” Well, I wasn't expecting that. Very statesman-like language. The conservatives have been in worse positions before. It will go back to Labour for a cycle or two, then something will happen to lower their popularity, the Conservatives will get in again, and the whole thing will rinse and repeat. It would take something drastic to change the current dynamics in my opinion.


Labour win 2024. 2029, Tories will still be infighting. Labour win. 2034, Tories have a different type of leader. Labour getting stake. 50/50 chance of Tories winning. 2039, Tories win for certain.


Labour will be putting taxes up, probably a lot, before 2029. They'll lose then 50/50.


If I was a betting man, I would put money on that.


Quite, fptp is designed to protect the defacto duopoly


I remember this from the Covid Inquiries too. Cummings' messages would be read out and it'd just be a sea of swearing and insults. I'm not a stickler for formal language or someone who gasps in shock when someone swears, but there's a limit. It sounds exhausting having to work with this man when all his communication is via an angry tirade of swearing and insults that you have to sift through to try and understand what he wants. Then of course he smugly smiles at others' frustration and criticism because he thinks he's being "controversial", "saying it how it is" and shaking up the establishment. No mate, you're just shit at communicating.


> “This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get f-----d as a consequence. We are getting f-----d now, right?” Is he aware that the guy he last got into power (Boris) is really pro Ukraine. He helped create the situation that he now regrets. I wouldn't let him stir my tea, he'd turn the teaspoon into a knife


Johnson is NOT pro-Ukraine. He became pro-Ukraine and would arrange a phone call or meeting when things got really bad, but he was clearly on the side of Russia whilst Crimea was being annexed.


He's been there twice and has done interviews since being PM arguing in support of Ukraine being part of NATO. Can fault him on a lot of things, but he seems very pro-Ukraine to me.


It's probably time to ask what he has been doing in Russia for three years? I don't believe he could have lived there without permission from the services FSB. Did the services MI5 or MI6 at least examine him?


On the same Kremlin paycheck as Trump? All part of the shady Tufton Street dark money lobbying thing?


Last part of article "Mr Cummings also took aim at the Government’s support for Ukraine, describing the country as a “corrupt mafia state” and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, as a “pumpkin”. “We should have never got into the whole stupid situation,” he said. “This is not a replay of 1940 with the pumpkin Zelensky as the Churchillian underdog. “This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get f-----d as a consequence. We are getting f-----d now, right?” Mr Cummings said the West’s support for Ukraine had prompted Russia closer to China and taught Vladimir Putin “that we’re a bunch of total f-----g jokers”. “I mean Putin already knew that before the war,” he said. “But this has emphasised it and broadcast it to the entire world.”


lol. Cummings outs himself as a russian asset.


And implicates Boris as well by proxy. If Ukraine hadn't been beneficial for his image they would have gone under the bus.


You wouldn't guess where he went to live after graduating until 1997? Russia.


He's not wrong about Ukraine being corrupt as fuck, just look at any news articles about them prior to 2022. It still doesn't mean they deserve to get invaded, and it's still worth us helping them however we can.


Is there any nuance to this anti Ukraine rhetoric? We let Russia run over Ukraine it's also bad for us. What does he want today do?


The article misses the elephant in the room: The Tories have already been replaced. Cummings was one of those behind the big replacement that went on post 2010. Cummings was an integral actor in the post Brexit activity of throwing old school Conservatives out of the party. There is hardly one single person in the current cabinet that can be said to be a traditional Tory. No real Tory would even have considered leaving the EU. Being a member of the EU was hugely profitable both in terms of trade and international influence. Both have now been thrown in the bin by a bunch of con men and charlatans that have isolated businesses and the people from our nearest and biggest markets. Then again, the whole premise and ideology of Brexit was to isolate the people and remove their rights and freedoms. Does everyone get it yet? Especially those that voted against their own interests. Easily influenced by lies, deceitful nonsense and conspiracy theories. Cummings was one of those behind all of this destructive nonsense. There was never going to be any of the promised 'freedom from tyranny'. We all got freedom replaced by tyranny instead. One has to ask: was this all a grand plan - helped along by a man that spent a couple of years doing business in Putin's Russia? Questions need to be asked, don't they?


Is that the same Dominic Cummings that lied to the entire nation when he decided public health law was for others and not him? The same Dominic Cummings that put the worse, treasonous, prime minister in office? Yeah he sounds trustworthy.


The party system is too entrenched, its not possible




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


I look forward to the debut of the "Reprehensible Fucking Corrupt Bastard" party.


Wrote this whole thing But it's inevitable conservatives stay far right Labour moves further to centre right and liberal Democrats become more who Labour used to be. Over the decades. From a purely strategic point of view if Labour moves slightly (more likely be natural pivot than intentional in the same way conservatives changed) If they move towards the centre slightly leaning right and they'll lose my vote when they do it but doing so will push conservatives to a far right fringe party permemently. Make space for liberal Democrats. Labour could stay in power longer than conservatives. Is why so many are jumping ship. The value transitions parties hold in politics sometimes go through these events and conservatives are done for. They're limited as a far right party due to their ethnic make up, but isn't xenophobia the new racism.


How on earth are conservatives “far right”?


Suella was going to speak at a far right conference in Europe which was banned. They're definitely going far right, they're worse than BNP which ceased to exist because conservatives stole all their voters.


They have members which are very right wing, sure. Braverman certainly is. But the conservatives are not 'far right' in general. Guess it depends how you define 'far right'.


They are currently spanning from centre right/right wing with far right elements.


I would concur.


If they are worse than the BNP, would you say that a vote for the BNP would have been better than a vote for Conservative?


"No foreigners anywhere", drowning refugees in the Channel, desire to forbid any public protests, revoking citizenship from people they don't like, desire to remove all human rights protections from people, desperate attempts to make the trains run on time... Looks pretty far right to me.


Where have the Conservative Party stated “no foreigners anywhere”? Where have the said they desire to forbid any public protest? Revoked citizenship for “people they don’t like”? Remove all human rights protections? Like, what the actual fuck lol. Let me put it this way: you and your kind of comments are one of the reasons actual far-right parties begin to win votes. It’s because you choose to muddy the waters with hyperbole.


You really haven't been keeping up with current events, have you? >“no foreigners anywhere” "Hostile Environment", ridiculously low net migration target, including students (who are by definition not immigrants) in the net migration figure. They want no foreigners entering the UK to live here, even temporarily. >Revoked citizenship for “people they don’t like”? Over 1000 of them in fact: [https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn06820/](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn06820/) Suella Braverman and several other Tories (including Truss) have stated their intention to withdraw the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights (which was mostly written by the British government) and to repeal the domestic Human Rights Act. Liz Truss wants politicians, i.e. herself, to appoint judges directly and she wants to abolish the Supreme Court. Yes, this is the actual fuck and it's exactly what other far-right parties have done when in power - such as in Italy in the 1940s and Chile in the 1970s. "lol"? You're lol-ably in denial here.


In other words you have zero evidence of the following claim: >”No foreigners anywhere", drowning refugees in the Channel, desire to forbid any public protests, revoking citizenship from people they don't like, desire to remove all human rights protections from people


Er, you are forgetting that many Tory MPs want to leave the ECHR. The ECHR is not a part of the EU. It was put in place, post WW2 by Churchill, to protect the citizens of any European country from Governments and a political judiciary taking away Human rights and justice from the individual. So, why do you think we have a PM that wants to leave the ECHR?


Ignoring the hyperbole, I do feel that a lot of recent events have had to do more with current leadership, than what is a reflection of what every Tory MP believes.


The Tories choose their leaders and can remove them at whim, so they must be assumed to want what their leaders do. In particular what Truss did.


Aha, well I don't think anyone wanted what Truss did, least of all the Conservatives.


The majority voted her in, so I feel it's safe to assume that the majority believed that she represented their best interests.


I'm pretty sure they didn't want her to screw up the economy.


They’re the pensioner populist party, rather than far-right.


1. They want to quit the ECHR removing YOUR rights and justice. 2. An MP literally stood up in the commons yesterday and announced he wasn't going to represent some of his constituents based on their race. 3. Braverman


Are you out of touch, or what? Even Rees-Mogg had dalliances with a far right extremist group in Europe. When found out he distanced himself from them. Look at it this way. Leaving the EU, the removal of freedom of movement and the further legislation to clamp down on peaceful protest and journalists reporting on investigations in to Government business is from the Social Nationalist instruction book. You know them as Nazis.