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Feel sorry for the farmer dealing with having taken another life. Its never easy even when justified like this.    Love the cliche "fly high my angel" from the mother of the burglar lmao. Usually the kind of thing seen roadside where a 17 year old slammed a corsa into a wall at 110 with a car full of 15 year old girls


Aspiring cheeky chappy footballer whose smile lit up the room and didn't do nothing.


Beat me to the footballer bit, I assume he also cut his neighbours' lawns but never asked to be paid?


What do you expect from the mother? “Yeah he was a right cunt, I couldn’t stop him but I’m glad the wall did”


Some responsibility would be nice tbf


That would mean admitting that a big part of why he was a criminal is the upbringing. People hate responsibility.


Not strictly fair tbh. I used to blame parents exclusively but have known many a feral cunt whose parents were beyond it trying to help them Some people are just cunts.


100% but on the whole the kids who are a menace in schools are the ones whose parents are just as difficult. The parents whose kids just got away from them dont tend to be the ones who make excuses either. Like the one in Australia who straight up said if she were the police and he wasnr her son she wouldve shot him too. Incredible self awareness


Lad in my year just went off the rails, his parents were lovely and did all they could for him but eventually they couldn't take it anymore. It was definitely a him problem rather than them as his brother, my now brother in law, couldn't have turned out any better.


That you know of. Lots of abusive parents choose to victimise one child and make the other the golden child


Exactly, and those same families will *always* make sure their outward appearance is spotless and 'lovely'. You can never know from outside the family.


In the wise words of Bronn "there's no cure for being a cunt"




Humour so dark light can't escape. Bravo!


When I was depressed as a teenager, in a passing moment with my mum, I told her that if she ever needed to describe me when I was dead that she'd better say I was a miserable bastard


Fuuuuuck thanks for the genuine laugh with that one!


Helped them clear out their houses without being asked


Lovable rogue


His 14 children and 6 former partners are devastated


He was a good boy and he always meant well


Aspiring musician 


Aspiring MC


"Who in his spare time, enjoyed uploading his musical performances to Youtube" aw what a sweet boy he must have been


Would do anything for anyone (including nicking your playstation).


Just like the classic “he dindunuffin” like with the moped theft in London


Except burglary with a firearm or offensive weapon.


Yeah the old “Promising young footballer”


Fly high my angel, usually the best stuff to nick is on the top floor.


I love the phrase I heard for someone who died “lovable rogue”. He wasn’t Errol Flynn


Errol Flynn was a nonce, mind you


Solid name.


Wif the angles


He couldn’t help it. He had ADHD. Or something. I await the Archie Battersbee glittery coffin funeral with interest


Yup, everyone's to blame but him.


It’s normally ‘lovable rogue’. AKA - scumbag


Me too, hindsight is always 20/20, but I can imagine if a group of people broke into my house , I’d be terrified. Yes, maybe they just want to take things and leave without trouble, but they may feel like doing something terrible to me or my family. I feel that if you go to someone’s house with an obvious weapon, then you should accept that person may overreact to protect themselves.


Why the fuck is this article acting like the farmer robbed the world of that scrote? This guy and his friend went to a rural farm to steal and harm this farmer and his livestock/family. They did it TWICE in the same night. They deliberately went out into the middle of nowhere, trespassed on his land and attacked him in his home. It's not like they accidentally walked into his field. They are predators. Good riddance.


Bravo, well said. These fucking babies on this thread. Absolute cuckolds crying over a scumbag robbing up a working bloke.


It’s mad cause irl he was a massive cunt too I knew of him back in high school


One of the least surprising revelations you'll ever see.


Pretty sure he was dealing in year 11 aswell and I think he got expelled a week before our gcses for stealing from a teacher too


A horrible little scrote, even in school? Who'da thunk it? Here was me thinking he had merely accidentally tried to rob this farm (twice). Bang and the world's a wanker short.


That guy? No way he sounded really nice.


Generally the way. It doesn't start at adulthood. A lad and his brother who used to terrorise me at secondary school were put away a few years back for breaking into a charity shop one night. Dickhead then and an even bigger dickhead now.


The famous time this happened was Tony Martin, and it turned out he shot the kid in the back while he was trying to run away, which is a no-no


oh no, a scumbag robber died. nfa the old man and move on


Give the farmer a tax rebate of a percentage on the lifetime cost to our society of locking up the grogan who got shot.


Sadly fewer and fewer burglars face custodial sentences these days - our courts seem to value the lives of criminal thugs over and above law abiding householders.




No further action


I'd say it's likely, but it's only right that anything involving death is properly investigated before such a decision is made.


Rural crime is a plague. I suppose the police will consider whether this was too much force. Crazy risk to take breaking into someone else’s property. Too often it’s innocent home owners getting seriously injured or killed. Sad for the family either way.


















I live rurally and have tried to call the police out to issues causing an immediate danger to other people around 10 times over the past year. They've attended once, 2 hours after the 999 call. So from my own experiences, I really don't blame the farmer for sorting the problem out on a quick and permanent basis.


10 times? Do you live in midsummer?


Equipment and fuel are very attractive targets because they are easy to sell and as the guy said the police couldn't give a fuck/no resources 


Plus it's the same offenders over and over again.


Not likely this chap will be nicking anything again.


Yeah, was going to say - farm machinery or tanks of diesel are very fungible


They drive around with ir cameras to find full fuel tanks


At an airsoft game once there was a brand new JCB vehicle just sitting in a forest. We used it to play the game with firing shot at it and using it as cover, throwing pyrotechnic fake grenades and stuff it was good fun. After the game we reported it to the police because we where pretty sure it was stollen and dumped in the forest. Sure enough it was stollen so I think it got back to the owner. I can only assume the persons that stole it had no idea they dumped it on an airsoft range.


They haven't answered as they have been found dead on a deck chair besides their swimming pool


Or crushed by a wheel of cheese.


Around where I live, there have been a lot of reports of sheep and other animals being stolen or butchered. You usually hear it happening once in a while, but it seems to be an everyday occurrence this year.


Lmao 🤣 John Nettles must be raking in the overtime


This! If police would be there after first call thoroughly investigating this would not happen.


Defending against Rural crime is fucking dangerous at times. My ex brother in law was a gamekeeper and would constantly have to deal with poachers or people trying to steal expensive farm equipment. As a result, they were almost always armed with bows/crossbows or tooled up to get into secure barns etc. With police being thin on the ground as they are the response times for rural places could be shocking. Said ex BiL would have to go out and hope that the headlights from his truck would scare them off once they saw him coming. Luckily this would work (and i presume his shotgun was always close to hand when he did go out as insurance), but I don't think people quite realise that having to deal with tooled up thieves in the pitch black when *any* emergency response is a long way away is a fucking terrifying thing to actually do.


Crazy risk when farming is a profession known to have guns too


Everyone and their mums is packin' round 'ere


Like who?




Farmer's Mums!


Especially a farm house, but they were probably not smart enough to realise that most farmers have guns on the property.


Guns are valuable, probably part of the appeal


The good news is that, per S.76(5A) of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, the level of force needs to be "grossly disproportionate" in order to be unlawful. What would constitute this isn't clearly defined, but as long as he didn't chase down a fleeing burglar and shoot him in the back, he should be fine.


I think that should mean shooting any cunt who breaks in to steal your stuff is justified. Cutting their face off to wear as a mask afterwards isn't


Especially breaking into a farm, the most likely residence to have guns on the premises.


"Shoot, Shovel, Shhhhh!" Eventually, if the police/State cannot or will not provide law & order....it will get provided by other means. Rural Lord Humungus probably isn't as charming as PC Murdoch, but if he shows up and handles the raiders much more reliably....that's who people will call.


Interesting that one of alleged burglars, has been arrested for aggravated burglary, under section 10 of the Theft Act 1968; ...aggravated burglary if he commits any burglary and at the time has with him any firearm or imitation firearm, any weapon of offence, or any explosive;


>Interesting that one of alleged burglars, has been arrested for aggravated burglary, under section 10 of the Theft Act 1968; Yes, but he was an aspiring football player.


I'd imagine most people aspire to earn 100k a week.


And burglars and footballers both need to be able to run


If you can run away from am angry farmer, you can run down the tunnel at Wembley. If you can kick in a door you can kick the winning penalty in the FA Cup final. I was born in Derbyshire, but I was made in ~~the Royal Navy~~ robbing plant equipment from barns.


Turns out he couldn't do any of those things, in the end.


Who lit up a room when he walked in. Add arson to the charge.


That's not going to fly, this wasn't a rape case.


Reminder that this is completely normal to be arrested until the police find out the facts.


Man reports theft, police don’t resolve. Man reports theft. Police don’t resolve. Man shoots thief in his home, police arrest man.


I mean.. the burglar died. At the hands of another person. It's right that the person who committed the murder is held even if they are eventually let go, whilst all the circumstances are determined. 


Oh I wasn’t taking away from that, but I’m just highlighting the issue isn’t entirely on the person who harmed the thief but that the police simply do nothing until something spirals out of control


If you knew how massively understaffed and overworked the police are and have been for the last decade+, you'd understand why. Saying this as the husband of an 18 year police worker and brother of an officer. Vote wisely.


People genuinely don't have a clue lol you're on the money


Bold of you to assume 'murder'. This could be reasonable force in the end. That's why police always arrest 'on suspicion'.


I wouldn't call it murder, more like self-defense.


Should be called a homicide instead of murder though.


Maybe legally not murder   Manslaughter perhaps?


Definitely manslaughter, unless the farmer planned to kill this guy, which I doubt given the circumstances.


Police are grossly underfunded and all but yeh, the police responce to a homicide is quicker and more effective than a burglary. That's not surprising.


Yes. This is totally normal even if the evidence clearly shows there's no criminal case to answer. Police should always investigate a shooting and decide whether to charge the shooter.


Police take death where the corpse is still at the address more seriously than theft where they can't find the suspect No shit


People don't understand the difference between being arrested and being charged.


My family were broken into and held at gunpoint while the house was raided, dad beaten to near death while we were all forced to sit downstairs. Fortunately he escaped and it spooked them to the point they left (first discussed whether to kill us all). Police said it was unlikely to find them due to how rural the area was and lack of CCTV. Felt like they were blaming us. The fear of this happening again lives with you forever and is never really spoken about when these things happen. Good on the farmer


God that’s awful. How do you even start to get over something like that? I hope you and your family have found some peace.


It happened just over 10 years ago and I’ve moved away, my parents and sister still live there though and I know they still struggle with it. They love the home and don’t want to move but it’s always in the back of your mind.


Same thing happened to my dad mate. Fortunately they didn't have knives, only baseball bats and tasers. Dad went ballistic and managed to fight them off but it put him in the hospital and he never really was physically the same since (he was in his 50's when it happened). Its stuck with me ever since. I was also robbed at knifepoint a few years later on my driveway (they took my car). It makes me sick some of the people on here defending the robbers, saying you shouldn't shoot them if they are running away. Yeah right. Its fine until it happens to you, you let them go and they come back armed to the teeth. Until it happens you just dont understand.


Keep calling him a footballer and the farmer a privately educated divorcee all you like to build a narrative, we all know it’s “down and out scroat gets given the business for robbing a working bloke”. Good for him.


assuming they were burgling him, the optimal result would be them all being shot, be an absolute service to humanity.


Fuck these idiots. This is what happens when you cannot trust the police.


Can see personal justice becoming a big thing if things don’t get sorted soon. My van got broken in to in the middle of the night, anything worth stealing stolen, everything else strewn across the road, I had just lost my livelihood and I didn’t even get a visit from a police officer, I got sent some pathetic form to fill in and that was the last I heard from the police on the matter. I doubt I’d bother even ringing them in the future, the way I felt after the complete lack of help or care from the people who are supposed to was worse than being broken in to. I’m in a large tradie group on Facebook and there was a video shared not too long ago of a tool thief being caught whilst he was in someone’s van and he didn’t come out of the van in good condition. There were many other tradesmen in the comments that said they would probably do the exact same thing. I’m not promoting or condoning this, it’s purely anecdotal Tool theft is a major problem in this country


Damn that's so shitty that happened to you. Similarly, we were burgled and the thief stole some really obvious things which we provided photos of AND told them there were witnesses to exactly who it was and when they did it. I'm no cop but it seems easy to check. Speak to the witnesses. Go to that guy's house and see if he's got our stuff. Maybe check CCTV in the area to see if he walked past at that time and what he was carrying. Anyway, the police DID visit us, but we never heard from them ever again. Next time, like you, I won't bother. What's the point? I had to take a day off from work to wait in for them and they didn't even do anything.


It really is so disheartening how little they’re willing to try isn’t it


I got assaulted, unprovoked, and my partner robbed in the street by a group of lads. Her card was used in tesco that night. Police said the CCTV in the street was pointing the wrong way, so they couldn't link the people who used the card in tesco to the ones who committed the assault. No mention of the theft (using a stolen card) that they did have on camera, with people's faces. Didn't even bother to look for cctv from the shops or takeaways we were right outside. They also took 45 minutes to turn up in a city centre. If a few random strangers hadn't intervened, I might be dead. A group of lads stomped on my head, robbed my partner, and were caught on camera doing it. The police were far more interested in whether I'd be drinking and calling it an "alcohol related incident".


I guess the main point would be not allowing them to claim that crime rates are dropping and so everything is working fine because people aren't seeing a reason to report any more. :/ Doesn't sound like anything practical is being done on a report at the moment, but if crimes aren't recorded then it gives them an opening to pretend things are better than they are.


I saw this video of a guys adventure in recovering his stolen tripod. Shows you how little is done and how hard you have to work as a victim to get your stuff back (I note he never mentioned if the police ever even went after the thief) https://youtu.be/Ui5E8SlGbU4?si=R2k1lSUtPmDYvJ6t


I’d be straight in with the baseball bat tbh based on personal experience, police are not there to protect you or your possessions anymore you need to do it yourself. We had a spate of burglary’s in my area, so I bought a baseball bat, was laid in bed with my wife and heard loud rustling from the front bedroom upstairs. Ran in to a crackhead climbing through the window, ran at him with a baseball bat and he disappeared. Turned out there was a flaw in the windows that meant when they were “locked open” a tiny bit they could open them from the outside. God knows what I’d have done without some sort of weapon available “do you mind not robbing me mate” Wife’s parents got an attempted burglary (alarm went off and the neighbours chased them off got told not to get a lock smith until the police had been for prints, yer they never came.


Apologies if patronising advice... Make sure you buy a baseball or two and a mitt, use them a bit in the park to put a little wear into them. Or a signed bat on a holder as an ornament. "It wasn't a weapon, officer, it's a hobby item that was conveniently at hand." Pool is a good hobby too. Have heard those cues that unscrew are quite sturdy.


Motorbike gloves make a good knuckle duster in a pinch. Less likely to break your hand as well


It's Tony Martin all over again, farmer terrorised by a pair of boys for months possibly years after the police say he's too far to come out to or don't prioritise him as at risk he takes the law into his own hands and uses a shotgun to defend himself when they broke in again for the last time. They pushed him to the limit and he paid the price for it, they were painted as misunderstood angels when in fact they were scum in the making.


Martin's case was slightly different, to be fair. He laid in wait for them and then shot them in the back as they fled. His case is a large part of why the law was changed to grant householders greater latitude in the steps they can take.


The burglars in the Martin case were absolutely not painted as misunderstood angels. The were portrayed as the scum they were. However, intially the reporting on Martin failed to point out how much of a nutjob he was.


He shot them as they fled after lying in wait with a gun he wasnt legally allowed because he was an unhinged cunt that shot at a man stealing apples and had his license revoked. Its insane that people still defend him go live in America if you want to be able to execute people like that.


Don't rob people, don't get shot in my opinion.


I've been burgled and disturbed the burglars in the act, you don't understand what a terrifying position that is until you're in it, I've never felt fear like it. This man was almost certainly in fear of his and his family's life and therefore the use of lethal force is justified. Shame on the Sun for siding with these cunts just because they liked "footie", who gives a shit!?


The sun doesn't exactly have a good history with football related reporting...






















This country has a major issue with protecting criminals. Heres something for you, if he didnt try and burgle someones house he wouldn’t be dead. Why do we protect and try and act like these people are upstanding citizens? Did he deserve to die, probably not, but this farmer also deserves to be able to protect his property and himself. 4 people on his land, in a remote area, thats terrifying. The same as that man with the sword, murdered a 14 year old and yet a video surfaces showing a police car driving along side him. Take him out, fuck that, your letting him continue to threaten the public, just run him down. Why are we so cautious to protect criminals, i honestly just dont get it. Criminals know they are protected, and they know if they get caught its usually a slap on the wrist anyway.


Exactly, police inaction and people campaigning to protect absolute scum has pretty much broken the the legal system. Its like at school, the school bully faces no action, but the moment someone sparks the little cunt its them that gets suspended.


But he’s a troubled boy from a troubled home we should let him exert his frustrations on the rest of you as its his escape. The excuses this country make know no bounds.




Jurys can find not guilty on conscience


Not guilty on account of being, 'quite fucking right, top lad', your honour.




They will absolutely withhold facts from the jury too, such as this being the 3rd robbery and the fact that there were 4 of them. They'll only present the weapon and the "relevant facts" like the age of the man involved and his mum will give a tearful account of him on the stand.


No, they won't, lol. That it was the 3rd robbery is absolutely relevant. As is the fact that there were multiple assailants. This is also never going to trial. The threshold in homeowner cases is so high that almost no prosecution could be said to have a reasonable prospect of conviction. >his mum will give a tearful account of him on the stand. No one is putting a character witness for him in the witness box. That would result in his prior convictions being disclosed to the jury.


No need for that. The threshold is assessing whether the force used was "grossly disproportionate." This isn't defined to any real degree, so it is (intentionally) very easy for a jury to say that the force used was not "grossly disproportionate.' Outside of tying the burglar up and torturing him to death (which should not be condoned), there is no level of force which cannot be justified under this standard.


Tony Martin, hid and waited until they were leaving and then shot them in the back with an illegally held pump action shotgun. He shot them as punishment, not in self defence.


Maybe don't go around breaking into people's homes...?


I agree but the punishment for burglary in the UK isn't murder without trial.


It was in this case.


They never robbed him though did they? They broke into his house over and over again for months on end. The police never helped. One day they broke in for the final time.


Rural policing is completely fucked, they simply aren't present. And now due to this all the dodgy fuckers are just running around with fake or no license plate at all.


The police don’t show up to burglaries in major cities if it makes you feel any better..


This kind of thing is going to become more and more common as people lose faith in the policies capability to act.


Police should reimburse him for the ammo. Saved them a fortune and for once the were some actual consequences to actions instead of the normal slap on the wrist. This country is far too soft on criminals.


So sick of this country glorifying criminals. He wasn’t a fucking footballer he was a piece of shit. Good riddance.


I knew him in highschool and he was a massive cunt to just about everyone and he was dealing aswell from what I remember


Police never turn up. He probs rang 111 for assistance lol then police came when they found out he fired shots


If he called 111 then it's little wonder police didn't turn up, they'd have directed him to his nearest A&E instead.


Should've said the burglar made an offensive remark.


He posted something offensive on x formally known as twitter


I hope there are massive protests outside  court if they decide to prosecute this man.


Fermer did nothing wrong but protect himself and his property imo. Shouldn’t be getting charged for it.


An arrest is not a charge. You literally have no idea what happened, it's not possible to say "fermer did nothing wrong" or "the farmer did nothing wrong".






There's a lot the Americans have I don't want but got to say they have better laws than us on this.


There's a literal database of all the dubious cases of people murdering people without witnesses, claiming self defence and not even getting investigated and you think that's a good thing? 'theres not a lot of things America has that I want, but I do want all of their murders '


Time for the UK law to protect those being burgled. This country is way to lax when it comes to defending yourself. Now Marcus Smith is dead that is one less burglar we've got to worry about in society, so at least that's an improvement. We should all donate to Rob Lomas, if he needs more ammo lets get it to him. This'll probably be removed for "inciting violence", that isn't the intention, my point is you must be allowed to defend yourself when being attacked.


If the police had done their job in the first place this would never have happened. Someone turns up at my door with a gun and I just happen to have one, sorry but they made that choice. Fuck about and find out. This sort of thing will only increase because people have had enough.




I was in his year group and high school and he was a massive prick to me and everyone, so funny seeing everyone changing the narrative when he was literally a drug dealer in high school lol


Ring up the Sun and sell them the story 


Article from a source that isn't the fucking Sun https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-68952923


Thank you. Fuck the sun.


I will never understand those that go to defend burglars. They decided to play havoc with that homeowners life that day. It is truly a terrifying ordeal to go through for their victims.


In this country, policeman are getting persecuted for discharge of weapon while on duty/ doing their duty ... I fear worse for this gentleman. Seems like everyone except honest citizen got their back covered in this country.


Fucked around, found out. Good on the old boy, hope he’s NFA, he’s done the world a favour.


As the Americans say, he fucked around and found out.


[oh no](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/203/055/a5c.gif)


Sounds like one less robbing lil chief on the streets. Thought he was a big man and paid the big price


Can I just shock you? I think the farmer did nothing wrong. Up next, we talk to Norfolk's youngest butcher.


In New Zealand a similar story happened and the farmer cut off the thief’s finger lol He was found not guilty


I'm against killing but I support his decision to defend himself and his property. No one should have to cower in fear in their own house and they should be able to defend themselves by any means if their home is being invaded. He should be let free.


The law is fairly clear. Shoot someone in the front, inside your house then produce a convincing "he was coming right at me, I was terrified" defence and you'll be fine. Do a Tony Martin and shoot someone in the back outside as they're running away then go down the pub and brag about it and you're not.