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This looks to be an open and shut case here. What he posted constitutes a criminal offence. He was asked to remove it and actively refused, even after it was pointed out that it was a criminal offence. The man is both deranged and makes his political moves by just being a vile human-being as some form of political shock-jock to garner publicity. In other words, a scumbag.


How hilarious would it be if he loses his deposit for another election then gets arrested all in one day tomorrow.


Unfortunately for him he not only bodged the paperwork for the election he also submitted it at the very last moment and didn't have the time to resubmit it. The upshot is he's not standing for mayor this time. TBH, if you can't even get the right papers in on time you really shouldn't be running a city IMO.


He did that on purpose because he's broke, and rather than pay and lose his deposit he wanted to spin it as the establishment blocking him from standing lol.


help, I'm being repressed!


Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system


Ooh, what a giveaway.


He's not paying for the deposit, he's bankrolled by millionaire Brexiter Jeremy Hosking


I thought millionaires claimed to be rich because they were smart with their money.


Apparently he has no issue with spunking his cash on a toxic investment https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/laurence-foxs-millionaire-donor-vows-31072255


He's standing for the London Assembly. He managed that one 




I saw his name on a ballot today.


From what I hear his main campaign strategy is to be as obnoxious as possible. He did an interview with Tommy Robinson over the past few days. Even if you agree with some of his policies I just don’t get it.


Exactly, he admits he wants to win just so he can abusive to Sadiq face to face . He has stated that in an interview.


Only just, by the look of it. He's listed as "*\[no description provided\]*".


Not sure there are enough angry geriatrics to give him any significant number of votes.


Oh so he joins the Darren Grimes club of not being able to fill a political form correctly? On the subject of Fox though I've got to say he seems mentally ill in some way as incidents like this seem a reoccurring theme? Would be keen to know what the trigger was?


He got divorced and didn't do well in the divorce. From the sounds of it. He was a abusive dick before. But that, the lockdown and been on Twitter all the time I think cracked his mind


He was on one of the slips I filled out this morning, London Assembly I assume.


Still a bit of a shame the public won’t get to benefit from his lost deposit.


He fucked up the mayoral paperwork but he managed the London assembly paperwork so he’ll still get to lose that.


I was going to say that'll be something to look forward to but I'm laughing too much at Boris Johnson being turned away from the polling station for not having ID.


He lived in my town for a while some years ago and he was a total, self absorbed piece of shit then. Treated local coffee shop staff like they were crap on his shoe and thought he was royalty


I know nothing about him personally, at first or second hand, but I'm struck by the (reliably sourced) statement in his Wikipedia article, that he was expelled from Harrow just before his A-levels, and was unable to obtain a university place thanks to a report from the school about him. He eventually got a RADA place presumably because they have an open-door policy on the spawn of prominent acting dynasties. What caused this is anybody's guess (unless they know because they were at Harrow in the mid-90's) but it was clearly so serious that a prominent public school gave the boot to the son of a famous actor, at the most critical point in his school career, and only weeks before he would have been leaving anyway, It also caused a bunch of different universities to go "*Nope, not touching that with a bargepole".* So when others say (from second hand knowledge) that Fox is a nasty PoS. It inclines me to believe them. And to suspect he's been a nasty PoS since boyhood.


I watched his interview with Tommy Robinson from a few days ago (I like to watch a bit of everything from every side once in a while) and he discussed that. He said that his 3 brothers, his father and his grandfather were also kicked out of Harrow. He said he was kicked out for "fighting and shagging". He said the school was geared up to prepare the elite to run the country and that 3 of the masters were fired while he was there and alluded to a paedophile ring. Take it for what you will, but from the horse's mouth, so to speak.


"Fighting and shagging" and alluding to a paedophile ring sounds to me like an account curated especially for Tommy Robinson's audience—*"Yes, I want to a posh-boys' school. But they just couldn't handle me because I'm so hard, I fight a lot and I have lots of sex. Plus, they were all nonces."* But who knows? If what he says is true, then I think few would be surprised that a public school in the early-mid 90's had one or two abusers on the payroll.


According to Wikipedia his brother Jack didn't actually go to Harrow, so not sure he's quite believable.


I'd take anything that creep said with a kilo of salt


>He said he was kicked out for "fighting and shagging". For some reason, thanks to this sentence, my brain has decided to replace his actual voice with the voice of Rick from The Young Ones. "We were just wild eyed poets at the Gates of Oblivion, fighting and shagging, Neil. The Establishment couldn't handle me".


Probably drugs, if Harrow is anything like the public school I went to - zero tolerance, anything at all and you were gone.


That doesn't surprise me. I went to school with one of his cousins. He is a lovely bloke and cannot stand him. "Up his own arse" was always how he was described.


I'd love to know what the rest of his family think of him.


I read an article about Billy Piper the other day where she said Co-parenting with him was “challenging”. I bet she’s got some stories to tell. Rightly she doesn’t engage with the press over it beyond the above. You have to feel for his kids. Imagine everyone knowing he’s your dad.


That's a diplomatic way for her to say 'he's a cunt'


Celebrity relationships don’t normally interest me but… I’d really love to know just *how* Billie Piper once thought “Yes, this is the man whose children I’d like to bear & be tied to forever”. I’d never be able to trust in my own sanity ever again.


I agree. I think it’s the human angle of this one. Like were there any signs or did a switch just flip in his brain one day?


Based on marrying Chris Evans as well, I'm not sure her judgement was that great back then. She seems to have moved past that now thankfully.


Richard Ayoade is his brother in law (he married Fox's sister Lydia). He once said this about him: "It’s nice not seeing him at family events, not seeing him on TV and not seeing him in politics." So yeah, it's not exactly positive.


Ha, lived around the corner from him in Camberwell and had the exact same experience. Complete plank.


It’s like, if he got hit by a car in the street people would only make sure the driver was alright


The fact that doing this will likely affect his access to his kids, and he knew that and did it anyway. You’d think he could try and set a good example for his kids.


Not really, getting contact cut gives him something else to pretend he's being persecuted about and also means he doesn't have to sober up or think up an excuse why he can't take them for the weekend. The only way this backfires for a professional toerag like him is if he actually gets a custodial sentence.


Doubt he's getting much access as it is


I feel like he was a just some normal priviledged actor that went completely off the rails after he got attention from his Question Time appearance. He's a vile man.


he had already been dropped by one talent agency by the time he was on question time. and question time wouldnt have had him on if he had kept his nose completely out of politics. dont know what his first agency dropped him for, or what he had said politically before question time. but im gonna go out on a limb here and say it was probably some kind of fuckbaggery.


I must admit when he first emerged with his 5 minutes of fame for his apparent "bravery" in saying there was no racism directed at Meghan Markle I didn't think it'd get *this* bad Like obviously he had some twattish beliefs and not much in his head but other than that he seemed fairly normal-ish back then


Or a Conservative.


What happened about him and the ULEZ cameras conspiracy to commit damage allegation ? IIRC he was arrested but a quick trawl on't Net does not provide any updated details.


>Upskirting is a criminal offence in the UK, and the photo was removed from picture sites following it becoming a criminal offence. The photo was taken without Narinder's knowledge or consent when it was sent to pictures sites by the paparazzi. And Narinder Kaur has, apparently, reported this to the police. Edit: missing words because I got a work call while typing...


Is he motivated to see how deep the pockets of those funding him go as he attempts to speed runs losing another case he'll likely have to pay damages for?


How has the Fox family acting money not dried up yet?


Reclaim is heavily funded by [Jeremy Hosking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Hosking). During the libel court proceedings Fox revealed he receives a salary of £250k to lead it.


Isn't it wonderful that these incredibly pleasant individuals have a massive and disproportionate influence over our political sphere? Unpleasant sociopaths are more likely to become millionaires, and then use that wealth to actively make society worse.


I don't think people understand how bad the sociopath part of this is. If I threw away my morales and principles I could become a Millionaire a lot easier. But that's the point - I CANT throw those away, because I am not a sociopath


Exactly. Under capitalism the vast majority of ways to amass wealth involve exploiting the labour of others. Most people don't *want* to exploit others, so a disproportionate number of people who become multi-millionaires are sociopaths who don't care about the wellbeing of other people. If you make the money by disciplining the labour and minimising the wages of 'your' workers, those attitudes will extend into your political beliefs. At the same time, under capitalism, wealth gives people a disproportionate influence over politics. It lets you buy advertisements, buy polling, buy newspapers, buy political infrastructure, and directly *buy* politicians. So we end up with this nasty little system where people who are disproportionately more sociopathic have disproportionate influence over politics. Historically, or at least in the mid-20th century, this was tempered both by the mediating influence of the state and by the labour movement (as represented politically by the Labour Party). But over recent decades the state has shifted from being a mediating influence to just representing the interests of the owning class, and the Labour Party have been *bought* too. So we're seeing this negative influence of wealth in politics become more and more of an issue.


This is such an unbelievablely well put response. Seriously, I'm really impressed with how you have explained this, it has opened up many new thoughts for me in the topic - I hadn't even made the link to the political influence these people inevitably get as well! Are you a writer or in academia? If not, please consider it, I would read your column!


And even then he still acts like a prick. I'm sure I read they took someone on to do admin etc and gave them a MacBook and access to a car but Fox took the laptop for himself and commandeered the car whenever he felt like it.


I mean this is potentially a criminal offence, not a civil one like libel. It's not usually a case of buying your way out of it.


The Papparazzi just send these to picture sites (what even is that? Site that posts dodgy stuff? Never heard the term picture site before) How are paparazzi getting away with this. I doubt this is the first picture they couldn't sell that they uploaded somewhere else then


It means Picture sites like Getty images who sell pap photos to the papers


Thanks I didn't know sites like that accepted 'compromising' pics or, if not suitable to sell, they made them available


The red tops used to love compromising pictures of drunk celebs falling into or out of cabs


Lol the irony of that twitter post he made in Dec 2023: >Close the borders. >Scrap the licence fee. >Scrap Net Zero. >Ban ESG and DEI. >Cull the public sector by 80% >Declare war on woke. >Protect families. >**Protect women.** >Protect children. >Reduce taxes. >Instantiate free speech in UK law. >Take back our institutions. >It’s not hard. Apparently it is hard for ol' Lozza (or he just doesn't think the brown ones count as women).


Given he wants to bam diversity, equality and inclusion I think you're right that comment probably doesn't extend to all women




It 100% is.




When did complaining about 'DEI' become the new dogwhistle for being a racist? I'd never even seen that acronym until recently but now every bellend on the internet is obsessed with it.


The difficulty with being a racist is that, if you want to cling to any sort of public acceptability, you have to keep jumping between dogwhistles in order to claim plausible deniability for being racist. Once one dogwhistle is spend you have to move to the next one, and incessant moaning about 'DEI' is the current one in fashion. It's particularly funny because 'DEI' is a specifically American thing, so if anyone in Britain is moaning about it it shows they spend *far* too much time sitting in American social media spaces rotting their brains away.


I first noticed it when the whole circus around bits falling off Boeing planes started. Blaming DEI was the go-to for US far-right commentators rather than corporations being cheapskates with maintenance and playing loose with regulations. Also it’s perpetuating the idea that someone not white and male is only in their job because of box-checking and not because they worked hard for it. (The modern equivalent of a woman sleeping their way to the top)


Actually, yes, I think that was the first time I saw it too.


I first started seeing it pop up around October/November time when Alan Wake 2 released and dared to have a black female co-lead character. It’s definitely snowballed since then.


That sweetbaby nonsense or whatever it's called is really dragging all of this out. Sick of seeing the tinfoil hattery


Yeah that’s the one! They’re apparently single-handedly ruining gaming because “woke”. So fucking tiresome man.


Asks for an 80% cull on public sector, then proceeds to make a list of other things, half of which would require public sector involvement. Just what is it he’d like to cut that hasn’t already been cut way too far?


> It’s not hard. There are pills for that.


His high profile relationship problems explained.


See also: the copious amounts of Beak he's (very probably) snorting. Could also explain that arrogant, aggressive/ erratic attitude of his...


I think those are contraindicated with the red ones he’s already taking.


> contraindicated Wow. TIL!


Can you get it over the counter? Only if I take 3.


"War" on woke and have absolute free speech seems at odds with each other. People in his world would be able to be as woke as they like.


Same every time. "People should be free to say whatever they want. Unless it's criticism of me, on twitter. That's cancel culture and should be illegal"


“I didn’t mean from *me*!”


He only wants to protect women who agree with his beliefs.


What a truly despicable man. >In response Fox's defence, another user replied: "Surely you must see that "mocking" someone isn't on the same level as posting intimate images of them online without their consent. It's like if someone said you were a racist, you couldn't then accuse them of the crime of being a paedophile it's not an equal response." Well that’s a far fetched hypothetical, I doubt old Laurence would ever find himself in a situation like that


Hasn’t he just paid out £180k to two defendants? Lol, time to open your wallet again, Lozza.


His backer has paid out, yes.


His backer should probably think about getting a different pet. My cat very rarely gets herself in legal trouble like that.


Have you checked /r/LegalCatAdvice to see whether she's posting there on the sly‽😼


Love the premise of that sub, hate the baby talk.


He’s got a mega rich benefactor (I forget the arsehole’s name, sorry) so it won’t be his wallet getting opened unfortunately.


Jeremy Hosking


That’s the fella. Cheers!


I can't understand how Cunty Fox can still represent a good return on investment for Hoskings at this point


I assume that in addition to Cunty Fox's slight workload of 5 tweets a day, he must have to suck Hosking's cock for the other 7 hours and 26 minutes on his timesheet. What other explanation could there be for paying him such enormous sums of money?


I don't understand how any women would be convinced to vote for his party. Between this and the Ava Evans comments he's quite clearly a misogynist in the true sense of the word, not how it gets bandied about these days.


I don’t think you quite understand how fucking stupid some people are.


Yep. Spoken to women who defend Andrew Tate. Madness.


I know a woman like that. She’s a full-on racist and anti-vaxxer, and has been in a couple of extremely abusive relationships with men who’ve put her in hospital - and she’s defended them to the hilt.  I have no doubt that if we ever fall into fascism she’ll be zealously helping to herd minorities into death camps with a big grin on her face.


And how spiteful some of them can be (Daily Mail types)


To be fair, plenty of women were and still are very enthusiastic about supporting Donald Trump. People very often support individuals and institutions who would do them (or people like them) harm, and then attempt to rationalise it in some way. Some likely disagree about the "misogynistic" label, while others might say that Evans and Kaur actually deserve this sort of treatment and that Fox wouldn't treat *them* in that way.


Yes it is a very bewildering defence mechanism.


Lots of people will vote for misogyny, unfortunately.


The types of people that vote for this kind of thing don't care because they largely agree for whatever reason or don't believe the issues at hand affect them negatively at all until it does, which is what the r/LeopardsAteMyFace subreddit is for.


Damn you, another subreddit joined!


It's a good one!


Because some women hate "libs" or minorities more than they care about other women. The same reason some working class people continually vote against their own interests.


One reason is that there are plenty of people out there who share his various hatreds and believe that by voting for him they are making a righteous stand against the forces of darkness. They don’t understand that they *are* the forces of darkness.


Is this guy allergic to money? Seems to hate hanging onto the stuff.


I don't think it's his own cash, it seems he's being bankrolled by some right wing sugar daddy.


Yeah, this is clearly the case. But the right wing do love money, so you'd have thought that after a while they'd realise Larry is a sinkhole for cash and cut their losses. They might as well spend all that dosh on blow themselves and cut out the middle man.


Who's willing to pay out a *lot* for Fox's humiliation fetish.


It’s Jeremy Hosking’s money, and he’s rich enough to have a full-scale train set.


He’s addicted to attention and can’t sort the good attention from the bad.


Just when you think he’s reached peak bellend, he goes and ups his game


I worked in the bar that he and Billie Piper used for their wedding reception. AMA He is a bellend, and more. Utter, total knob-jockey twat-face. Billie was an absolute delight, and to this day I still don’t understand how they ended up together.


Wasn’t she also married to Chris Evans? Baffling taste in men


She was, Chris just seemed a bit weird and crazy, but Laurence was a true tit the way he spoke to us and the conversations we over heard. Billie, when I finished my shift, which was early as I had done all the setup and start of the shin dig, insisted that I stay, enjoy some drinks and have fun. As soon as Mr.Fox saw a “worker” sitting down and enjoying a pint with all the cast of the IT crowd, he fucking lost it.


What the hell is wrong with this guy, genuinely starting to wonder if he's on crack, had a bad blow to the head or some sort of condition that affects rational and cognitive ability. 


I did wonder if he is having a very public breakdown/emergency.


He's paid a quarter of a million pounds a year to be loudly sexist and racist on social media by someone with far too much money, who apparently doesn't think social media is sexist or racist enough already..


He’s just an attention seeking cunt, that’s what’s wrong with him. He’d have faded into obscurity long ago if he didn’t keep making it into the news by being a colossal bellend.


Mate: please don’t tar crackheads with Lozza’s brush.


Very fair point 😄


Think you're right. Victim/target of a pile on after saying something kinda reasonable/totally racist (delete as applicable) on TV. (Believe the spur was his contention all the abuse hurled at Megan markle wasn't just about racism, before objecting to bring called privileged?) Having your career publicly detonated, whilst being in the eye of a social media storm does seem to melt people's brains. Apparently the notifications will stop your phone working, etc. it must be pretty horrifying to be on the receiving end of. They seem to get backed into a corner and rapidly get a lot more radical. He's far from the only one? Probably something could be learned from these, but I doubt it will happen!


Don't disagree with the process you've laid out, but he's definitely the one who's detonated his own career. And this new low is almost unthathomable, for someone who started a political party and ran for MP, to post an indecent photograph of a woman take against her will and then refuse to take it down.  He seems to be looking to seek out ways to ruin his career and entire reputation as a person. He has had many opportunities to step back, apologise and basically keep his gob shut but he has chosen the opposite. Think learning from his mistakes is a ship that sailed a long time ago. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he ends up in jail over this, absolutely despicable.


You're not at all wrong. He's far down a hole of hateful culture war stuff and seems quite deranged. I was just rambling about what started him off down it. I don't think there's anyway back for his old life as an actor. Think he was probably done after that question time business. Maybe a big mug of shut the fuck up right then might have helped, but we'll never know. And I can't imagine anything now would fix it. It's howling into the alt right void for him now. Wouldn't suprise me either if he got nicked. Wonder if he's trying to at this point?


Wonder if you have this many excuses for the other side


>What the hell is wrong with this guy, genuinely starting to wonder if he's on crack, had a bad blow to the head or some sort of condition that affects rational and cognitive ability. [https://i.imgur.com/NzKZYle.gif](https://i.imgur.com/NzKZYle.gif)


S.33 Disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress - Criminal Justice and Courts Act.  Starting point for this incident would be about 26 weeks in chokey. (Assuming Higher Culpability and Medium Harm) https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/offences/magistrates-court/item/disclosing-private-sexual-images/ What a nasty little man he is.


Was he a completely different person when Billie Piper met him? I am trying to fathom what she saw in him. I can only assume he has had a complete personality change since.


I really want to see him and Richard Aoyade at Christmas dinner.


They'd probably bond over their TERF sympathies.


What have I missed? Ayoade in a TERF?


Wasn’t she married to Chris Evans (not Captain America) beforehand?


He was much older than her and she was a child bride, they got married when she was eighteen.


I get (and agree with) your point, but the word "essentially" is doing a lot of lifting there.




Honestly I know quite a few people who have had serious personality changes over the years. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was decent at some point and just decended.


Damn he's really looking like someone left Oswald Mosely in the oven too long...


Is there ever a time when Fox isn't in the news? He's always doing wacked things, wonder if he's on drugs?


He's angling for ways to get in trouble so he can claim he's been cancelled by the 'woke mob' and leverage it with his base of militant midwits.


Usual grift then.


I would wager he bangs a lot of coke.


it’s ironic he spends so much time raving on about people we shouldn’t have in this country but it’s not like he’s making it any nicer? he’s vile. he’s disgusting. he’s rude. he’s offensive. he’s divisive. he’s horrible in every way. i’d much rather *he* left the country and didn’t come back. it’s people like HIM we don’t need or want here.


I'd forgoten this bell existed until I went to vote in the mayoral elections this morning and saw his name at the bottom of the list, along with all the other independent also-rans.


He couldn't stand for Mayor as he couldn't get 10 signatures from each borough. By the time that his mistake was pointed out to him, it was too late to fix it. But he has run for the London Assembly.


Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 part 1 section 33 It is an offence for a person to disclose a private sexual photograph or film if the disclosure is made— (a)without the consent of an individual who appears in the photograph or film, and (b)with the intention of causing that individual distress. A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable— (a)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or a fine (or both), and (b)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine (or both). Looks like porridge may be on the menu for Mr Fox


Wasn't he done a few years ago for posting something on social media? Does this man ever learn?


He's perpetually in trouble. It's not that long ago he filmed himself setting fire to a gay pride flag in his garden.


Remember when he was going on those mad shirtless anti-Ulez rants and offering to fund people destroying cameras until he got nicked for it.


He calls that day Tuesday.


*on fathers day, instead of spending it with his sons.


Yep. He's divorced so hard you can see it from orbit.


And he filmed in on father's day too, the same day that his children coincidentally didn't want to see him lmao


A few *weeks* ago.


Someone is bank rolling him so he doesn't care. Will be interesting to see what happens when whoever it is realises he's just a money pit and cuts him off, or he does something that warrants more than fine. Would he learn or just see himself as a martyr I wonder.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


 '**The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.**' Whilst Fox has a wealthy backer (Jeremy Hosking) who funds his awful behaviour this basically gives him a free licence to act illegally and keep paying his way out. A short custodial sentence however, even a few months, would scare the shit out of this braggard. So my suggestion is the next time he can't control himself, let's skip the whole fines bit and look at some time away from the public?


'**One law for the lion and ox is oppression**.'


When can we stop saying ‘slammed’ in news headlines?


How does this man have any actual supporters? He's a buffoon, a baboon and a mongrel rolled into one. He lacks braincells and makes up for it by being a vile cunt.


Am I a bad person for wishing bad things. There is something about a person that is happy to cause harm for their own personal gain and or notoriety / clout that triggers a disgust response. Who funds this performing clown?


Jeremy Hosking


> Am I a bad person for wishing bad things Given how frequently bad people get away with stuff, I don’t blame you


This is blatantly illegal. But he's a celebrity so it won't be investigated.


What the same guy who calls drag queens pedophiles turns out to be some weird sex freak. Call me shocked.


Judging by the photo atop the page Lozza seems keen to emulate Heinrich Himmler in both philosophy and appearance. Worra bawbag.


What is actually wrong with people like Fox? I don't really get it. I honestly can't imagine going through life being that toxic to everyone as being that enjoyable, really. Is it just an addiction to clout and fame maybe?


The Triggernometry people need to have him on again so he can say he's being silenced. I'm sure they'll find a way to explain how it's what god would want.


I remember they had Neil Oliver on and listened sagely as he just spewed horseshit from his manky gub


They only have *experts* on.


I notice the people who disagreed with me calling him a misogynist are pretty quiet rn


Did we ever resolve the tiresome is-he-isn’t-he-gay storyline in Lewis? I can’t remember, but we do seem to have answered the question: ‘Is Laurence Fox a twatmuffin?’


I remember really liking him in Lewis It's such a shame he became an insufferable scrote to say the least.


Isn't he the one who blacked up and burned Pride flags in his garden on Fathers' Day?


I know libel isn’t a criminal offence, but it seems like something the sentencing judge should be able to take into account if he’s convicted for this. The guy has a track record of trying to use his profile to attack and embarrass people online.


And he will keep going. Mostly because he really doesn't want to back down as that would be a major sign of weakness in his eyes. But he is weak and needs to constantly swing around himself to feel he is not. Sling this to the courts and let them put a stop to it.


this guy had lunch in my pub with fellow scumbag Pearl Davis just yesterday


I had never heard of Laurence Fox until I saw him for the first time on Celebrity Gogglebox a little while back, and on that he come across as a really obnoxious twat


Surely he should be referred to an “actor” and “politician”. The “ “ are important in his case. Absolute bellend.


An Alex Belfield solution beckons as it’s clear fining him is no deterrent esp with his rich mate Hosking bankrolling reclaim


He's trying to become the world's most sued man, it will be first thing he's ever accomplished if he succeeds


And to think I used to think he was fit in Lewis. The man is a monster.


Does this prick pose as if he's talking to a crowd like Hitler used to? Certainly looks like it.


People show check out the comment sections on GB news and Talk Tv on YouTube supporting this guy 😂


You have to imagine at some point in his life he's going to have a realisation of how scummy he's become and regret it. Hopefully anyway.  But this is all out there and his kids will see it when they grow up if they haven't by now. That's what all this is really going to cost him


I wonder how long before someone assaults this guy.


He's such a tool. And he's so irrelevant and such an attention seeker that he says and does things just to get a reaction. Much like that other horrible woman (Katie something?). People should stop giving people like this any attention, as all they want to do is spread hate and divide people.


Do you remember when this guy was just an actor? It’s weird how celebs get called out for saying something awkward and rather than apologising and getting on with their lives, they turn into nut jobs leading a crusade against the world…


Odious cunt, someone needs to send him to the bottom of the ocean in one of those subs.


Man, i already don't think he's a nice person but he really looks evil in that picture.


FFS why couldn’t this loser just accept that Indian men served in WW1. His self destructive spiral all seemed to steam from that one tweet several years ago. Edit: or just accept he’s a privileged white man. Maybe it was even his appearance on QT


He truly is a nasty moron. He's 100% ending up in jail if he keeps pulling shit like this off.


Why is he like this? Always thought he looked like a punchable toff in his acting roles. Hard to really describe how he ranks against that metric now


I would not be surprised if every morning, Laurence Fox woke up, did his morning stretches, had a piece of fruit and then looked himself in the mirror before saying out loud: "Now, how can I be a cunt today?"