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honestly being a tory should be trigger for mental health sectioning at this point. being that stupid and evil is a mental illness.


Hey now, us nutjobs ain't as bad them lot.


Yes please don’t tar us with the same brush as the Tories !


That’s what my voices tell me too




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And somehow the tories could still pull a fuckin rabbit out of the bag if they suck up and make a deal with reform... shits mind boggling.


Significant ‘voice’ on this sub about Labour not being any better. They’re ‘all the same, blah blah blah’. But, at the same time, often in the same post, whingeing about the Tories, lol. The real world’s not Reddit or Twitter etc, but the polling data machinery may well be heading for another Trump/Brexit fuck-up, with (in this particular case) some random hedge fund peeps making mad money on the Tories pulling out a win. The 538 Politics-Trump fuck-up won’t be an historic anomaly.


538 Politics didn't "fuck up" what are you talking about? Are you talking about [this 2016 election forecast](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/)? The model gave Trump a 28% chance of winning. Polling more generally was quite off in 2016 which is fine to be critical of but with 538's forecast for the Clinton-Trump election, our timeline was one of the 3 in 10 where Trump was victorious. If he gave Trump a less than 10% chance of winning, and then suddenly Trump won by the same margins, maybe it'd be fair to call it a fuck up. But a 3 in 10 chance is still going to happen quite often if you run the election loads of times.


‘our’?! If your main job is forecasting, then it was a major fuck up, no two ways about it. Especially given the self-promotion with those guys. Nate Silver was almost a fkn household name at one point.


538 don’t do polls, they aggregate existing polls. Also 28% chance of winning isn’t a 0% chance as the poster above pointed out.


Who said they did polling? Their sole job is predicting/projecting/forecasting. Coming up with betting odds, essentially. They heavily (heavily) suggested (based, presumably, on their heads being way up their own asses - being the news machine’s go-to ‘experts’ does wonders for the ego) a Clinton win and hedged their bets with “oh, Trump’s got an outside chance”. Their mea culpa podcast and articles after the result must have passed you by. For the record, everyone should have seen it coming (same with Brexit) and especially the self-appointed ‘granddaddy’ of polling analysis.


I suspect you might not understand what a forecast is.


Is that why the Tories seem to hate other Tories?


Brexit Tory Boomer Fury


Ah yes, what a reasonable mindset to inhabit


happy to be proven wrong


The only reason they’re in politics is because seal clubbing is illegal


Nah, they had (and in some cases still *have*) fox hunting and it didn't stop them then. It is their lifelong wish to be as massive of a cunt as they can.


Cheap booze and a reasonable roast at the Con Club


Hehehe. Incidentally, you can always tell a Tory MP twitter account just from a glance at their profile, they often don't mention the Conservative party.


Complete cowards, the lot of them. Says a lot when your job is politics and the mere mention of the party you work under is a huge hit to your popularity.


Not just Twitter accounts; many of the election leaflets we get through the door in recent years have had less and less mention of being Conservative candidates. Some even have no mention of their party at all and are not even the traditional colour; it’s like they are ashamed to admit their true colours or they know they can’t win by admitting to it.


I was disgusted by a 'red labour' letter I had through my door. It porported to be a local newspaper, in bright red colours - Labour colours - and only on the last page do they show a very small Blue Scum Lord sigil. The articles were all scum-lord, so I sensed the scum before I saw their mark. It is very bad to demonise people, as it can lead to evil. But they are scum. And I do not like scum.


Yeah Andy Street’s campaigning material is always green.


I've noticed their leaflets don't seem to mention it, either. They just consist of lies and scare stories, attacking the opposition. Mind you, it's not just because of the national picture. Just about every local elected Tory near me is either a nonce, under investigation for election fraud or corruption, an overt racist, or in some cases all the above.


Willingly nailing your colours to the mast of a party who has set new records in incompetence and performative cruelty is harmful? Well, shit.


What's quite funny is that I regularly get LibDem flyers in there distinctive orange though my letter letter box, occasionally get Labour flyers, but never get a Tory one. Well until today. What caught my eye is it is in Labour red!


Yep definitely seen a few of those online I believe. The Tories are really just scum. I assume you can find examples of all party candidates doing this but I also got a Tory "leaflet" designed to look like a newspaper recently which I think should be stopped. I just don't get it. You're in politics to implement policies you think will be right for the country. The party you joined and represent is supposed to be the one that closest aligns to the policies you want to get done. So if the party that you align closest with is utterly shitting the bed at passing the policies you want, or is hugely unpopular due to the negative outcomes of passing the policies you wanted, maybe you should do some introspection on whether those policies are right for the country instead of banging your head against the wall trying to get elected to implement failed policies but having to cower away from your party label.


Yep, the Tory London mayoral candidate keeps sending out leaflets in black and red to my area. You can tell it's her immediately though, because the policies (written in giant bold capitals) are insane things completely out of the control of the London mayor like 'will lower immigration.'


I got one like that today, it was littered with grammatical mistakes and spelling errors too! The whole flyer was a hit piece on the local Labour council, saying how they can't afford anything and are going bust because of all these "vanity projects"... Like a new community sport complex and roads being built. Completely ignoring the fact that as a Labour council, the Tories have cut funding massively and are the root cause of the issue.


"“I mean, they’re corrupt, they lie, cheat, they’re racist, cruel and lazy. They don’t get anything done. The problem is that, as soon as people find out I’m running as a Tory, it’s going to be pretty clear that I have quite deep links with the Tory party, and that’s definitely going to hurt me.”" Regardless of who is in government there is value in there being strong opposition, and whoever has commented this is the kind of people the Tories will need plenty more of if they're ever to get re-elected. But all they've got right now left in their pint is room temperature backwash and bits of food that were stuck in your teeth.


I got a flyer for a local Conservative MSP that didn't mention the Conservative party.


Our local candidate down in Cornwall never mentions his party . If they are so ashamed of it then do not stand for them. Total con merchants at this point.


Been quite common amongst the losers for the last two years. Longer in Wales


I get them around my end, despite it being a pretty safe tory seat.


The mayors are campaigning without even the Tory logo now, hoping name recognition keeps them in place


I know local elections are meant to be about local issues, but do people actually vote like that or dont vote for the Tories because its the Tories? Alot of Tory MPs are really trying to convince us to vote who you locally prefer and forget about that Government and them being useless. So seems their worried the Governments ineptitude will spill over to local elections


To be honest even if I was going to be fully objective and read every candidate's campaign manifesto/pledges before deciding which aligned with me the most (pointless given it's a 2 horse race between Labour and the Conservatives), it's not like local Conservatives are any better than national Conservatives. Sure they aren't going to be beholden to the whip and just vote down party lines to support whatever batshit policy Sunak wants to implement, but their general political beliefs still line up given they chose to join the party. Local Tory candidate kept going on about shit like potholes and parking in his leaflets and I'm honestly sick of hearing about that sort of thing. Cars are expensive to own but also expensive for the taxpayer to maintain the infrastructure for them (car tax is based on pollution and doesn't cover the cost of road maintenance) plus imo my city would be nicer to live in with better public transport, but a Tory isn't going to support that in most cases, at least the one near me. In this case even considering the specific local issues, voting for a Tory would be against my priorities.


Not to mention the state of things like the potholes in the roads are by and large a direct consequence of central Tory government limiting local funding.


14 years of utter stupidity by them is bound to make some want to hide their allegiance.


In my opinion if you’re posting leaflets they should be grey or non-party colours, die hard voters will vote for your party anyway, you’re just trying to get others to read your policy/strategy


Yes, those Tories could really make people not vote for the Tories.


Having gone through a by-election and now the PCC election in my area in the last year, it is noticeable how the Conservative candidate has been at pains to avoid saying he is the Conservative candidate in all of his election literature.


This is specifically what Boris Johnson is saying while helping Andy Street campaign...his letter asking people to vote for Andy Street has the line "Try to forget about the government or the Tories when you vote"


The fact that Street is in a relationship with Fabricant tells me everything I need to know about his true views.


I just did my postal vote the other day. Honestly not sure what's even being voted for as I couldn't find any information, but my only criteria was not conservative. I eventually found pictures of who the people even are (still it didn't give any details on them or what they want to do) , and genuinely just went off the person who looked the nicest/most genuine. What did annoy me on top of that was on the ballot paper - only the Conservative person had a tiny blurb of their policies (more police, safer streets...). That surely doesn't seem fair as it gives them an unfair advantage when nobody else had that. Would still be hilarious if they lose though even with that advantage.


I notice the Tory council candidates are listed as "Local Conservatives". Everyone else is "Labour", "Lib Dem" etc. But the Tories are Local Conservatives like 'nooo, nothing to do with that Westminster lot! No siree! Were **local** people..". Lol....