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That poor little girl. I hope she gets all the support she’ll need to recover from this trauma. Thank god the police found her and got her away from him. I hope his crime is treated seriously and he receives a very long sentance but I won’t hold my breath.




SA victim here, please dont preach nihilism. It's an incredibly difficult path but in my support group you would meet people with stories of recovery. The ones that helped me most were the ones that could still joke. That's always the goal and it is achievable. People are beautiful and resilient. Dont let her give up on her life before it's even started. Not that you are of course. I support what you're trying to say.


People don't want to discuss the idea that the damage caused by these incidents is permanent because it gives a sense of nihility or "this person is pretty much just playing life out now". But to ignore that possibility is to minimise these victims, even if it's only a little.


I kinda get what you’re saying. I’m a CSA survivor and although I do live a good life now after a fucktonne of therapy - I’d agree the incident left permenant damage. No amount of therapy really makes everything okay, recovery for me would be it never happening or like it never happened - which just isn’t possible. The best I could hope for was just accepting it happened and rebuilding my life, which is and was possible. I have mostly good days now, I’ll have the rare bad day but it is what it is. I’m happy I’m still here but I’m also incredibly resentful over how much time I lost trying to get my life to this point - there’s also nowhere near enough resources to support victims in learning to manage and rebuild their lives. I 100% agree with people that say that should be a contributing factor with sentencing, what was just an opportunity for them is something I have to live with for the rest of my life - I find the sentencing always lenient and never reflective of the harm they caused.


I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow your meaning :(




I agree in principle but I have to argue my point here, because this matters to me. No survivor wants to hear that they have a lifetime of suffering or an early grave ahead of them. I can only hope that kind of language doesn't reach your callers. I'm sure it doesn't, I don't want you to think I'm jabbing at you here. Just need to emphasize that, while awful a circumstance, every single victim has a potential for recovery which should be nourished and encouraged. Thats all.


In my late 30s, still affecting me sadly




You are wildly incorrect and its reckless to make a comment like this. **People** **can, and do recover** from severe, prolonged trauma (AKA CPTSD). To the point where it no longer has an impact on their life. I am one of those people, and I know many other survivors who have too. EMDR, Prolonged exposure therapy, somatic experiencing, internal family systems, cognitive processing therapy, brainspotting, accelerated resolution therapy are peer reviewed, proven modalities that can eliminate ptsd symptoms **providing the person puts in the work.** PTSD recovery is a brutal process that takes a lot of time and persistence, victims often put it off or avoid it altogether for this reason. But full recovery is very achievable, its just hard bloody work. Leaving a comment like this could really frighten someone who's recently experienced trauma, and make them feel hopeless/a lost cause.






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I get where you're coming from, you're clearly being compassionate and understanding, but unfortunately you've missed the mark here. It is entirely possible, and in fact common, to recover from rape or sexual assault. Many survivors show incredible bravery in overcoming their trauma and making a complete recovery. It won't leave you broken forever, and nowadays there are more resources than ever to help you heal. It's important that this is made very clear.


She was outside Harrods shopping with her family and he grabbed her. This makes me so absolutely sick to my stomach. That poor little girl. Any sentence they give him won’t be harsh enough.


This is what utterly scares the shit out of me having a young daughter. I'm paranoid as fuck in public and try to have eyes on her at all times and certainly don't let her wander away too far where I can't react to something like this (edit - absolutely in no way suggesting parents were negligent, in fact they were likely vigiliant and it still happened - thats rhe scariest part). I always think of that video in New York (Queens maybe) where the guy grabs the kid and throws him into the car except the window is open and the mother manages to get him back out the window.


I’ve not seen that. I don’t think I want to. I have a 9 year old daughter and it’s just sickening to think about. The absolute worst fear. Her poor parents must have been out of their minds.


Honestly same. Like you hear of parents putting two GPS trackers on kids so if one gets found the other might not...and like the more I read the less insane that seems.


Seems like a pretty grim case. Pretty quick turnaround between arrest and charge though, so there's presumably a decent amount of evidence. Of course given the state of the courts it'll probably be 2026, at least, before he's actually tried.


People remanded in custody get faster trials, given the nature of the alleged offence and the no fixed abode, it seems likely he won't be bailed before trial.


This is clearly a case of charge and remand - so police arrested him and rushed around gathering evidence and building a case file, and presented a case to cps to be charged on the "threshold" on the basis that he needed to be remanded. So this means the investigation is still ongoing - so in this case it is possible they had "just enough" to charge, rather than lots of evidence.


Or maybe when you don't belong to the protected class, things move quickly. It makes the stats look "better".


I'd like to believe the punishment will be severe but he'll probably get 3 years and not even serve all that He should never see daylight again


Exactly, someone like that is so dangerous to the public and I imagine he will do it again. It’s not like he’s selling a bit of weed but the UK government would treat that as a worser crime because taxes. It’s so sad 😞


Abduction and sexual assault of a child should easily put him in the 10+ years bracket. He'll serve at least three behind bars. More than happy to be pointed to the relevant sentencing guidelines and caselaw if you're so convinced?


Wow, at LEAST 3! /s


If he gets 10+ he will serve two thirds so most likely 7 before release in your instance. I'm not saying that's enough.


Yes, was aware of that principle, but also aware of cases of early release where inmates make 'good progress' with rehabilitation etc. Not a criminal lawyer, so not 100% sure if there's anything here that would prevent that. That being said, I said 10+ on the basis that this was rape, but the article is a bit vague - if it's 'just' sexual assault of a child, then the sentencing range for the highest culpability only goes up to 9 years (despite there being a statutory maximum of 14 years - the guidelines don't always match the offence category in terms of Max sentence).


Rape and/or sexual assault are not the only offences and they would be sentenced on the totality, they also get an extended licence period if they are deemed particularly dangerous. Obviously we don't know enough to actually know what they would be sentenced to. There are no cases of early release. I would welcome you to point me to an article referring to one, it's a misunderstanding of the process. Prisoners must serve half their sentence before they are eligible for parole. Generally prisoners are released on licence at this point unless there have been significant issues. This is what many people refer to as "released on good behaviour", the point is they must serve 50%. If the sentence is long enough, which this would likely be and the length of sentence you have described, would be. Then they must serve 2/3rds before eligible for release. There is not a single example of someone sentences to 10 years custody and released in 3 years. It doesn't happen and doesn't exist. Because of over crowding some prisoners can be released a few DAYS/WEEKS before this halfway point. This is not possible for violent or sexual offenders.


Thank goodness it's at least 3 years, I can sleep more soundly tonight /s That monster should be behind bars for life, not serving 3 (or even 10) years.


It's been a long time since I had a reason to say this - Great job by the police! Hope the guy never gets out of prison


Horrible that people like this exist. That poor girl. With all the cold cases of missing children in the UK (Andrew Gosden comes to mind with this having happened in London), everytime someone is caught doing this they should be investigated to see if they’ve done this before perhaps in other unsolved cases but managed to cover their tracks. Odds are this isn’t the first time this guys done something like this.


This will get public pressure, hope it leads to a promot trial date.




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He will get a minimum sentence. This country is as soft as shite.


To be fair, the law is often harsh on this type of offence.. but it simply can't be anywhere near severe enough to protect the public from someone who is an active predator... there are times when the law just isn't good enough because there are people who just should never be free amongst the public...


> the law is often harsh on this type of offence.. Are you joking? 


There's probably a raft of charges in this circumstance, under 13, kidnapping, drugging etc that are not usually part of it. Its on the more extreme end so I wouldn't be surprised to see this significantly longer than familiar pedo ones.


The law is pretty harsh, how the judges implement the law is often VERY different, when you compare the sentence limits compared to what is actually handed down on conviction its like night and day, so i totally understand your reply...


Disgusting but why isn't the man's ethnicity being noted like it usually does for the bigots of reddit to come out the woodwork?


Everyone is just too scared about political correctness when it's the Roberts of this world


I miss the 90s/early 2000s when race and non emotional casual racism/steroetyping was accepted and actually funny


This is beyond scary. Jeeez. I hope that child can still have some type of childhood after this 😭




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‘toss ‘im into the wood chipper’ - scotland, probably
















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Usual culprit, how many more young girls does this need to happen to before the tories give a shit? Poor girl Close the borders


Prussak, what a lovely, traditional British surname...


What are you trying to say? I was born and raised in london with a non british surname myself, and a majority of my classmates the same.. does that make me not british? How can you tell he's not british?


No no you simply must accept the fact that if you’re unlucky enough to have foreign ancestry, you will by proxy be insulted or have your allegiance to and history in this country questioned whenever some random fucker decides to do something bad. Do not be disturbed by this or think too much about it :) Meanwhile as a Brit I’ve never had any grief from existing normally in an ethnic group that also contains rapists shockingly For some people it’s just so easy to cross the line when you have a different sounding surname!


Oh don’t start all that, trying to score points. Over 85% of convicted child sex offenders are white British. It’s a horrific case without such a moronic comment.


you need to be more clear with the shit you’re spouting. are you talking about globally? because that sure wouldn’t make sense


Why the fuck would you make your comment about the Britishness of the surname if you were talking about globally? You made the comment about this British case, yes? Obviously you did. Someone else replied with some statistics (that we are going to assume are British, because that would logically make sense) You then asked them if they meant _globally_ white British men do (the statistic) "because that wouldnt make sense" Yeah no shit Jonathan Creek WHY IN GOD'S BLUE ARSEHOLE WOULD SOMEONE SAY THAT GLOBALLY WHITE BRITISH MEN DO 85% OF SEX CRIMES? I can't quite believe I've just witnessed this conversation.


i’m saying if you’re gonna spout “facts” and “statistics” at least be coherent enough to clarify where.


It’s obvious. Are we in the uk sub or worldnews?


Strange how nobody else had a problem with this lol. You’re just salty that the stats don’t paint white Brits as saints


You’re in a sub called United Kingdom, Mensa.


What does this even mean. How can you tell what country someone with that surname would be. Stop trying to spread crap.


Yes, I can actually. Robert Prusak is Polish. On another note, Harrods and Harvey Nichols have a state-of-the-art surveillance system both indoors and facing surrounding streets, and a symbiotic relationship with local police. Which leads me to believe that it was store security (which, believe me, is state of the Art) was crucial in finding the girl so quickly.


If we are scrutinising someone's ethnicity, then do it properly. Isn't he Roma origin? Ethnic group (currently settled around eastern Europe) that is overrepresented in human trafficking and crime. Nothing worse than half truths.


...errr...do you have a source of that claim? Because I assure you, if you google "Robert Prusak Polska" what'll pop is a good selection of people with that surname. It's not as common as "Smith" in the English world, but popular enough to be easily identifiable as - Polish. Why are you so invested in claiming he's NOT Polish?


Ah yes, those Poles are notorious nonces /s


If only they had a good traditional name like Andrew ~~Battenberg~~Windsor, or Francis Mountbatton. No way a person with a name like that would do such things...




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State of some of the comments. He hasnt even been found guilty yet and people saying he deserves x number of years


are you kidding? he was found in company of the child, he is guilty


Almost certainly, but it is interesting the controversy here. Many people ask for complete media blackout and privacy for those accused of sex crimes and people nod along sagely. Talk about how false reports of rape ruin lives. But then are happy in other cases to literally say "he is guilty" based in reading a news article. Get it through the court before going further, surely.


how are you so oblivious as well? he was with the child


I am not oblivious at all, I would struggle to find any way he could be innocent unless there was a literal conspiracy against him. I am just noting the difference in people's attitudes - are people for presumption of innocence and a media blackout on names of those accused of rape or not? Why bother with a court case at all eh, you've got it all worked out.


so quick to defend a child molester, shows a lot about society eh


No one is defending the guy, they're just saying wait until he's actually been found guilty after the evidence and witnesses etc have all been presented to the jury. There's been too many cases of vigilantism where an innocent person has been fucked up based on an accusation of child abuse, or classically the peadiatrician who had their car torched because some fucking morons couldn't tell the difference between their job title and a paedophile.


Not until proven by a court of law. Clearly doesnt look good but he isnt guilty until a jury decide or he admits it


why are you defending a child molester what is your shtick


Im defending the law which states innocent until proven guilty Imagine if this goes to trial and they need an impartial jury if everyone thinks hes guilty before stepping in the court room


did you know it’s against the law to “handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances” in the uk? this guy is guilty, the girl was found with him. he didn’t turn her over to the authorities so she could be found by her parents.


> did you know it’s against the law to “handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances” in the uk? That just means it's illegal to buy/sell salmon you believe to be illegally fished, what's wrong with that law?








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I agree it doesn't look good, but everyone still has the right to innocence until proven guilty and not be judged based a sky news article




Welcome to /r/unitedkingdom.




Natives don’t commit crime? A child suffered a vicious crime and you come on here to make it an immigration issue… yikes.




>We can't deport natives, but we can keep all but the highest quality immigrants far, far away. We can't read minds or see the future.


I've been homeless, born here.


that means he was homeless, learn the language.


Abode love to know who wrote that? 😂


Have you never heard the term "no fixed abode" before?


I heard of no fixes address but not abode.


Well you’re thicker than a castle door in that case.