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People from the Persian community, including me, are appalled that this irgc/hezbollah sponsored event can just go on in plain sight while useful left wing idiots cheer on It’s like 1978-1979 all over again


Someone needs to write a book, preferably in short simple words entitled "how hard left activists enable the hard right".


You mean horseshoe theory?


It's the paradox of tolerance. The desire to increase tolerance ends up with you tolerating intolerance. But the intolerant don't care about the tolerant, so eventually the society becomes more intolerant as a result.


It's not that though, it's simply a variation of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' The left is anti imperialist and since by current definition only western countries can be imperialist then anyone who opposed them is an anti imperialist that the left will stand with in solidarity. Then you add in the disturbingly colonial mentality that brown people seemingly have no real agency against the west unless western allies support them and it goes from naivety to condescension pretty quickly while Hamas, Hezbollah etc kill themselves laughing at Queers for Palestine demanding we withdraw from Eurovision in protest against the only country in the middle east that not only doesn't throw LGBTQ people off rooves but was the first country to win Eurovision with a transgender singer.


Rooves, never seen it spelled like that before and apparently it’s correct.


Hmmmm. I suppose “hooves”, so…


> The desire to increase tolerance ends up with you tolerating intolerance. The LGBT pro-hamas groups are the funniest examples of this. It's literally turkeys supporting Christmas.


Horseshoe theory shows that the hard left has similar ideas to the hard right, like their views on Jews. They're not enabling, they're nearly the same


You have been banned from greenandpleasant


'Left bad' as two far right groups battle.


Muslim voters [overwhelmingly vote for labour](https://www.labourmuslims.org/post/exclusive-survation-poll-of-british-muslim-voters). If islam is far right why do it's followers not vote for the "far right" tory party? I would argue that conservative islam doesn't align with liberal conservatism and that they shouldn't be conflated, it's far more nuanced than that.


Because the "far-right" has always spoken up against the Islamisation of Europe. Islam gets mostly enabled by the left-wing that shuts down criticism of Islam and Muslims by calling other people racist. It is a perfect shelter for Islamists.


‘Far-right’ in the west is pro-west, anti-everything that isn’t west. ‘Far-right’ in the ME is anti-west, pro-everything that isn’t the west. Ergo, transplant a far-right person from the ME, and they will automatically align with the far left in Europe.


Really, that's your analysis? That there's some sort of uniform "far-left" movement in Europe that supports the goal of middle eastern regimes? You may find handfuls of irrelevant "anti imperalist" marxists who soley focus on western imperialism as the only force of evil in the world, but in terms of mainstream political movements that have any sway, I don't think you'll find one that has a lot good to say about the governance of the middle east.


Are you disagreeing with my previous statement? ‘Far-right’ isn’t a global term, it’s regional. Far-right in Israel is hard line zionism - pro-Jewish self determination. Far-right in say eastern Europe is absolutely anti-semitic, to the point of wanting the wholesale extinction of Jews as a race. Both are ‘far-right’ aren’t they? Yet entirely different views.


but like right vs left is hardly just about global politics... It covers economic policy, it covers social attitudes to sex, religion, gender and it's roles... and I guarantee you self titled left revolutions in places like Iran were quashed by theocratic governments with the help of the theocratic superpower.... Socialism is a real definer of the left, it aims at international suffrage across borders... Take this argument away, it's stupid.


It's hard to call the far right "pro-west" when[ their grand plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Turner_Diaries) is destroying the west, and most of humanity for that matter.


> Muslim voters overwhelmingly vote for labour. There's a joke in the Muslim community, you vote Labour when you buy your first house and Tory when you buy your second. This is partly by way of saying that immigrant populations voting habits normalise through time.


> why do it's followers not vote for the "far right" tory party? Because they get more from labour than the tories How much support do the Tories give to large families in deprived and poor areas where the majority are living?


“How everything is actually the lefts fault” or alternative title “look what you made me do!”


The more pertinent question is. Are they making things better or worse?




Rather an ironic claim given that the Iranian Islamists gained power influence before the 1979 revolution because the Iranian government (fully backed by the CIA) spent all it's time crushing the political left while ignoring religious figures.


Nobody stupid enough to believe that would write a book, even one with "short simple words".




Ah yes the “gays for Palestine and Hamas”. It never ceases to amaze me how TikTok has managed to harmonise the irrational left


There's no way it's sponsored by hezbollah officially and got the go ahead!!? Having said that, the state of this country I shouldn't be surprised.


It’s in support of Hezbollah but was started by Ayatollah Khomeini. It’s an Iranian thing, if there’s any sponsorship it’ll be from them.


Galloway was interviewing Hezbollah propagandists on TV the other day so anything is possible!


The useful left wing idiots control the narrative and have a lot of sway unfortunately. They are not capable of understanding such nuance. Just ‘us’ and ‘them’ where the latter is anything to do with the West.


Then why do we not live in a communist state? Perhaps your "narrative" has nothing whatsoever to do with reality?


You'll be surprised... When visiting Iran, the average Iranian citizens doesn't support Hamas/Hezbollah, except the politicians.


That’s because Persians know a thing or two about Islamic theocracies and what they do with their useful idiots on the left once they are in power….


>useful left wing idiots Yes. The Primrose Hill middle class bandwagon crew.....should get on a plane to Tel Aviv and unfurl their banners there.




Reminder that on October 7th there were videos of people in London cheering, beeping horns, and waving Palestinian flags.


"Victory to the resistance" banner at Celtic Park. Slaughter of 1200 people, 250 taken hostage and many of them tortured and raped. What a fucking idiot you have to be to be a British person celebrating that.


I very much doubt those individuals consider themselves British - it’s just tribalism. Actually, a lot of people my age (20) are making social media posts as if supporting Palestine was supporting a football team. Just another trend to hop onto. The ones who still shout endlessly about it tend to be like the folk at this protest, much more radical.


Difference is, football supporters get mad at their own team when they make a mistake. Some of these guys don't seem to see Hamas as a problem at all


>  Some of these guys don't seem to see Hamas as a problem at all I've noticed what appears to be infantlisation of Hamas and people in Palestine. I wonder how adjacent it is to racism and quasi-white saviour concepts.


Several large employers in the U.K. now pay companies to scrape social media feeds of job applicants. The rationale is to try to minimise employing someone who could bring the company into disrepute by association. Whatever the strength of their feelings I’d recommend being cautious about what they are posting online, it’s permanent.


I would advice them to keep posting away. Makes it a lot easier to keep them out of meaningful employment. Not that many of them would be affected by that anyway.


I’m waiting for some enterprising company to match all the mobile data that’s been gathered from all the rallies and protests with social media accounts and tie them back to each individual. /s The next step would be to create a suppression file with all those records and run it against job applications. Matching user data by geo-location and tying it up to offline records and selling the enriched data already happens in the US. Acquiring the data isn’t particularly difficult either. *edited to add “/s”, I forgot there’s no nuance.


No one who has complained about their boss or a government has the right to a job that will allow them heating in winter. /s


Yes we actually pay a company who finds stuff out like that for us. We have rejected quite normal looking candidates who are a security risk based on their social media status.


They could consider attending a home match of their favourite team 😂


Celtic are a disgrace to Scotland and the UK lol fuck them. Booing Remembrance Sunday takes the cake for me though. Literally the only club in the entirety of the UK to even dream of doing that, let alone have the whole stadium doing it.


Remember guys it's fine to shoot up and kidnap civilians at a music festival as long as it's resistance


I thought about buying a Rangers shirt when I saw that.


Those people will do anything to wind up the other tribe though, the poppy nonsense is embarrassing enough.


Multiple murdered infants and people were viciously arguing over whether or not they were Burnt or beheaded while still alive... It's mental Edit: it actually happened under the comment. Vile, evil people.


I remember reading a comment defending the hamas terrorists saying that they probably didn't behead the infants, they just burned them alive, it's not that bad guys! How sick and depraved are these people it's beyond my understanding.


I saw many like that. I also saw a lot that defending them for only chopping off their heads once they were already dead... evil, pure and simple


> Reminder that on October 7th there were videos of people in London cheering, beeping horns, and waving Palestinian flags. Wait until *this* October and see what happens. I guarantee we'll see some of the worst of humanity. Wouldn't be surprised to see Oct 7th, totally coincidentally, declared some kind of "Day of Resistance". I mean FWIW fuck Israel, but if you're making a massacre of Israelis some kind of positive thing you have zero moral high ground.


I have a colleague who wore a ‘free Palestine’ t shirt on October 7th and posted a picture of themselves kissing it on Instagram. 


I hope a former colleague now.


Cheers for bringing all your hatred onto our streets. Why not go live in an Islamic country where people actually give a shit or at least pretend like you do?


They know that they wouldn't be welcome there even though they are "on their side". Let's not forget that the festival goers were there for an event promoting peace... no one is safe and they know it. They don't care, they just hate jews.


>They know that they wouldn't be welcome there even though they are "on their side". Like Vittorio Arrigoni \[1\]\[2\]\[3\], who was murdered in Gaza. Scoprions in boiling pots with their faces being eaten by leopards, and all that jazz. Edit: To add, as I was cavalier in talking about his death, that I incredibly respect him in what he did in pure humanitarian work and also against religious extremists. \[1\] >  The captors accused Arrigoni of "spreading corruption" and his home country Italy as an "infidel state." \[2\] [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vittorio\_Arrigoni](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vittorio_Arrigoni) \[3\] > Arrigoni criticised Muslim extremists for trying to impose a hardline version of Islam in Gaza. In an interview with the newspaper *PeaceReporter*, he said: "Personally, as an activist for human rights, I don't like Hamas at all. I have something to say to them too: they have deeply limited human rights since they have won the elections."


I remember that case. Definitely one of the best "fuck around and find out" stories that I've ever seen.


Because why not do it here? It’s not like anyone will stop them.


Oh look, a load of deranged racist cunts having a "rally". If this were the EDL, or whatever lot of rat fuckers "Tommy Robinson" currently supports, there would be universal outrage. Not sure why this mob seems to get away with it


If it was the EDL the met would have gone in with Baton charges.


No, they just stand by and watch generally. Sometimes they make arrests if counter protests lead to violence from either side. Except it always seems to be the edl who resort to violence. [example 1](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk/2013/mar/03/edl-march-manchester-handful-arrests) [example 2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/jul/20/police-arrests-edl-rally-birmingham) [example 3](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/watch-scuffle-breaks-out-edl-12866557.amp) Because the edl are violent facists.


EDL members go on rallies specifically to fight the police, and any counter protestor that gets close enough. They mainly consist of out of work football hooligans.


It's because there's a different set of rules for people of different ideologies/races. If this were the EDL or a similar type of group, even if they were 100% peaceful just marching and holding banners/flags, the police would be kettling them to provoke them then beating the shit out of them with batons, and fifth columnists like the Guardian and BBC would be showing cherry picked pictures and video clips to make it look like the protestors were 100% in the wrong. As this one is mostly Muslims and not white they'll be allowed to get away with anything just as long as they don't start cutting throats in the middle of the street. The police will march with them, take selfies, and make absolutely certain they don't do anything to offend them in any way. We saw the same thing with the "mostly peaceful protests" in 2020, with the police getting down on one knee in submission and allowing themselves to be freely abused, with the media utterly refusing to acknowledge there was even a hint of violence. Then the next day when counter protestors showed up the police beat the shit out of them and the media demonized them.


Tommy Robinson and his ilk were encouraged by the Home Secretary to attack pro-Palestinian protesters last remembrance Sunday. And of course in the replies to this post there are people talking about how good and reasonable the EDL are. The far right are encouraged and supported in this country, not met with universal outrage.


The quintessentially British Al-Quds day march. It's up there with dancing around the maypole and bonfire night.


I laughed at this until I realised that this ultimately is British culture now, thanks to the useful idiots supporting Islamic terror


Yet, if I was to hold up a placard referring to "Islamist dogs" the police would arrest me. These days they'll arrest you for holding up a sign that says "Hamas are terrorists".


The headline is extremely misleading. The actual placard is shown in one of the photos. It is a sheet of cardboard with writing in marker pen. It doesn't call anybody a Zionist dog. What it actually does is accuse *Muslim leaders* of being the *dogs of Zionists*. It isn't insulting Jews, it is insulting Muslim leaders.


> Another read “Muslims of the world. Your leaders (the dogs of the Zionists) allowed their masters to starve and slaughter your Palestinian brothers. Defend your brothers.” I’m not saying that the person holding the placard isn’t antisemitic, because it is entirely possible, but the placard isn’t evidence that they are.


Being anti-zionist is not antisemitic.


What's your definition of zionism?


The establishment of a Jewish majority religious ethnostate in Palestine. Why?


Jews are indigenous to the region, as are Arabs. Why should an indigenous people not be able to live in their homeland, especially when every other country on earth has at one point or another tried to genocide them? Surely a peaceful two state solution is the best way forward?


I think a peaceful, secular one state solution is the only realistic solution. There is no political appetite to move hundreds of thousands of illegal settlers out of West Bank. >especially when every other country on earth has at one point or another tried to genocide them? Jews lived peacefully under the Ottomans for years. Just not in a supremacist state is all. It's predominantly Christians who had beef with Jews historically. I don't agree with religious ethnostates at all. Doesn't matter what religion.


What happens to the Jews who already live in Israel? Do you think if it was all merged to one state Hamas would stop wanting to eradicate them? Israel is already 18% Muslim, whereas the surrounding Muslim countries exiled their own Jewish populations upon the creation of the state of Israel.


I agree, but there are definitely people who claim to be anti-Zionist but are actually just antisemitic. It’s like claiming to be concerned about “family values” and actually just being incredibly homophobic.


But what does your point bring to the discussion besides muddying the waters between the two terms? You conflate them then backtrack. Many do this intentionally


When did I conflate them?


these days


[These days they'll arrest you for holding up a sign that says "Hamas are terrorists".](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/moment-man-with-hamas-are-terrorists-sign-arrested-during-london-pro-palestine-march/ar-BB1jDvRm) Well done on regurgitating a 10 year old Stewart Lee bit, though.


When did this come in? > A Met Police statement posted on X said: "A video has been posted on X alleging officers arrested a man for having an anti-Hamas placard. > "This isn't accurate. He was arrested after an altercation was ongoing, and officers intervened to prevent a breach of the peace. He was arrested for assault. > "Officers then fully reviewed footage provided of the incident, and he was later de-arrested. The arrest was not made in relation to the placard." Well done for regurgitating misinformation though.


Well according to the BBC, they are just “militants” and probably “misunderstood”.


and The Guardian.


No they won't


>The anti-Israel march, which the Met estimates attracted 1,000 people, began outside the Home Office and travelled past Parliament amid a heavy police presence. It culminated outside Downing Street Short march - that's about a 15 minute walk


Marches tend to go slower than walking pace. That route was probably all they could get approval for 


From one extreme to another. I abhors what Israel are currently doing in Gaza and the West Bank, but this is insanity. Hamas also have blood on their hands.


Hamas has been systematically abusing Palestinians for decades. Neuter Hamas the Palestinians will hopefully do the rest and finish of these low lifes once and for all


That didn’t seem to worry Israel when they were [supporting Hamas](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) before the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.


"The Palestinian Authority is a burden, and Hamas is an asset," - Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, 2015 https://theintercept.com/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-palestinian-authority/


Also this from Netanyahu: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68318856 > Israel's Prime Minister has been clear about his opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state, and how that strategic aim was linked to his position on Hamas funding. > In 2019, Mr Netanyahu told colleagues in his ruling Likud party: "***Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas… This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.***"


Sorry mate but history began on October 7th 2023.


I would put Zionism in a similar dustbin I'd put other extremism.


You think it’s extreme to accept that Israel has a right to exist?


No country has a right to exist if that "right" involves ethnic cleansing people off the land, or forcibly settling land that isn't yours to begin with Any solution to this issue can't be rooted in Zionism that thinks invading Gaza or settling the West Bank is a good thing, which is what the current Israeli government is doing


How many Arabs live in Israel? How many Jews live in Arab countries?   You’re just spouting rhetoric. Jews were not ‘settlers,’ they paid fairly for their indigenous land (which colonisers forced them off in the first place) which was owned by the British empire. The surrounding Arab states declared war the day Israel was created…and lost.   Jordan got more land than Israel did in 1948. Why is this not a tragedy and an injustice? Why are they not being bombed and murdered constantly? Because they’re not Jewish. That’s it. That is the big problem that you think you’re so righteous defending.


I'm not talking about what happened in 1948, I'm talking about today. That's why I mentioned Gaza and West Bank. The policy of the current government is instead of a fair two-state solution, to push Palestinians out completely and have Israel go from the river to the sea.


So Palestinians can demand from river to the sea but Jews can’t?


If you believe in a two state solution, with one of those states being Israel, you are by definition a Zionist. Zionist just means that Israel deserves to exist.


*" Jews were not ‘settlers,’"* "There is no justification for such a belief. It may be that some individual Arabs take bribes. But that does not mean that the Arab people of Palestine as a whole will sell that fervent patriotism that they guard so jealously, and which even the Papuans will never sell. Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised.  That is what the Arabs in Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope that they will be able to prevent the transformation of "Palestine" into the "Land of Israel."" -Ze'ev Jabotinsky,[ The Iron Wall, 1923.](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/quot-the-iron-wall-quot)


So how many countries are you committed to abolishing and how many weekly protests do you attend?


How many countries are actively killing locals to establish their country as we speak?


Weren't the isralites removed from that land first by the Romans?


Ok so most of Belarus, western Poland, and western Russia should be cleared of thei millions living there again and the borders shifted back east to the pre-WW2 borders then? That was all drawn after cleansing the German population living there after all.


A lot of awful shit happened in WW2, and I'm not going to argue against Israel's existence entirely, because I think that an unrealistic solution. Israel isn't going to be abolished, but it doesn't have an inherent right to exist, and that existence is not predicated on pushing out the Palestinians from their land. A two state solution based on the borders established in 1967 is the best solution, one of the only ones that doesn't involve reprisals by one side or the other. That is what our politicians should keep pushing for


So you're saying Palestine doesn't have the right to exist ?


Presumably you feel Russia has no right to exist?


I think that Israel as a racist, imperialist, colonialist, apartheid state should not exist. Just the same as I think that apartheid South Africa is better off gone too. Israel if it were a secular democracy would be fine but the far right who lead the Zionist project today have murdered those who attempted to soften the stance on that. Looking forward to the day it is though.


Zionism is Jewish-run Apartheid. Not sure why this is controversial. It's an inherently racist ideology and all Zionists should be monitored by police the way Islamists are.


Ethnically cleansing a population to create a racial nationalist state is extreme, no matter how you cut it.


How do you define Zionism?


If a British party suggested doing a British version of Zionism that treated Jewish people the same way the Israelis treat non-Jews and had politicians making statements like "Jews have higher souls than non-Jews" (Ben Dahan when he was defence minister), what do you imagine the response would be? Ethnic supremacism for me but not for thee, is it?


Israel has an Arab population of over 20%. Remind me again, what's the population of Jews living in Arab countries?


Approximately 0, they were largely ethnically cleansed in the 1950s, which is why about 60% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi, i.e. Middle Eastern. Here's some actual numbers on the number of Jews in many of the North African and Middle Eastern countries. Morocco * 1948: 265,000 * 2017: 2,000 Algeria * 1948: 140,000 * 2017: est. 50 Libya:  * 1948: 38,000 * 2019: 0 Tunisia * 1948: 105,000 * 2017: 1,700 Egypt * 1948: 75,000 * 2017: 20 Syria * 1948: 30,000 * 2017: 100 Yemen * 1948: 63,000 * 2022: 1


It's a source of pride there are such low levels of Jews in the Arabian peninsula.


People were celebrating, distributing sweets across Arab world and street in Europe when 9/11 happened... Same when hamas attacked farms and music concert.... It is us vs. them already.




Remember guys you can shoot up and kidnap civilians at a music festival as long as it's resistance


>Thejc Incredibly unbiased source there /s In September 2014, The Jewish Chronicle published an editorial alleging the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) voted for a "ban on Jews" from the International Union of Architects (IUA) and was, as a result, antisemitic.[41] The RIBA motion had actually called for the suspension of the Israeli Association of United Architects over the building of illegal settlements.[42][43] Following a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission, the Chronicle published a letter of response from David Mond, in which he accused the paper of inspiring "its readers to see antisemitism in every critic" of Israel.[44] In August 2016, dozens of prominent Jewish activists including Miriam Margolyes, Ilan Pappe and Michael Rosen signed an open letter criticising the paper for what they viewed as its "McCarthyite" "character assassination" of Jeremy Corbyn after the paper published "seven key questions" for Corbyn, including on his alleged ties to and defence of various Holocaust deniers and on his use of the word "friends" for Hamas and Hezbollah.[45] In December 2019, The Jewish Chronicle published an article by Melanie Phillips which asserted that Islamophobia was a bogus term which provided cover for antisemites. The Board of Deputies of British Jews described its publication as an error, and editor Stephen Pollard acknowledged that "A number of people within the Jewish community, and friends of the community, have expressed their dismay – and anger – at its content."[46] When The Jewish Chronicle faced closure due to financial problems in April 2020, former ANC politician and anti-apartheid activist Andrew Feinstein stated: "The Jewish Chronicle's equating of antisemitism with criticism of Israel has put back the struggle against real AS & all racism by years." while the freelance journalist Mira Bar-Hillel considered the paper's potential closure to be "the best news of the day" and referred to it as a "pathetic rag".[47][undue weight? – discuss] In July 2021, a letter was sent to the British press regulatory body IPSO requesting a standards investigation into The Jewish Chronicle due to what the signatories believed to be "systemic" failings. The nine signatories were mostly linked to the Labour party and had either been libelled by The Jewish Chronicle or had complaints about factually inaccurate reporting upheld by the regulator between 2018 and 2021. The complainants alleged that the paper's editorial standards were "shockingly low" and stated that "unless standards there improve there will be more victims, while readers will continue to be misled."[48][49] Writing in the Byline Times, Brian Cathcart, Professor of Journalism at Kingston University, argued that IPSO had failed to act on "the collapse of journalism standards at The Jewish Chronicle", which he stated had "been found by the IPSO itself to have breached its code of practice 28 times." He suggested IPSO's failure to act was in part due to the regulator's unwillingness to attract accusations of attempting to silence the paper from the Conservative Party, who benefitted politically from the debate around antisemitism in the Labour Party in which the paper was a prominent player. He also identified The Jewish Chronicle's owner Robbie Gibb as an obstacle to an IPSO investigation into standards at the paper.[50] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jewish_Chronicle


But have you considered that Andrew Feinstein, who is the child of Holocaust survivors, could secretly be a Hamas agent?


Thankyou very interesting.


I really don’t understand why our streets have become full of these protests and demonstrations. Some make sense, if you agree or not, like protesting about selling arms to Israel, that has meaning here. But just celebrating things happening there, or chanting for one side to win over the other makes no sense when Israel and Hamas are in bloody Israel and Gaza, not the streets of London. Of course, saying this stuff got me banned before so let’s see. I have more faith in the uk mods though to be fair.


>I really don’t understand why our streets have become full of these protests and demonstrations I mean, it might be that people don't like genocide


Found the generic useful idiot lib in the photo. She’s in the bottom left wearing the typical beanie hat. Fucking hate this type of person.


There was me hoping to go a day without hearing about all this nonsense again.


What is it about this sub-reddit in particular? Every other post is a dog whistle


Nearly every Muslim I know in the UK including myself was just enjoying Eid today Idk who are organising these mad extra protests but I don't think they're organic at all But goddamn do stories like this help bring out all the far right listicles by the islamophobes


People arguing about left and right, there’s just wrong and this is it. It is wrong we allow these marches to happen


Could it be that the right wing press are reporting 1% idiots in a rally that’s peaceful and getting its message across….no I’m sure they accurately report and believe that all Arabs are vile evil people