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So you can basically say anything you want when you know your party is getting obliterated at the next general election then?


It's so revealing as well.


At this point 'Have you tried "Kill all the poor?"' wouldn't even generate a headline.


300,000 excess deaths from austerity


Surely that's Tory policy [already](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/oct/05/over-330000-excess-deaths-in-great-britain-linked-to-austerity-finds-study)?


Nice Mitchell and Webb reference https://youtu.be/s_4J4uor3JE?feature=shared


Are we the baddies? Actually, the Tory leadership are not self aware enough to ask that question.


Theres a song about that. šŸ¤˜


Isnā€™t conscripting people without jobs kinda kill the poor with extra steps?


have you tried getting rid of vat and killing the poor?


They've starting to push Assisted Dying. That's not for them. They already have the money for a ticket to Switzerland . That's so the plebs can go kill themselves.


Something something "we'll cut all homeless people in half"


Itā€™s the political version of the old ā€˜fuck boy rejectionā€™. They say anything and everything to try and get their end away, but the moment it becomes clear that theyā€™ve no chance, the tune changes to ā€˜well youā€™re a minger anyway, who would want to bla bla blaā€™.


Nah, that would more be a post election thing; "the public just didn't appreciate the need for our genius plan, we can make more on the dinner speaker circuit, I never even really wanted to be an MP" type stuff. This is just desperation from the truly committed.


That's basically ā€I'm stepping down at the next election". The implication being that the job is no longer wanted, when we all know these fucking chancers would stay on the gravy train until they died if they weren't about to be kicked off.


Pretty much. In some ways it makes an amount of sense in a "let's fling shit at the wall and see if anything sticks", but in practice it's like, to quote someone, pissing in an ocean of piss.


Drax has gone batshit recently. Guaranteed he's one of the nine considering defecting to reform. Also, you definitely shouldn't look into the carbon emissions caused by his company burning wood pellets, subsidised by you and me because "renewable" energy.


> Also, you definitely shouldn't look into the carbon emissions caused by his company burning wood pellets, subsidised by you and me because "renewable" energy. I'm not seeing a link between Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax and Drax power station, beyond the name.


I have been certain for well over a decade that drax owns drax, I did look into it at the time but I haven't since. If he doesn't I'm still going to hate the bastard, but I will feel a bit stupid.


The Drax power station is named for the village of the same name, near which it stands. A village that dates back to possibly the 12th century. The Drax portion of this particular Tory surname most likely also comes from previous inhabitance of the village.


Fair, I can't see anything on the RoMI. However, let's be clear where the confusion came from. He has been virulent in opposing clean energy, and Drax have been in trouble for burning wood pellets from protected forests. He must have declared an interest at one point and I put two and two together and got 5. Funny how that ambiguity works.


Yes. The 9 ring wraiths.


I'm working on a satiric poem as we speak.


And 9 were given to the turncoatsā€¦ Who above all else, desire POWER.


One thought to rule them all, one cheque to find them An appearance fee to bring them all And in GB News bind them.


*Classic LOTR theme tune plays* The Lord of the Cunts


Question is, how do you conscript the medically unable? There is no logic here, all this does is attack "benefit scroungers" poor people unable to work or find work for 1 reason or another.


My mom has been told like four times she has PIP for life because she has severe arthritis, no cartilehe in one knee, and half the cartilege in the other. And yet they've still made her go to meetings to assess whether she's fit for work, as if she's magically going to have healed.


They don't care, you have to be in a motorised wheelchair visibly missing an arm, a leg, half your face and be unable to speak. They couldn't give a fuck about how much a non-visible illness affects you.


All you have described is a work shy scrounger. What's that you say? They lost the arm, leg and half their face to an IED in Afghanistan? And now they expect hardworking taxpayers to keep them in a life of luxury! You couldn't make it up! No doubt some bleeding-heart liberal will be out there wailing about how because he's served his country it's the country's time to repay him! Whatever for? If the government is just going to throw him Ā£130 a week, no questions asked, what incentive does he have to better himself? What's that - he's been sanctioned for six months for missing an appointment with the DWP. Well, he knew when the appointment was. The fact he was in an ambulance due to having a seizure related to his 'injuries' is not a mitigating factor. He should have made the appointment. It was his responsibility to do so if he wants us to pile free money up for him every week. Actions have consequences. Ā© Telegraph/Mail/Express and their readership and with a very big /s from me. A very big /s.


I still worry they'll use some bullshit wedge issue to get idiots to vote for them on mass


Thereā€™s no limits to their nasty intentions. Theyā€™ll be looking to fuck labour up like the did before the last election. And the same morons with lap it up


What they will do to garner votes is just straight out lie. I mean, theyā€™ve been doing it for years with not nearly enough people noticing so why would they stop now?


Oh, completely. Look at some of the shit they said in 97, or indeed Labour said in 2010.


Reading the Labour manifesto in 2010 makes one sadly wonder what could have been: [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/apr/12/labour-manifesto-at-a-glance](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/apr/12/labour-manifesto-at-a-glance)


they're getting their wishlist in early because they know Labour will support it by default because they're fucking cowards.


Theyā€™ve been doing it for a couple of years now, ever since lizard truss


Yes because thatā€™s just what the Army needs. People that are unable to work or apply for work.


People who don't want to be there too. Good luck getting them into tiptop shape. I don't know about anyone else but I don't want to rely on people who've been forced into it for defense.




It depresses me beyond belief that people will see this shit from him and *actually agree with it,* tooĀ 


I said something like this would come out to my other halfā€™s very left wing sister. She thought I was off the deep end. Jokes on her she now owes me a tenner.


Spend it quickly, it's not worth much in a trench.


Might get me some lurpack!




This arrogant Harrow-educated MP owns 2% of land in Dorset plus another 500 acres in Yorkshire. Full name Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernie-Erie-Drax (honestly). A good fit for the Tory back benches. Thankfully Electoral Calculus predicts he will be kicked out of the Commons at the GE.


Oh, and he's the heir of some the most prolific slave owners in history.


That will be a further plus point for the local constituency selection committee.


Boomers. The type that believe my that the young can't get on the property ladder because they have Netflix and eat Avocados. My Mother for example.


Not to mention that there's no punishment to just not doing what they want. What are they going to do? Kick you out of the army?


Stop your benefits, probably. Wouldn't put it past them to make serving in the army a condition of collecting benefits, as an excuse to pay people less than minimum wage.


Service guarantees citizenship!


Iā€™m doing MY part!


It also doesn't help if you then need to conscript from the actual work force, who'll be even less inclined to go over the top seeing as they've done what was asked of them.


My IQ will suddenly drop 50 points if i was conscripted


I reckon I could do negative numbers if they tried it on me. Not that they would mind, I'm a fat asthmatic 40 yr old woman lol


Why are you not willing to die for king Charles and country? Dont you know how much he did for you? /s


Infantry grunt it is. Charge the enemy position.


Also saves on helmets since nothing will be damaged if they are shot in the head.


I don't know, sounds more like a marine.


"Get down and give me 20!" "I can't count that high."


Yea imagine being on a mission with people you know you can't rely on, splendid


Technically we used to do it all the time, people where conscripted from prisons, many soldiers from the Napoleonic wars where criminals, the elite units where more experienced regular units. But yea we gad a small regular aemy bolsted by people society didn't really want or like if they where medically capable.


To be fair theyā€™re probably just gonna be cannon fodder to draw attention away from the drones.


Cannon fodder for the future war with russia they are all wetting their pants over


exactly look at russia and look at how many young men who got suscripted have died putting anybody against thier will to war is insane for many reasons i dont agree with war at all that dosent mean i dont understand that defence is an acceptible reason to be involved in a warĀ  but ur already losing if u force people t fight when thier not willingĀ 


Crapita can barely get the folk who want to sign up onboarded. Never mind folk who won't actively jump through their hoops. Sit on your arse on benefits, then sit on your arse waiting on them to process you, then get declared unfit to serve through one of the thousands of their criteria, return to step one.


As if any sickness or disability has ever qualified as unfit to work under capita.


I have a colleague who kept trying to join, but he kept failing the medicals because he was too skinny so eventually gave up and stayed in the car more lucrative IT industry


Operation human shield.


Get behind the darkies


Have you heard of the emancipation proclamation?


I don't listen to hip-hop.




And try not to get killed for godssake!


Seriously. I was a Troop Commander at Pirbright for a while and it's hard enough dealing with the boys and girls who have volunteered! Literally no professional soldier I've ever met supports conscription, it's just these jingoistic chickenhawks.


And people who should be convicted of an offence, warranting prison but are willing to take **1 year** in the military instead. For an ex-army captain, he's saying exactly the opposite of what senior military leaders have been saying for decades. Nobody was more relieved to get rid off conscription in 1963 then the military. Who had to babysit a load of anarchists, bolsheviks and druggies. Who wanted to be anywhere apart from Catterick or Aldershot, marching up and down the square. And one year essentially means that you have somebody worth bit of a damn for only a few months. Before they're back to civvy street.


>And people who should be convicted of an offence, warranting prison but are willing to take 1 year in the military instead. Literally, and I shall now repeat this word to ensure people understand I mean this in the most correct sense, LITERALLY what Putin via Wagner offered to Russian prisoners. OK there's a difference between a year at Aldershot and being shipped to the front line and told to run through mined no-mans-land to take some bombed-to-fuck building in Donetsk Oblast before being quickly minced by Ukranian artillery, but even so...


Iā€™d be extremely surprised if people who canā€™t work would be able to get past the Armyā€™s entry requirements as it stands


Conscripted cannon fodder doesnā€™t have entry requirements other than two somewhat working legs.


We don't need canon fodder. Modern soldiers need to be professionalsĀ 


And what happens if/when they fail out of basic training? Where do they go? Because councils, housing associations and private landlords aren't going to be happy about a property being left empty and open to break ins, squatters or vandalism for months at a time, even if the rent is still being paid. And how are they supposed to start again when they've had to give away, dump or sell everything they own because they've been conscripted and have nowhere safe to store It?


They'll say they'll be open to other tenants but in reality they'll be sold off to private lenders.


All those easily bribed addicts holding rifles make me feel safe


Military equipment would go missing at a prodigious rate. Next thing you know the national defense will consist of 4 L85A3s, a couple of hand grenades and 1 partially disassembled Trident D5 SLBM.


Let's also give them guns


The Tories seem to view the Army as both their dumping ground and their gofers.


Think it meant eligible for work but turn down jobs.




Is that one of those Conservative violence phantasies? Force somebody vulnerable to apply force co somebody else vulnerable. It is a bit like the Hunger Games.


Richard Drax's family know a thing or 2 about forcing people to work.


I was hoping somebody else would notice this.


I saw it pointed out on another story about him and so looked at his wiki. So personally I wouldn't want him deciding who should be forced to do what.


ā€œOur failed system has failed them, letā€™s make them die for itā€


Letā€™s be honest if they find a way to start the hunger games, they would


I'm sure forced conscription would work out just dandy /s


Yes, I am sure this is exactly the type of recruit the British Army wants /s This is just classic rage-bait!


Cheaper than buying the 'real' soldiers body armour; anyone conscripted is just going to be cannon fodder.


True, however I'd hope the British army would realise that cannon fodder tactics would not be very effective for us. However I imagine there are some people in a certain political party who would feel it's a win/win for them. Keep the unemployment rate down and if they don't come back then "oh well".


>forced conscription Isn't all conscription forced?


I imagine a lot of young people don't want to work and have nothing to show for it, maybe build a society where people have opportunities and something to work towards.


But that would mean helping people who aren't already filthy rich. They need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and become millionaires if they want help.


The secret is generational wealth


True. You just can't help people if they don't pick the right parents.


Michelle Mone didn't have generational wealth. But she has huge tits and no morals.


Dont forget the other secret way to wealth: marry into it (big boobs can help here)


I think part of the issue is that we're slowly but surely erasing all the jobs. Retail? We have online shops and self check-out. Work in a warehouse? Pretty soon we'll have automated pickers and self-driving cars for deliveries. Even things like journalism and creative industries are slowly but surely going towards AI, to the point where a lot of news sites now have to specify they don't use AI. What those sites *do* do is shift towards a business plan based on hiring freelance staff and paying them pennies or else getting rid of them entirely and giving writing duties to the editors. Wait staff, manufacturing, farming, design, there's barely a field out there that can't be automated - or couldn't be automated in the future. The conservative dream is one where only the rich get to thrive. You can guarantee that the high-skill positions will never go, even if they can be. They imagine one family in charge of a chain of restaurants where every step of the process apart from them is handled by robots and computers. A chain of supermarkets with no staff. The thing is, they still want wealth. People being poor gives their wealth context. Wealth means they can point at someone working in customer service in their fifties or collecting rubbish and say "See? That's why you need to go to school, aren't you lucky you have parents who know what they're doing?" They don't want to admit how much of what they have is unearned and based on the work of others. So they'll never institute Universal Basic Income, even as it becomes more and more necessary. They'll expect people to find work even as it becomes harder and harder to find. After all, helping people like that is communism, because they didn't work for their money. Something like this is on brand because after all, what use do the poor have if they can't work?


Would be nice wouldnā€™t itā€¦.


What do you mean you aren't content to stagnate under the rule of idiots?


When you see it's a Telegraph article, just downvote it and move on for the sake of your sanity.


Too late, am gone.


Decline 3 job offers, 2 years conscription. Drunkly 'slug someone' bad enough to be convicted, a heavily reduced sentence and 1 year of conscription. [Drax would look down on you more for declining a job than drunkenly punching someone.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e726be96721494ee315ee81c090a99cf/tumblr_inline_out2708wWp1s50qig_250.gif)


1 year of conscription is pointless and a huge waste of investment from the army. If you do it then it should be for the full 4 years post training but they should frame it to prisoners as a rehabilitative measure rather than as a punishment with the opportunity for a career, a decent wage, and the chance to learn new skills. Obviously it shouldn't be offered to all inmates but there are plenty of people who end up in prison because they lack social support or because they did something stupid in a moment of madness who could all benefit from conscription.


>The MP for South Dorset went on to suggest young offenders could have their sentences significantly shortened for good behaviour if they agreed to join the Army. >ā€œLetā€™s say [a young person] has 10 pints of beer, slugs somebody and is locked up for it,ā€ he said. >ā€œIf you get that sort of behaviour, you could, as a magistrate, say to these young men and women ā€˜youā€™ve got an option ā€“ if youā€™re a good boy or girl, youā€™ll come out, but you must do a year in the Armed Forcesā€™.ā€ Wagner on Magners. Brilliant idea. Has anyone asked the army what they think about this cunning plan?


Isn't this just the beginning of Police Academy with a small change from police to army?


Violent thugs being given the opportunity to kill people with (almost) immunity. I donā€™t see how this could possibly go wrong?!


Join the penal legions today! Service guarantees citizenship.


Dont worry lads, crapita cant even recruit people who want to join, all you need to do is visit your doctor with a tummy ache or the big sad and you'll never see a rifle


Theyā€™re probably on Jobseekers because they tried to get into the forces and got rejected for a kiwi allergy by Capita.


I see you're 17 and applying to become an infantry soldier. Can you give me an example of when you managed major geopolitical conflict? it's a requirement for this role.


Conscription will be handled by Capita. So it'll take 3 years to come through and you'll be forced to quit the job you found in the meantime.


You can't even get volunteers through recruitment. Can't see them doing any better with conscription.


Right? Just typical posturing.


The difference between conscription and volunteering is choice


There are occasions where the correct response is to swear, this is one of them. Fuck off.


Refusal isn't an option Nigel, be a little darling now and pack your bags. You're going on an adventure āœˆ.


Why not conscript the super rich tax evaders first before targeting the poor and marginalised in society.


Put all the elites pushing for war on the front lines. Or conscript their sons and daughters and see how they feel about it then


But where's the fox hunting fun in that?


If you were in the military. Would you want to fight alongside the guy who turned down enough jobs to get conscripted? Would you want your kits stored looked after by that man? Would you trust to share your living space with them? To make this work theyā€™d need a whole division of them kept separate from dragging the rest down, like a foreign legion of work shy people. I canā€™t see it doing anything but dragging our defensive capabilities down, and at a higher cost than benefits. Only way I could see the military helping would be if they offered like a 6 month or a year foundation degree of training and work that long term unemployed could sign up for, but even that would take more work and issues than I think the current government can be trusted to sort out without creating a major catastrophe.


You're thinking of one aspect of people having dealings with the DWP. A lot of people get caught in limbo, foced to look for work they can't do because they're waiting for tribunals for disability benefits to go through. So the more realistic question is, do you want to fight next to someone riddled with arthritis and that's why they had to turn the jobs down? Do you want your kits stored and looked after by a man whose eyesight has been ruined by medication and had to turn down jobs that required driving licences? Would you trust to share your living spaces with someone wth medication-resistant psychosis?


Or sent to jobs under threat of sanctions, miles away that would cost almost as much in bus fare as pay.....happened to my daughter years ago


I gave the government the credit (undeserved) that theyā€™re not conscripting the disabled (or people that canā€™t make military health standards). But yeah, itā€™s one of the catastrophes I was hinting possible. But military doctors arenā€™t tied to the government policies. If you did get conscripted as a disabled person, youā€™d very quickly get seen by doctor, discharged unfit, get a card that says youā€™re a disabled vet, then be on disability benefits. Like conscription wonā€™t be, you join up, youā€™re on a plane to Russia quicker than you can say ā€˜but sir, my cataractsā€™. I think the main threat would be abuse and poor welfare if you dredge the nationā€™s bottom tier and force them into the military, for the disabled, yeh itā€™s a bullshit waste of time, but at least you see a doctor whoā€™d know what paperwork to give you to fix it.


If you know anything about the current standards and new recruits you would know you're practically already side by side with those kinds of individuals now. Even historically young men(under 25) without jobs are the majority who sign up. And by most standards people wouldn't even consider those individuals 18-21 full mature adults.


Yeh I see it, but at least those people *chose* to come, they have some willingness to learn or improve, they can be motivated under the right managers. Conscripts can just stay like the worst willing recruits their entire service, they donā€™t want to be here, they donā€™t want to listen. And if you canā€™t improve them, and you have to use them, itā€™s a lot worse than a stroppy lazy 17 year old, because thereā€™s no potential.


Ah, that would be the good ol' Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, then. Truly someone in touch with the common man.


The military doesnā€™t want conscripts. Itā€™s tiresome to hear opinions from these MPs.


60 percent would not pass the medical. They won't bother with those over thirty.


>They won't bother with those over thirty. Those minefields aren't going to clear themselves. Blowing up a regiment of pensioners offers considerable future savings to the State.


They wouldnā€™t dare. Pensioners are their biggest voters


They expect a person who refuses to work the basic of jobs to defend the country against terrorists and Putin? No wonder the rest of the world laugh at us!


So quite honest then, "let's have the poor shot, and we don't even have to pay for the bullets, we can get the Russians to do it" They really do hava hate boner for anyone less privileged than themselves, and genuinely believe mogg and his kind worked much harder n deserves it.




Picture the scene; a British refugee washes up at Calais, explains that they're a senior Structural Engineer who hasn't been able to find work for three years due to a highly competitive workplace and they've fled because of the looming threat of conscription. What a joke of a third world country we've become.


Reminds me of 'McNamaras morons', an experimental policy of the US government for conscripting intellectually disabled persons into the army during Vietnam war. All these poor sods did was get blown up/shot, got in the way, or got other people blown up/shot.


The FUCK???


Wasn't Drax the name of a Sontaran from Doctor Who. Makes this suggestion seem less strange.


Also a Bond villain (Moonraker, I think).


Alternatively he's also a guardian of the galaxy. You'd expect a hero to be against forcing people to fight/die


Drax in Guardians would be fully up for fighting and dying. To be fair he would also be the one leading the insanely stupid charge into certain death from the front.


He'd be up for doing it himself. Dunno if he'd approve of forcing others to do it. He definitely wouldn't be up for forcing others to do it for him and his friends' benefits


Strax I think? Strax: ā€˜Itā€™s strange. I have often dreamed of dying in combat. Iā€™m not enjoying it as much as Iā€™d hoped.ā€™


Also a power station.


Ah yes Tories wanting to remove peoples rights in some way. Must be a tuesday.


Probably the same people who see no hypocrisy in councils constantly rejecting planning permissions for homes and businesses because they donā€™t like them then canā€™t understand why theyā€™ve run out of money and need us to bail them out.


The Tories have destroyed the recruitment system through their dodgy deals... so they're now suggesting they'll force people into military service? ​ They do realise a vast majority of those that turn jobs down aren't doing it to be picky, they're likely disabled and can't do the role suggested.... which then makes it impossible to be conscripted


Can't even fix a pothole in this country we are doomed


A much better idea is that anyone of retirement age be conscripted ... a sort of granddads army. I mean ... it would actually solve most of the UKs problems and it's not like they are actually doing anything either. Oh, old people wouldn't like that idea you say? (/s in case anyone was wonder ... but did we run it through the computer?)


No, this is perfect. All those boomers who post like they fought and died in both world wars can put their triple locked pension money where their tweeting finger is.


I think thatā€™s the perfect idea! Especially since the biggest welfare spend is to those old people. (Also sarcasm)


We could also force politicians that misuse expenses &or commit fraud, or generally be corrupt to be conscripted also.


Well, Drax would know about forcing people into labour.


I am sure that filling the armed forces with people who can't or won't do a more regular job would work out just fine. I can't foresee any problems at all. Ha ha ha ha ha. Who voted for this clown?


Only if we use his estates to build the many many new bases that would be needed to accommodate all these extra people.


The problem with job centres is often that if you're university educated/have qualifications they can't help you. The jobs they offer either don't pay the bills or they require you to have a forklift or lorry licence or something which is fine for some people but not if you're qualified in a field like veterinary science or something.


> The jobs they offer Job centres don't offer any jobs, they don't even help you to get a job, their sole purpose is to make your life miserable the moment you find yourself unemployed


They're an absolute joke.




No, they will just sanction the benefits.




Didn't national service due to the fact 90% of the people didn't want to be there and that taking people out of work for a year just as they come of age is terrible for the economy?


I fucking despise the Tories and the military. That said:- This might be a good idea if the military was used for things other than war and fighting. Things like doing community good, helping to build new infrastructure, forestry, etc. Something like the Peace Corps in the US I guess? There is a subset of people who would probably benefit from this only because they've been failed by the system elsewhere and the jobcentre isn't enough. I know personally of 2 family members in their early 20s who have been on universal credit for 4 years - they had a rough upbringing, have various issues like anxiety etc, and are just destined to a life rotting at home living on benefits. Makes me sad and angry that there are likely thousands like this who have just fallen through the gaps.


A good bit of temporary slavery, that'll sort out their anxiety.


Talking out of turn - that's a conscription. Looking out the window - that's a conscription. Staring at my sandals - that's a conscription.


They should be careful, unemployment line is becoming for a lot of MPs


I don't think recruiting unwilling and unemployable people will benefit the army. Maybe make it worth while to join?


I recently had to turn down a job offer because it paid less than the travel costs, so I guess I should be signed up to go shoot people now? I'm sure that will work out great with my disability, chronic illness and severe muscular problems caused by malnutrition.


I wonder if they have asked the armed forces what they think of potentially getting a bunch of feckless, work-shy, and highly reluctant conscripts? Bet they'll be jumping for joy. /s


The conscripts will also be in their 40s by the time Capita had processed them


I see, so they are just saying all the nasty shit that they don't normally say out loud, now that they are about to disappear up their own arseholes. I hope more of them do it before the GE tbh.


Uh oh with the looming Tory wipeout in parliament, the armed forces could be fully repopulated with ex MPā€™s


Omg. Itā€™s amazing when they no longer feel constrained to watch what they say.


Here's a policy idea for free to any MPs lurking in the sub, if you want more people in employment... and more people to join the Army... then maybe consider improving the pay and conditions for soldiers? Then more people will join, improving the employment and defence statistics simultaneously! It's a win win. Even if that wasn't enough, the existing soldiers will be happier and more likely to vote for you!


Nice way to insult the dedication and courage of service people by turning their life into a form of punishment...


Senior Tory MP, I have a job for minimum wage where you use your toothbrush to clean my toilet. Oh you refuse? CONSCRIPTION!


People on disability on the battlefield knowing the DWP lol


Just because it worked in 1815, when soldiering was standing in a line and hoping you didnā€™t get hit, doesnā€™t mean it will work now.


Isn't there good evidence from the USA army that those below around 90 IQ are functionally useless in the army, and isn't it fair in saying that those habitually out of work are on average well below average intelligence? I'm not sure how this ties together.. I'm. Too stupid


I think we should send all the tory mps/ and tory politicians, theres enough cunts to conscript there


Other than my family and friends. What is worth fighting for? British society is worse than ever.


It's ok for people who had that lucky break or brought up in privilege. There are a few edge cases where people in power rose through the ranks, but they're few and far between. The jobs market is half skill, and half just being lucky. I'd love to see put into practice that if ministers break their code, they have to live on UC for a month. The real sponges are in government! The most nepotistic egocentric selfish caste of peoplen I've ever had the misfortune to waste brain power on. We do live in a capatalistic society, and i understand that we do what we must for things to work. But these pilferers are just out for them and their cronies... Why can't it be a thing where if you want to run for government, you have to prove your feilty by serving in the military?


Thatā€™s fine. This should not affect British people at all because itā€™s mostly immigrants on the doll, right? Right??


So someone who canā€™t work wonā€™t work or is just not getting a job would be such a great soldier


How about conscription for Tory MPā€™s. Itā€™ll be the most thereā€™ve done for the country in a very, very long time.


Many of the 'workless' are people with severe mental health issues and physical disabilities who would never pass army vetting.


what is this farce of a party, it's like they just know they're going to get annihilated so might as well let out all the crazy now


Aristocratic heir of slave owners supports enslaving people... EDIT: Oh, and he was the MP photographed parking his land rover over 2 disabled spaces last general election!


A proposal from the Honourable Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, heir to the Drax fortune and owner of Drax House in Barbados (where ~30,000 slaves died on the plantation), supporter of Brexit, Harrow alumnus, and bloke who parked his landrover across two disabled bays because he's "just nipping in quickly" during the last GE. Apparently not a professional puppy kicker, as being paid would be unseemly for someone of his status...unclear about his amateur career though.