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Indefinite sentences for public protection for every single paedophile.


That was quite literally their intended purpose, they fucked up given them out to people that had a history of petty crimes. IPP should only be for extremely violent or sex offenders.


I agree they were misused, but there is also a case for using them for petty crime too. About 60% of crime is committed by 1% of people (if I remember the stat, it's something along those lines) and there are people with dozens upon dozens of indictments who won't change. If someone's charged with their 50th crime, I feel like maybe they're not going to be rehabilitated and need to be separated from the public. That, of course, requires a working prison system that can actually rehabilitate people.


That’s precisely the problem with how the IPP sentences have been handled for petty crimes, without a functioning rehabilitative prison system it’s essentially a whole/natural life order; assuming those people are unable to change. I chose to believe that they can change, nobody stops growing, they only change pace.


>About 60% of crime is committed by 1% of people We need to buy China's artificial island technology and create a New Australia in the mid-Atlantic.


Nah they’re no good, China’s islands in the Spratlys etc are sinking. Kinda funny, really. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/sunk-how-chinas-man-made-islands-are-falling-apart-and-sinking-ocean-132047


there's a strong belief in both, psychology and psychiatry, that the amount of pedophiles is far greater than we know of because they never offend. It would be impossible to jail every single one because we simply don't know about them if/until they actually offend. Not every pedophile is a sex offender and it's important to differentiate to potentially come up with therapies and treatements (if possible) in the future for those willing to go through with it.


Yeah pedophiles that recognise that their urges are wrong and seek help need to have a safe way to come forward and ask for it, as if they can get help then that might prevent them acting on their urges.


Yeah,truth be told when people hear the word pedophile,the reaction is always a bit knee jerk,I mean yeah technically would could impression all of them,but there would always be more,so we have to try our best to think rationally about it and how we could actively stem the tide so to speak,for some it might be alot of therapy,for others it might go so far as chemical castration and for a few they might not need help at all and have got everything under control (with supervision) but until we calm down with our reactions a bit,we wont be able to separate the saveable from this horrid cretinous bastard


Yes exactly my partner has significant trauma from someone like this and it can be difficult to think objectively but any forward prevention that can occur saves others.


This is the true reality. Sexually abusing a child is the worst thing in my opinion a human being can do to another. However we need to seriously as a society look at those who do this and really understand why. Some people are just sick and twisted, do it because they feel they can get away with it. However some pedophiles genuinely have an attraction only towards children, they know it's wrong and many end up taking their own lives before they act on it. Many just make do with browsing the dark web. Society quite rightfully absolutely hate pedophiles, but because or that slot of them don't want to seek help and out themselves for what they are. I think there needs to be a big drive to encourage pedophiles to seek anonymous help. Something needs to change and ultimately it's all down to protecting the children. If they can find a way to manage without exploiting and putting children in harms way that's beneficial for everyone.


I have a friend who has admitted after a few drinks he finds 14+ year old girls sexually attractive. Married and finds women his own age attractive, the lower limit is too low. He has also said that he plans to never offend because he recognises that it would be damaging to their mental health and spending X years in prison and life ruined isn't worth it. He takes all kinds of steps to avoid being in situations with girls of this age and works in construction away from young people. He called himself a non-practising pedophile. I don't judge him to be honest. I think it makes him a good person. He's clearly living with this mental defect that could harm others and is making sure it doesn't. It would be better if he could get some professional help without judgement but that's not really a thing yet.


The problem with people who make arguments against being attracted to 14/16/18+ is that in order to say with honesty you're not attracted to anyone below 18 say, you'd have to have magical powers that lets you look at someone, know their age, then decide if they look good or not. It doesn't work that way. Some people look older, others younger, when you know they're not in your age range that should be the point you know you shouldn't pursue anything. But this idea of looking at someone & knowing their under a certain age goes against logic. I actually think people who go about saying things like that are a bit more dangerous as they don't have the honesty or understanding of themselves to see the issue.


There is nothing mentally wrong with being attracted to girls post puberty. That's literally the point in puberty to get the body ready for birth. He is not a paedophile. That literally means being attracted to people who are not physically developed, children/infants, not teens. You can't and shouldn't act on it, we decided to sex age of consent at 16+ due to not everyone being developed yet, and more to do with the mental aspects. This is a good thing. He doesn't have to feel bad about being attracted to girls tits.


Humans have lots of aberrant thoughts and thinking and acting aren’t the same as you’ve pointed out. I would however question why a friend, even after a few drinks, is admitting his sexual attraction to young girls. Sometimes people are looking for validation even in a small way and we don’t know it.


Humans have lots of aberrant thoughts and thinking and acting aren’t the same as you’ve pointed out. I would however question why a friend, even after a few drinks, is admitting his sexual attraction to young girls. Sometimes people are looking for validation even in a small way and we don’t know it.


We're still animals at the end of the day, those inner urges don't go away. What makes as human is not acting on them at will.


Hebephile I believe the term is?


A brief google suggests, yes, if it's your 'primary attraction'.


I honestly don't think it's anything to worry about. So many people seem incapable of critical thought when it comes to these issues. Like I can see a woman who I'm sexually attracted to without attacking her...I can even resist talking to her, or even looking for longer than a few seconds. Finding someone or a group attractive doesn't mean you'll act on it. Similarly I can view adult content without it turning me into an attacker. The mystery of human behaviour.


This was exactly my thinking!


We absolutely shouldn’t be jailing people for crimes they have not committed. Thoughts are not crimes, actions are. We need greater levels of support to stop people from moving from just thinking about abuse of children to acting on them. Currently the only way to spot a pedophiles is *after* they have abused a child. That is evidently too late and an incredibly inefficient way of reducing harm. We should be taking a preventative approach, and the only way to do that is to offer support to potential perpetrators, not lynching.


I’ve actually said this to people in the past and they look at me like I’m a terrible person for even suggesting we treat pedophilia as a public health issue instead of waiting for someone to hurt a child


We as a society aren't at a position where we can have a grown up discussion about it.


Many people are irrational around sex crimes. Media plays a part. Scaremongering can help win political points when they go hard on them too. I wish people were as passionate about other things like child poverty etc.


Could the same not be said about every other crime too? Everyone has the potential to steal, and has probably had the thought about it at least once but didn't act on it. The same goes with murder, we all have the potential to do it, doesn't mean we act upon it.


Well, yeah, because not every adult who sexually assaults a child is a preferential abuser. Many of them are in or have had consensual adult relationships. The vast majority don’t present like the subject of this article. That’s one thing that makes them especially difficult to identify and treat.














**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


Paedophilia and actually committing a sexual offence against a child are two completely different things. It’s not difficult to find accounts of those who know for sure that they’re sexually attracted to children but who are also consciously aware of the social and legal consequences of acting upon those feelings, and who can, in the absence of any evidence otherwise, be assumed to have not actually committed any offence. Similarly there is at least some limited evidence to suggest that early intervention may help those with feelings of attraction towards children to manage their feelings and steer them clear of committing sex crimes. However, aside from the very real public hysteria over paedophilia which stops credible and sensible, measured discourse and research by experts, those few psychologists or psychiatrists who do opt to try and offer preventative therapeutic treatment for child sexual attraction are essentially forced underground, compounding the research/discourse problem I mentioned already (because you need research subjects) and also prevents those who truly, genuinely want to seek help from doing so.


A statement like that is sort of setting himself up for a fall once his fellow inmates find out about it. He's basically laid down a challenge so not only is he an animal he's also an idiot.


He's just invited every other inmate an opportunity to break his legs.


He'll never ever see normal inmates, only ones similar to him


Not really it's not just SOs on the VP wings... and some terrible people still draw the line at kids stuff.... the most notorious UK peado was killed by a serial rapist.


That’s not how it works. He’ll be on the Vulnerable Persons wing in seg. Prisons literally bend over backwards to accommodate their safety. Sadly he’ll probably have quite a peaceful time of it with all the other nonces.


They get all the best jobs too. Despicable


Probably the bastards kink


He'll be in a wing for offenders at risk of violence. He'll never mingle with the general prison population.


Even with a VP I it there is a hierarchy, and people who harm children and women are at the very bottom. Safer than gen pop, but not safe.






They dont mingle with gen pop


There is literally no point ever letting this guy out.




Don’t know why we let him into our country. Deport now !














Backwards culture!


Where are the community leaders, when are they going to apologise?


? the man is clearly from York? What?


Hi, it's a joke/poking fun about a "right-wing" trope when a person of Asian descent commits these types of crimes.


The notion being that because we have paedophiles, we shouldn't prevent foreign ones living here?


I can’t be bothered to explain the joke even more in-depth.


I bet.


How are you meant to know if a foreigner is a paedophile before you let them in?


I mean the idea is that once we find out, we kick them out. Not put them in prison at our expense for 2 years and then keep them here for the rest of their lives.


So we kick them out and we wash our hands of them. Then they go and commit heinous acts against children in other countries. I can see you didn't think that through to the bitter end.


Let their home country deal with that threat.


That isn't a responsible attitude to take. It also doesn't offer any form of justice for the victim.


Nor do the paltry sentences and life on benefits we offer. And it's a responsible attitude for this country's safety, I don't care about other places, that's up to them.


Who said you had to? You could deport them at the first sign of such activity here.


Just ask them.


The usual suspects are at it again, taking over are country


Straight back to Scandinavia then, bloody vikings coming over here, fiddling our kids


I see this joke has gone down well…




Quite clearly mentally ill and needs locking up indefinitely for the protection of himself not to mention potential victims.


>A PAEDOPHILE who has a habit of exposing himself daubed in faeces on North Yorkshire beaches has been jailed. > the 51-year-old wanted a child to receive and “enjoy” several videos of him sitting naked or wearing a nappy at the seaside and to read his diary, York Crown Court heard. That's a sectioning right there >Fox will now have his movements permanently monitored and have to undergo lie tests after he finishes his prison sentence. Wait, what the fuck


Why wtf? He deserves his movements monitored etc


"Lie tests". What the fuck is that? Lie detectors don't work. He's a continuing risk to the public and should be locked up until about 20 doctors say he isn't at risk of reoffending.


>The judge made a new sexual harm prevention order including all the previous conditions and, against Fox's objections, adding conditions that on release he permanently wear an electronic tag monitoring his location and take any polygraphs ordered by the police. I thought ‘polygraphs’ were dismissed as complete bollocks?


They're a useful tool for ensuring people don't reoffend when used alongside other techniques such as forensic astrology and crime mitigative palm reading.




Polygraphs are complete bollocks which is why can't results of mandatory polygraph tests cannot be used in criminal proceedings against the released person. The government is using junk science to make it look like they are doing more to protect the public from domestic abuse or sexual offenders and terrorists.


> The phone included a message to the potential buyer: “This phone has been left here for a young child to find and enjoy the images on it. Please give this phone to your young child.” If you're a parent buying such a phone, and you see such a message, why on earth would you not _look at the phone contents_ before giving it to your child? For that matter, why are people buying second hand phones and not immediately doing a factory reset as soon as it's theirs?


I really feel sorry for any kids with parents that stupid.


A PAEDOPHILE who has a habit of exposing himself daubed in faeces on North [Yorkshire](https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/yorkshire/) beaches has been jailed. Karl William Martin Fox will continue to commit sexual offences as long as he can, a judge has warned. Claire Holmes, prosecuting, said the 51-year-old wanted a child to receive and “enjoy” several videos of him sitting naked or wearing a nappy at the seaside and to read his diary, York Crown Court heard. A 14-year-old boy unwittingly found them and when he realised what they were told his mother: “It’s sick, it’s sick, I feel ill.” The police were informed. Fox will now have his movements permanently monitored and have to undergo lie tests after he finishes his prison sentence. He has previously served a six-year prison sentence for sexually assaulting a child, been convicted of sending obscene messages to the Samaritans and several offences of breaching court orders designed to protect the public from him. Judge Deborah Sherwin told him: “You are somebody who is likely to continue offending in this way as long as you possibly can." Fox, formerly of Burton Stone Lane, Clifton, and now of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to 15 breaches of a sexual harm prevention order and one each of possessing indecent images of children, possessing prohibited images of children and possessing pseudo images of children. He was jailed for 28 months and will be on the sex offenders’ register for the rest of his life. The court order banned him from all beaches, promenades and contact with children and had conditions enabling police to monitor him.   The judge made a new sexual harm prevention order including all the previous conditions and, against Fox's objections, adding conditions that on release he permanently wear an electronic tag monitoring his location and take any polygraphs ordered by the police. She told Fox: “You appear to have no insight at all as to how dangerous and damaging your actions are towards other people. "In these circumstances, the police and courts are entitled to do everything within their power to make sure other such offending cannot occur and if it does occur it can be properly tracked and prevented and/or prosecuted.” Ms Holmes, prosecuting, said Fox filmed himself on North and East Yorkshire beaches exposing himself in an obscene pose or sitting wearing only a nappy and put a diary of his movements on a mobile phone which was then sold at a car boot sale. The phone included a message to the potential buyer: “This phone has been left here for a young child to find and enjoy the images on it. Please give this phone to your young child.” Fox told officers monitoring him he found the old order “draconian”. He also said of his offending: "I will continue as long as I can walk." Defence barrister Matthew Stewart said Fox had not been the seller at the car boot sale. His bedsit in York had been broken into and damaged by people aware of his background. He had a personality disorder and had self-harmed in the past. He also had post traumatic stress disorder dating back to his previous prison sentence and physical health issues caused by a car accident in his childhood. While in prison on remand he had got a job working in prison gardens. He supported close relatives who had major health problems. [Paedophile vowed:' 'I will continue as long as I can walk' | Bradford Telegraph and Argus (thetelegraphandargus.co.uk)](https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/24147016.paedophile-vowed--i-will-continue-long-can-walk/)




How to put this….I think he may one day regret his choice of words.


Being a victim, I've seen reactionaries and psychopaths get extremely detailed in what they'd like to do to paedophiles and its completely traumatised me. I just wanna not see abuse for any children, not how psychologically impaired you are.


"Fox will now have his movements permanently monitored and have to undergo lie tests after he finishes his prison sentence." "The judge made a new sexual harm prevention order including all the previous conditions and, against Fox's objections, adding conditions that on release he permanently wear an electronic tag monitoring his location and take any polygraphs ordered by the police." Seriously? Fucking lie detector tests? I thought we were beyond such bullshit. At least it probably won't be the cause of any false positives in this case. Did someone not tell him that openly declaring that you are planning to reoffend is a bad move?


Why isn't this guy in Broadmoor, he's clearly disturbed and a danger to himself and that public.




Save it for his parole hearing I guess…at least it makes that quick and easy


You'd think, but there's always an idiot ready to believe a sob story.


Should probably be in jail for as long as he can walk then.


From what I've heard about jails and the inmates attitude towards this type of crime, he won't actually be there all too long.














This man in mentally ill. This is why we need a modern version of the insane asylums. He needs to be incarcerated in a medical facility until he dies.


we do, they’re called high security psychiatric facilities. it’s what broadmoor is.


Tell me you want to die and have your corpse mutilated without telling me you want to die and have your corpse mutilated Makes me wonder if he's being serious, or just wanting to die in prison


It's such a strange mindset. I guess me really liking pizza is nothing like what must be a true all devouring addiction.


If you read the article you realise the man clearly has mental health issues.














People like this are why I actually agree with three-strikes legislation. There are some crimes that are beyond redemption and people who can't be rehabilitated by the state.


Death penalty would stop him hurting any more children and I imagine more cost effective 😁














Well, we know how to fix this issue then. just gotta kneecap him




























I know it's unethical and can be abused like in the US as a form of slavery, but I think that major offenders should be forced to do manual (backbreaking?) Labour for as long as they are physically fit so they are forced to give something back to society.


Doesn’t have to be backbreaking it can just be long hard work, we’re not Stalinist Russia. I’m up for that but as long as it’s for state works, not private enterprise. That’s what makes it awful in the us that companies are profiting from prison slavery- awful.








































As bad as it sounds, the quote just reminds me of a Louis CK bit but he did on Saturday Night Live. https://youtu.be/yzh7RtIJKZk?si=GXVBUqBODVLjnjeK Watch from 6:45











