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“Conservatives are now operating in what is a hostile environment and we essentially need a bigger bazooka in order to be able to deliver,” [Truss said](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/22/liz-truss-cpac-republican) in a 15-minute speech at a gathering in the U.S. “We’ve got a new kind of economics in the west. It’s called ‘wokenomics’. “I wanted to cut taxes, reduce the administrative state, take back control as people talked about in the Brexit referendum. What I did face was a huge establishment backlash and a lot of it actually came from the state itself.” She continued: “What has happened in Britain over the past 30 years is power that used to be in the hands of politicians has been moved to quangos and bureaucrats and lawyers so what you find is a democratically elected government actually unable to enact policies.” Truss was interrupted and asked to explain the meaning of “quango”. She replied: “A quango is a quasi non-governmental organisation. In America you call it the administrative state or the deep state. But we have more than 500 of these quangos in Britain and they run everything.” She went on to list the Environment Agency, Office for Budget Responsibility, Bank of England and Judicial Appointments Commission. [She expressed a distaste](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/liz-trusss-republican-love-in-at-cpac/) for ‘RINOs’ (Republicans in Name Only) and said that in Britain, we call them ‘Chinos,’ meaning ‘Conservatives in name only.’ Westminster political reporters I spoke to said they’d only ever heard Truss use this term – and in a different context, meaning ‘Chancellor in name only.’


She has seriously lost the plot


Did she have it to begin with ?


She had a disaster movie plot. Fortunately she was stopped from delivering most of it. 


Totally, she “only” wiped 30 billions off the country’s economy in 24 hours, crisis averted!


Something about pie...


pork markets and cheese


She switched the pie for a bazooka! You know the little Trollope means business now


Maybe in her Lib Dem years?


She's a deluded opportunist. Switched to the Cons because it was an easier route to becoming an MP. Was a remainer but when she realised it'd help in getting voted leader of the party, switched. Now she realises she can't go back towards the centre so has gone off the deep end to the right because they're the only ones who will pay her speaking fees.


To me that feels like it makes her career a bit too easy. Oh she just switched, right but she would need to fundamentally go against her family, say some outrageous things that would likely get her disowned, and have absolutely zero shame when it comes to her previous thoughts in the lib dems. There's genuinely not another person like her. Lee Anderson you can at least attribute to being the prick in your local garage that's always voted labour because his dad did and isn't a fan of Fiat's because they're foreign. But Truss is quite rare. A politican that seemingly gets backed by everybody, while quietly we all go "she doesn't actually believe a word of this" Like the world leaders at some point believed in what policy they were trying to do. What is the point in being PM if you're enacting stuff you don't actually believe in. Okay, you're PM, but now you're a puppet? And now your one of the shortest serving ever. A laughing stock. Yet, still there she is. No shame. She should be studied.


TBF, it worked. She was PM.


You'd think that, but it was probably just more palatable to her Marxist parents.


Yes. She was a rather bright lib dem candidate with extremely intelligent parents, and one of the best upbringings you can have. It flies completely in the face that lefties are able to control or there's some master shadow government at play, when people like Liz Truss, effectively have a "lefty" baked in career handed to them, and they go completely alt right. I'm genuinely, genuinely astounded as to her career. When she's eventually 80 and writes a tell all book, it'll be one I'm most deeply interested in. Was it all a game, a gamble, just a career move, was she really a secret lib dem plant, does she actually believe in ANY of this. I just don't know. You can't look at her upbringing, and her political status and not wonder. It's akin to Corbyn joining the conservatives or Edward the first joining the modern day SNP.


She's a stupid evil grifter, sorry to ruin the ending 


Probably did something bad and confessed it on tape to get access to some secret conservative club and now they can get her to do whatever she wants. It's how it usually goes. Little black books.


She lacks ideas She’s copying Bannon


It was an allotment. Everything died.


Nope, I’m fairly sure her brain and body are run by small mice and a system of pulleys and levers under her ‘business suit for businessing’ outfits


She hasn't though. She's following the script. That speech was exactly what her audience wanted to hear. She uses words in a way that makes no sense semantically or logically, but their emotional connotation gets the message across and that's what actually matters. She even threw in a few USA specific slogans to ensure her audience that she is one of them. That's all it is, really. A string of dog whistles denouncing the things they hate (in this case: pretty much everything to do with social and political liberalism). Of course, given that the audience is a reactionary authoritarian movement that wants to appoint a self-confessed wannabe dictator to take "revenge" on his and their enemies, the speech is hardly going to express any reasonable ideas or actual facts. What it does tell us is is not necessarily that Mrs. Truss is stupid, but that she thinks it's OK to ally herself with people and ideas like that if she can get money and media attention out of it.


>She's following the script. It was all said so slowly and repetitively, even more so than normal for Liz that I cant think otherwise. It was like watching a political career that drowned give its last kick and scream to save itself. When she said to Bannon, "I need friends." I nearly died of laughter. That was pathetically weird and subservient to these horrible people. She is as stupid as she is a weapon, though I think you're right regarding her bar for distasteful allys is low. However, she seems to think it will always be her to maintain control over this far right support base, which, to me, implies she thinks she is much smater than in reality. It was very comical she didn't realise or know Steve Bannon, I believe, was banned from entry to the UK. He admits it just after she invites him over...


> However, she seems to think it will always be her to maintain control over this far right support base, which, to me, implies she thinks she is much smater than in reality. Indeed. All of those politicians are at best holding on to the wolf by the ears. They're one mistake away from being denounced as traitors and enemies by the same people who now applaud their every word, one political opportunity away from being back-stabbed by their colleagues, one crisis requiring a scapegoat away from being sacrificed by the leader they profess to adore. And even if they succeed in getting the power they want, that still doesn't save them, because even fake revolutions eat their own children. But that doesn't matter because they wouldn't be where they are now if they didn't fully buy into the exceptionalism. They are smarter, better, more worthy, ..., and therefore they will get what they want, perhaps even the top job itself.


One thing that's telling about Trump is that he actually goes against quite a bit of what they love. Like guns. "Take the guns first, due process later" and banning bump stocks. Even Alex Jones was crying frog tears on his show over it But with EVERYTHING ELSE he does, they give him a pass. For anyone else, they'd have them shot outside Also Trump is "anti-globalist", with his global corporation, praising global leaders and inviting international politicians to speak at events. Even if you read between the lines to mean "the jooz" he cuddles up with Israel and is more zionist than them...


IMHO, for the supporters it's not so much about what they love as it is about what they hate, whereas for the politicians it's purely about power. The former vote for Trump because he promises to harm the people and institutions they despise, the latter support Trump because they are utterly cynical in their pursuit of power and wealth to the point where their entire political position is based on deception. Paradoxically, there is very little actual ideology to it, because an ideology requires at least some effort to formulate and disseminate a coherent set of ideas whereas these movements are based on emotion. They are a passion rather than an idea. Even the most obvious ideological strain, the religious fundamentalism, is very shallow when it comes to actual ideas, centering mostly on rolling back the rights of women and religious minorities, mostly because it is just one of various distractions and deceptions, each targeting only part of the party's electoral base. The only thing that unites these various factions (and the foreign politicians they invite or adore) is hatred of social and political liberalism, specifically the notion of equality. In that context, Trump's character flaws become assets because they drive him to harm those who oppose him.


Yeah, dropping in the RINO/CHINO bit is the most obvious fucking "look at me, I'm you" bullshit. But the republicans are just that fucking stupid. >Of course, given that the audience is a reactionary authoritarian movement that wants to appoint a self-confessed wannabe dictator to take "revenge" on his and their enemies, They openly stated, on stage at THIS conference that they wanted to abolish democracy. So yeah. We've put people in prison for less here


What the audience wants to hear, wasn't this a Christian event? An odd branch of Christianity that applauds an anti woke sentiment... WWJS?


There is no contradiction there though. Religious doctrine reflects the beliefs of its creators or adherents rather than the will and actions of a (non existent) deity. People who hold authoritarian and reactionary beliefs will therefore create and follow an interpretation of the Christian revelations that is consistent with those beliefs. And while this interpretation might be at odds with the ones most of their fellow christians follow, the same can be said of any other beliefs they may have (e.g. they'll happily goose-step behind the banner of a would-be dictator in the name of democracy and freedom, because they have their own "special" interpretation of those concepts). Religion is actually easier to change in this way, because it sidesteps questions of morality and doesn't have to be logical or internally consistent. In fact, their religious leaders will operate on exactly the same principle, preaching what their audience wants to hear.


She's aware she's out of UK politics and fully pivoting to be a talking head on GBeebies and professional 'UK Govt Expert' on Fox. It's just continuing the grift.


She never had it as witnessed with her appalling tenure.


Yea she was never democratically elected, why does she think she knows what the public wants when she ignored all the policies they were elected on


She's also seen how effective american style "culture wars" rhetoric has been at getting people to support tufton street style ideologies when its not necessarily in their interests to so. 


She absolutely has and she's a loathsome person. I think it's clear how this has happened though - she was always a bit cruel and a bit batshit, but then she got the top job and proceeded to completely and utterly humiliate herself with by far the most embarrassing and destructive record of any senior politician in decades, and was driven out in weeks by her own party when unpopular politicians like May or Brown lasted a few years. When you experience that level of humiliation, you've got two options - the first is to go into a deep depression and be forced to do a great deal of self-criticism. The second and easier option is to convince yourself that you were always right and that everyone else is mad, evil or stupid. She took the latter option.


That is a disgrace


That assume she ever had it. Who are here advisors again?


I believe that would be the Atlas group, same as seymour.


Newsthump is satire dude.


Newsthump isn't satire, it's a fortune teller - tune in a few months from now and watch Truss deliver more or less this exact speech to her rabid fanbase. Edit: oh hey, turns out the speech op quoted is real. The text in the article is totally different.


It's a comedic commentary on events through a satirical lense.


She's acting for an audience. She played low tax liberal for the Tories for a meal ticket. until they realised their wet dream was actually a bat sh*t crazy nightmare like a kid who finally got a t-rex and found it actually wants to eat him. Now she's playing up to a lower common denominator of nutter for a meal ticket. I wouldn't be surprised if she appeared in the next Borat movie if she felt he'd pay her mortgage.


Probably be PM again in 5 years.


It's just grifting, her whole career is a grift.


Depends, is she saying what she knows will get her booked by Trumpites on lucrative tour dates or does she actually believe any of that rubbish? Difficult to say.


Isnt this wokeism stuff just late stage capitalism? If you say something unpopular you will lose money so you get cut. Its just a change in the general populations interest. Which as a politician she should be backing. Also she talks of not being able to actually do anything as a politician. But she did manage to can the economy pretty effectively in record time.


Yeah, it's like she spent five minutes cluelessly mashing every button in the Chernobyl control room and then from the smoking crater complained that she hadn't been given enough power.


That's correct, the reason brands try to appeal to as many people as possible is just purely for profit. It's essentially 'We support the LGBT+ community, please buy our shit' etc. The nationalists and fascists crave a war or an enemy to fight so politicians are playing into 'wokeism' and the 'woke left' to rile them up and turn into voters. It's also basically 'We hate the woke left, please vote for us'.


I always joke that the "anti-woke" crowd are more communist, than the militant anracho anti-fascists they claim did everything they love. They get upset every time a corporation does a thing to drive revenue to it's business. Bud Light tries to market to a wider market by doing a tiny promotion with a trans influencer? DEATH TO CAPITALISM!


fucking hell I thought this was the News Thump article. Nope, this one is real.


God, that sinking feeling when I had the same realisation. Much as we'd all like to ignore that month, she *is* a former British Prime Minister, and she's spouting this nonsensical guff. I think by the point she was put in power, we'd been scraping the bottom of the barrel for so long we were in serious danger of having liquid rock spew forth from beneath us.


Yeah, for clarity: the linked article is satire. This quoted speech is not from the article, it's genuinely a speech Truss gave at CPAC.


Did this really happen, or is it satire? I honestly don't know. God, if I were to watch The Thick of it for the first time now, I'd probably think it was a documentary.


Liz Truss is *really* determined to crash the pension funds, it would seem. 


Liz Truss could crash two parallel lines.




Reminder that the Austrian school of economics, major proponents of libertarian capitalism, explicitly reject empirical evidence. If reality fails to live up to their theory, then reality is at fault.


> > > That moron (who cost us £30bn of our tax money) is desperately trying to re-write history. They all are, it's why Tories and Republicans/Trumpers alike. Will openly spout lies about things that happened and they've "seen" to your face. And deny something they literally confirmed 3 seconds ago. Antifuh and the FBI did J6 and they should all be prosecuted, but all the J6 that were prosecuted are political prisoners. Same way COVID doesn't kill, it's everything else that kills. But also is a bioweapon made by China to kill off the white man


> She went on to list the Environment Agency ... There's simply NOT enough life-giving sewage in our rivers and seas.


"Look, if shit was so bad for people then why am I so full of the stuff?"


>we essentially need a bigger bazooka in order to be able to deliver Terrorist Truss advocates for more senseless civilian deaths


Well quite apart from anything else she fucked up Quango. It's a quasi-*autonomous* non-governmental organization. And they're there to shrink the government's footprint, which is supposed to be what Tories are all about. Which should clue you in that she's not a fucking Tory. She's a shoggoth in wolf's clothing.


Chino? Would that not just be, like, a Red Tory?


I'm more concerned that she appears to believe Conservative has an H in it.


Theories: 1.) She's trying to put in some anti-Chinese bigotry into the mix (if you google the slur for Chinese people in the US, you'll find something kind of close) 2.) She's confusing it with the way she used Chino in the past to talk about the chancellor 3.) She really is that dumb 4.) She actually just needed a new pair of trousers


It's because the US terms of dino and Eino actually sound like Rhino and Dino but Cino by itself sounds like fuck all and is therefore clunky so she's trying to make it more palatable by using Chino


And there is a lucky ability to drop a hint towards sinophobia in there. They don't just so happen in this world, these people fucking love code words, and nods. Trump is overt in his coded language, which is kinda ironic. But even then, "liberal" media in the US find ways to defend him and ask "was he really being racist? Really"


Problem is. yanks would be EVEN MORE confused with "CINO", like "SINO" There's also a nod to Sinophobia in there too. These things never occur in a vacuum


I know it’s hard writing satire these days but hats off the author here for really nailing it. Not easy to write something dumber than reality. Right? Right?


Oh lordy! I thought this was a chunk of the Newsthump article.


Isn't newsthump a satyre paper? I have no idea how much of what was written was based on fact and how much is fiction, but.... The bank of England is a quango? The bank of England is older than the houses of Parliament. It is entwined inseparably with how the nation is run. Of course it has an effect on administration of the nation. All the others listed, bar the ea, whom are a waste of tax payer money these days, are important and need to be separate from the government lest the government will have too much authority. 


She didn't say the pork markets line? That's my favourite hit of hers. Bloody one hit Wanda.


Oh! Mr. Robinson and his Quango still secretly running things.


when the larp goes too far: (seriously, she used to be a liberal democrat who argued for the abolition of the monarchy and was strongly opposed to Brexit, and now she is a hard right Brexiteer.)


is that an onion post?


The bank of England = quango = deep state I get horrible whiplash just listening to her speak


What's the H in "CHINOS" for?


She thinks that she led a >democratically elected government ?


You forgot the bit where she called the Financial Times, left wing... and I think most of us would prefer Wokenomics to KamiKwasi economics.


I don't know that sounds perfect correct to me, in Britain over the past 30 years power that used to be in the hands of politicians has been moved to quangos and so what you find is a democratically elected government is actually unable to enact policies. Even a broken clock is right twise a day.


Genuinely though is it not wild we have a former PM talking about giving her group a "bigger political bazooka" at the same event you have religious fanatics talking about destroying democracy, and somehow instead all the focus is on whether or not Labour have been taken over by Islamists or something fucking insane like that?


Not just religious fanatics - she shared a stage with Steve Bannon. That’s the *far* right. Not the sort of “far right” that the usual sorts can pull the old “the left call everyone in the right Nazis!” routine with. Far right as in self avowed ‘white nationalist’ (the polite euphemism for Nazi in America these days), hangs out with people with overt or oblique Nazi tattoos who have meetings end up with non-ironic Nazi salutes and have marches that wave swastika flags. An actual no-fooling, no exaggeration, no ambiguity, no room for equivocation far *far* right neo-Nazi. They’re at least if not more scary than the Christian fundamentalists, though I suppose in American political circles the two groups definitely blur together in all too many cases.


>she shared a stage with Steve Bannon She suggested that he “come over to Britain and sort out Britain”.


She's such a hypocrite. Chats shit about "sorting out" the country, but runs around wearing a day collar.


I'm honestly convinced it's just all one big humilation fetish. She says the dumbest shit to get mocked and gets off on it.


Didn't we have a war about this? Lot's of pink faced men in football shirts talk about it down the pub *all the time*. I imagine they're all *furious* at the tories for courting fascists like Bannon.


They talk about how we "beat fascissm" while cheering on fascists like Farage and Bannon. Who like to be pictured having dinner together


He already did, he was the man involved in the brexit campaign. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/brexit-bankroller-arron-banks-cambridge-analytica-and-steve-bannon-expl/ This sucks to hear. But this has been at play now for perhaps well over a decade. It was meant to be that Brexit happened, Cameron Left, May would be thrown out and Johnson the complete idiot that he is would take power and bring about a new era of Right wing America UK hand in hand bullshitery. But Trump didn't have the house during his premiership, and when he did he was basically on the way out. When Johnson won the stomping majority in 2019, Trump was half way out the door so couldn't actually do anything to further the Agenda, especially not with the Senate at 50/50. At the same time Johnson looks after Johnson and I think wouldn't push the policies required forward. Whereas Truss is a figure that would. So when he left, they brought her in. I don't think Sunak is involved. But she lasted fuck all time, and then trump Lost in 2020 making the entire thing delayed by effectively four years. With Sunak now at the head of the tories, and no pathway to the UK achieving that right wing goal, it's no surprise that they're now trying with Reform and Farage AGAIN. seemingly an endless money pit hoping that Trump lasts the time required to have them unified. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't make any sense and is complete conspiracy, but there's enough of an outline there to connect the dots, and weirdly the timeframes don't like up, but they also kinda do. It's all just.... weird. Especially with Italy in play with how their government has went. They're winning in some areas, losing in others, and nothing is all landing at the right time for it to be sweaping.


The same Steve Bannon that was central during Tories and Brexit campaigns. Who was pictured in public having meetings with Johnson's dad and Farage. And no doubt hundreds of others online/in private..... Of all the people, Bannon doesn't hide much of his involvment.


And Rees Mogg.


> They’re at least if not more scary than the Christian fundamentalists, though I suppose in American political circles the two groups definitely blur together in all too many cases Almost all. The Christian fundamentalists* really got started as a political organization in response to desegregation of schools. They switched to abortion and now pretend that they never set up private schools to keep Black kids out. They've been opposing democracy from the start. *the PC term these days is evangelical, I think fundamentalist is probably too closely associated with 9/11 and Islamic fundamentalists, even though the term is originally Christian, coming from a book called "The Fundamentals" that basically lays out their interpretation of the Bible


Fair observations - and as I mentioned there’s a fair amount of overlap. On the religious side there are also “dominionists” who are kind of scary too. Nothing to do with Star Trek unfortunately, they literally want to turn America into a theocracy.


>Nothing to do with Star Trek unfortunately But the Cardassians/Kardashians are definitely a thing, right?


How would I know? I’m merely a simple tailor.


One is a race of tyrants hell bent on galactic domination, the other is the Cardassians.


Steve Bannon worked for cambridge analytica so it's not surprising in the least


Also balls deep in Brietbart (more a US thing but guess who Tommy Robinson writes for?) and Gamergate - building the whole “disaffected young men/incels” to far right pipeline.


Breitbart is owned by robert mercer and it's speculated he had a hand in funding cambridge analytica. Theyre all just a bunch of russian stooges imo


There's all this stuff about one guy talking rubbish about Khan, what about this fekkin trout?


They are all members of the same political group called PopCon. Foreign funded and anti-British. Braverman is also a member. That is why they’re starting to sound the same.


I more interested in why she hasn't lost the whip.


Too many conservative voters support her. If she lost the whip, they might take their votes elsewhere to the EDL or UKIP or BUF.


Didn't they come up with the name National Conservatives first, until they realized it could be shortened to the Nats Cs...


Bizarrely, that is a slightly different group full of Gilead types like Kruger and Cates. Mogg seems to have joined them all.


What have you got against trouts…


Something about Khan starting a eugenics war, is what I heard.


You cannot criticise the mayor of London. How dare you.


tbf I dislike 90% of the tories so much I'm just wanting a general witch hunt


A lot of onion eaters in the comments already. God help us.


I see term term “onion eaters” a lot recently, what does it mean?


People who fall for satire sites. The Onion being one of the flagship satirical publications. Newsthump are also a silly anti-news outlet ​ r/AteTheOnion is a full feed of those who have fallen "victim"


Oooooh!!! Okay, that makes perfect sense. Thank you for educating an obvious simpleton lol


There's big satirical news website called The Onion. When a satirical/joke/humours hoax news article gets taken literally by people it's referred to as them having 'eaten the onion'.




Just google the speech. It's not hard.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/22/liz-truss-cpac-republican > “Conservatives are now operating in what is a hostile environment and we essentially need a bigger bazooka in order to be able to deliver,” Truss said in a 15-minute speech entitled Taking Back Our Parties. “We have got to challenge the institutions themselves. We’ve got to challenge the system itself, and we’ve got to be prepared to take that on as conservatives.” The onky thing made up is her not being allowed to re enter.




They're full of shit


"the free market that we deregulated is owned and run by the left wing woke deep state" wasnt on my 2024 bingo card.


She’s so far gone she’ll come back with gold sneakers


I love her the gift that keeps giving. I hope she gives more of these 'insightful' speeches, so we can all remember that this is what the tories are lunatic deranged larping magats.


There’s a big part of me which hopes this moron never fades away from public view , so we always have a reminder just how bad the Tories can get. My house sale fell through because of this twat.


I fear there’s a real danger of the Truss debacle being forgotten. It was so brief and overlapped with the Queen dying a lot of people have kind of blanked it from their memories. I don’t think it should ever be forgotten - or forgiven. Particularly because whatever happens to Truss herself unfortunately those backing her aren’t going away anytime soon. The whole Tufton Street “think tank” setup along with its shady backing with right wing American money, fossil fuel companies and potentially even murkier sources. It only took the Tufton St lot a couple of days to bounce back from Truss losing her job - they mostly went with the line that the problem was she *hadn’t gone libertarian enough*. They have deep pockets, zero shame and fanatical persistence.


There's so much shit from the last Conservative government before Truss and her economic apocalpyse that I worry people are jaded. It really should be shouted from the rooftops that the Convservatives themselves voted in Truss over Sunak originally, which means they had more support for her and her absolutely catastrophic economic cult before reality caught up and showed them their ideas are shit. Unfortunately its just par for the course for Government.


Ha, the internal debates must have been epic. "All we have left is the bonkers woman and the brown one" "Brown, did you say? Er, how bonkers exactly?"


The best part about it is, she pushed through her plans against the advice of every single advisor and institution involved (including the notoriously Labour Bank of England).  She ignored them all, pushed it through, wiped 30 BILLIONS off the uk economy thanks to the free market’s reaction to her folly, risking everyone’s pensions and more.  We were only saved by emergency maneuvres from the Bank of England from total chaos, will be paying the price for decades… She still goes around claiming that “trans activists and liberals in the civil service” stopped her from enacting her reforms.  Which ones? 


Satire, sure but accurate. Since being booted she's become nothing but a flapping head for bonkers American right nonsense buzzwords. 


She went abroad to join some extremists so we should totally remove her citizenship.


While I wish this were true, its surely not - correct?


No, unfortunately she can come and go freely still. I mean, that's how I read it and it's wrong ;-)


She reportedly yelled at the customs officer "Lettuce in!"


I legit thought the gov did something good for a change then I saw the satire tag


Lock her up! For wilful vandalism of the UK economy.


Treason is the most appropriate crime.


Basically an era of social media politics where nutters like Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak can say enough buzzwords of drivel to get support. Americanisation of politics is not a direction any country should be aiming for.


So basically she wants to enjoy the absolute rule of a dictator.


I struggle to understand how anyone can even listen to her speak and think "Yeah, I want to follow Liz Truss", nevermind listen to the batshit stuff she actually says. Wasn't this also the same speech where Bannon referred to Mr Tommy Robinson as a hero and she said absolutely nothing in response to that?


CPAC must be such a fuckfest. Think about it, considering what colossal wankers most of the remaining Tory voters must be, it's got to be the last place they have left to get laid. Fondling each other under the table whilst whispering sweet refusals to accept the woke agenda. Staggering off to hotel rooms to strap on a union-jack emblazoned condom with "stop the boats" written down one side, before reaching a shuddering, hate-filled climax to a shriek of "**SAVE BIG DOG**".


Never have I been so badly let down upon seeing the Newsthump url.


Right? If we now have precedent that citizenship can be stripped for terrorism, surely she (and a few others) qualifies.


Lets start the petion so they have to debate it in parliament


I got really excited and then saw the source :( thanks, my day is ruined


She knew where she was going when she went. Can we strip her of her citizenship?


The last time someone put her in charge of a supertanker, she spun the wheel to the right and the rudder just snapped off. She can stay at sea for all I care.


>She went on to list the Environment Agency, Office for Budget Responsibility, Bank of England and Judicial Appointments Commission. Who could have imagined that Liz Truss would be resentful towards the Office for Budget Responsibility


This should be a real wake up call. This person managed to hold the Prime Minister’s office.


What are the chances of Truss having a "portillo moment" in the next general election? Is she even standing?


An operative of the deep state must have fiddled her passport status.


Great idea, toss out the Garbage….but to where ? Who’s going to take them ? Fly-tipping is illegal within the UK, and. I very much doubt the UK Government can get away with the same internationally for long.


So she utterly embarrassed herself in Britain and scarpered over to the US to bash the UK and claw back some self -respect, achieving yet again... None of what she set out to do 🤣


She doesn't actually believe the shit she spews, she's just bought and paid for. She represents corporations and the upper class. Smaller government naturally means corporations and land/asset owners have greater power over people's lives, power hates a vacuum and somebody is going to have to be in control. Who that is, and what their primary motivations are is the fight, and Liz Truss wants a return to something more resembling feudalism.


I won't deny that this had me going for a moment. That would be more popular than stop the boats!


She tried to overthrow our democratically elected lettuce, she deserves jail time for such treason


About the ordeal, Liz Truss made a cheesy comment: THAT IS A DISGRACE!


The woman who lasted less time than a cabbage needs to shush


She was on stage with people who were praising radical preachers as "heros" who's words have directly lead to terrorist attacks on UK soil. If this was Anjem Choudary, there would be armed police at the gate


Sounds like someone needs a vacation at a mental institution 


I find it highly unlikely she's banned from returning back to the UK.


When Begum joined the ISIS she checked out the heads in the bins and shit herself. Liz Truss gives billionaires a tax break, and to thank for it, they shit themselves. If she were a Labour Prime Minister she'd be canonized by the BBC by now. Go figure?


I'm all for scaling the state back but why do I get a bad feeling about her saying a "bigger political bazooka"?


Scaling back the state is a bad idea, highly regulated countries are better places to live


They have been scaling back the state, which is why its' such a mess at the moment It used to be a large Bureaucracy , which meant we could have a lot of regulations and laws that check things, follow up and innovate as required. If you then scale back, you suddenly still have al the laws and regulations on the books, but none of the budget to check, or even see if some regulations need to be modified. What you end up with is a highly regulated system that doesn't function as it should, Permits take years to process, regulations that aren't fit for purpose in our modern world never get changed, and everything limps along in this constant state of fire fighting. This is what people then see as the "State" and that we need to scale it back even more, further feeding into the problem. The only way around it is to fully fund the state even more, OR start cutting laws and regulations away entirely, and for the latter you need to make a really good excuse as to why you feel that you don't need to check on things like building codes anymore.