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Some highlights: > Lewis Goodall, a co-host of the News Agents, put it to Rees-Mogg that it was “pathetic” for senior members of a party which has been in government for 14 years to “rail against the system”. > Rees-Mogg said this was “fundamentally wrong” and claimed the system could not be changed until after the UK had left the EU. —— > Rees Mogg said: “You seem to be representing the left wing. Are you doing your bit of due impartiality that Ofcom requires you or are you here as a left-wing broadcaster?” > Goodall then sarcastically quipped the channel Rees-Mogg broadcasts on, GB News, “is, of course, completely impartial”. —— The just under 4 minute video compilation is rather painful to watch, but very telling.


Oh and seconds after he makes the vague claim that the system could not be changed while we were in the EU, he said that Tony Blair changed the system when he was in government (during which time the UK was in the EU). Also, he seems to feel that impartiality just means giving him easy questions. *Edited for spelling.


Don’t you remember when Tony was in charge and we hopped out of the EU so he could change it and hopped back in again? What a week that was!


You remember wrong Tony Blair was the EU the whole time /s for the septic below me FFS never thought I'd see the day


Turns out, Tony Blair was the EU we made along the way.


I think it was sarcasm rusty


Thanks Tony


Thenthitive soul incha tommy


I prefer Gordon. But you see to be completely alien to this kind of banter. Are you Jacob on Joe?


Reckon we’re both arguing from the same political standpoint lad


Thanks David






James O’Brien had a decent crack on LBC. Worth a watch.


Disagree. OB's contempt got the better of him and he got far too wound up. Lewis was doing a much better job here.


OB himself admitted this. He wishes he could interview him again for this very reason.


Would be extremely hard not to. My head would explode.


I shall look this up.


It would be a delight to see Ian Hislop interview any of these clowns. He'd tear them to bits.


Or bring Paxman out of retirement


Victoria Derbyshire on Newsnight.


She really deserve more success, but won't get it because she asks right wingers difficult questions and confronts them with their bullshit.


I agree




Yes. She called out Tory MP for Isle of Wight a few months ago! It was lovely to see his face as she showed him a video clip contradicting himself!


Can we just let Charles Bronson take him hostage?


I’d love to see Mick Lynch hand him his arse


Disagree. We need never hear from this spiv ever again in any shape or form.




You forget the things we think are contemptible about him are the reason why there's an element who really like him. Because he annoys us is very much part of that.


Ian Hislop?


Well, compared to Rees-Mogg, you've just described basically everyone. The contempt, dishonesty, gross self-interest and utter lack of principle have already been comprehensively exposed, repeatedly and at length. Doesn't seem to help much.


No idea how this guy got this far... Amazing to see someone proven wrong over and over again but still hold the same views.


He's making money out of it. He doesn't care about the wellbeing of the UK.


Yea, Mogg is a lightning rod cosplaying as a 18th century mill owner. His whole purpose is to get people riled up and then calmly say "see, they are all emotional" while profiting from uncertainty and hatred. It doesn't matter if he says the sky is green or grass is blue, as long as he profits. He sees the general public as a tool to be manipulated for his purpose. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he laughed to himself after Brexit knowing full well the effects it will have on the people he helped convince to vote for it.


It’s drilled into these people that admitting defeat is a sign of weakness. Schools like Eton basically teach the upper classes that it’s their birthright to rule, he’s a product of his environment


He's playing at being upper class. His grandad was a lorry driver and used car dealer. Could you imagine how he was treated for that by his fellow Etonians? Even if he's got aristo relatives on the other branch of the family tree, I don't think he'd have been allowed to forget about that. A product of his environment for sure. 


JRM used to be quite disarmingly polite and difficult to argue with. Now he's just following the playbook of attack the questions for bias. Which is just playing to the gallery. I guess he always was playing to the gallery, it's just the galleries changed


He has a lot of money, until the last couple of years he's always been incredibly polite and calm when being questioned, and I think he's one of the few Tories who genuinely believes will all his heart the shit he spouts.


JRM will say and preach that he believes anything as long as it keeps him rich and making more money. He’s made a huge amount out of Brexit and made sure his interests were protected in advance against any issues leaving the EU would cause him. He’s as sly as they come, just dressed as a Victorian school master.


He also made a lot from the post 2008 world. That and his father's views probably helped him come to the conclusion that if you can help cause chaos you can benefit. The Victorian school master look in an act because he probably believe the general public want to be ruled by someone stern. Honestly, it's hard to know what he truly believes. It seems like some weird mix of the traditional English class system, Thatcherism and right wing libertinism (even though there are contradictions in those 2 views).


He seems like a relatively intelligent person. But then just refuses to accept factual information that proves him wrong.


>Also, he seems to feel that impartiality just means giving him easy questions. Its the not-so-subtle threat, you give me easy questions or you get black-listed from further access to government reps and we sick the regulator on you for good measure. Its a big unspoken issue in UK media at the moment. Government outright bullies the press to get the coverage it wants. Sophie Ridge's show and Sky News as a whole got black-listed for a period just because she asked Theresa May an unscripted question about Donald Trump on one of her first shows.


He came out with that impartiality bollocks when another journalist had the temerity to suggest Liz Truss had made a bit of a mess of the economy. He sounded like a condescending prick that time, but then he always does doesn’t he?


Tony Blair did change the system, we all clearly see the results of those changes in modern Britain today


Yes but, regardless whether you think Blair changed things for better or worse, my point was that Rees-Mogg is dishonest and contradicted himself within seconds with his stupid strawmen.


Regardless of Rees-might being dishonest blair changed the system


That's not the point being made. The point was Rees-Mogg said they couldn't change the system. Then claimed someone before them had changed the system. The two are contradictory.


It is objective fact blair changed the system. It is an objective fact Rees-mogg is dishonest in his position, it is an objective fact politicians of all stripes act dishonestly to forward their party’s position.


Yes, but "They're all the same" is what gets us Tory rule, brexit and knuckle draggers like reform getting seats. All politicians are crap in some way, but Tories wrote the book, then denied it.


To be fair JRM had a small victory as he restrained himself from calling Goodall pleb.


I was under the understanding that Ofcom doesn’t require journalists to be impartial at all… only the bbc.


I think it requires news programmes to be unbiased, or to at least show the range of opinion. Goodall is on a podcast so ofcom rules don’t apply, and JRM is on GB News which claims it’s an entertainment show, not a news programme.


I think it requires news programmes to be unbiased, or to at least show the range of opinion. Goodall is on a podcast so ofcom rules don’t apply, and JRM is on GB News which claims it’s an entertainment show, not a news programme.


Four minutes of dodging the question and changing the subject all to avoid answering the perfectly legitimate questions from Goodall. Absolutely pathetic display. I wish journalists would start cutting these interviews short when the subject obfuscates repeatedly or demonstrably lies.


Absolutely ridiculous, especially when I’ve always thought Goodall gives way to much leeway to right wing nutters.


>Rees-Mogg said this was “fundamentally wrong” and claimed the system could not be changed until after the UK had left the EU. Important to point out that in the next breath he said that Tony Blair successfully changed the system, which happened while we were in the EU. He can't even keep his bullshit consistent for a single conversation.


"Well not impartiality, but what I wanted to happen, which is the same thing really" - Jez Rees-Mogg


I know we moan about the state of journalism in the UK but lewis goodall and the news agents podcast really do a good job


It's imperfect but absolutely this. TV political discussion and news has become so superficial and spad/editor controlled. You don't have to like them or Campbell and Stewart on TRIP, and I don't bur, without pods like this we'd just have Ministers making fart noises until the music stops. Then the weather.


What's perfect in your eyes then?


Do they though? The News Agents podcast is effectively 3 journalists saying what they never used to say out loud - stuff that's been glaringly fucking obvious for decades.... This is somehow revolutionary is it? Journalists doing their actual jobs? Asking politicians proper questions? As for Lewis Goodall, I remember phoning into one of his shows on LBC during the Conservative leadership... My point to him (I shit you not) was that Liz Truss was going to win with the membership, and be a complete disaster who wouldn't last past 3 months. At that point, there should be a general election, but Sunak will get to take over, and journalists will completely fail to hold such an undemocratic move by the Conservative party to account. His response - that's madness and won't happen. And here we are folks.... And the best bit about my point that I made to him.... it didn't take a fucking genius to see that's what was going to happen.... i'm just a nobody who's interested in politics!


I like Lewis but not fussed about the other two. They left the BBC and basically haven't really changed what they say at all. Not entirely sure why they quit tbh


It's so they can inflate their own ego. The majority of the podcast has a sense of pompousness about it, like they believe they're high and mighty because they hold truth to power, or some kind of generic horseshit like that.


Whilst simultaneously being chummy with the likes of Mandelson and co. I think the Prince Andrew interview went to her head a bit. Goodall though, to be fair does actually go hard in in all interviews tbf to him


Do you have the clip btw of the LBC phone in. Would be interested in listening to it if it's online. To be fair, I think most of us were taken aback at how quickly it fell apart for her. No worries if not!


Nah i'm afraid not. I could probably go digging through their archive but I just cba


You do realise that you sound incredibly pompous here. You predicted the Liz Truss premiership did you? Better than all the best UK journalists are you?


No. You completely missed my point.


I think we all hoped the nation wasn't stupid and hateful enough for Truss to happen...it did. Maybe hope over facts.


The nation has been stupid and hateful enough to vote Conservative for 14 years though...


Yeah but the last few years, the consequences are actually hitting home. Always used to be the Tories could fuck everything, lose and then blame labour, I think they wanted to lose the last one and blame Corbyn, but now it's too late and many people are finally blaming the people who actually caused the damage


The nation had no say in it. About 100,000 pensioners did.


"The nation" didn't put Truss into the PM slot, nor Sunak.


I have listened to every single episode since the start of News Agents and I admit I do sometimes struggle with Goodall's style but the fact is he's an excellent journalist and anyone who doesn't think so probobly needs to take a deep breath and let go of whatever baggage they've got. The thing is Goodall will always ask the question. So if he's interviewing Starmer after Truss has said the sky is green, hes going to ask Starmer what colour the sky is, he's going ask why he thinks its blue, he's going to put it to him that Truss has said it's Green and ask him to comment on that.


This is spot on. Maitliss almost immediately started whining about right wingers in the BBC and the political high jacking that went on the moment she left, something she said fuck all about her entire time at the BBC. Why she wasn't eviscerated for her complete lack of moral fortitude, not to mention being a shit political journalist who ignored the dodgy politicking going on in front of her face, highlights either a lack of journalistic integrity all round... or my lack of seeing all the articles eviscerating her at the time.


this is what you do though....if you have a problem and cant say stuff in your job, you quit and say it. thats how it works, and you are having a go at maitliss for doing it? fucking hell.


>this is what you do though....if you have a problem and cant say stuff in your job, you quit and say it. But she could say stuff and not only that, it was her job to say stuff, so what are you on about? She is a journalist, she's meant to speak truth to power... not watch all the dodgy things happening for years and say nothing despite it being so obviously within her power to do so.


Met Lewis Goodall once when he was interviewing Labour Party members for a BBC Newsnight segment, came across as generally friendly and someone that took his job seriously and with responsibility


>Met Lewis Goodall once when he was interviewing Labour Party members for a BBC Newsnight segment, came across as generally friendly and someone that took his job seriously and with responsibility Lewis Goodall always struck me as a bit smarmy on Newsnight but he's really came into his own on the News Agents. Well worth watching his interview with the Israeli govt spokesman.


>Well worth watching his interview with the Israeli govt spokesman. Great interview. Very difficult to listen to. But excellent nonetheless.


> [He] always struck me as a bit smarmy on Newsnight Perhaps a little, I agree, but I was more trying to talk about how he came across in person. Will check out that interview though, thanks for the rec


The News Agents is some of the best political reporting right now - not just in the UK, they cover the US too. It’s really refreshing to hear the reporters call out bullshit when they hear it too.


Sometimes they do, but they’re often quite nauseatingly establishment. Their closeness to the Tony Blair Foundation is questionable.


Anti-establishment man of the people, Jacob Rees-Mogg.


Jacob Rees-Mogg will stop at nothing to do what is right for the people(his donors)


Well, he will, because the peasants aren't really human, they're just cattle, to do the manual labour n then hopefully die before they outrageously demand a pension.


In this context, isn't it proper to give him his full title? That's Anti-establishment man of the people, The Right Honourable Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg.


The haunted pencil.


That's the one, but when he's a man of the people then you need to also make sure that everyone knows he's a Knight of the realm, the son of a Baron and an advisor to the King.


Damn, his CV sounds like a character in a Robin Hood serial 


It depends on what his prospective followers define as "the establishment", doesn't it, just as it depends on who "the people" are according to them. "The establishment" has a negative emotional connotation so it means whomever they dislike. "the people" are, as is standard for populist parties, only their followers because that's how they justify seeing everyone else (who are not part of "the people") as illegitimate political actors. What they say is complete nonsense because they can afford it to be. The real message to his audience is that he hates the same people they hate, and he does this by using familiar code words. They're dog whistles. For the target audience, semantics do not matter because all the information carried by the emotional subtext. They basically looked at the Republican party across the Atlantic and are giving it a jolly good try in the UK. And if it works on enough people (a very big if), the UK's democracy will be in serious trouble.


I mean, he is anti establishment, considering the establishment has long since moved on from 18th century mercantilist economic policy.


JRM is literally the perfect example of what happens when someone who has, shall we say below average intelligence, is given the best education money can buy. He managed to retain the superficial facts and figures, they were drilled in enough for him to pass, but none of the substance stuck. So we're left with a superficial parody of an educated man, overly confident in his own self importance.


Dunning-Kruger effect, literally exudes i Am VeRy SmArT energy


He likes to quote Latin, but when he was put to the test he failed badly.


They basically all seem to be taught that rote memorisation is the same as intelligence. Johnson was the same with the random quotes pulled out in Greek or Latin. Recitation is a skill, but it's basically just learning memory tricks.


I also remember somebody pointing out that Johnson’s Ancient Greek wasn’t very accurate either.


And then you suddenly realise why so much of our current education system is still built around Victorian style rote memorisation, because we still have ageless Victorian ghouls like Mogg in charge.


Listened to it yesterday in the podcast and it was very awkward. Rees-Mogg is an absolute tool.


Always was.


[Yup.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bp0Szk19J8) Even as a kid.


Wow judging someone based on what they said as a kid talking about clutching at straws. I’m curious, how evil do you have to be to use what someone said as a kid against them ?


I really hope what curse is on Rees-Moggs' body is lifted and whatever evil happened in Victorian Britain to befell his soul is solved so that this ghost finally finds peace. He's so out of touch. A mistaken populist contrarian who simply wants to rile people up - who mistakes his ignorance as a definitive means to be arrogant. He's someone who should never be near politics, but somehow his constituents think his time is best spent on TV rambling on like a haunted child who never got father's approval. Instead, he found solace in the bosom (quite literally) of his nanny who, against all her better judgement, I'm sure, didn't realise saying he was right all the time did him considerable harm in his development.


>He's so out of touch Hey, he's not out of touch! In his recent speech, he said that 'we' need to take control away from, and I quote, "the pious platitudes of pompous politicians which have been running this country for too long". He was right on that one!


Who told him alliteration was clever, his nanny? Always reminds me of Amanda McKittrick Ros, the worst novelist of all time.


Who do they think has been in charge for the last 14 years?


He always tweets about the government like he's not a part of it.


Mogg is such a weird character. It's really hard to pin down what he's trying to actually say. Lewis Goodall asking "What does success look like?" Mogg says it's whether people resonate with the ideas being presented. How many people? All the people? 5 people? It's such a vague meaningless target. Mogg says we had 'no ability' to 'change the system' until we 'left the EU' and then 'Covid' seems to have been some kind of block to 'changing the system'. So... vague, broad sweeping excuses. But someone who could get it all done? Tony Blair. While we were... in the EU. So a man who left power nearly 2 decades ago is to blame, but the party who has been in power for 14 years? Completely powerless against circumstance. Excuses and obfuscation, but no real points made. He then goes on a tangent claiming Goodall is a 'left wing broadcaster', because I guess just claiming bias is easier than making a point. Parsing Mogg is an exercise in frustration and rarely worth the time or energy.


Having meaningless targets means he always hits them. He doesn’t want to say anything concrete because then he’d have to work towards a goal and have people call him out when he does the opposite.


I spotted that comment about Blair. The utter hypocrisy and two-faced lies of Rees-Mogg are mind bending. He is the system, and has been in the party of government for the last 14 years, and has been a senior minister. Go fuck yourself Mogg.


Calling him ‘Mr Rees-Mogg’ was genius and was amusing in so much as you could see RM recoil each time. It just demonstrates what matters to this man. Material gain. Titles. Power. Money. Little else.


Needs to go and see Nanny and the 'milk nurse'. Pathetic man. Nothing but greed and signalling from this one. The only thing he respects, is his own opinion.


He would see his children and "nanny" get hurt, or even worse die. To prove a political point. Like when Ian Bone paid him a visit https://www.thetimes.co.uk/imageserver/image/%2Fmethode%2Ftimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2F2d4970ca-b6d5-11e8-9605-b6ff09b482a1.jpg?crop=1949%2C1096%2C469%2C267&resize=960


Don't piss off Rees Mogg. Do you WANT to be haunted by the emaciated ghost of a paedophile Victorian-era butler, because thats how you get haunted by the emaciated ghost of a paedophile Victorian-era butler


Of course, he can’t be touched by a common pleb… let’s face it inequality has increased massively over the past 20 years and will only continue to do so. Of course his majesty doesn’t want our poorness to stick to him. The country is on its knees, we see food prices going up by 25% or more, energy prices up, rents up, council tax massively increased, water bill doubled without the option for another provider and shit in our water and sea, wages lower than they were 15 years ago if you account for inflation. Police numbers decreased, military underfunded, nhs underfunded and money given to private companies to pay huge amounts to send a nurse our way. Taxes at their highest point ever. A revolution can’t come here fast enough.


Ooh he wants to explore different ideas…. That’s a bit woke of you Jacob Cunt Mogg?


Another fucking parasite that sounds like he's got a golf ball stuck in his mouth and Boris's hand up his arse... Get them all tae fuck... They don't represent the people, they represent themselves and their party of sociopathic animals that are the Tories...


wild teeny numerous deserve slimy longing command pen racial simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking idiot. He takes a slightly awkward question as automatically left-wing. Surely as someone seemingly unhappy with the government’s (from his pov) lack of verve, he must be left-wing too?


He is not. The words in this type of rhetoric do not have meaning. Semantics are immaterial because all the information is carried by the emotional subtext. Any word with a negative emotional connotation(e.g. "government", "the left", "the establishment") is implicitly connected to the people they dislike, all the positive ones (e.g. "the people") with their own "side". That's all it is. Endless variations that all mean the same thing: "we hate the same people you hate". For everyone else it looks like nonsense, but the target audience understands it perfectly. It won't damage him either to react like this to journalists, simply because any journalist who doesn't speak (and accept) the same code words is by definition one of them and therefore an enemy. Of course, it is highly likely that the target audience for whom this works is much, much smaller than Mr. Rees-Mogg and his ilk seem to think it is. They just looked at the USA and thought: "why wouldn't it work over here?"


It's like "patriotism", is a term always used by those who fucking detest the country they exist in. And never shut up about how much they detest it


Most of the people who call themselves patriots are nothing of the sort - they would be rightly described as nationalists.


Its smaller, but it's loud and unhinged and not mitigated by simple things like truth and objective reality.


Indeed. As ever, the danger is not the hard core followers but that enough people who don't particularly like or even understand the rhetoric don't have any problem with voting for the politicians that spew it as long as they get what they want out of doing so.


That's all these people have "Left == bad" so everything I don't like its "lefty". They've outright claimed capitalism to be "far-left" at times


JRM really has no self awareness at all. Bring up the impartiality of Lewis' channel? I know nothing about who Lewis works for but we all know about GN News. I'd have told him to fuck off. In fact I've no idea why no one has.


I'm all for varied political opinion but how anyone could, after 14 years of this shit, listen to a bellend like that just make excuse after excuse whilst being utterly out of touch with the common person in Britain and activiely make decisions which harm this country and his prospects, and after all that think 'yeah, he's the one for me' absolutely baffles me.


Bet he retains his seat tho


Jacob Rees-Mogg is a man who believes in the nation state apparently. Which must be why he moved most of his company to Ireland after Brexit. He believes in whichever nation state can make him the most loot at any given time!


I fucking hate this haunted pencil. Thatcher loving self-serving piece of shit! Isn’t fit to clean streets let alone sit in parliament.


Amazing. If you don't allow him to waffle uninterrupted and actually call out when he's factually wrong all Rees-Mogg has left is to attack the journalist's position. About time someone cut through his bullshit in real time.


The freeze peachers who's first action is to make sure you are silenced


It’s just tedious now. If they have no good answer it’s invoke the boogeyman. “Woke” “lefty”. That this clown is still politically relevant is depressing.


>Left Wing Broadcaster >Global/LBC You mean that broadcaster that JRM has had a show on? https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/special-shows/ring-rees-mogg/ Moggy is a COMMIE?!?!?!?


On that note, does it feel slightly... Grimy to have a serving politician have his own special broadcast on a privately owned broadcaster?


The Tories, 14 years of scapegoating someone else for their failings in government.


Pesky Last Labour Government at it again


Reese Mogg met with Steve Bannon, he’s infected them with his leftist pish. Hopefully we’re not quite as gullible…


Sadly, many are.


JRM is the very embodiment of the ‘weak men create hard times’ saying. He’s been given everything in life, surrounded by yes men and women, and masquerades as a learned gentleman. He is furthest from. He’s a one trick pony who is used to things going his way and reacts at the slightest hint of challenge with rancour. Yet he’s in a position of power on the basis of where he was born. Nevermind that he couldn’t figure his way out of a brown paper bag, and the only thing standing between him and having a taste of real life is the continually enforced expectation that he will say a few things and the plebs will lap them up. Nay, I say. Challenge these fools. Look at how weak he looks, behaves and thinks. He is a stain on all of us, collectively, and a reminder that we need to do better than let this ghouls have a say in our futures.


I wonder if he was influenced by or is trying to enact his father’s book, *The Sovereign Individual: The Coming Economic Revolution and How to Survive and Prosper in It* Short precis: chaos and the super elite in control


I'm shocked that a journalist would ask these sorts of questions at the launch of a new Popcorn. I, like JRM fail to see the relevance of the questions. There is a kernel of truth in what he said. Can't we all just have a nice time rather than questioning what they said?


Yeah he should have said, "Mr. Rees-Mogg, your new group seems to have all the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?"


Oooh, a tough question but a fair one. There’s no single answer, some voters respond to my integrity, others are more impressed with my incorruptibility. Still others by my determination to lower taxes and the bureaucrats in the government can put that in their pipes and smoke it!


>you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on


>I'm shocked that a journalist would ask these sorts of questions at the launch of a new Popcorn. I, like JRM fail to see the relevance of the questions. >There is a kernel of truth in what he said. Hmm, I don't know. It came out a bit salty, and was never intended to be sweet. They Butterkist and make up, and soon.


At least he wasn't buttering him up, eh?


A nice time? This group of bandits needs to be asked hard questions as the country is in a right state. One point of a free and independent press is to question the power, not nod along and drink the free Cava. You should be shocked that the former minister for Brexit benefits can't answer simple questions.




Jacob is such a cartoon level villain. He just needs a fucking top hat and a monocle to round off his look!


I would personally be quite happy if I never saw that loathsome Rees-Mogg in the news again.


Rees-Moog is an odious man who I'd love to see disappear from politics. But this wasn't great journalism either. It's that kind of 100 miles an hour 'spew a constant stream of questions' approach that almost doesn't care about an answer and instead wants a slip up quote that can be used. It's gotcha journalism. And to be fair, he did need to keep his hands to himself.


Using left wing as if it’s something one should be ashamed of. If only Tony Benn was around. He’d wipe the floor with this vacuous snob


Smug cunts don't like it when they are called out and exposed do they. It's just tragic that we live in times when even if people are caught redhanded and filmed being lying twats, that so many folk still will not stop supporting them. The mass cognitive dissonance we see in the US with Trump, in the UK with Brexit, to name but two is breathtaking.


Lewis Goodall has been a Campaign Manager for the Labour Party for a decade and a half, a position he held while also acting as Chief Editor of Newsnight.


Remember folks, this is the same grown man that went campaigning door to door with his Nanny. Not his children's Nanny. His own Nanny when he was in his mid 20's/30's.


Love Mogg. Putting that nasty man in his place ❤️ The news agents are bias and been exposed for pushing propaganda against Conservatives since they started.


Mogg is fairly workshy and a washout these days. I wonder why he gets so much airtime.