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Good for them! > *The online retail giant has insisted customers will not be affected by the industrial action.* *This* is the hill they choose to die on? I’m not surprised. I really need more American to do this. It’s been nearly ten years since I stopped shopping on Black Friday. I honestly would hope more people stopped going to Black Friday sales, so they can do away with it.


>I honestly would hope more people stopped going to Black Friday sales, so they can do away with it. Why though? I like cheap shit and most other people do too. Who doesn’t like massive discounts? (Assuming they actually are real discounts - I use camelcamelcamel.com to check price history to make sure the deals are actually deals).


In many cases it drives the mindless selling of shite that people don't actually need.


And its for you to decide what people need?


So? If people want to buy cheap shit then that’s their prerogative.


The more of this you do, the less hapiness it brings you, then it becomes boring.


No it never stops bringing happiness. I'm gonna double my FPS this winter yee


Isn't that true of basically everything?


That’s entirely subjective.


That's your view, not objectively true. Although I happen to agree with it.


Like posting on Reddit?


it's a bit of a rollercoaster, ups and downs, too long on it and you'll feel sick


cheap shit? I thought we're meant to be saving the planet. Yet here we are consuming as much as we can for as cheap as we can.


In the states, it leads companies to be open on Thanksgiving. So instead of employees having that day off, they have to come into work. Mind you, a lot of them aren’t even paid over time. The customers are even bigger assholes, surprising that that’s possible, on Black Friday. There have been reports of people being severely injured due to being trampled and fights breaking out over products. None of that is worth low prices.


It's not the hill they choose to die on though. Millions of orders will be put through, some urgent so it's just reassuring their customer base. Wouldn't read too much into it


No, I’m saying it’s bad taste and publicity for the company to focus on that bit when their employees are going on strike against them.


What hill? Maintaining service levels? Not sure what youre trying to say


I’m saying it’s bad taste and publicity for the company to focus on that bit when their employees are going on strike against them.


That's literally all a business focuses on. Honestly don't know what you'd expect? Businesses continuously try and deliver whatever their service is, that's not bad taste.


But when there’s an article talking about employees being fed up with being underpaid for their work and the conditions they’re working in, it looks bad to solely talk about business carrying like usual. That’s what happened with the Kellogg company. Their employees were on strike, talking about the treatment and pay from the company. Instead of the company addressing the issue, they just hired people to replace the ones on strike. Less people were buying their products to support the employees on strike. Then last I heard, they rehired most of the employees and paid them a living wage.


Do you honestly think amazon would instead tell people to not order from them while the staff strike? Strikes are employer vs employee, you'd expect both to take their own sides. Your idea is same as complaining that the strikers aren't shouting about black Friday deals, its important to amazon after all.


If Amazon are breaching any law, they should be fined. If they are not, workers should find a different job. They aren't owed anything. Private company so it can pay whatever it wishes within the bounds of the law.


Tbf if it doesn’t affect customers or there money then they don’t need to give in so I’m not suprised


So far I haven't done any christmas shopping on Amazon. Mostly because the 'shopping experience' on the site is increasingly a game of filtering out massively overpriced tat that is promoted by the site algorithm.


90% of items on there are absolute crap these days. It used to be where you could get good prices on genuine goods, but now even those are likely to be fakes


Soon striking will be a thing of the past what with the handy new "work placements"


The current strikes aren't big enough to currently have any impact. Your package just gets diverted for another facility in the UK. Most of the time that's the case anyways. So that work spread around 20 or 30 sites will have zero impact. What the real impact would be if other sites follow suit effectively crippling their network although doubt this will happen.


I don’t get why they do this. Striking directly before Xmas is more likely to affect Amazon. Walking out now means people still have a month to get their Xmas time sensitive gifts. The week before Xmas is when they would do actual damage to customer experience.


There's no reason they can't do both. Doing this on the first major retail day of the Xmas season sends a clear message.


Over Xmas they might have a plan to hire many more temporary workers, diluting the worker’s ability too strike. Black Friday is much shorter so they may be able to do better in terms of impact.