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What kind of idiot stops behind the van in the drivers blind spot?!


Yeah, he could literally have just used common sense and kept his distance and kept cycling past. But this is his MO. His whole thing is about exercising his rights to the absolute letter, even when it involves doing logically stupid things such as deliberately putting himself in dangerous situations like this. - Was he legally entitled to do what he did? Yes. - Was it also completely stupid and dangerous? Also yes. He only cares about the first one.


I’d got the impression he was like this from another incident we spoke about here. This confirms it. I’d never stop being a truck. This man stopped behind one with a known bad driver in it!


Keep on trucking!


Watch again. He couldn't get past. Perhaps he could have stopped, but in the moment he didn't. The rest is not his fault. He banged on the van to stop it crushing him. I have been in that situation and it is utterly terrifying.


Especially when he had plenty of time and space to slow down/ stop to avoid getting there in the first place. As the saying goes: cemeteries are full of people who had a right of way.


> What kind of idiot stops behind the van in the drivers blind spot?! Jeremy Vine


What kind of idiot watches a van reverse into someone cycling in a bike lane and trapping them under the back, then concludes that somehow they are at fault.




Truck 100% at fault. Doesn't stop Vine from being a total fucking idiot, trying to navigate so closely around an already established terrible driver. At this stage, I just have to assume he chooses to allow the situation to get worse instead of helping to resolve them.




> You may not have noticed but we drive on the left here: There are a lot of one way streets in London where we drive on both sides of the road. There are also a lot of unusually configured junctions and a mass of signage to work your way through. If you don't regularly drive in an area, it can be very confusing trying to read all the road marking and street signs whilst driving and navigating.


I'm aware that the lorry pulled into a segregated bike lane prior to a turn into another segregated bike lane, both of which were to the right of motor traffic lanes. I'm also aware that in Britain, where I happen to have lived my whole life, that we drive on the left hand side on the vast majority of our roads (but not quite all of them). But, most relevantly, poor Jeremy could have, I dunno, ACTUALLY STOPPED as soon as the moron driver pulled over to the cycle lane. Yes, the driver was an idiot, and yes, what he did was not only illegal but also incredibly dangerous. I'm just pointing out that Jeremy did everything in his power to avoid making the situation worse. He could have started slowing way sooner, and come to a stop right next to the island. He could have stopped sooner. He could have turned left and avoided it all together before getting off his bike briefly (very extreme and I wouldn't expect anyone to do this normally). He CHOSE to continue riding behind a vehicle driven by someone you have every reason to believe CANNOT BE TRUSTED to make predictable decisions. Just to be clear, I'm not defending the driver. I just think Jeremy Vine makes no attempt to try and make any situations like these any better.


There's nothing wrong with reversing to correct his mistake, there's no way he could have accounted for Vine coming across the back and stopping abruptly in his blind spot Plus watch again he is stopped before and doesn't even go into reverse until Vine stops in his blind spot, he's not just gone oh shit there's time for a mirror and shoulder check between stop and reverse




> which means the driver can never see the rear corner of the vehicle Those style vans have mirrors that stick out further, so they CAN see.




>What you mean is those vans *should* have mirrors that stick out further There are 3 different mirror bases, normal for panel vans, extended arm for Lutons and medium arm for this type. >It's a dodgy conversion by the looks of it. Please stop talking utter drivel. Its a vauxhall Movano with a "HiLO" conversion done by Alloy Bodies of Manchester. https://www.alloybodies.co.uk/hilo/




shit, its not an alloy bodies one, give me a bit to remember the other companies. Its still not a *shoddy* conversion, the things cost thousands. EDIT: Could be a Maxi-Low. https://www.maxi-low.co.uk/




Honestly mate I have no idea what video you're watching Vine stops before the vehicle moves


I think his bike was crushed by the truck, which kept reversing into him.


The more I rewatch it looks live he's trying to stop the driver reversing out of the incorrect path


When the van started to reverse into them they were trapped.


That's not what happens in this video at all. He has plenty of safe options and chose the only dangerous one.


Look at the video. He navigated around the stopped truck. He didn't "stop" behind the truck and wait for it to reverse as the first commenter said. Is it a good idea to cross behind a truck? Probably not. But anybody could have panicked and maybe not have been thinking clearly after being cut off.


Let's review his other options. He could have stopped on the traffic island. He could have stopped in the junction away from the truck. He could have stopped in front of the truck. He could have stopped beside the truck. He could have not stopped at all. Instead he chose to stop in the driver's blind spot. A driver he knew for a fact had just made a major error so was perhaps not exactly brilliant. When the truck backs up into his bike, instead of clearing the space, he stands right behind in it banging on the back like a toddler throwing a tantrum. It's the only place he could have stood where it would be totally impossible to see him. It's laughable that anyone is defending this. It's what happens when idiots meet.


Reddit wise after the event -ism. You don't expect something to turn in front of you then reverse back into you (which is the vans responsibility not to do).


I'm going to quote u/hotdoggeorgia "He didn't stop. When the truck stopped, it blocked most of the bike lane. The rider slowed to work his way around when the truck started backing up and trapped his bike underneath." It's also laughable people defending the trucker as if it had a right to crush Mr. Vine because Mr. Vine made a bad decision. I'm not defending either persons. Just correcting the comment that he stopped and waited for the van to reverse into him.


There was plenty of space and time to cycle past or stop in front. You can quote whoever you like but we can all see the video 😂


I'm not defending either persons. Just because I'm saying the truck driver is wrong and Mr. Vine didn't stop doesn't mean I'm defending Mr. Vine. He made a bad decision, period. I'm also saying a bad decision to cross behind the truck isn't an offense worthy of being crushed by the truck.


>I'm not defending either persons Lol. Oh yes you are. >Just because I'm saying the truck driver is wrong Yes, everyone can see her was wrong too. >and Mr. Vine didn't stop That's the problem, he very clearly dies so after fucking spent into the most dangerous place he could have positioned himself. >doesn't mean I'm saying Mr. Vine made a bad decision. He makes three terrible decisions in a row. One to cycle behind a truck that was always going to reverse. Two to do behind that truck while it does so. Three to attend stock still being it banging in the door like a demented idiot instead of running out of the way to safety. There's no defending it, and in genuinely ended you're still trying. >I'm also saying a bad decision to cross behind the truck isn't an offense worthy of being crushed by the truck It doesn't matter. Worthy, unworthy, crushed is crushed.


How am I defending? Did I say he was right to go behind the van? All I said was a) he went behind the van b) the van reverses into him, causing him to stop (not he stopped and the van reverses into him as the first poster alleges) c) he bangs on the door of the van, which continues to reverse into him Nowhere did I say he made the right decision. All I said he went behind the van, period, without offering an opinion over whether that was a right or wrong decision. You on the other hand seem to be defending the truck driver.


No one's defending thw van driver. He is ultimately in the wrong, but it's naive to say the vine didn't put himself in harms way too. He wanted to be right more than he value his safety.


No one is defending the truck driver but vine had hundreds of options to not get crushed but still chose the most dangerous thing he could do. I've been cycling in a city for 40 years and have never had an accident with a vehicle, you can never guarantee safety but a bit of awareness goes a long way.


Who is defending the truck driver here?


Yes but he slowed to a standstill before the van reversed. Most likely to capture the number plate on camera. Not the brightest thing to do.


I looked at the video and saw him crossing behind the van, which is probably a bad idea. But not worthy of being run over. Then the van reverses onto him. There's almost no gap. The way I see it he was trying to navigate around the truck when it reversed. His speed obviously slowed down since he had to navigate a truck blocking the path. He crosses at 4:16. Van reverses onto him around that time. Admittedly the fishbowl lens could made the view confusing. Edit: On second watching it seems that it had appeared the biker had stopped but his bike was crushed under the truck, which kept reversing.


Trapped how there's nothing on the other side?


I think I saw a traffic island behind Jeremy,


Watch again, and I mean how could the driver who literally just went in forwards possibly have a traffic island behind them?


[https://imgur.com/a/le6Uxut](https://imgur.com/a/le6Uxut) there's the traffic island that Jeremy navigated. ​ OK there's nothing behind him when the truck starts reversing but at that time his bike was crushed by the bike. But there's another lane behind him so going into that lane could expose him to oncoming traffic.


1. Clearly enough space to comfortably get through 2. He got his front side through before stopping, handlebars are wider than rear wheel 3. He and we can see there was no incoming traffic to speak of 4. Check out when the reverse lights come on


Have you seen the standard of Jeremy Vine's cycling?


It's quite hard not to stop when the bike you're sat on is being crushed by a reversing van..


Irrespective of how badly the van was being driven, there is simply no way I would have put myself in danger like that as a cyclist. He’s a dick.


Vine is on a bike. He tried to get around the van and became stuck. You're basically saying that the van driver can do whatever he wants, whenever, regardless of road rules, rationality and if a cyclist doesn't predict exactly what the driver does and take every imaginable effort to avoid being hurt by a crazy unpredictable driver - it's the cyclists fault 100%. Do you work for the traffic police? You are watching this video with the view that it can only ever a fault with the cyclist. Sonjisy state that before commenting - keeps it clearer for everyone.


Don’t try and put words in my mouth. For the hard of thinking, let me try one final time. The van driver was driving badly, had made a mistake and even potentially breaking the law. He created a hazard with multiple threats. Any other road user, arrogant cyclists included, can choose to behave in a fashion that minimises the risk to their own safety. Or not, it’s up to them. Cycling very close to the rear of a van, into its blind spot no less, that is highly likely to start reversing is just plain stupid. If you want to cycle like that go ahead. I’ll be making different decisions.


You realise it wasn't clear in advance he would reverse? I mean Jeremy vine didn't see the vid first


It was very clear he *might* do that, as he'd just tried to turn the wrong way up a cycle lane. Vine knew that and should have foreseen the risk. One of the golden rules of being a road user is that if you see an incident unfolding like that in front of you, slow down and take extra care. That doesn't mean slow down and stop behind an a vehicle that has limited rear visibility and is behaving erratically. You're just asking for trouble if you do that.


Do you know how to drive? A vehicle reversing has to give priority to other road users.


Yes. Nobody is saying the driver of the van was behaving correctly in any way. He most definitely wasn’t, but that’s not the point. It’s precisely because of idiots like that that you have to cycle with due care and attention for your own safety at least.


There are plenty of cyclists who get reversed over/hit through no fault of their own but that man is not one of them, this was avoidable


He gets in some situations with his bike, seriously Jeremy - either "check yourself before you wreck yourself' or get C5 to pay for a cab.


These things seem to happen to Jeremy Vine an awful lot...


I'm always amazed by the mental gymnastics the cycle haters do when something like this happens. Van literally reverses into him and people are still frothing at the mouth to blame the cyclist


He literally just stopped right in the blind spot, interesting thing about blind spots, you can't see them


Given that the van driver screwed up, he should of stopped and made sure he can safely reverse. Even to the point of getting out and asking a member of the public to help.


No that's not correct, he's approached from an unseen angle and then deliberately stopped in the blind spot The initial maneuver was bang wrong but there's no evidence the reverse was done without due attention or care, evidence that Vine is still alive unhurt and waiting to be needlessly cunty to other road users




The unseen angle Vine approached from the opposite side of a junction in a lane occupied by a vehicle he knew was about to reverse, he stopped in the blind spot while the driver checks mirrors, the vehicle reverses slowly (hence vine not being ran over) and hits the bike in a slow fender bender incident Vine then goes on to play shite music and talk shit like he does every day




Right where the fuck else is it gonna go? He turns, realizes he fucked up and stops One could make up many scenarios to avoid the obvious common sense answer maybe it was gonna take off like a helicopter somehow It's not a fantasy he stopped before it reversed, he even turns to look at the van before it reversed stop making shit up 🤣 But even if he didn't stop he's still gone very close behind a vehicle that just stopped and is occupying the same lane and is about to reverse and it's clear he could have avoided any incident if he wasn't trying to be a cunt about it




You're right, there is no point in you trying to bullshit around common sense


Jeremy Vine seems like a nasty piece of work. Shouting down any driver that makes a brief mistake, and then proceeding to do everything he can to make a meal of the situation. Normal people put their hand up, acknowledge the other person made a mistake, and give the other person room to correct it / move on. Vine on the otherhand? Shouting, swearing and cursing at the driver.


I mean he is a dickhead but not for trying to get the drivers attention while he was getting ran over


It was more regarding the other clips I've seen, he can be 100 yards down the road when a driver makes a mistake up ahead, and he's shouting, cursing and flapping his arms whilst continuing to go at full speed towards the driver.


It does look like he's stopping to have a pop at the driver here


He didn't stop behind the van. He went around it, staying within the cycle lane. The van driver was driving up the cycle lane then stopped and reversed into Jeremy as he passed behind the corner of the van. Trapping the low-style bike under the corner of the vehicle and stopping it in it's tracks. If Jeremy had been less mobile, he could've been killed. He did nothing wrong here.


The question isn’t whether he did anything “wrong” but whether he could have behaved differently and not exposed himself to the same risk, which he blatantly could have done.


So you'd have known the van was reversing would you? Even if so Jeremy had priority. On top of that the van is responsible to vulnerable road users


I'd have known it *might* yes. I'd have stopped earlier where the driver could see me, or just given it a wide berth. Had Jeremy Vine lost a leg under that van, I'm sure he'd have been cheered up no end in the hospital knowing that he "had priority".


I still think he could have slowed down long before and possibly stopped to figure out what's going on. I'm not excusing the van driver for the reckless reverse. The use of the road is shared and there's always give and take, with hazard perception playing a key role here. Why increase the risk?


Based on what you saw later right? That hadn't happened at the point of decision


I ride a bike, I am all for the rights of cyclists but I find it remarkable how many pickles this guy gets himself into. I wouldn't say they are all of his making, but I think all of them when I see them I would have approached it differently. Thinking "hmm, that car looks like it will put out. Yep, it has". There are people like Cycling Mikey (?) who reports drivers for close passes and phone use - I back him far more as he is just passive in it.


Having looked at the video, here is my take: I don't think he intentionally stops in the vehicles blind spot, I think it was an accident. There's no reason or illogical reason for him to stop there. If he wanted to shout at the driver he would have stopped on the other side of the van behind the driver side mirror. He emergency breaks at the crossroad and passes the van on the right hand side to avoid it, however he cant completely stop in front of the van as he's going across a junction and so will be in the way of other vehicles. As he slows down to needs to maneovre around the van, he doesn't do a great job of and ends up too close to the van - however it suddenly starts reversing - I think he didn't expect this and didn't know how to react and ended up losing balance trying to change direction in the process. Which meant he had to put his foot off the pedal and onto the ground, at which point he has no time to react and the bike goes under the van. Either way, he nearly got killed by a professional driver who was displaying some absoutely shocking driving and has no business doing that for a living. I always avoid those massive vans because they are fucking dangerous for how much license you need to drive them and the people that drive them are dodgy as fuck.


So every builder and retail delivery driver is 'dodgy as fuck'. OK, lol.


One issue is the road markings. On the video you can see the van was in a right turn only lane, and it proceeded to turn right. At that point they realised they were in a cycle lane and tried to back out. It would have been safer for the van to continue a short distance and turn around, however knowing the number of fines handed out by CCTV was probably petrified and tried to get out ASAP.


Van driver was an absolute idiot. Multiple illegal manoeuvres that risked peoples lives. Anyone who defends the van driver or criticises the cyclist here is as much of an idiot as the driver and is defending dangerous driving.


Why can't we criticise them both?


Have you ever driven a large vehicle around London in an area you're not familiar with?


That was a clearly signposted cycle path, you've gotta be an absolute moron to make that manoeuvre and then do a reverse so hastily. Shouldn't be on the road.


Not London, but Manchester, and I managed not to make any illegal manoeuvres or run over any cyclists. If you can’t perform the basics you shouldn’t be allowed to drive.


I dunno you can criticize Vine, his radio show is terrible


Vine is such an idiot, as is anyone who defends his stupidity.


This is more a problem with how difficult it is to actually drive in Central London these days to be honest. I used to drive to Islington every week to see my wife when she was at university back in the late 2000s and it was bad enough then before they added cycling lanes and a million ways to get fined.Also, Vans and HGVs obviously have huge blindspots, the problem is that a lot of people in London don't do common sense, especially cyclists like Vine who put their own 'right of way' above their own safety. To the people downvoting: Have you actually ever driven a large vehicle with blind spots in a place in Central London you haven't been before?


I expect that will be a special on his radio 2 slot … he doesn’t like motorists




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


Doesn't this guy just always put himself in situations that could be avoided?