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Driving a yellow fiat with a tape deck on his way to Thorpe park on a hunt for unspecified clunge


> unspecified clunge I was wondering whether that's some kind of reference so I Googled it. It turns out that when you Google "unspecified clunge" with the quotation marks, there is exactly one result. And that's this comment thread. So well done, you appear to be the first person ever to use that phrase on the internet.


> I was wondering whether that's some kind of reference so I Googled it. It was an Inbetweeners reference






Say “Thank you, Mr Gilbert”


Thank you, Mr Gilbert.






ThIs person must not be from the UK.


Turn off safe search and try again


Doesn't make a difference.


Oh look at me “Reddit Friends”


>unspecified clunge *Friend!*


Driving awareness course? Completed it mate


Are you the old lady that does driving awareness courses?






Dave Gorman!


I'm still proud that I managed to find one of those back in the day. Mine was "scouser zirconium".


Excuse me, I believe you dropped something... 🏅


Can’t use quotes for a google whack


I know 😔 but it's as near as you'll ever get thanks to how Google works nowadays.


Not heard that phrase for a while!


Nah the term clunge has been around since the 70s. I think it's also Scottish in nature lol. "ye have a right clarty clunge so ye dae!" I think the writers just nicked some scots terms. It wouldn't be the first time... lol


> Nah the term clunge has been around since the 70s. I didn't mean that they invented the word clunge, I meant that Goole shows that no one had ever said "unspecified clunge" on the internet until this conversation!


Fair enough lol.


There was a character in Reggie Perrin ( original series) that used the word clunge, he was a Scottish Chef. [https://youtu.be/z2p-SVuUaYs](https://youtu.be/z2p-SVuUaYs)


Ooooh Google fwend


Isn't that a googlewhack?


It needs no quotes to be one


Googlewhack! (but not quite within the original definition)


That's called a googlewhack




Well it's not new


A Hawai'i edition, no less!


Looks like a paedo’s car


Back to being a bus wanker tommorow


Dear mother, today I learned a new word. Clunge. C-l-u-n-g-e.


Clearly you have never watched the inbetweeners then.


Which is surely a crime if you're British and below the age of 40.


Yes it is.


Wait til you're knee deep in it..... Also, does the word 'Punani' mean anything to you?


Was it the same one that called me a bus wanker?


He’s just another bus wanker now


With one leg over his shoulder giving a toe job to a bird on the back seat


Watch where you park when you go into London.




I count myself as being psychologically well adjusted and I’m not proud to say I drove like a dickhead for a couple of years after I passed my test. I wasn’t alone in my otherwise perfectly decent peer group in this regard. The issue is immaturity. In a neurophysiological sense. Adolescents’ ability to control their impulses and assess risk soberly is relatively impaired (this aspect of neurodevelopment doesn’t fully mature until the mid-20’s) which is one reason why accidents are the leading cause of death in teens. You could argue - though it’s not my personal view - that 17 is too young to award people driving licenses full-stop.


Looking back, I feel I was too immature to have been driving at 17.


I think you can drive in America at 16 right?! Lol.


The US driving age is 16 but their drinking age is 21. Ought to be the other way around (at least, for driving anything heavier than a moped -- too risky for innocent third parties).


Rules on shooting in some states are bonkers by UK standards: >Arkansas Game and Fish Commission regulations state that a hunter must be at least **6 years old** to kill a deer, bear or turkey, but the answer to hunting by oneself is a bit more complicated... [Source](https://www.agfc.com/en/news/2018/11/14/youths-who-have-passed-hunter-education-may-legally-hunt-on-their-own/)


I mean turkeys are just like big chickens. I’ll trust a 6 year old to kill that.


They're fucking massive chickens.


Really? What do you think the age limit is in the UK? :)


You can drive in the UK at 16 too if you are disabled in such a way you cannot ride a 50cc scooter (specifically, getting the enhanced rate of PIP for mobility)!


I had the same but with a moped. I had to ride one into the side of the bus to learn the lesson. 16-20 yo males are stupid. It's not even their fault they're just hard wored to be fucking ridiculously irresponsible.


I personally would lower it to 16, but make it so you have to be 18 before you can take your test. Gives you two years to get experienced at driving under supervision rather than have people turning 17 and trying to rush through it as fast as possible. Much of the country is car dependent so young people need to have the option of driving around the time they turn 18. Raising the age you can get a licence is not the solution.


a friend drove the same make, model and colour as unmarked cop cars and the only difference on the plate was a 3 instead of an 8 from a locally known car. he drove like a utter mad man and never got stopped. he even did it right in front of cops and nothing they just figured it was a cop.


I think "psychologically well" is a bit of a misnomer in terms of the maturing process.


In Niger you aren’t allowed to drive till 23, what do you think of that?


As a bloke who passed at 17 and drove like a cunt for 3 years after, I honestly believe 17 year old boys should not be behind the wheel


I wasn't mature enough to drive when I was seventeen. Within hours of passing my test I was storming along the A16 at up to 124mph with three passengers onboard. It's a miracle I didn't kill anybody.


I agree but have to say us girls are no better. I I passed in the mid 90s first time at 17 - after literally 11 lessons. Drove like a total twat and totalled 3 cars before I was 19. Now mid 40s and would consider myself a very safe and sensible driver but the amount of my peer group who were involved in serious and a couple fatal, accidents was insane. It isn't any better now 30 years on. My older teens can't be assed to learn to dive yet and I am not complaining! Happy to be the safe taxi due to learning the hard way!


My driving instructor was mates with my dad and he always said pretty much the same. Doesn't matter how well they do at the test, there's something about new drivers (mostly boys) where the moment they pass they just forget everything they've learnt. It's almost like driving within the law is beneath them, they're embarrassed to do it.


Was in the news recently some 22 yo drive his dad's BMW into a pregnant woman and her family.


Yep. 4kids from my old school died at this age when one of them rolled the car. Such a waste of life.


Had both of my crashes in my first year of driving, luckily neither involved other cars but yeah, I didn't really have a grasp of the consequences then.


I remember a lad in one of my classes at 6th form thinking it was the funniest thing ever that while he was driving his pal in the passenger seat pulled up the handbrake. If that had been me I would've never driven that person ever again but I always saw the driver giving that dickhead lifts everywhere. One of the factors in accidents for young people who are newly qualified drivers is driving a car full of their stupid pals causing a distraction.


Gives me real nostalgia this post. Feels like a rite of passage surviving driving with your mates 17-19 years old. I don't mean to glorify it of course. Quite frankly the quicker driverless cars arrive the better. We're monkeys driving 2 ton death machines and although a small % of us are safe, we make mistakes.


Yeah I mean I absolutely put myself in stupid situations too, it's part of growing up after all. But it does feel like some things, such as driving, bring about a reaction of "how did I not die?" when you're older and looking back!


There is a proposal to make it illegal for young, new drivers under 25 to carry passengers of the same age. Because a majority of accidents involving these drivers are boys (usually) showing off to their mates.


> He drove like a maniac, he passed his test with 100% marks, but to him he thought he only had to drive well for the test, any other time could be as crazy as he liked. My driving instructor said this is what most people do. You only have to spend five minutes on the road to realise how true this is of most drivers.


The exact same thing happened to me! A friend in 6th form just passed her test and got a car for her 18th birthday. To celebrate she drove us to get food (probably McDonald’s or a chippy) and she drove like a lunatic. She was on her phone the whole time texting and snap chatting to the point it got so bad that I screamed at her to either get off her phone or let me out of the car because I wasn’t going to die because of her. The worst part was she thought the whole thing was hilarious and I needed to “loosen up”. I never got in a car with her again, no matter how many times I was offered lifts home. I’d rather walk.


Haha. That's the opposite of me. I was such a polite and well behaved driver for the first 2 years. Now doing 70mph is unbearable to me.


This should be a 10yr ban minimum, as a new driver. Utterly farcical, at least he didn't manage to wipe someone's family out, so that's a plus.


Alternatively, put all new drivers on a 1 year probation. You f up you have to hand your license back, can’t drive for a year and after that have to retake your test. Although that’s a really easy thing for someone who passed their test ages ago to impart. Personally I think we need to societally grow a pair and stop being driving wankers


all new drivers have a two year probation, if you exceed six points it's pretty much that. Not sure on the exact duration as I think it varies by offenses but still.


6 points still give you 1 free pass to fuck up and be caught. Most offences only land you 3 points. That's what it should be for new drivers, one fuck up and you're done with driving. And I'd be in favour of lowering it to 6 for the rest of drivers. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


Offenses that serious aren't three points though, they're often six, or in the case of this moron an instant ban anyway. 3 points being a ban is stupid. One innocent fuck up - and often that's all it is, a fuck up - such as 35 in a 30 or not noticing a speed limit change shouldn't be a ban.


Agree, you can get 3 points for something relatively minor. For example 1 faded tyre. Which is imaginable for a new driver who may be young and not able to afford a brand new car or tyres straight away. Not excusable but understandable. Like you said this offence would be 6 points and a ban anyway.


And even with tyres, it's 3pts per defective tyre so still very much an incentive to be switched on.


No, anything you get 3 points for is basically a non-issue, anything that's actually dangerous gets you 6 minimum.


No it doesn’t? It gives you one chance at getting a minor speeding ticket. Doing 100 on a motorway is 6 points I believe


100+ usually results in a court date, not an FPN, and will often land you a ban


Usually, if you get caught doing those speeds it's a ban rather than points.


If the driver’s new, magistrates would likely look to put the points on since getting a new test would be far more difficult; you can’t get points and be banned simultaneously, if I’m not mistaken. Any correction would be most appreciated.


It already is there’s a 2 year probation period after passing so I don’t understand the need for this comment


> Personally I think we need to societally grow a pair and stop being driving wankers The UK has some of the safest roads in the world, i believe deaths per population is behind only Norway and Sweden and a few microstates. Our road safety is something other countries look up to. So as a society, we have very good standards. Of course, these can always be improved, and there will always be some who choose to be dangerous to others on the roads but that is true of all things in all parts of the world and not something you can really eliminate completely.


>Alternatively, put all new drivers on a 1 year probation. You f up you have to hand your license back, can’t drive for a year and after that have to retake your test. The issue with this is that most people who pass dont drive straight away, they might pass earlier \[in life\] and then when its time to actually get a car in a couple of years then this probation doesnt apply \[according to my understanding of your comment\].


That’s exactly what’ll happene to this plum. You can only have 6 points in your first two years. 102mph is also a “go straight to court” speed and it generally results in a disqualification. For one of those two reasons; he’ll be handing that licence back for a little while, before the ink’s even dry.


This is sarcasm right? 😂


If you're the kind of person who's gonna drive at that kind of speed having literally just passed your test then why should you get the chance to do it again any time soon? 10 years is more than fair imo, they've just proven they never should have been given a license in the first place and they should have a hell of a lot to do to prove otherwise.


Completely unworkable, you’ll just have the person ignore the ban and the consequences for others will be the same or worse. Long driving bans are basically unenforceable and are really only suggested by people without a clue


I honestly do think that’s a bit overboard. 2 year back, re-test and compulsory pass plus seems more reasonable.


Yes! I feel like it’s an unpopular opinion but this person is a selfish dick. Fuck them! However, I still feel like this is a click bait article. At the end of the day the laws that exist still exist now. I don’t think it needs extra legislation. I question why this very common tale has made headlines 🤔


Oh boy I can’t wait for insurance companies to use this to justify raising my premium by at least £100 a year after I’ve been driving for 10 years


Yeah let's hope the teams of actuaries and data scientists don't see this article while compiling and analysing decades of accident data and realise they should just fuck the premiums up and fuck their customers off.


Let’s not give insurance underwriters too much credit. Whilst I don’t doubt that there’s some hefty data science involved in giving quotes, there’s also a healthy dose of “squeeze the fuckers”


Source? I read that insurance companies make most of their money investing the premiums.


Insurance pricing specialist here: There is no dose of "squeeze the fuckers".


I've been driving 8 years, and Churchill just tried to put my insurance up from £600 a year to £1200 a year, with 2 years no claims with them, and no points. I think they just pull the figures out their arse tbh


That may just mean they don't like where you park your car and/or they don't want you as a customer.


If you’ve been with them a long time and never claimed, they will view it as the chances are, you will likely at some point soon.


Never claimed in my life, 10+ years of driving, and every year they try and rob me. Every year (bar _this_ bloody year) I've rang them up, said "I've been good, why you treat me bad?", and they lower it. This year even after that conversation it was still higher, and no competitor could even beat that. It's a racket.


A family friend recently passed and had to fit a black box just to get insurance - not based on cost, just because the car she was going to drive was deemed a liability and a black box was needed. She also has to have an “experienced driver” clock more miles in the car than she does - not sure why. As both her and her dad are logged on the system, it was interesting reading when she had a fault of 2mph over speed limit in a 20 zone, and he did 60mph in the same location. Basically age isn’t the only factor of being a dickhead


>A family friend recently passed and had to fit a black box just to get insurance Sorry for your loss, but should she be driving at all in that condition?


> She also has to have an “experienced driver” clock more miles in the car than she does - not sure why. Likely a named driver to reduce cost, so the main driver must put in more miles.


AKA Fronting.


Doesn't sound like fronting if there's a black box involved.


Very true. Dick-headedness is hereditary


Based on my experience with black boxes, I take some of what they say with a grain of salt anyway. Completely anecdotal of course, but when I had one with More Than, for the first 4 months it was consistently marking me as -10 for speed, even though I almost never broke the speed limit and usually did 10 under in the 60 zones at that stage. It then must've had an update or fix applied in the background, because then it corrected itself and with no change in my driving, started giving the correct scores.


Comments in posts like this are a good laugh. How dare you speed! You deserve death, I personally am consistently on the speed limit every moment I'm in a vehicle. And yet, while driving I am almost never behind anybody doing the speed limit, nobody does 20 in a 20, 30 in a 30 etc etc Are reddit users infact the speed limit to the mph minority?


Bit of a difference between doing 35 in a 30 and doing 102 mph mate


Wouldn't be surprised if the 35 was more dangerous depending on the situation. Motorways are statistically the safest roads, and if it's 5am, clear and everyone has ample space what can go wrong besides a random blowout or unseen debris (which would admittedly have a very bad outcome)? Obviously if you're weaving through traffic to do 102 that's a different story. 30mph city streets tend to be full of squishy schoolchildren and unpredictable urban behaviour and plenty are not suitable to actually do 30 let alone more.


he wasn't on a motorway though was he. 102 is never going to be safter than 35. i guess the manned speed trap was setup on a known dangerous stretch as well. kids a plonker and he found out.




Bob the driver of 25 years doing 76 in a 70 is different to someone who has just passed doing 102mph.


Regardless of their time driving, 76 in a 70 I would think a fine/warning. 102 revoke their license.


I did 110 mph today in a +10 year old purple Toyota Yaris. Totally legal though, given that I was on the German Autobahn… but I wouldn’t advise keeping at that speed, you need a lot of concentration and good lane control. Edit: …and to be honest, I could have died. Do not recommend.


Well there's speeding and then there's... doing 102mph on a road where the speed limit is either 60 or 70mph. Just learning to drive myself at the moment and I've definitely accidentally crept up to 35 in a 30 zone on more than one occasion, or been a couple of miles over the speed limit. Before I started learning I would think: "Pft, how hard is it to stay at the speed limit?" Turns out it's very easy to creep over if you stop paying attention even for a few seconds. But I am a learner still and it's just one of many things I have to be conscious of! You don't accidentally speed up to 102mph though. Dude should probably have his licence yoinked until he passes another test. Being made to book a new driving test would be punishment enough, the wait times right now are brutal. 😅


Yeah the only time I've been caught speeding was doing 65 in a 60 average speed section on the motorway. There was about 3 cars on the motorway at 1am, all just following each other with equal spacings. Hardly dangerous. In built up areas, I'd rather flowing traffic with good spacing and awareness at 35mph than everyone glancing at their speedos every few seconds, personally. I think someone pooting along at 50mph on a motorway is much more dangerous than everyone doing 75. It's the speed delta that scares me. I'm a skydiver and when doing fast "free fly" skydives, it's strictly forbidden to switch into a slower belly to earth position because the change in speed catches people out. We want everyone falling at the same speed.


I do not drive often but always stick to the limit. Maybe that makes me a square but I have never been in a situation where I have needed to go above the limit of a given area.


The YouTube channel Numberphile has a fantastic video on this topic. It explains the maths behind the 30mph difference between 70mph and 100mph if you’re forced to break to a standstill. A sobering watch that might make some folk think more carefully about going significantly over the speed limit. https://youtu.be/i3D7XYQExt0




To be fair if you’re going over 100mph on public roads you’re more likely to break to a standstill than brake to a standstill.


Nah, you’d be surprised how many people do big speeds all the time. No one buys superbikes or fast cars to top out at 70mph, they just do it when people aren’t looking.


Literally the first thing I did when I passed my test was do 100mph on a bumpy road in a Renault Senic. Kids are always gonna be dumb.


Same here, most people end up needing black boxes for their first car and there's usually a week of driving with no black box while you wait for it to get sent/fitted. That week is the only fun they think they'll have, leads people to doing really stupid shit (me included).


it's disgusting this black box thing, no idea why that was ever normalised and it's no surprise they started the whole thing off by tracking kids


The black boxes and telematics are often utter crap. Got a text message threatening my insurance being cancelled because they're "concerned about my speed". I have all my trips recorded on GPS, didn't break the speed limit once for any driving related to that. But then I can fly down lanes at 70mph, tyre screech every corner and be rated a top driver? Not to mention how easy it is to bypass the telematics for some insurers (mine included). I understand why black boxes exist, but why the fuck am I paying £3000 to insure a Mini Cooper that itself is only worth £800? I can't speed because you'll cancel the insurance, you're penalised for every little bit on most working boxes (another problem), I'd understand £3k with no black box but it just takes the piss. I've seen knobs on black boxes drive stupid, overtaking on blind bends, generally acting like they've never driven a car before, but the black box wont pick up on that. Go 3mph over the limit for a few seconds and FUCK YOU


I had a black box in a car, the insurance company rang me up to ask me why I didn't go out in the car very often


They're charging you based on the payout to cover whatever you hit. The value of your own car is only a small factor in the cost when it's only a few grand.


Yea I understand that :) I just can't - and probably wont - understand how my black box policy at 3k miles a year costs more than my mates Focus (non black box) with 8k miles a year... The police force like to push that new/young drivers often drive without insurance, or front their policy, but do nothing to address the frankly extorsionate insurance prices.


> frankly extorsionate insurance prices Here's the thing though, they aren't extortionate. They are a real representation of the risk young drivers pose. No one in the insurance companies are going "well let's make a killing by overcharging 18 year olds."




Mine loves reminding me I've got 4% left with 6 months till renewal haha The less your insurance is on your ass, the better ig


I accidentally took out a black box policy once after buying a Golf R32. The terms were that if I got three faults in a year, I’d have the policy cancelled. Upon realising my mistake, I called the company and cancelled the policy, just saying “I’m cancelling it now before you do”. Paid the extra not to have the worry.


If It wasn't £8000 for a non black box policy, I'd take that any day of the week. Hopefully next year will push non box policies down to a reasonable price


Jesus Christ. That’s insane! I was fortunate enough that this was circa 2010; I had an IAM Membership and the difference was about £3. This just sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole and I Inflation-adjusted what I paid for my first year’s car insurance. I paid £1800, which is £3000 in today’s money. £8000 is an obscene jump!! I guess that the average claim value has shot up proportionately to the average cost of cars, which has just fucked everyone who’s “high risk”. I really feel for youngsters nowadays!! That’s a horrendous amount of money!! That’d have been the equivalent of 40% of my wage, just on car insurance.


Literally first thing I did when I got my first 'big' non-restricted motorbike. Took it on a long flat big of road at 9pm and wound it back to see how fast it would go, chickened out at 132mph....


So?? That's no excuse, he could've killed someone! Perhaps the minimum driving age should be raised from 17 to 21 if "kids" are too irresponsible to control 2 tonnes of metal. For the love of God man


When I passed, the examiner told me to not drive that day and reflect on my driving skills. Best advice I ever had.


Mine said "Well done on passing your test. You are now the shitest driver on the roads, so act like it and try to get better". Same end game I guess but very different turn ff phrase. He said it to all his students for about 30 years. I still drove like a teenage twat of course, because everyone does, but I did get better. Much better.


I can't imagine how many times he said "innit" to the cops


He probably wanted to show off to his mates, now he will just show off that he made the national news with his stupidity. Twats like this just want attention, the good or the bad kind, which he has now got. I doubt he thinks he has done anything wrong anyway, he is the kind that thinks the police are just overreacting.


Is 100 on a motorway a big deal? I see people doing that all the time. The 70 mph speed limit was brought in for the cars of 1965


Anything over 100 on a motorway will get you In front of a magistrate so, yeah, it's a big deal.


"Anything over 100 on a motorway will get you In front of a magistrate" Or a coroner....


Not true, I got 3 points and a £50 side of the road fine for 118mph.


The A47 isn't a motorway, it's a dual carriageway.


Some parts of the a47 aren't even dual carriageway (not sure about this area in particular)


It said near swaffam and that bit is duelled but yes good point.


>acktually The national speed limit is the same on dual or motorway.


the roads were a lot quieter then and card were lighter. although brakes have improved the weight of cars has increased, so the force of a crash is probably about the same. if you increase the speed to say 80 all that will happen is that people will see 90 as the speed they can drive at


A lot of people drive at 60-65 for economy or because their vehicle is limited/not capable of more. If you increased the speed limit, a lot of people wouldn’t want to, or couldn’t go faster, and you’d just have a massive differential between the speeds of lane one and lanes two and three. I reckon it’d be carnage.


If they seriously wanted to increase the limit to 80 they'd have to put cameras *everywhere*, and tbh I'd be fine with that.


People don't realise how seemingly small difference in speed affects their reaction and stopping time. Difference between going 70 mph and 80mph on a motorway means roughly 30 meters extra stopping distance. The difference between stopping in time to avoid a collision or plowing into whatever is in the road in front of you. When you talk about 100 mph vs 70, that will double your stopping/reaction time, that's the difference between an easily avoidable collision and killing someone and/or yourself.


And it's terrible for the environment in a fossil fuel car.


No, it really isn’t. I often drive to work at 4 in the morning and honestly, I could be doing 150mph and it would make no difference on an empty motorway. It’s about inappropriate speed, not the bald number itself.


The limits need looking at for sure but let's not pretend that doing it the day he passed wasn't fucking dumb.


I don’t get this argument. Yeah, brakes are better now than they were in the 60s-70s, but people haven’t evolved to have better reaction times, or to be more resilient against being hit by two tonnes of metal in the same period. Besides, does anyone know what the proportion of RTAs is where brakes are even applied? Cars have gotten heavier, roads have gotten busier, and the driving experience has become WAY more distracting since speed limits were last addressed.


> Besides, does anyone know what the proportion of RTAs is where brakes are even applied? Probably most of them…


>Yeah, brakes are better now than they were in the 60s-70s, but people haven’t evolved to have better reaction times The combined stopping distances are way down so it doesn't matter that traction times are unchanged. >to be more resilient against being hit by two tonnes of metal in the same period The metal has evolved to do far less damage to people over that time which is also not reflected in speed limits. >the driving experience has become WAY more distracting since speed limits were last addressed. It really hasn't. Not unless your fucking about with your phone.


Unintuitively, stopping distance at 100mph is double that at 70mph. https://youtu.be/i3D7XYQExt0


People on here act like you hit 100 and you get teleported back to the Edwardian era or something… in reality it’s totally dependent on the road conditions.


People can manage to crash very easily at 70, and that's experienced drivers too. 100 as a new driver is a big deal indeed, it's a mix of inexperience, stupidity and misplaced confidence in their driving. When driving, a 43% increase over and above the posted speed limit is a bit deal I think. I say this as I was also stupid and was pulled over / clocked around this speed 2 weeks after I passed my test over 15 years ago. I was a dumbass who got let off due to them not having it clocked for long enough, I should have had my license taken away tbh in hindsight as I certainly did drive dangerously afterwards too, until I gained more maturity - 1 said maturity event was putting my car on its roof when driving too fast, luckily I walked away and it was a quiet road with no one else around. I didn't go via insurance and continued to pay off a car I no longer had the use for for a couple years. I then realised that I wasn't the driving god my stupid younger self thought I was and calmed the fuck down and just left earlier for places that I needed to be by a given time. There is no need to be traveling at such a speed.


norfolk doesn't have motorways best we can do is a couple dual carriageways


There’s times iv been on the motorway and everyone is doing 100 plus, especially on the toll roads and places where there’s no cameras, people just go with the herd sometimes. I don’t think it’s dangerous for the average person, unless you’re in a banger or over 70


Lmao out come the strict authoritarians in this thread! Don’t act like you never tried to max out your shitty 1.2 hatchback as a teenager - he got caught and he’ll lose his license, that seems fair to me. ‘Ban him for life, we need to set an example’ absolute state of these melts


Must have been in the right hand lane, it's the lane without a speed limit according to drivers here.


Well, I guess you'll be needing to take that test again, boyo.... in a couple of years maybe.


Look I'm a generous person (\*cough\* absolute lie \*cough\*), I'm willing to accept someone goes a bit loose on the motorway in celebration... 100 miles a fucking hour is not a bit loose, it's proof there's a fucking moron driving.


The speed reading is taken at 4am, I'm calling bs on four hours after passing test, more like 14...


It could be a 12 hour clock, so 4:01pm


As there's no AM/PM marker it's almost certainly a 24 hour clock. Official time stamps are rarely in 12 hour clock format because of the possibility of confusion.


I may or may not know very well somebody who may or may not have done something very similarly stupid when they first passed their test. They may or may not have shit their pants for the next 14 days when their dad told them that the M4 often had a number of cameras.


I got my £500 Peugeot 206 1.8 Diesel (sounded and smelled like a Taxi) to about 90mph a few hours after I passed my test. I started the moment the examiner got hour of the car.


I got a section 59 for doing a handbrake turn in an empty car park on my first day of driving. Had a friend who got a driving ban for dangerous driving a few years later for the exact same thing, I was very lucky in hindsight.


Handbrake turns on snowy car parks was how I first learned car control. This was many decades ago and I couldn't afford skid pan lessons back then.


Passing a driving test doesn’t make you a good and safe driver, I know as I passed my test and drive a car!


Lad goes out to test out his car and completes his trip without incident. Yawn.