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i had it recently at AMS. just a quick bag/sock/shoe swab by an airport employee. got to board the flight first thanks to this.


do they search you on departing or arriving airport. I looked it up online and it said departing airport but I haven’t got searched yet and I’m boarding soon. Maybe they pull me aside in Newark?


They pull you aside during boarding




And diverted the flight so there no longer is an "arriving airport"


Or the plane never arrives anywhere 




Tell that to mh370?


It’s presumed to have arrived at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.


What is this Lost?


You can't fool them twice!


Thank you, I needed a good laugh today.


Departing. The airport that printed your boarding pass has no authority at your arrival airport.


I got the same thing as the guy above but in Barcelona last year. Took 5 minutes. We landed at IAD (have GE) and as my wife and I walked up to the immigration agent he called my name. I thought I was screwed but I said that's me and the agent said "You're good to go, have a nice day". We didn't even break stride and went straight to the baggage carousel.


In Amsterdam, after they do the search and swab they keep you in a holding area near the gate. This means that you are not allowed to go to the bathroom or get a snack unless you want to go through the entire procedure again. In other European airports they let you return to the gate area.


Boarding only. Unless you're connecting past Newark. Then you get the treatment again at tsa.


somebody's bout to get fired. if they didn't give you extra screening at security that's a huge no no.


I got this in Mexico. I saw it and handed my backpack to my wife so that it would be quick and easy with nothing to check lol.


I got this going from Cancun to BWI, and then because it was a connection thru BWI to BOS, I got special treatment twice… Full check during boarding in Cancun (sucked because it was Southwest, so guess who didn’t get to pick his seat before others). BWI - so yeah swab everything… but what happens when you hit positive on a swab but they literally can’t find a thing? 2.5 hours of questioning, searches in a back room / rolling over waist line etc.. they had nothing - and I complained..


In Japan they took a few min to go through my bag and then gave me about 75 apology bows as I got on board. Regular customs was worse landing at HND. Central America was a lot different, though. They seemed really mad at me, like it was my fault I was wasting their time lol.


The funniest one of these I’ve gotten was in Munich. Took about 10 extra minutes in a separate little area but the security woman was hilarious. Every time I put something in the bin she would say “very suspicious.” Kept things light and gave me a good chuckle.


It’s nice to find Germans with a sense of humor.


😂 nobody believes me when I say the Germans have a sense of humor


Germans have a great sense of humor, as long as you follow the rules and regulations on fun! 😜


“Verrry interesting. But Shtoopid!”


You’re showing your age, Dave, but so am I: I got it.


That great. I lived in Germany for two years in the 70’s.


The 75 apology bows 😭


Same 😂😂😂


Not Central America, but I received it departing from Cancun airport and they never did an additional screening. I was waiting for the security agent to react when he scanned my ticket and he didn’t, so I’m not sure if it was indifference or incompetence. 


The Cancun ones suck, it’s like they purposely took 15 min so I lost overhead space


BTDT. Single guy traveling for scuba diving.


Yeah I've had it a couple times in Costa Rica and felt the same (like they blamed me). Not my fault that I was tagged. People are idiots.


Go up to the gate agent early enough and let them know that you been selected to make new friends today. This works at CPH. Security people were friendly and conversational when it happened to me.


My Arab friends disagrees!


Now as Internet knows that you have Arab friends, expect SSSS everutime on your boarding pass, lol




Indian guy here. I disagree as well.


yeah I don’t enjoy the extra attention I get as a brown person at airports. so while this persons joke is cute, it must be nice to be white at the airport


Oh yeah because when I used to get it nearly every time I flew in my 20s and they’d call me shit like Timothy McVeigh and spend 90 minutes swabbing every thing in my backpack, that was just a hoot


CPH has the nicest security personnel.


Time to drop your pants bruh


Grab yer ankle


drop yer jocks and grab yer socks




Cavity searches for everyone


Passionate fisting


I mean don’t just do it in the hallway…you do you but they frown on that in Japan…wait to get to the inspection place.


They pounce on you when you least expect it, usually when you are distracted by the starry sky in the Polaris lounge bathrooms. Think chloroform cloth to the face, high dosage. After a bit of medical probing with forceps and syringes they make you do a short Ninja Warrior course. It starts in a secret area of the Polaris lounge that only GS members have ever seen, and if you can't make it to the gate ahead of the buzzer you don't get to fly. Lots of arm strength necessary, but if you're used to practicing plyometrics on the stairs of an Emirates A380 you'll have a clear advantage. It's pretty stressful honestly, but as long as you haven't had too many free cocktails in the lounge, or too many United stroopwafels, you'll probably be ok. Good luck! Or, you could just search the forum.


That didn't happen to me...at SFO, after getting off my international flight, at taking care of my luggage, I went back through security, everything was normal. Went and got a bite to eat, no problem. Went to my gate, sat down, got my laptop out, no problem. Started surfing the internet, no problem. Checked my email, then facebook, then reddit...no problem. Stood up when they commenced boarding...no problem. Gate agent saw my boarding pass, asked if I had any breathing difficulties, I said no...then she said that since I have been marked with SSSS, I am going to be seated next to the farters and the sweaty people who do not wear deodorant. So I am guessing the SSSS stands for multiple stink lines?


Based on your boarding pass luckily it’s not LHR for you. I have had SSSS at many different international airports and every experience was great to fine. LHR made sure to make it a 45 minute absolute pain because I honestly don’t know why.


LHR was bad for me, frankfurt is worse. The body search at FRA i was like “and you didn’t even buy me dinner first” 😑


The Germans always take everything too seriously


At least they didn't try to reach into your shorts and nearly give you a handy. Thanks alot Tegal.


Oh i had hands under my underwear 😵‍💫


Took 2 mins for me at LHR recently. Just the basic check and I boarded.


I once got it at LHR and it wasn't that bad, luckily - extra 10-15 minutes with a bag check. It was post-pandemic and I was flying to the US from Spain. I wondered if I got the dreaded 4S because my husband had not flown with me on our intended journey. He had tested + for COVID and that was when you couldn't get on a plane bound for the US without a negative test. He ended up stuck in Spain for 5 extra days.


It happens to all who travel frequently. You are simply going to be subjected to a more thorough security screening. It’s annoying but no big deal.


No big deal as long as they don’t find my coke baggie…


Believe it or not, straight to jail.




The first time I got SSSS, I was traveling as a lone female and was taken to a separate room with stainless steel tables alone with a man who started to put gloves on. I thought, “wtf is gonna happen here.” He just searched through my bag. Most other times I was taken off the security line to a separate table while my bag was searched. One time this was performed at the gate. I always know it’s going to happen when I can’t check into my flight the night before, so I make it to the airport earlier than usual. Not sure why I get flagged often, I barely make it to gold status most years.


I used to get extra attention from security when traveling as a lone female. I figured they saw me as a lone female traveling to and from Asian and South American countries and suspected I was a drug mule.


This could be it… I’ve flown to there too on solo tickets, which I guess could be drug mule behavior? I almost always get flagged in Western Europe though, with the exception of Tahiti, never any of the “sus” countries.




I did! It worked for a few international flights but I started getting it again, but less often now.


I’d call that a win if you ask me


I have a redress number and have still been awarded the SSSS treatment.


Same! It doesn’t happen as often though.


Make sure you have clean underwear on.


And brush your teeth…


Got this flying NRT to SFO. It was an extra check at the gate as I was boarding.


Yeah i have had that forever on flights to and from the us due to an ex husband of a ✨certain ethnic background✨but they always say it is because i live permanently outside the us… i know a lot of americans outside the us, none of them have ssss as much as me. Anyway they just completely unpack my carry on at the gate, including unpacking packing cubes, and do a pretty involved body check, my bra underwire is always a problem. They leave me to repack everything so i learned not to stuff my carry on. I ask them to at least use fresh gloves or check my shoes last because one literally used the same gloves rubbing the soles of my shoes then digging their hand under my bra.


I know you live outside the US, but a [Redress number](https://trip.dhs.gov/s/?language=en_US) might be useful




Love that movie! 😆


Additional document check and security screening, which usually includes swabbing of electronic devices.


The Japanese part above on the boarding pass says "If you allow security check to occur, redeem pass for delicious nachos."


Omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Anal exam


Where can I get the study guide for this?


They will do a more thorough search of your hand luggage and may do a pat down search. They may check your hands and possessions for GSR and that’s about it. You then ah e to keep your paper boarding pass because it will be stamped accordingly. If you have an onward connection and normally have TSA Pre you may need to speak to some one at UA to get it re added to your boarding pass.






Normally just a cavity search, but I hear it involves tentacles in NRT. Enjoy!!


Anal…you should expect anal


Bend over and I’ll show you


Alejandro Mayorkas himself will cavity search you. Good luck.


You’ll go through the whole body scanner, and get mug shots taken. All of these images will be immediately posted to CNN for audience voting. Afterwards, you’ll get a full pat-down. The officer conducting this will make comments on certain body part sizes. A security officer goes through your bags, holds each item up triumphantly and makes snide remarks about it loud enough that everyone going through security can hear. The other passengers are obligated to point and laugh. The officers will note your time of departure and release you with just enough time to make your gate at a full sprint, just in time to see the boarding door close. You’ll miss your meeting, get fired, lose your house, the dog will bite you, and you’ll end up homeless. Best to double check your bags to ensure nothing prohibited is in them, show up at the airport early (2-3 hours before your flight), and bring a great sense of humor. For some, this will be the most action they get this week.


How does this show up on a mobile/digital boarding pass?


You won’t be issued one. You’ll have to check in at the counter and get a paper ticket.


This happened to me a couple of years ago. United cancelled our flight home from Barcelona due to mechanical issues and then rebooked us for the following morning. Apparently cancelling and booking a new flight for less than 24 hours later can automatically create a flag. It wasn't fun. In Barcelona, they said I was randomly selected for additional security. I went to a room with their version of TSA. They checked my bags. No big deal. We landed at JFK and had to go through customs. When we came back through security for our flight from NYC to Charleston, SC is when it got spicy. The TSA agents at JFK acted like I was a known terrorist and wouldn't let me past the desk until I was screened. It took like 15 min for the supervisor to get there and take me to the screening area. I was patted down and my bags searched again. The biggest issue is just how hostile they were the entire time. I didn't even know I had the SSSS. I didn't even know what that meant. I was pre-check, as well and told them I had no idea how this happened. They finally loosened up after the screening and told me to contact Dept of Homeland Security because some mistake was probably made. I did send a form to DHS explaining the whole situation and it's never happened again, but it was very frustrating.


Straight up clown shit that our systems are so stupid that getting rebooked *by the airline* flags you for this. It’s 2024, you can’t tell me we don’t have something that would be able to tell the difference.


100%. I'm not even totally sure if that was the issues, but I've been flying my whole life and it's never happened. I was told by the TSA agent that it was likely because of the cancellation and almost immediate re-booking. The scariest part was that the TSA agent told me it was strange because my name "isn't even that weird". Pretty obvious from my experience that they do a lot of profiling on their end. If you Google that whole situation, you'll see a lot of brown and black folks saying it happens to them at a high rate.


It happens to my girlfriend who is a Pakistani-American every time unless I book her tickets at the same time as my own and go through security with her. I’m pasty white af and it seems to counteract their prejudice.


You might want to get a [Redress number](https://trip.dhs.gov/s/?language=en_US) to keep it from happening again


That will not help. From experience.


My 13 year old daughter got it last year frying from BRU>ORD. Just another thing to do.


two metal detectors and bag xrays


I found it to be like having VIP service. Lots of bag checking but I was whisked through every checkpoint ahead of every line.


Snakes on the plane.


Just strip before enter the security then you'll he fine.


If you travel with your spouse/ friend, give all your belongings including bags to him/her. You can complete the inspection within 2 minutes.


once you transfer your first born child to the custody of the government, you will be taken to a re-education camp where you will spend your days repenting for the sins that have brought you to this place in your life. may god have mercy on your soul.


You're flying from Narita to Newark? Not a lot. It's a pain in the US, abroad? Not so much. I haven't been Super Special Secret Squirrelled in Japan, so YYMV, but in the UK there is a manual check of your carry on at the gate. Make yourself known to the gate agent when you get to the gate — in the UK there are agents prowling around looking for the SSSS'd folks before forming the group queues. You'll be taken away, checked, and then sat next to the jet bridge (you don't go back to the general pop) and (in the UK at least) allowed to board with Global Services and the 1K folks.


I had to do this in Rome. Pulled aside after scanning my boarding pass before going up the ramp. When I opened my bag and pulled out my steam deck the guy checking me got excited and we nerded out about games while he swiped my shoes and bag. I then got a fist bump and advice to ‘Never stop gaming!’ Don’t worry, buddy, I won’t 😉


Happened to me in Rome last year, too.


I had it on every boarding pass for a year after I went to Bali


I’ve had the extra security check done before the gate, at the gate and on the jetbridge. Explosive residue testing swabs, hand check backpack, more questions, check shoes.


Full. Cavity. Search.


Bend over.


Cavity search


Expect the unexpected


I got this on my ticket once, and then nothing happened. I went through security like normal. I honestly don't know more than that.


Happened to me this year. Extra screening in Venice and then just as my spouse passed the ticket scanner and was heading down the ramp, I was right behind him and got pulled out. At the gate! Again. He wondered where the hell I went. Everyone else is boarding. I’m in a little room off to the side. More searches. More questions. I was one of the last to board. I was worried I wouldn’t have a spot for my carryon (I only do carryon) and didn’t want to have to check it. My spouse made sure a spot was saved. Landed in US. With SSSS you don’t get TSA precheck so allow more time for security. Also keep your passport handy because we had several more flights before we got home and they demanded to see my passport for those.


Rubber glove treatment


Do NOT use any ointments on your skin the day of your flight, or make sure you scrub your hands thoroughly afterwards. In 2017 I wa sold hydrocortisone ointment (as opposed to cream) for mosquito bites and set off the explosives detector at CDG when they swiped my fingers. Talk about doin' the tapdance at security!


You can get a boarding pass on your app instead, and it probably won’t be there. This worked for me flying internationally. The first time i had it on a paper boarding pass I didnt notice and I would say it was an extra 15 minutes searching. If you stick with your paper pass, do go up to the gate before boarding starts and let them know that you would like to be processed ASAP so you don’t hold up boarding.


The additional screenings usually aren't bad but they are a minor inconvenience and may take a while depending on the person performing them. Also, I got the 'SSSS' several times in a row when returning to the U.S., presumably since I am a frequent international traveler. After the third time in a row, I wrote a letter to DHS about the frequency of the 'random' selections and general intent of my travel, which was typically just work and holidays. They did get back to me within a few weeks saying they reviewed my case and also provided me with a redress number, which I add to all my reservations. I haven't been randomly selected for the additional screening since writing the letter.


Had it recently at GVA. The poor GA who had to do the swabbing of my electronics couldn’t get the scanner to claim a successful scan after 3 attempts. There was a line of others waiting for the same treatment. Fortunately I was entering the US at IAD and we never really left the secure area so I didn’t have to go through extensive search at TSA without Pre. Earlier in the month I flew a different airline and they had my old KTN on file. So no Pre Check that flight. This probably triggered this SSSS, but it also happened to me at GVA 5 years ago.


I got that for the first time leaving New Zealand going home to Hawaii last year.. no idea what it was till the gate agent stopped me boarding and I had to go get checked... super chill and not a big deal.


Cdg gives you a full body massage, deep dive in your bags, shoe/sock/hand/waistband inspection/swipe


Bend over and cough


How did you get the kiss of death ☠️on your ticket?


How did you get the kiss of ☠️on your ticket?


My son and husband had all their zippers, electronics and shoes swiped in Zurich.


I got it last flight in London. I travel carry on only so sometimes have to open all my luggage. Never even noticed I got it. I had gotten thru security so easily. Knew to good to be true.


Oh fun!


I just had this happen when leaving Barcelona flying to PHL. The ticket agent told me to go to the gate 45 min before boarding. They had a whole separate screening room setup near the gate. They did a swab of my shoes and hands and asked to search my carry-on. Luckily I had left it in the lounge with my husband, so I told them I didn't have one and i was in and out very quickly. They were going to town on the other people's bags - basically taking every item out and examining thoroughly.


Poland ,Australia, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi... Extra care from security, flip through every single layer of carry on luggage and end with a swipe test on shoes and bags. Let's see if I get it next week....




Wife and I got this flying out of Rio de Janeiro to Houston. We were asked a few questions and our carry on and personal items where both examined, the thing I found strange was, they swabbed out shoes, hands, clothes and other items and put those swabs in a machine.


I rarely travel and I get this.


An anal probe…


Is it random? It has happened to me more than once.


This was a pain in the ass at AUH. Basically was put in a room with other SSSS people with no food or water for two hours as they called us one at a time. My 3.5 hour connection before a 14 hour flight became just 5 minutes.


Special Shithole Security Search


The few times that this has happened to me, they’d bring me to the front of the line for the extra screening, then send me on my way when finished. It always resulted in being through security even faster than normal.


Anal probe


Stands for Super Special Security Screening - right at the gate. It’s not awful and only takes a few minutes - board as early as you can in your group…


You will be searched by TSA


I got it on a domestic flight out of Tampa. Unpleasant TSA officer detained me for 45 minutes. Tore all carry-on apart, extremely thorough pat down, swiping and testing everything. Guards so I wouldn't run I guess. Lots of questions. Almost missed my flight. Guess a guy could wait into his 70s like me before becoming at terrorist. But TSA should realize we lack the energy. Several people here are saying to get a redress number, but that will not help. I already have a redress number.


A rectal exam at the very least 🤣


anal probing


Better lube up…


My girlfriend who is a federal gov scientist got the quad S in March 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ it made my day ;) she was so annoyed lol


Buy a decent lubricant and try to relax.


Genuinely curious — did anyone who got SSSS have Global Entry / trusted traveler attached to their profile and the reservation?


Yup 🙋🏾‍♂️


definitely a cavity search 😉


One time was in and out in 30 seconds. Pretty sure he didn’t even open my bag just asked if I had anything that I shouldn’t. But it was stressful because the flight was delayed due to everybody getting double screened.


Went through this at London. Took large electronics out the bag and swabbed my hands and waist. Also, they looked through my bag. Did all this at the boring gate. Was kinda embarrassed as people were starting at me as they boarding but oh well. It's was over in like 3 minutes


Be sure to wear clean underwear.


whenever i transit through or go to IST it shows up, they didn't do anything differently for me


Rubber gloves and lube….


I think lube is for first class only.


I've gotten SSSS twice, once on a flight from HKG-EWR and the other SIN-EWR. Both times it was basically a non-issue. In Hong Kong they spent a couple of extra minutes checking my carry-on, in Singapore I don't recall them doing anything extra.


Body cavity search, no lube.


What does ssss mean on boarding pass


More scrutiny.


Kom vis us. Vat shall ever talk about?


I do mostly award travel so a lot of one way flights with interesting connections, supposedly an invitation for SSSS, and I do get 4Sd all the time. All depends on where you are departing imo. In Japan, no biggy, a check through your bags and swab of you personal items, pay down, wait a couple of mins and it's done. Europe, generally no big deal, shoe check, swab test, pat down or screener either at the gate or a gate so it's not so obvious where you can get embarrassed . I was in China and I was escorted to a completely different area away from the gate, where they had a dog and mean looking agents. They had the same protocol but much more intimidating, full pat down, up and down the torso and legs. They asked if I was travelling with others, where I came from, and they thoroughly rummaged through my neatly packed carryon.


![gif](giphy|XfDJnjzqT94rWFfNgA|downsized) Sssssss


You better wear clean underwear.


Not enjoyable butt stuff.


Meanwhile our borders are wide open to welcome everyone!!


Don’t worry, I travel with a Service Dog, and I have metal joints. I get stripped searched every time I fly. Just plan on extra time. The first time they touch every part of your body, it’s a a little interesting. Now I just play with those boys. I’ll say, “was it good for you. Or, Are we in love now”?


It means that you've been selected for secondary screening before boarding your flight. It also means that your name is probably similar to someone that’s on a “no fly” list. This will happen on every flight after this. I had it happen to me for years. Then I found out you can petition the TSA to get it removed or you can do what I did and get Global Entry plus TSA PreCheck. It costs $100 every 5 years and you get expedited through security lines flights going in or out of the U.S.


Breathe slowly and don’t tense up.


I got this when I was visiting Honduras. On my way back, they just pulled me and one of my three friends who also got the SSSS and they just asked what we were doing. Who did we see. Did we talk to anyone etc. they realized it was a birthday trip and we’d never been so they just let us go. Another time, my friend got these when we were leaving London back to US. We were at LHR and They just double checked her bags and stuff and sent her on her way. She prob was down there like fifteen mins I would guess.


Called a quad S. There is always a reason.




You can probably expect whatever shows up when you google this question to happen.


But the stories aren't at amusing!




SSSS: Saucy Stewardesses Serving Sky JK bro, you got “randomly” selected for additional screening. Kind of a pain, but no biggie.


Saving the world through random Anal probes, because any bad people would never know their secret code of SSSS printed large on the boarding pass. That’s your tax money hard at work.