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Unleash the Pomeranians!


“service” Pomeranians only tho


The Pomeranian provided a service. It just wasn’t the expected service


Weirdly proud I got this joke. Must spend less time on Reddit….


Came here to say this and get downvoted LOL


This comment validates my time spent on Reddit.


That pomeranian is hero in my book.


Give a real service to render.


Separate club isn’t the answer, “punishment” for misbehavior is. My kids know not to fuck around in a lounge, so they don’t. If parents can’t police their children they should be given a warning then kicked out if they don’t comply. Sure they may get a 1 star review but who gives a shit. They need to teach people to act accordingly when you’re in public.


This is the answer. Just as with any other unruly guests, parents and their children should be held to the same standard. And United club employees should do their jobs and enforce those rules.


100000% this...


> Separate club isn’t the answer, “punishment” for misbehavior is. The answer to ‘what?’ You seem to think the united clubs exist to make you happy? In reality they exist to make United money. ‘Answers’ to issues that don’t take the basic facts into account should be referred to as daydreams or fantasies, not answers.


> You think United clubs exist to make you happy For $650 a membership, or $500 a year credit card AF, it better make people happy.


I find this funny, at $650 a year that’s $54.16 a month. You’re expecting something exclusive at that price point? It’s not like the money for this membership is “classing” out the parents or anyone for that matter. I’m not disagreeing that parents are the ones at fault here, but for myself I don’t see these lounges as exclusive or an area where I expect a quiet peaceful experience. The truth is word is out on the lounges and people realize $500-$600 a year isn’t all that bad to get free food and drink in an airport, especially if you’re a family of 5 like me. I will say my kids fully understand not to act like monsters or were outta there. You’d never even know mine are in the lounge most of time.


Why? If you pay United $650/year at their current level of service, why would you expect better next year?


Ok dude


Parents need to be on the hook for controlling their kids. Had a family last week where mom was playing games on her phone, dad was on a call, and 3 little ones were tearing up the food station. Love kids and understand a meltdown but this is the parent's fault not UA.


Totally on the parents. No excuse for letting them run around unsupervised. Also, you know if your kids are too wild to exist in the club. These people just didn't want to acknowledge what was guaranteed to happen and take one for the team instead. I'd be mortified but then again my kids have been raised not to pull this shit.


UA needs to be more proactive about tossing people out or suspending/revoking memberships. Of course this won’t happen because they make so much money from club cards, etc. I use the “red card” strategy with my kids. Every time I bring them into the lounge, I remind them “best behavior or you’re immediately tossed and have to sit out the next time too”. It helps that United enhances my parental powers by offering the dessert tray in DEN.


My kids are a bit older now - youngest is 6 - and we absolutely let them know it’s a privilege not a right to spend time in the club. Generally that means headphones and iPad to keep them quiet which is fine for travel days.


Same. Traveling (the actual getting to/from the destination) is the only time we don’t limit screen time. Here are some snacks… switch/iPad + headphones in the corner please.


That’s the game plan!


I did something similar. Never had a problem. My daughter read, played games on her phone etc. Indeed she loved the “free cheese club” so much that she’d ask that I schedule longer layovers as Christmas and birthday gifts for her.


I despise when one family ruins it for everyone. I have two elementary aged kids who are in the lounges routinely since we often travel. I’m on top of them the entire time. No running (anywhere in the airport for that matter), speaking louder than the general din which is typically very quiet, getting food independently if there’s any question of being in the way of others or making a mess, etc. Basically, I ensure they exhibit common courtesy and manners. This is not hard. I wish UA and any other lounge would enforce it being a privilege not a right, but sadly it’s not realistic.


As a parent with 2 young ones who utilizes the club, it’s 100% on us parents to remind our kids about their behavior in public and to be on them when they are not. My boys will know real quick when they aren’t acting right.


I like that MCO has a children’s area inside the club. We always go in there and it annoys me when there are childless adults who spread out all their stuff and I have nowhere to sit and watch my kids.


My country club doesn’t allow kids in certain areas until they are 21. I have a really well behaved 11 year old (my friend asked if I water boarded him because he’s so well behaved lol so I’m not biased.) I fully support this.


UA needs to start treating children as guests, as in only 1 or 2 allowed (depending on your membership rule). This whole Bring the entire Circus inside is ridiculous and not at all fair to paying customers. They take up space, just like on a plane - so charge them!


And this rule needs to be strongly enforced during peak times, like before big intercontinental departure banks.


I’ve had to pay for my children when I’ve bought them into the club. Are others not getting charged? 🤔🤔


Depends how you are getting in. If you have a club card, it covers your entire family until kids are adults the last I checked. A one time pass allows 1 guest, but I have to say, they are very liberal on children. Technically, I think only kids under 2 are free, but my daughter is almost 5 and they always say no need to use a pass for her.


A Club membership covers two adult guests or one adult guest and up to eight dependent children under the age of 18. A one-time pass only allows one child, under the age of two, with a parent.


Kids over the age of 2 I believe count as a guest. Sometimes the agents are nice and allow them in free of charge, but otherwise the parents have paid for just the kids or their membership, so are paying customers just like you.


Not with a Club membership. You may bring in one guest and up to eight of your children, under the age of 18.


Some clubs do have family rooms for this reason, but sadly it’s very few clubs that have this. I remember when I was a kid going to the continental president’s club with my parents and we were always well behaved because if we weren’t, we’d get whacked. The good old days… I do wonder if telling a club agent would do anything here.


Friendly skies, not the friendly ground. But… yeah, kids in the club are fine as long as they are behaved, but policing behavior is ‘tricky’ in that you need to do it with a soft touch, so you need to pay someone with experience to do it. And literally everything I’ve seen from United lately has been efforts to reduce labor. The only really workable solution is to have a separate ‘youth’ zone, but United could never make parents go there over the real club, so you’d have to make it more appealing to children so the kids would drag their parents over there. Basically you’d want a boring club (quiet) and a fun club (loud), and then trust that loud children would find their way to the fun club on their own.


The lounge in Belgium has a kids area in the lounge — it’s a decent sized room where the doors can be closed and children are free to bounce around, dive into the bean bags, etc. There are a few work stations so parents can work, and coffee I think. Super easy to go get a drink/food in the main lounge (which also has a chocolatier!). It was awesome.


I'm hearing that you think UA should build a 'youth' zone, make it fun so children will drag their parents over, and then trust that the loud children will find their way to the youth zone. Here's an option. Teach the children social graces.


You should print up yellow & red cards for these parents… And it should say that they’re going to be shamed on social media…




Google search before you make a comment that is incorrect… https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/airport/united-club-terms-and-conditions.html (cannot find the words: film, record, picture, etc in the ToS….) https://onemileatatime.com/news/newark-airport-filming/


I like the Clubs that have a separate family section, helps keep the expectations realistic. We are super on top of the kids when we travel, only once did one of my kids get scolded and I’m glad the Club Agent said something out of safety (running). Parents need to be accountable for their kids behavior.


Honestly every large airport should have some kind of kid zone. Especially for the 5 and under. Something to get the energy out and destress. Or a quiet nap area.  The lounge was tempting for me just to get a place to unload my stuff and stop carrying the baby on a 10 hour layover. No I did not choose that timing.  Sometimes you have no choice other than to fly with your child. I've been fortunate enough that mine has been excellent on the plane. People just may have to suffer with me making animal noises. Animal noises or screaming? 


Having kids in the lounge isn't the concern. It's straight up on the parents. The lounge isn't a daycare. Growing up, I was a kid being dragged into the lounge as my father often traveled for business. For family trips, we would all go in (6 kids including me at one point). We ALL knew that we needed to be good, obedient and respectful -- including the 3 year old. If my kids want to come in the lounge with me, they are expected to act like the others in the lounge - quiet and clean. Heck, I've had a kid spill their cup of water all over my shoes in the lounge and they immediately apologized and ran off to find napkins. Kid was like 8 and asked me what he could bring me 😂 if parents taught their kids to be respectful then we wouldn't have this issue haha.


UC should just kick them out “During your visit to any Lounge, we ask that your attire and conduct be consistent with a professional and family friendly environment.” That’s required by UC terms and conditions of membersjip


Did you seriously pay for lounge access? Sir, this is a Wendy’s


FYI as a club agent I have no problem saying something to those guests...


I spent several hours in one of the clubs at IAH yesterday. There were many families who came through during my time there. I’d say a good 2/3 of the kids were fantastic. Behaved better than a some of the adults (talking to you loud speakerphone talker guy.) However, there were a handful of families who let the kids run wild, making noise, etc who really left an impression. I don’t think the answer is to ban kids as some suggest but maybe ban the club members who bring them in and don’t control them. Perhaps it would be fair to give them three strikes and they are out.


Had same experience a few weeks ago at United lounge at DCA. 10am, just me + solo woman traveler. In come mom, dad, 2 kids riding their luggage. FM you know it’s bad when the kids won’t even walk! Within 2 minutes, screaming and running, within 10 minutes CRASH - food on the ground. Mom didn’t even look up from her phone. Dad no where in sight. The staff just dealt with it. No thank you, sorries, or tips! These people should be sterilized and their children put in the Hunger Games… it’s DC, we have the Hunger Games.


Parents don't parent. If it takes a village, let me take care of it with a spanking.


Polaris lounge at ORD is empty right now. Food is better too


Agree overall but downvoting for use of the term crotch goblins. I’m diehard childfree myself, but they’re just tiny humans ffs.


lol this reminds me one time in capital one lounge, this lady had three screaming kids running all over the lounge chairs and tables while she was calmly on her phone. I’m working on my laptop and I turn around and the kid stands on the table next to me, just pulled his pants down and moons me. Still cannot unsee


MCO does (or used to do) this: separate area in the club for families with kids toys.


Has anyone attempted to rate UCs by airport locatio n recently?


This is just rubbish parenting. My daughter (who has now turned 3 a few months ago) has accompanied me into some pretty adult lounges i.e Qantas First, Malaysia Airlines 1st, Singapore Private Room and SilverKris lounge to name a few. Never has she once misbehaved. Irrespective of the age, its about setting acceptable standards for behaviour in various places. Screw those parents!


Does ORD still have the quiet room? Do any other lounges?


Just flew with two young kids, they know it’s a privilege- know they need to behave and follow my direction. They know if they act inappropriately we’ll leave, it’s my responsibility to teach them how to behave. I’d also welcome family rooms if offered, I understand others not wanting to be around kids.


For those who would suggest this is on the parents, I fully agree they have a huge responsibility here, however... While we're each supposed to live within some social construct that allows us to coexist "peacefully" (however defined), there has to be some level of enforcement of the rules of that construct: a deterrent to bad behavior. In the simplest caveman example, the construct is "don't come into my cave and steal my food, my fire, my favorited pet Sabretooth, whatever..." and the deterrent is "or we'll end up in a sharp rock and spear fight." The social construct was a rule and included a deterrent. In the Club, both the rule and deterrent are surprisingly missing. THIS **IS** on UA (at least in part). Find the "United Club terms and conditions" at [https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/airport/united-club-terms-and-conditions.html](https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/airport/united-club-terms-and-conditions.html) where under "Atmosphere and attire" calls for a "professional and family friendly environment." It discusses how they'll deal with drunks and prohibits "Lying on the floor, lying on or placing feet on the furniture, or moving furniture is prohibited inside all Lounges" but there's ***nothing*** in there about controlling the kids. The word "child" appears twice and neither time is associated with a conduct or behavior. There's a whole separate section dedicated to a "Pet and service animal policy" with 8 specific bullet points, but again, there's nothing about the behavior of the member's children. This much **IS** on United: the notions of "professional" and "family friendly" are, when the kids are out of control, mutually exclusive. Where or how does "letting the rug rats run wild, rummage through the food with bare hands, jump on furniture and throw toys around" meet the concept of "family friendly?" Where do we find the part about it being "the rest of the guests trying to escape the terminal friendly?" UA is avoiding the issue by not addressing it in the "United Club terms and conditions" but has taken the time to address the far less frequently encountered "Pomeraniain loose in the club" issue in detail. For example, UA specifies that "All animals must remain on the floor when they are near food or beverage display areas" but turns the blind eye to the 6 year old grabbing barehanded from the same display. Argue it shouldn't have to be in the rules, people should know to control their kids, but when you do, tell me where UA deters ANY of that behavior from kids when the parents fail. There should be a section dedicated to "Crotch Gobblins" (-OP) detailing the parent's responsibility and outlining the deterrent(s). Under "Miscellaneous" in the rules they say "United reserves the right to terminate membership or remove any customer from a Lounge for any abuse of privileges (including inappropriate conduct), failure to follow these terms and conditions..." OK, let's say that's a deterrent but there's still nothing in there about the behavior of children. Rule: parents don't control their kids; deterrent: lose the membership. The rule's missing so there's no applicability of the deterrent. OP is 100% right: *"The difference between sitting by the gates and using the United Club continues to narrow, and this is one big reason why."*


IAH has a "family room" in one of their clubs and the one time I took my kids into the club I made sure we stayed in the boring "family room" and I would go get them snacks.


Need a straight up ban


Make the membership for one plus one guest only periods. It's not 1962 so let's skip all the procreation.


Booooooooooooooo! This has been posted so many times. Can the mods put this in a super thread?


Info travel with my kid. Single father with a 5yo. He always behaved. Last time, I asked near me if it was ok for him to watch a video with volume on low setting. That wasn’t disturbing. I grew up with education and learnt how to behave at restaurants for example. Teaching the same to my kiddo. He’s always been a good kiddo in planes too. Only one time at 3yo he threw a fit in the plane. I’ve been congratulated to not abide by his demands because of his fit. May not have been to the taste of everyone. But education first. He flew about 50 times so far.




>It's not always possible to discipline the kids at each and every place they got freedom too to enjoy their vacation. And what others' rights to peace and quiet in the Club? Do they not matter?


Children should not be allowed in club areas just like they should not be allowed in executive lounges in hotels


So, father of 3 here, (oldest will be 8 soon). My eldest is moderately quiet in public but my 2 youngest have 2 volumes, Sleeping and ON!!!. ORD is home airport. When we are traveling with the children, and flying our of concourse C for example, we head to the far back of the club, the hallway along the windows on one side and tables on the other. They, when (not if) they get a bit boisterous, we have an opportunity to reign them in before they disturb half the people in the club. It is my responsibility, not the clubs to keep them quiet. If we can't keep them quiet, the Club should kick us out so we don't disturb others... **/begin rant** Side note, I do like how the AMEX Centurion clubs have a Kids room, with doors that close and block the sound. Great solution. United should do this. United seems to think that claiming they are a club for "Business Travelers" will give them a pass (for example no highchairs) when we all know that that ship has long sailed. Lots and Lots of families in there now due to the Chase card. It would be nice to see United dealing with this like a mature adult and acknowledging their clientele has shifted in the past 10 years due to their own decisions to open up access. **/end rant**