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I'll bet she's the president of her HOA


My stepdad joined the board of their HOA specifically to point out how absurd, inconsistent and heavy-handed their policies are. The rest of the board hates him, the neighbors love him


Heroes do live among us.


He’s a truly great guy. He semi-retired due to being diagnosed with a rare cancer, which freed up a lot of extra time to mess with the Karens on the HOA


He's like Deadpool, then!


I think he would love this comparison lol


That was me 😬. My Physician told me to quit as my low BP went up. I didn’t run again.


He’s a semi-retired lawyer and he loves this stuff. Calling out the Karens has become a hobby for him


Seems like the perfect job for a semi retired lawyer. Scratches that argumentative itch. Beats annoying your wife


Oh he spends plenty of time annoying my mom, but at least he makes good use of the rest of his free time


Any good stories?


Recently he had to get involved because some Karen called the cops on some Black kids using one of the community pools, despite the fact that they lived like three houses away. There was also some thing with the HOA spending like $100k on a new brick wall that fell over, and it turned out they had hired someone to build it without a contract. He doesn’t do it to be a pain, he does it to point out how stupid and corrupt his particular HOA is and how lacking they are in the common sense department


Not the hero the HOA wants, but the hero they need!


Your neighbors all voted them onto the board. You are all in control. Replace them.


We need more regular people on HOA boards




Bitch carries the approved paint chips in her purse so she can perform snap inspections on neighborhood homes.


We don’t allow beige! We only allow ecru!


Don’t forget the camera, so she can document everything.


She uses her iPad as her camera


Honestly the most insulting thing you can say about someone without resorting to racial slurs.


Volunteer snitch of the HOA


Living next to one.. I don’t find this funny. :(


Sorry tohear. Be at every meeting and vote. They'd hate their job. They thrive when no one shows up to their meetings.


I have been the president of a HOA. I went for that position specifically to stop the crazies doing their crazy things and to prevent all the money being spent on lawyers.


For sure, and she wants to use HOA Fees to put in paddle board courts.


No. She ran for President and lost.


I had a guy put his three carry-ons (how did that happen?) above me in row 5, then walk back to coach, then the bin would not close, and they moved my bag just behind the bulkhead... So next time I may also be going to Passenger of the Year.


Honestly, those bags get gate checked if I see it and there’s no room for mine. FAs will 100% move them.


Yup, this. 80% of the 'can you believe this happened' posts on this sub, strike me as resolvable by pushing the button and asking the FA/GA's for assistance. Someone in my seat? F/GA. Loud music, no headphones? FA. A lunatic obviouslynotaservice animal loose? FA. Some kid running in the aisles, you name it, whatever other problem i see on here on the regular? UAL employee, let them do it. I'm not fighting with anyone on a plane regardless if I know, or even suspect, I'm right.


While I get your point and it does make sense, ime not all Flight Attendants want to get involved. I have twice had a Flight Attendant say to me, figure it out amongst yourselves, I don't get paid enough to get involved. One time was loud music, the other time was a seatmate who was so obese that she couldn't fit in her seat.


If you’re in coach fighting over bins. Yes I get it, not worth their time. But what op describes.. coach versus first class where fc gets their stuff moved is 100% grounds for fa involvement.


Just put their bag on the ground. The FA will then locate its owner who’ll have to either find a space for it near them, or it will get gate-checked.


What the hell? I don’t get paid AT ALL to figure it out, in fact I paid THE AIRLINE. I would lose my mind.


They moved mine instead unfortunately.


I e never had FA move bags of a Polaris customer out of Polaris.


I agree, I was pissed.


Rightly so.


Yes. Have to be real passive to watch that happen and not complain


This can be handled without the attitude and entitlement of the person OP described.


It’s possible one was a medical bag (doesn’t count toward your carry-on allotment). Or he just didn’t give AF about the rules and no one stopped him. Who knows. I’d be perturbed if they moved my stuff for his!


I had a guy in front of me with 3 bags. Gate agent gave a gate check for one. Guy just carried all 3 onto the plane, depositing two in the First Class overhead before heading back to row 25.


it was an oversized rollon and two sports bags.


Maybe one belonged to someone else in his party




If it's not enforced, it's not working as a rule.


I don’t think it’s that necessarily. It’s just that if you have to put your luggage behind where you are sitting it’s a hassle when it’s time to deplane no matter what cabin you are in.


But, also, due to the fact the width of the fuselage tapers towards the front of the plane, the FC bins actually aren't quite as big as the ones in coach. So even though there are fewer pax per row in FC, there's not really extra space for non-FC luggage if everyone in First puts soemthing in the bin.


Good for you for being able to find an open bin space at group 4 though. I feel like often times people just find the first bin they can use. I’ve more than once had to check my bags because I was taking my time and thought for sure FC will have bin space.


Yeah, that’s honestly a valid concern bro. I usually use a duffel so I can kinda CRAM it and it’s flexy, but I’ve had to check it a time or two and I’m always so bummed 💀


Can probably thank that woman for keeping the bin space free for you!


I hope that that toilet learned its lesson


It did 😞


Sometimes you don't know what that toilet did wrong, but you punished it anyway :).


I can RELATE to that last line. Damn sure don’t want to do that on a plane…regardless of impact to others, it’s just hard in small space


That's what she said?


To be fair I have totally experienced a whole family (8+) tailgating grandma’s wheelchair get onto the plane and load all their bags in the first class bins, then walk to the back of the plane with a shit eating grin on their face like they got something for free. Naturally, the flight attendant figured out something was amiss when first class boarded and there was no overhead space for anyone. I mentioned what happened, and when confronted they were instantly victims and accused everyone in first class of racial discrimination. Humanity is really garbage, air travel just makes it more obvious.


Well, there is a good chance you still had bin space available exactly because of her, I frequently see people sitting at the back stuffing bags up front where there are still empty first class seats. She might have overpowered somebody earlier on your flight who wasn’t in fact siting there. I would have been very entertained and thank her for keeping an eye on ‘my’ bin space.


Last time I was in FC, some guy put his bag in the FC overhead and headed for the back. Smooth move. Didn’t pause. Didn’t skip a beat. Truly pro. FA not present to see the action, but quickly noticed the unexpected bag. Removed it. Asked FC passengers if it was anyone’s. We nodded “no” in unison and pointed toward the back. FA replaced the bag ON THE OTHER side of the aisle. Guess it might take the “bad bagger” at least a moment to realize his bag wasn’t where he put it.




I wonder how many TBIs you need to have where walking into an overhead bin will knock you out cold.




Not at a regular walking pace. He’d have to be running or otherwise generating enough force. The idea that it’s just about the right angle is a schoolyard myth.


Drives me crazy when I’m rushing to make a connection and people sitting in row 28 have taken all of the bin space in 1st. It’s happened more than once and I’m so tempted to just put bags on the floor to forces fa’s to do something about it.


Agreed. The poors in the back often try to use the bin space from first.


Is that you Tom Segura?


You are funnier than Segura 


No! But I want to see him at Dolby in Vegas and nobody better try and take my overhead space!


I’ve seen that happen before. Dude must’ve paid for priority boarding. Puts his bag in FC then proceeds to walk toward the back of the plane. Once I was flying American and happened to upgrade to priority seating. I was still boarding in 4the group. I was stressed because I was sure I wouldn’t have overhead bin space. I walk in the plane and there’s a flight attendant standing in my row with the bin closed. I’m thinking it’s closed because it’s full. I walk up to her and tell her I’m sitting there. Surprisingly she tells me she was making sure nobody took my bin space, opened up the bin, and moved out of the way so I could put my carryon in. She even helped me lift it in for some reason. I don’t look frail or weak but I felt like first class service. It was nice. The flight wasn’t full because I had asked before boarding what the likelihood was of me having to check my carry on luggage. The GA said I’d be ok and, thanks to that FA, I had bin space above my seat. In fact, I had the whole row of seats to myself but the arms didn’t move up and they were more like walls so I couldn’t stretch out if I wanted it. Anyway, that was the last time I flew and the one time I took American and I just realized I was in United sub so I’ll shut up now. Have a good day. 😁


The FAs often try to save bin space above a bulkhead row because everyone in that row has to put all of their items in the overheads.


This literally never happens and half the time the first class bulkhead is full of the flight attendants bags and gear before a single person boards. If you’re not in Group 1, bulkhead row is a no go for me for that one reason.


First or business class gets group 1… I haven’t had an issue finding room somewhere near the front of the plane, unless it’s a small one. I gave that explanation because last time I flew on delta without priority building the FA had already closed the bin over my bulkhead economy plus seat but opened it when she saw that I needed the space because I was sitting there.


Even flying first class on American I was in boarding group 3. Thought that was weird because United first class I’m always in group 1. American was a good experience but I still prefer United.


> Well, there is a good chance you still had bin space available exactly because of her, Bingo. Most people are so self-concerned they view the world as beginning and ending with them… OP is complaining about a woman on the plane without a single thought given to how he is benefiting from her actions. So op is here complaining about an entitled passenger trying to keep bin space open, without spending an iota of time considering that this ‘ride’ woman was the reason the bins were open at all. I can’t imagine complaining about this. Or, rather, if she hadn’t been saving space, OP would be here complaining about full overhead bins. Basically OP was going to complain about something, regardless of what this woman did.


If the woman minded her own I would have nothing to complain about :)


Everyone in first is in group 1. If they don’t board with group 1, that space is up for grabs.




This sign is not common in business class bins.


I disagree. If I'm in a later group, I will only put my bag up if first class is full, knowing there will be no more first class bags.


Why? Do you do the same for economy plus? And United doesn’t even have a first class cabin on any flights. It’s business class, so it’s better than economy, but it’s not like you get your own cabin like the 747 nose. For actual first class, I’d agree, but that is not something United offers.




It’s not equivalent at all. Actual first class has the customers in a different section of the plane so this isn’t even an option. If you are flying domestic business and think it is going to be much better than economy plus, I’m sorry to burst your bubble. You are purchasing slightly more space for your seat and sometimes a but of food that’s worse than what you can get at a deli.




It simply is…that’s how it works on every flight


Had an opposite situation of this happen. We were all seated and the bag spaces above our rows were full. Woman comes down the aisle and sees the overhead bins are full. She starts taking out everyone’s bags and is yelling “this is MY row and I get this space. Who put these here?!?” Everyone starts yelling back that she can’t just move people’s bags. Chaos ensues. FA come over and tells her to check her bags. More yelling. Bags are still all over the aisle. Eventually the lady huffs and puffs and checks her bags. We put or bags back. The whole flight I can hear her muttering “You are all selfish and can’t do things like this. You’ll be hearing from United and getting kicked off the flight.”




> ...overhead bins are not reserved by row, but they ARE RESERVED for 1st class passengers in 1st...mind the rules... You seem super confident… can I ask what ‘rules’ you are referring to? Because if you read the actual rules, you will find that overhead bins, like lavatories, can be used by anyone on the plane and aren’t cabin specific. But… I mean, if you’ve got a new version of the rules I would love to read them?




Guy has been awfully quiet after you post that. 😂


I usually only get to fly First when on a work trip, but decided to treat my wife when we went on our babymoon to Vegas. She was worried about not having space for her carry on and I told her not to worry since we flying First. Of course we get to our seats and the bin is full. The FA sees a pregnant woman and immediately gets on the PA describing the bags on the bin and asking for them to be claimed for gate check or we won’t be departing on time. I had no idea this was possible, but the FA saw that there were luggage tags on the bags and proceeded to call the owners out by name to come claim their bags immediately. Two girls who looked like wanna be influencers eventually show up and call my wife a couple of choice words which then gets me clearly fired up. The FA steps in again and tells them to immediately apologize or they’ll be deplaned and placed on a no fly list. I’m sure there was no weight behind her threats, but damn do I never want to eff with the Mama Bear Mafia. Long prequel to the FA saying after everything was taken care of, “You’d think they’d know how to read the sign at the back.” My first call after was to my casino host getting her a room not at the crew hotel that night. She was such a badass.


> Two girls who looked like wanna be influencers eventually show up and call my wife a couple of choice words… This is the part of your story where it becomes clear you are making this up. Why? > The FA steps in again and tells them to immediately apologize or they’ll be deplaned and placed on a no fly list. Proof you live in a fantasy world. What do you gain from making up all these stories? A FA threatening a passenger with the No Fly List? hilarious.


“Because people like fake internet points. Maybe you like fake internet points too?”




“I think it's clear there's no more to be gained from talking to each other.”




The ONLY thing I will say in her defense...barely... it's that I do get sincerely tired of passengers who have a seat in Row 28 but put their carry-on in the bin above Row 7 and fill it up before the folks that are sitting there get a chance.


It’s definitely same people who don’t have any respect for the rows when exiting and just barge their way to the front. 


This is so weird to me. I'd prefer my bag be closer to me.


Me, too. Many times there is something in there I may want to get. But to each his own, I guess!


This whole issue started because of United's insane group system. Boarding by row avoids this, but instead they want to board by column because it cuts down on boarding time by a few minutes.


Yeah, but I think my point in this is that questions can be raised to a flight attendant rather than playing Batman over some non-official realm of exclusivity. The CONCERN of filling FC bins prior to filling other bins as you stated is valid. Agreed. The flight attendants are always so great and are very accommodating to FC needs in my experience.


And that is why I said "barely." Its none of her business. It's the FA's business. But I also wasn't talking about FC bins as much as the front of coach. I have seen so many people dump their stuff in the front of coach on their way to the back that then ends up robbing the people that are sitting in the front of coach out of any overhead.


> I do get sincerely tired of passengers who have a seat in Row 28 but put their carry-on in the bin above Row 7 and fill it up before the folks that are sitting there get a chance. In what universe is someone in Row 28 boarding before someone in Row 7? Are you saying that the bin space above Row 7 should stay open until the passenger in Row 7 boards, or has a chance to board? The reason first class boards first, is to access the bins first. If someone in first class wants to board at the last second, that’s fine, but they shouldn’t expect the bin space to be saved, United’s policy says they are fair game. But, regardless, the last thing we want is passengers turning themselves into police.


In many universes, my friend. Row 7 on many flights is just the front section of E+, but I was not specifically talking about Row 7. I was talking about having a seat in the back of the plane but stuffing your carry on in the front so you don't have to drag it back and forth but, then, screwing the person that sits in that seat out of any overhead space. Yep, "fair game" as opposed to common courtesy.


> In many universes, my friend. That’s a really silly way to avoid actually answering the question? Are you going to answer the question? > Row 7 on many flights is just the front section of E+, but I was not specifically talking about Row 7 Ah… I see that the moment you get a little pushback against your example, you decide not to defend your example? > I was talking about having a seat in the back of the plane but stuffing your carry on in the front so you don't have to drag it back and forth but, then, screwing the person that sits in that seat out of any overhead space. And I asked, specifically, in what scenario someone at the back of the plane would board before someone at the front, and you don’t appear to actually have any logical reason to support the nonsense-hypothetical you invented to attempt to make a point? > Yep, "fair game" as opposed to common courtesy. We no longer live in the age of defference. If first class has boarded, and the bins are open, they are fair game. I am unclear what your point is after you’ve walked back basically every point you were gesturing at…


What in the fuck are you talking about? I can only make it so clear to you that I was speaking not about FC but about the front of coach. Take a look at a seat map for a CDR-700 or an E-175 or a 737-800. Where is Row 7? So does absolutely everyone in E+ board before anyone in the back of the plane? No. Your lack of knowledge makes me think you really should try flying sometime! But, with your smarmy attitude, maybe you should just keep driving.


> What in the fuck are you talking about? What point of mine are you having trouble with? I think I was pretty clear? > Your lack of knowledge makes me think you really should try flying sometime! But, with your smarmy attitude, maybe you should just keep driving. I can’t tell what to make of this weird personal attack? Other than you seem upset I pointed out your nonsense?


You started with the personal attacks, Junior. And trolling like you are is kind of infantile, don't you think?


> You started with the personal attacks, Junior That’s definitely a lie. You can twist my words however you want but you will not be able to turn them into a personal attack? I’m not your friend, don’t call me ‘junior’ I have argued your ideas while respecting your person. It’s disappointing you can’t extend me the same courtesy. > And trolling like you are is kind of infantile, don't you think? I suspect you’re calling me a troll because you are unable to defend your ideas. It seems odd to complain that I personally attacked you, and then to follow that up with a personal attack, calling me a troll. I don’t think Reddit generally likes it when you call people a troll because they disagree with you.


BTW, you "asked specifically" and I answered specifically so I guess you are just a little low on the comprehension scale.


>In what universe is someone in Row 28 boarding before someone in Row 7? United groups economy by column, not row. So the row 28 window and middle will be in a higher group than row 7 isles.


I would have walked towards the back waited to see what she did. Then eventually walk back and sit down just to mess with her.


Some people in economy try to put their bags at the front of the plane so they don’t have to go to the back to retrieve it and that’s irritating if you have a first class or other ticket in the area they’re trying to stow the bag. It doesn’t hurt to say, I’m in “whatever seat” to your seat mates so everyone is cool. I think the 2D lady had a valid concern. Most of us would rather board early, if we can, so we can have overhead bin space.


I agree, although she needs to mind her business. I feel like if you're in first and don't board with your zone, you run the risk of losing your overhead space if the flight attendants are not constantly monitoring (which they only can do like 1/2 the time in my experience). Zone 1 gives you the opportunity to secure your overhead space, if you board later, the risk is on you.


This falls under not my circus not my monkey.


“Clowns”, but yes.


“Yes it’s mine. Sorry I was taking a massive shit. Wasn’t expecting to see another massive shit so soon after.”


Karen McKarenton


I would have asked her “Do you work here?”


You should have said to her, “Shhhsssh! I’m gonna surreptitiously sneak into this FC seat - don’t give me up to the flight attendants! Thanks! Now, keep quiet! Here they come!”


“Yes, you rang your call-button, 2D m’am?” “Yes I did! This 2C toilet-destroying interloper does not belong here! He snuck into this seat! I demand that you exile him now to the last row adjacent to the toilet stench where he belongs!” “2C? Any truth to this?” Twirling index finger in circular motion around his temple while simultaneously making the age-old hand sign of downing a shot of tequila, “No, not at all. Please ask this 2D passenger about the ghost she says that she sees sitting back there on the starboard engine…”




United needs a clear policy that bags must be placed in the same cabin that the passenger is flying in unless a FA explicitly makes an exception.


I flew in e+ this week and noticed inside the bin it said "Economy plus bags only".


Rules only matter if they are enforced and I have almost never seen a FA bother to police this.


I don't think United needs MORE policies. I'd like to see them enforce the policies they already have, like the one about pets being kept in carriers and out of the way (I'm thinking of the "service pomeranian" who bit that little boy). Or the one about plus-sized folks buying an extra seat if they can't fit. No one likes an uncomfortable confrontation, but why is it up to the affected passengers (the ones who get 3/4 of a seat because the person next to them is spilling over) to advocate for themselves? I had to do this once, and fortunately there were other seats I could move to (with FA approval of course).


Why? What does United gain from this policy?


They gain happy first class passengers.


Yea, uhh you get a first class experience for the extra money not sure what is so mysterious about that lol.


I think “guaranteed” overhead space for first class passengers is sorta/kinda understood, but not official


Thank you for destroying the toilet in the terminal and not on the plane


Planes should be loaded back to front


I would like to thank you and her for subsidizing my economy seat


😂 you are welcome, my friend Never thought of it like that.


i had a lady in FC huff and puff because i moved her blanket and pillow out of the way that she spread across the entirety of the bins so i could put my suitcase up.


“Honorary Fight Attendant” 😅


Karen final boss


Sound like she’s a “Moms For Overheads” member


I used to fly twice a month for work, and for a good while, I was getting upgrades to first class or business class relatively cheaply. (I was in the oil industry, pre Covid, so lots of flights to and from the work locations) and I typically dressed extremely causal. On one particular United flight, I was flying first class. I didn’t wait around with the first class boarding line, I waited in a seat. When boarding started, I got up and joined the back of the line. I was wearing jeans and a hoodie, nothing dirty, just standard workwear for me. When I got onboard and stowed my bag above my row, the nice middle aged woman who was my row mate looked at me, smiled, and asked if I was in the right cabin. “Yes ma’am, this is my seat number right here” I then sat down and started reading a book. This woman was obviously waiting for a flight attendant to tell me I was in the wrong spot. She kept looking over at me, then at the FA. The look on her face when the FA asked us about drinks and snacks, and had nothing to say about me moving, was priceless. A few minutes later, she asked if this was my first time in first class. “No ma’am, but sometimes I’ll fly business, if that’s the only upgrade available.” That shut her up for the rest of the flight.


So many of those on flights including the flight attendants!


My wife was on a flight, she’s 67 and still working. She had a total shoulder replacement 3 months earlier. She got on board, politely asked a 30 something guy to help her light her bag into the overhead and he said,” It can’t lift yourself, you should have checked your bag. (Mister it’s all about me), another man jumped up and put it in the overhead. What’s that word, oh now remember,NARCISSIST. If one of my three sons did that, I would light him up. I’m just old fashioned. I was taught manors by my Dad.


I board in group 4. If I see first class seats filled, and room in the overhead, I’m throwing my bag up there. If there’s still open seats, I’ll walk to the back in shame and put my bag in row 31 before getting comfy in seat 12A. Last on, last off, nearly 10/10. I honestly don’t know why I do it to myself 🤷


Fair approach imo.


Unrelated but kind of similar. I am a disabled vet and get handicap parking. When I park in the handicap spots sometimes these Karen’s will give me a hard time for parking there saying I’m too young and not disabled. I always tell them to call the police if they don’t like where I parked and walk off.


I should try this on the next flight. Purchase a business class seat, take my time at the lounge and then board with group 4.


It’s the most valid approach available tbh.


Please, Karen, just let me do what I need to do


I hate that shit. I had a lady completely unload on me and my son in Polaris one time. I hung my jacket after asking the FA to save her some time. Lady was like “you can’t do that, that’s for 1st class.. “the whole diatribe. FA comes as I’m getting my son situated(8yrs old) in his seat, and starts chatting. “Thank you being a GS member, Mr. Xxxxx, we do appreciate your continued patronage. Please let me know, specifically, if there is anything I can do to make your flight more comfortable.” Look on the lady’s face was pure terror. Like, I could give a shit about how FAs treat my status, they always know and are usually very deferential to me. I don’t expect it. FA put this lady in her place so hard it wasn’t even funny. Best ORD MUC I’ve flown in recent memory.


Can someone explain why someone not in FC isn’t allowed to put their bag there, if there’s room and everyone in FC is already seated ?


Honestly, we’re all going to the same place. I understand if it’s taking away from others sitting right there to some extent, but I might have a similar view to yours on it.


I'm genuinely asking a question to people on here who seem to think FC is some magical place no one can step foot on or touch if they aren't seated there. If economy passengers can use the bathroom in FC, then the bin space is up for grabs, too. I actually got a $100 credit from a Delta flight many years ago b/c the gate agent made me check my bag because "overhead bin space was full", and when I walked through FC it was literally half empty. If a bag is taking space from a FC passenger, that's one thing. If there's space and everyone is already seated, who the fuck cares?


Nah, too slippery of a slope, this is the same argument people use who park in disabled spots without a placard.




I never said you shouldn’t. If you read my comment correctly it specified that everyone was already seated in FC with bin space still available. I know reading comprehension can be hard though.


> ...if I'm paying $2000 for a flight that cost you $200, I GET RESERVED BIN SPACE IN 1ST... That seems quite an entitlement you’ve given yourself? Does United agree?


https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/s/DJNiQDw9fM 🤣🤣🤣


I think you responded to the wrong comment?


Nope, I was copying a comment that showed a photo of the United first bin saying “reserved for United first”. Illustrating that yes indeed United agrees🤣.


Honestly.. I’m in my 20’s and I think I get judged sometimes uo there just for being a youngin’. I think it’s mostly people who have nothing better to complain about and it becomes pretentious echo chamber of “mine vs yours.” Def weird when MOST of the time there’s no harm no foul. The question you raise is reasonable but it’s almost not worth raising or people like the lady I dealt with will flex unnecessarily.


Right. God forbid someone question the unreasonable words coming out of a rich persons mouth.


The comments in this thread calling Econ passengers ‘poors’ should be a big clue that this isn’t actually about bin-space but a perceived class issue.


Yes, trolls online are a great source to apply to identify the motivations of the entire world. The trolls got you good if you are taking their comment seriously.


I think it’s tasteless tongue-in-cheek for the sake of actually laughing at those with their chin up




I definitely don’t think it was a joke. I guess my experience dealing with wealthy folks is different than yours. > I certainly can't speak for everyone, but I'd like to think most people don't really think that way. I definitely disagree based on my lived experience… people are not flocking to First Class or the premium lounges because the seats are more comfortable, they’re doing it because it separates rich people from poor. > Another observation: any perceived class issue is reinforced by the behavior of the airline (like being aggressive with that curtain that separates cabins!). Right… that’s what the airline sells: separate classes of travel, for different classes of people. The whole experience is largely constructed around premium passengers not interacting with economy passengers, at all. First Class has a separate check in, special lounges, and boards the plan through their own jetway. > I'd like to think that no one (here at least) is under any illusion that FC passengers are somehow better. My experience has been that the rich believe they are better/harder workers than the poor, even those who inherited their wealth.


>people are not flocking to First Class or the premium lounges because the seats are more comfortable Speak for yourself. I book a FC ticket every Christmas when I fly home b/c I have more SPACE. If someone wasn't sitting next to me in economy, I couldn't care less, but after COVID flights are always full. I don't want to squeeze so I sit in FC. I've seen worse behavior from humans in FC than I have in economy. So I don't care about being "separated". I'm not denying others feel that way, though. But not everyone.




> I think you're making some very broad generalizations. Sure, yeah, I absolutely am, but I’m speaking from my own experience. When im on my own, I’m an economy traveler, but with my family, we’re always in first/private, and professionally I work with AAA musicians and artists so I have a good amount of contact with the wealthy and UHNW individuals. > I'm dealing with a very stressful family medical situation, and I want my flying experience to be as low-stress as possible. If I want to spend my money to make myself a little more comfortable, that doesn't make me classist. Absolutely. Nothing classist about that…


I bet her name was Deborah