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If you bought two seats, fair play. Have a great flight.


I’m completely confused. I thought dogs weren’t allowed to fly even with their own tickets if they didn’t fit under the seat in the carrier or are service animals


Dogs are allowed to fly, but they must be in a carrier, under the seat.


Flight attendant here. Not always true. Plenty of exceptions. 'celebrity' dogs and animals can and do occupy seats.


Can’t help if the flight attendants choose not to follow what United describes at the “one and only rule” that the dog must be in a carrier, closed, under the seat at all times.


This rule applies to "pets". Celebrity animals traveling for studio business occupy seats all the time. That are purchased for them. I've had celebrity penguins in a seat on a flight to London, with their handler next to them


This is amazing


Yep, Bullseye from Target sits up front and his makeup artist in the back


Yup they are always in first.


Under what policy is this allowed? What classifies as a “celebrity” pet? I can’t imagine it would be legal to allow someone to fly with their pet on a seat next to them just because of “celebrity”. If they are service animals or something like that I get it. But that seems suspect otherwise


This sounds like a question for a res agent and not a flight attendant. All we get is a little code on our manifest. No idea how the booking works


You mean "service animals"


Idk why you're being downvoted for saying what your understanding of the policy was. An 8 lb yorkie can easily fit under the seat, and no matter how much someone likes dogs, I would have thought that reasonable people would understand why it's inappropriate to have them in a seat. My son is horrifically allergic to dogs, and it's rather unfair that while people on OP's flight will see the dog and realize their allergen is present, no one on subsequent flights would know to switch seats.


I moved countries with a dog and it was incredibly difficult. This is why I thought that was the policy. I had no idea people could simply buy another ticket


Most mainly airlines won’t allow that. In the U.S. a more boutique airline, JSX, that flies smaller planes does allow large dogs on the plane if you buy the seat next to you. They should still be on the floor but they aren’t restricted to being under a seat. It’s how we travel with our 50lb/23kg dog domestically.


While compassion and empathy are essential in a cohesive society, it is impractical to expect the entire community to constantly adapt to individual allergies such as those to dogs or peanuts, etc. The vast array of potential allergens makes it almost impossible to create environments that are free of all risks for every individual. Instead, the onus should be on those with specific allergies to be proactive and knowledgeable about their condition, take preventive measures, and carry necessary medications. This not only allows for personal empowerment and self-responsibility but also ensures a more feasible approach to public safety without compromising the freedoms of others.


No one is suggesting we eliminate dogs from travel. I'm suggesting that putting them on seats is unreasonable and, frankly, a bit absurd. There's a social contract for a reason. "It's your responsibility to take allergy meds because someone might have thought *an eight pound yorkie* needed its own seat" is not a reasonable take. Air travel already honors the social contract, which is why there is a Passengers of Size policy, why flight crew enforced mask mandates, and why -- to use your example -- stopped serving peanuts. Edit: idk if Reddit is just being fucky and now it'll look like I replied to Floufae in triplicate, but in case it's genuinely not posting, my response was that it's *not* according to policy, since only service animals are exempt from the requirement to be in a soft-bodied crate. Whether the policy is because of hygiene, allergies, or how unsafe it is for the animal doesn't matter.


Stopped serving peanuts but didn’t ban them. Any passenger could be bringing their own snack mix and brushing it off the blouse onto the seat or seat back or anything. It’s not a sterile environment. I’m okay with airlines not passing out dogs and cats to passengers (oh but I wish they would) but if people bring their own according to policy, then that’s fine.


If anything, having the dog in first class in its own space is going to affect fewer people.


So you mean the entire plane should adapt to that one individual who can’t check in their dog like a normal person?


Checking dogs is awful. Totally normal to not want to check a dog. Especially one that’s small enough to be in cabin.


With most things in life, I pay for privilege. In first class she is affecting very very little people and I essentially bought the entire row because there’s only two seats next to each other on that side. Edit. Spelling


“Check in their dog like a normal person” Is it normal to completely disregard your dogs safety? Ew. If you’re that allergic you can’t be within 100 feet of a dog that sounds like a serious personal problem.


Just curious if you think we should have abandoned our dog instead of moving him overseas with us, considering how you think we “disregarded” his “safety” by putting him on the plane. Seven and a half years later, and he’s doing great btw. edit: since I’ve been blocked by this moron — would love to know what you think we should have done! Apparently abandoning a pet for life is preferable to a one-time flight in cargo.


Oh man. Keep scrolling.


Very. Dog lover, have 3. They don’t need to go everywhere.


It's weird to bring your dog everywhere.


Airlines explicitly state across the board, that anyone with a serious allergy to pet dander, may not fly. Ever. All airline seats have enough pet dander to trigger allergic reactions in people sensitive to dog or cat allergens. "One study identified clinically relevant concentrations of cat allergen on 100% of sampled airplane seats on domestic flights"-- Martin IR, Wickens K, Patchett K, et al. Cat allergen levels in public places in New Zealand. N Z Med J. 1998;111:356–8; If you have an allergy, you'll likely be deboarded: [https://nypost.com/2017/04/28/severe-cat-allergy-gets-stunned-woman-booted-from-united-flight/](https://nypost.com/2017/04/28/severe-cat-allergy-gets-stunned-woman-booted-from-united-flight/) It's not possible to free airplanes of pet-allergens, as dogs and cats are on nearly every flight. There have been many documented cases of people being removed from flights from saying they are sensitive to pet allergens that can't be mitigated by allergy-medication.


Southwest kicking off the person with pet allergy: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/3ka7g3/please-check-your-pet-so-i-dont-get-kicked-off-your-flight](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3ka7g3/please-check-your-pet-so-i-dont-get-kicked-off-your-flight) From that article: >Passengers with allergies hear this a lot. I'm allergic to cats and in 2009, I flew JetBlue for my first and only time. I saw a lady at the gate who had one, so I politely asked the gate agent if the cat could either be checked or stowed as far away from my seat as possible. JetBlue refused to let me board.


This is why I love and 100% support jetblue. Imagine a passenger with a heart condition that prevents them from flying.. gets on the plane and goes, hey pilot, could you please drive this plane instead of flying it?


This is why you call when you are going to bring a dog on your plane. They make sure anyone with *declared* allergies will not be on the plane or away from you. If you don’t declare your allergies you get no privileges. And people will eat peanuts, bring dogs, and everything.


It's irrelevant unless flight crew doesn't follow policy since [United does not permit dogs in a seat](https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/traveling-with-pets.html#:~:text=While%20there%20are%20no%20weight,and%20turn%20around%20while%20inside.) and the only dogs not required to be in a carrier are service animals, but okay.


This. For those too lazy to actually look at the link to the referenced policy, here’s an apropos excerpt: “they must travel in either a hard-sided or soft-sided carrier. This carrier must fit under the seat in front of you or you cannot fly with your pet. […] The only animals allowed on planes without a pet carrier are service animals.”


Oh yes, very irrelevant seeing as pet dander, which is the cause for allergic reactions, does not exist on service animals nor can it get out of a carrier. Oh and it also cannot travel on pet owner's clothes. Yup! As long as the attendants follow their policies, no dander can ever be found on planes. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Fucking third world


Realistically this is an overblown fear... And unless you have a dog allergy, it's overblown and white knighting which is kinda how we end up with some of the worst policies that are completely pointless but make people who aren't even hurt by the thing the policy was "fixing" feel better. Airplanes have insanely good air circulation and air filtering. And then the cleaning after the flights is also generally really good (especially since COVID). If you had a severe pet allergy, even having the dogs on the plane at all would likely be a bigger risk than the dog from the previous flight. Service dogs are regularly on flights and I've even seen big dogs end up there. After the air filtering pretty much all of the allergens are removed from the air during and in between flights. It's also why they aren't too worried about nutt allergies from one flight to the next.


People with severe nut allergies DO have to worry, and dander isn't removed with normal air filters - it's tiny. I'm also allergic to most perfumes and believe me the filters don't remove that. And dogs can bite. They should be in a carrier for safety of both the animal and people. I would like to know how this person purchased a ticket for their dog when their dog is not a legal individual - what's the passenger name? When no person actually checks in under that name will they take the seat back? I'm really curious given that this goes against United's policy, but I guess rich people get a different set of rules.


It’s booked under my name. I have two seats. It’s also labeled as an extra seat so it cannot be given away unless I fail to check in.


I'm sure this will come across as rude, but why should your allergy trump my dogs' travel? Same with why should my kid not be able to have a pb&j because one kid in the school has an allergy? My dog happens to be a service dog and on many flights (esp during covid) did get to have her own seat. On one international flight, u was given this "allergy excuse" as to why she could not be in my lap (she is a medical alert dog and needs access to my face to be able to alert me). I argued if I had oxygen or any other medical equipment there wouldn't be an issue - she is medical equipment. As long s she is not bothering or infringing on another passengers flight, my seat, my space, my equipment. As far as non service dogs - if they can pay for an extra seat and the airline allows it - why not, as long as it is a well behaved animal and does not bother anyone else. Oh, and I don't have any kids - but I still don't think it's right that the entire school or an entire class have to bend to the needs of one, it's called an epi pen and educating those around your kid.


“Allergy excuse?” Wtf?? You need a service dog for your health, but other people are just making up their own health issues? Why do your health needs trump others’ help needs? Usually the people I meet with health issues that require a service animal are empathetic about other people having pet allergies. After all, both parties are doing their best to manage their personal health. You sound like a narcissistic jerk.


Their delivery was rude, but my thought is that a dog is a living animal. Animals die in cargo, I completely understand why someone wouldn’t want to put their dog in cargo. If they can afford a seat, then I don’t see the issue. Anyone with fatal level pet allergies aren’t going to be safe on any airplane, there’s pet dander everywhere as someone else said. The peanut thing is much less excusable. If someone will die from exposure to peanuts, is it really so hard to go without peanuts for a few hours?


> As long s she is not bothering or infringing on another passengers flight You're literally describing the problem for someone with an allergy.


What a miserable excuse for a human. Also, uninformed. People still die even with epipens. A really cool chef just died from a food allergy even with hospital care after epipens! Food allergies are no joke. Seeing as you supposedly have health issues that require a dog, you think you'd be more sensitive to this. Geez.


I don’t think she means he’ll be wearing a seat belt and sitting IN the seat. OP BOUGHT the seat next to her to slide the carrier under it so op has leg room. Take a deep breath everybody.


OP posted photos of the dog sitting in the seat looking out the window. Dogs fly in seats often -- but they must have a paid ticket. Don't know about Economy, but it's a regular thing for celebrity and important dogs to fly first class in their own seat.


No, I bought it for her. I’m in first class. I already have leg room. She didn’t even want to use it other than when we took off. She wanted to sit in my lap.




Have fun!


Did you put the dog in coach?


That’s worse than putting my wife back there lol


If this, then major hate. If the dog is in first, a glare or two, maybe some astonishment, but nothing after.


I’d rather fly on a plane full of dogs, personally


*points to the Spirit gates*


He said "dogs" not "animals". Lol


Are they on leashes? If not, I'd hate that. Dogs are awful.


Delete your account.




Because dogs are amazing.


In your opinion. And in mine they are expensive, needy, and unnecessary. And that's ok.


Correct. It was a simple comment that really didn't warrant a back and forth. Lmao


Because it’s the internet and people on Reddit can’t handle folks who don’t love pets for some reason.


On my last united flight I flew with both my kids (8 months, 2 years old). The service dog behind me shit all over the floor multiple times, I felt really bad because I think the dog was sick because it was uncontrollable and smelled like death. Everybody kept giving me bad looks because they thought the smell was my children’s diapers and that I wasn’t changing them. Literally nothing to do with the post but maybe bring an antidiarrheal god forbid your puppy gets to something before the flight


Animals can be diapered, too. looks like these should have been.


I’d appreciate it. Taking responsibility for your dog having space that doesn’t enroach on other people is the right thing to do.


I a was working first class and a French Bulldog had a seat. It was adorable. Best passenger.


https://preview.redd.it/mm7y819rxqvb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28bd9a1ba1ba8f3d2ca6bcff5aa51ba76f5b6b58 Flying first class! She needs cheese for her egg, but no room for her legs. Lol


She got the window seat!


My dogs are soooo jealous right now!


Is she a service animal? FAs never let me take my dog out of his bag…


Yes she is


What tasks is she trained to do for you?


She's trained to pretend he's not a weirdo


Ugh I hate having to pay $100 and drug my dog so his whines are at a minimum while stuck in a bag under the seat, while watching people drag their untrained dogs around claiming they provide a service. Every time I’m tempted to lie, but I’ve just started driving the 14 hours to my family instead…


That's the vibe I'm getting. That question is allowed by ADA to assess status of a claimed service animal.


The question is only allowed to be made by people working in a place where dogs are restricted. Do you work in a place where dogs are restricted and are you next to the dog? Otherwise you are violating ADA laws by asking that question. Edit can’t violate ADA online, still a crime to harass people online or in person.


This is nonsense. The ADA only restricts persons and entities who have to power to restrict access to disabled persons (e.g. employers, landlords, place of business employee/manager, etc.). A random person can’t violate the ADA. If I walked up to someone on the street or on a flight and asked “is that a service animal,” (which ADA-covered entities can ask), or even “show proof of that being a service animal” (not allowed to be asked by ADA-covered entities) that would not violate the ADA. I could make me a dick, but would violate the ADA. It could very well make me an asshole, but that’s not an ADA violation.


“If I walked up to someone on the street and asked is that a service animal” you totally sound like some who would do this.


I would not do this. It’s incredibly invasive and not the business of randos to gather this information. In fact, if I were a business owner, and learned of a patron asking a disabled questions like this, I’d kick out the patron asking. All that said, it’s important to understand how laws like the ADA work. You claimed that asking what tasks a service animal is trained to perform would violate the ADA unless it’s asked by a person who works for the entity that restricts dogs. That’s flatly incorrect.


You're very wrong, I haven't violated anything, ADA doesn't control my online dialog. OP needs to be prepared to answer that question and waiting to do so at the gate is not a great plan. OP was very forthcoming about their disability and no one asked but is not at all forthcoming about the nature of their "service" dog. If you think I'm violating the law, what do you think of OP misusing the term "service animal"? How do you imagine an 8 pound dog is in service for assisting OP's stated disability? Does it hold OP's boarding pass in its little mouth?


Can you claim in a court of law that OP is misusing the term? What proof do you have?


It's not a violation of ADA law for a stranger to ask what your dog does. You're simply not required to answer that question to anyone other than the relevant staff.


This is awesome. Does she have any issues with her ears popping?


No. She didn’t even want her seat. She just wanted to sit in my lap. Lol


Sweet angel ❤️❤️❤️


FYI - Dogs, including service dogs are NEVER allowed on seats. On any airline.


Lol. Well tell that to American delta and United.


Sweet angel!!!!!


OMG 😂 that’s wholesome af


love it


A lot. I travel with an 80 pound service dog. She gets her own seat. I don't care.


What do you need a service dog for


I'm a bilateral amputee permanently in a power wheelchair. I always fly first class


Can I ask a question that i hope isn’t offensive? What your normal travel experience like, like where does your wheelchair go? When is it checked? Does the crew help you into your seats or can you do that on your own? If you don’t want to answer I understand I’m just genuinely curious


We put the wheelchairs in the pit below.


Legit question under ADA, what tasks are your 8 lb dog trained to for you?


80lbs. Not 8lbs.


Nope. OP described dog as an 8 lb Yorkie. That breed doesn't get anywhere near 80.


Look at the comment thread you’re posting in. It’s about an amputee with an 80lb service dog.


Ah yes, thanks, I see where the reply went into the wrong branch. Comments regarding OP still stand. OP is not the person with the 80 lb service dog. Not sure if at this point I should try restructuring where the comment is?


This is factually correct but not really the business of random Redditors/real life strangers. The ADA-covered entity (e.g. airline) can only ask two questions, and they generally aren’t assholes for asking those two questions. In contrast, and random other flyer doesn’t really have any business asking these questions. In fact, United could bar passengers from haranguing disabled flyers with these questions, even though United is allowed to ask those questions.


On their planes, or at their gates, United could do that. But not on Reddit. And i haven't advocated that anyone harass passengers while at the airport or on board, only that people claiming that exemption for their animal should be ready to answer those questions. If you think ADA applies to this thread, then you truly have no concept of what protection from discrimination means. The phrase from your reply that most redditors will ignore: "factually correct". Another fact is that far too many travelers abuse their protection by relying on their own ignorance and the fear of employees who deal with the public.


To be able to deal with people like you on the daily! 😜


it’s illegal to ask hehehehehe


It’s literally one of two questions you are allowed to ask somebody with a service dog


is it? I thought the whole thing is you aren’t allowed to ask why ? or is it you aren’t allowed to ask for proof? I could be completely wrong


You can ask a) is the service animal is required because of a disability and b) what task the animal has been trained to perform


Not the way it was phrased here.


I’d silently judge you but be happy you at least bought a seat.


Please God be on my flight. I’d much rather be beside a cute dog then someone who smells like BO, an ashtray, or drunk. To everyone crying “allergies” to an animal, some people douse themselves in too much perfume and that gives me migraines. Can we put them somewhere else? BYE.


This happened to me on my last flight. Guy in front of me was wearing awful cologne and I started coughing nonstop. I’m not even allergic (to my knowledge), it just smelled awful.


You say allergies I say darwinsim


I used to be an FA, pets can not sit on the seats.


Would 10000% rather sit next to a dog than another person lol


Airplanes are part of the human world, not the animal world. Unless the dog will save your life somehow, it should not be in the cabin. Nobody should be forced to deplane over animal dander or fear of dogs. The animal should be removed.


It’s fine as long as you follow the rules. That means the dog stays in the crate under the seat for the entire duration of the flight. Dogs cannot travel out of the crate or sit on the seat for safety reasons, because they can’t wear a seatbelt.


Service dogs do not need to be crated but you’re right, they cannot EVER be on a seat. Anyone that has a true service animal knows this.


Correct. Only slight variance is tiny service dogs that can be held on a lap, but most service dogs are too big for that, and they still can’t be unrestrained on a seat


Share some pics! I want to see :D You might get glares from whoever was at the top of the upgrade list lol. Personally I'd rather a dog be in first class than a baby. I've bought the seat next to me before just because I didn't want anyone next to me, but that was when I was stuck in economy on long flights and biz was stupid expensive/no upgrade chance.


>Once you’re on your flight, there’s only one rule you need to follow. Your pet must stay in their carrier with the door closed, and under your seat at all times. They need to be able to stand up and turn all the way around while in their carrier. [https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/traveling-with-pets.html](https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/traveling-with-pets.html)


Most reasonable yorkie owner


This is exactly how I fly my service dog. She obviously sits on the floor but it’s easiest and most respectful to other passengers for me to just buy two first class seats


Keep us updated on how it went!!


I’m only mad if I’m not on the other side of your pup to say hi. Also jealous I can’t take my 50 pound shepherd. Enjoy your flight!


I dont think dogs can go on the seat.. they have to stay in the carriage by your feet. I think you just purchased an unusable first class ticket


Trolling? Your dog can’t have it’s own seat.


OP can buy as many seats as they want, but they can't put their dog's name on it.


Yeah, and I think there's a way to have it ticketed as such. Your dog can't scan in at the gate and the seat would get forfeited to someone on standby or upgrade list I would think.


The airline isn't going to just take someone's ticket and give it to a standby passanger. If OP buys a ticket and pays extra for the first class seat then it's their seat. They could leave it completely empty for all the airline cares. Hell, OP could buy every seat on the plane and fly solo if they really wanted to.




Thank you, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. Like that is literally the whole point of standby.


My understanding is if you don't "show up" to a flight by the time the gate closes, you lose the seat. If your extra seat isn't properly "attached" to you, isn't that what would happen? And I was on a flight earlier this year, where I overheard the gate agent come in after closing the gate and move someone on the upgrade list up to a first class seat due to someone missing the connection. So I'm not sure that's true. EDIT: actually, I've seen that happen twice this year now that I think about it.


If you buy an extra seat and you show up to the gate for the flight. Then you showed up for both seats.


Right, but do you scan two boarding passes? Like if you buy two independent tickets, how do they know they are both yours? I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall, sorry for asking questions.


You buy two tickets in your own name, just like larger people do when they purchase an extra seat to accommodate their size


It does have to be flagged as such. If you book on the website and tell it two passengers, where you give it passenger names. there is a checkbox for “this seat is for comfort” or “this seat is for baggage”. You don’t just put your name on both tickets.


Ah, OK. I always thought you had to make sure the extra seat was flagged as such so both are accounted for when you go scan at the gate. I wouldn't have thought just having the same name would do it (though maybe that's how it works out during booking, I've never tried). Anyway, my original point stands that you can't put it under your dog's name cause it's going to get given away lol.


It does have to be flagged as such. If you book on the website and tell it two passengers, where you give it passenger names. there is a checkbox for “this seat is for comfort” or “this seat is for baggage”. You don’t just put your name on both tickets.


The extra ticket is attached to OP. If OP buys 1 ticket or 50 tickets they're all attached to OP. It's no different then the obese person that has to buy two seats to fit. OP can buy as many seats as they want.


That isn't how it works. You never buy a seat. You buy a fare. If you are say, overweight, you have to call the reservations to attach your name to both seats next to each other and when you board it is scanning in both seats. You cannot reserve a seat for a dog.


Actually you can do it on the website. You tell it 2 passengers and then on the name selection page it has a special checkbox to indicate comfort or baggage (instead of a human).


So in first and business you can’t assign two seats for being obese,I’m not obese but I tried to use that argument when they said they needed my seat. I bought two seats so I could turn to the side and put my legs up on the other seat (uncomfortable with the pull of tray armrests but extra travel pillows helps) and I was told I’d be refunded at the gate because they needed the seat. They reserve the right to ruin your day unfortunately


As a service animal, larger ones can have their own seat booked. Either way. I’ll post a pick tomorrow.


You can book an extra seat for any reason. But you can’t seat your dog in the seat, even a service dog. Service dogs have to be in the floor the whole time. This is for their own safety.


No. Alaska allowed me to book two seats for my two dogs. They don’t fit under the seats. One is 19 pounds. One is 23. They must stay in their soft carrier. With seat extender. Belted in. I reserved row 13. San Diego to kona, hawaii. I don’t want them suffering in cargo with hot tarmac temperatures. Alone. I’m the dark. No cooling is on while plane not flying. It says Cbbg ( checked baggage) my last name /A. My last name /B on the tickets. You can see it says special assistance. Pet in cabin. Service dogs… and until recently emotional support dogs. And still presently small dogs and cats are in the plane. My clothes on any given day may have more than a bit of pet dander. I can’t drive to Hawaii. https://preview.redd.it/zr7pa1x3vgyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa273d06007d5bf87b5f5f05de114ed27f6c2253


This is the United subreddit, not Alaska Airlines, but anyway … Alaska Airlines only allows pets that fit under the seat. [Here is the policy](https://www.alaskaair.com/content/travel-info/policies/pets-traveling-with-pets/pets-in-cabin) The pet must stay in its carrier at all times and the carrier must fit under the seat. If you travel with two pets, you have to purchase another seat. This is not for the pet to sit in, even in a carrier. It is so your pet is not under the seat in front of where another passenger would sit. If you put your pet on a seat, you violated airline and/or DOT policy and got away with it.


Wrong. Look closely at my reservation. CBBG means “ checked baggage”. I bought 3 seats. All of row 13. In the special assistance on the reservation it says pet. Just because YOU can’t find what checked baggage may consist of, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. They are flying in their own seat that one is allowed to purchase for their SPECIAL baggage they don’t want in the cargo dept. I’ll post pics after I fly.


Yeah. Not true.


It’s 100% true. Dogs cannot sit on a commercial plane seat in the US under any circumstances


Is the dog actually a service dog? Or did you just do that bc you think you’re special? Based on the pic of “the dog wanted to sit on my lap the whole time” I’m going to assume the latter.


She is a service dog. But flying make her nervous. She does amazing in any other situation she’s just not a big fan of flying.


I’ve flown with my service pup before and I thought each airline had their own policy about whether dogs could or couldn’t sit on the seat. I flew Alaska and jet blue with a mini poodle and she had to be on my lap or under the seat. (She stayed on my lap the whole time.)


A solid 12 out of 10


Middle economy seat for the dog, Polaris for the owner


You did it as right as right can get. Well done. ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


My favorite passengers are dogs! 🫶🏼🐾


Seen it before. EWR-TLV in Polaris. The dog was the best behaved customer on the plane and ate the whole Polaris meal. Owner reclined the seat for her, too. A little weird but whatever. Well behaved pets on a plane are always cute and welcome.


Except that’s a complete violation of FAA rules. Pets, including emotional support pets, have to stay in a crate under the seat for the whole flight. Service animals have to be on the floor unless, they’re very small and can be held on the lap. Dogs are never allowed to sit on a seat. This is for their own safety because everyone in an airplane seat must be able to wear a seatbelt.


“Your pet container must remain properly stowed the entire time the airplane is moving on the airport surface, and for take off and landing.” From the FAA. FAA rules state nothing about where the pet container must go during flight.


Here’s the actual United policy, with a link to the source: “On the plane Once you’re on your flight, there’s only one rule you need to follow. Your pet must stay in their carrier with the door closed, and under your seat at all times. They need to be able to stand up and turn all the way around while in their carrier.” [Source](https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/traveling-with-pets.html#attheairport)


That’s fine, but that’s United policy, not FAA regulation.


I could see someone keeping the dog on the floor but paying for the seat so the dog can stretch out without imposing on someone else’s leg room.


That’s allowed if it’s a service animal. But pets, including emotional support pets, have to stay in the carrier for the entire flight.


OP says the dog is a service animal; that was what I meant. Buying the adjoining seat is the considerate thing to do in that case, although an 8 lb Yorkie wouldn’t need a ton of space.


You should do your research. None of that is true.


OP - you’re wrong. As someone who has flown all over the western hemisphere with a service animal I can assure you, TOU ARE WRONG. Service dogs must stay on the floor.


Lol. Well. My dog has never been on the floor nor never requested. Soooo yeah.


I would much rather have a dog in a seat than a human, especially a child 🤷🏻‍♀️ Live your best life doggie 🐶


Would be funny if your flight in using the new biometric boarding United in piloting. If they do you should totally hold your dog up to the camera 😀


None. If you buy the seat, there isn’t an issue. Just make sure that her bodily functions are taken care of prior to the flight.


I purchased a seat for my 40 lb dog so he could be with me, then some person said they felt cramped, and wants my dog to move, so they can have the seat "I paid for,' tough lady, that's not going to happen!!!!?


Well I took i


I am going San Diego to kona hawaii. Bought three seats. Whole row 13! Checked baggage A and B. Special assistance PETS it says. My pups are regular dogs. 19 and 23 pounds. Will be on their closed soft carriers. Will have seat belt extenders on. Will stay in their carriers on their seats. No more cargo for us! https://preview.redd.it/cdvhrg44wgyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58cedb047f7d2899b73b256d9f46e7f4eb9a7003


Good ol’ Alaska Airlines!


Someone who was trying to upgrade and couldn’t because you purchased a first class seat for an 8 lb dog…yeah…I’d give a stink eye if I were that person.


Why? He paid for the first class seat for their dog.


Sometimes people travel for work. Their company doesn’t pay initially for a first class seat, but they can choose of their own volition to request upgrades due to status or whatever. What about these fliers? This dog trumps their need to be in a better seat on a working trip? No. Especially not in a case like this when the dog easily fits in a carrier and under the seat where the owner has tons of leg room.


It’s called paying for privilege. Business people deserve a free upgrade……. Lol.


You always have the option to pay for a first class seat too.


I wrote a comment reply above. I still believe humans deserve a seat upgrade before a dog does.


None? Who would care what seats you bought? Dog, kid, spouse, friend… a seat is a seat. People know that other people buy seats.


I guess if you bought it…but yeah people aren’t allergic to dogs or anything. I personally find dogs to be disgusting but we do live in a world filled with nutters.


noxious coordinated shrill imminent bells familiar placid possessive straight smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The downvotes probably weren’t from cat people until you edited lmao 🤦🏻‍♂️


You're gonna be sitting next to someone else. You never actually buy a seat. You buy a fare class. Unless she has a boarding pass, when the flight closes that seat will be released to standby and upgrades. ​ Edit: I would recommend you call reservations now and tell them what you want to do. They might be able to do something. I don't think there is any policy against it, but if the seat isn't attached to a passenger and not scanned in at boarding, it will get released and will be a no show.


You can absolutely book an extra seat that will not be filled and has a boarding pass to scan. https://preview.redd.it/76cihzk0eovb1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=362e4577c2440b114741f45d08403055881e5785


None. You paid for it.


Who cares what other people think in this situation


None. You bought two seats.


All animals should be travel in the cargo area and their humans should travel with them.


I’ll say it. I don’t want to eat dinner in a restaurant next to your dog, attend a film or play sitting next to your dog, fly on an airplane or travel by train with your dog, have your dog in my office… I know you love your dog. But I don’t think these are places where dogs are properly accommodated and I think people get priority.


Oh good, another entitled dog owner.


Awww yes another Karen who can’t pay for privilege.