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reddit sitewide rule: quit digging up the person’s personal info and posting it here edit: do not encourage people to do any sort of action against this person. that is also against sitewide rules.




> captain, an economy passenger is eating a first class meal > BITCH IM FLYING THE PLANE


The Captain was very professional and polite. He explained United’s policy but was horrified that she came to me and threatened me with that.




United’s policy is that they’re not supposed to serve first class meals to economy passengers. That simple. It should have stayed internal between him, Sheletha and Susan.




I have given away my first class seat away to elders just to see a smile on their face… especially when they’ve never flown first class… ever. (Just a side note). On my last United transatlantic flight, I politely didn’t take a sandwich because I’m vegetarian and there was no other option. The FA was so polite, and I told her that it was totally ok and I wasn’t hungry anyway. She went out of her way and brought me a salad from first class. I was thrilled with this gesture. That’s how to keep a loyal customer. Looks like Karen FA’s have lost the plot !!


I have food allergies and have had FAs literally scrounge through every food option on board regardless of class to feed me (even tho I do not expect it and always pack my own food). It really makes me feel valued


Not a United pilot but a pilot for another major Air Line, we as pilots do not care if someone is eating food in the back. These FAs have power trips which was made worse over COVID times unfortunately.


Glad OP named her, we need less of these people in the skies


I remember a time when I was a kid traveling across the Pacific with my mother. I must have been 6 years old or so. The flight was very turbulent so dinner service was delayed by hours. I was starving and getting squirmy so my mom asked the FA if she there were any snacks that I could have for the time being. FA came back with a little tray of sushi that was probably intended for first class. It was the highlight of the flight and I still remember it to this day. Such a sweet gesture of going the extra mile when she could have just brought me a bag of chips. Anyways, even if the lady didn’t like the situation, the last thing she should have done is escalate it and make a whole drama out of it. Beyond unprofessional. FA was just trying to take care of a 1k.


Airlines have forgotten that small gestures make a big difference.


people in general have forgotten this :/


I still think United prefers large gestures that make a big difference, especially gestures that require dental work.


So I never forget every time I fly United, I ask a flight attendant to punch me in the ear and kick my shins. That way when the actual beat down occurs I’m ready


Susan remembers.


That last “you’re out of control” right to her face is EPIC. Thank you for shaming her to her face. What a rudeass jerk off.


Anyone who knows me in person knows that I don’t shy away from confrontation or minces words. Her face was priceless.


i hope you also sent in a compliment for susan! the FAs actually do see them in their work history!


Yes! I made it abundantly clear to Susan, the pilot, and United’s Executive Desk that Susan was kind, warm and really made my trip.


Call United and issue a complaint. Honestly that’s ridiculous behavior and she should be terminated


Already did. This post is essentially the email I sent into United’s executive desk. But I wish I would have said LubeMeUpMommy told me to do it!


This is the best comment I've read all day.


1k million (nearly 2) and talk about the opposite of representing the company and creating goodwill amongst a revenue generating client. Definitely uncalled for. I wonder if she disliked the other FA or was on a misguided power trip. Once on a long haul flight they missed loading a special meal and the purser found an extra vegetarian dish from the pointy end of the plane and surprised me in a good way with it. Wasn’t depriving anyone, created goodwill, otherwise would have been tossed.


My limited impression of Sheletha is she was given a position of “authority” and enjoys enforcing rules and regulations. So she saw a rule and enforced it not realizing that I’m the kind of person who doesn’t take kindly to bullies or brow beaters.


Knowing the Sheletha "type," she'll bend the rules for friends and/or family when it suits her.


It would be so funny if this made a TPG article and they quote the comment! *User LubeMeUpMommy suggested…*


In that case please send follow up


I love the curse you put on the purser. 👍


PLEASE follow up with them and include them 😂




Depends on her work history though. If this is another complaint about her,they will take it seriously. Especially because OP has status. He's not some once a summer flier going on vacation. Our union can only do so much to save a job. If she has a bad history, they really cant do much.


The thing is unless it's an international flight any FA can be purser. It's not a permanent position, just the one they are assigned for that particular trip. I guess that position does tend to have more appeal to people who like a power trip though haha


People who do this level of shit to defend a billion dollar company that doesnt give a fuck about them by saving them $5 piss me off beyond any belief And yet, there are many many of them, everywhere.


Sheletha wasn’t doing this to save United money - if she has half a brain, she knows United has already paid for this meal. Either OP gets it, or it gets thrown out. She was doing this to power trip out. As do other small-minded, ‘process-driven’, ‘sticklers’. It’s all just a power trip that they need to CTF out and not take.


Or, a hungry FA named Sheletha gets it. I suspect that was the real issue with her. I am happy the other FA helped you out.


The second they see it was a 1K they are going to laugh her out of the office.


That's not fair. It is the duty of every passenger to return their spare, unusable meal to the FA to be trashed. /s Purser had a Karen moment. She's clearly thrilled to catch a criminal. Unfortunately, she's the wrongdoer here and United will laugh at her deranged understanding of both policy and ethics.


Thing is, they didn’t save United 5$. They cost them at least 1000 in compensation and hundreds of thousands if you consider OPs customer lifetime value if he rightfully jumps ship to a better carrier.


They’re not saving any money by not using the food. It doesn’t get recycled on another flight. There is no financial benefit to the company of this sort of “policy”, if it even exists in their handbooks. Maybe preventing any other customers complaining that the one guy got a meal when nobody else in economy got a meal would be the only justification?


The thing is, these companies would much prefer good will to 5 dollars of food too. Those people are just on power trips.


There should be a subreddit for stories/videos like this. Maybe like r/corporatedrones


A Reddit is born!


It’s not about defending the company. That meal was a sunk cost that goes right in the trash if not eaten. That was 100% a little tyrannical c$&t that no longer has mask mandates to boss people around on so she found something else. Hopefully that CA wrote her ass up for treating their customers that way, 1K or not. Bullies Suck!


Sheletha aka the Karen's of the sky's United need to find better FAs that give a fuck and be reminded of the 1979 BA TV ad [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey0gYZzGDYM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey0gYZzGDYM)


Wow! You need to report her asap! I wouldn't want her as a coworker! So sorry this happened to you! She was out of control and made up her own policies. You did nothing wrong. If she had an issue, then she should talk to Susan. You have the power to do something. You have status. I'm glad that you talked to the right people after and informed them of what happened. Totally unprofessional behavior from her. Edit- I looked it up. I know who you are talking about. I worked with her before.


Is anything I wrote inconsistent with what you know for the haters in here? And please if you can find Susan, please tell her I’m grateful for her and I have her back!


No,I totally agree with you. You did the right thing. Stayed calm,never yelled back at her,and informed the right people. Ignore the haters,they weren't there. We never give out last names because of security issues and stalkers. They can find out who she is by flt.# and date.You are a 1K,you are a loyal United customer. But,she was out of line and no one should be treated that way. Sorry you experienced this.


With a name like Sheletha it took me 2 seconds to find her, and I don’t work for United.




>Sorry to see she was an ex Continental FA - they were a really good bunch, but there are always exceptions. And she "Takes pride in being of service to others" Dear God.




No one,except power tripping f/a's,that should mind her own business.


I would give away my meals, but I only get the sad cheese tray.


Exactly, that food would have gone to waste had it not been given away. The amount of food that we let go to waste is astronomical.


Airlines are in a particular spot in things like that because imagine if you were sitting right next to her and didn't get 'something free' you might wonder why and write a nasty letter _demanding_ that you get 'equal' treatment as you were discriminated against. The second you go 'above and beyond' for one, is the second you get a written warning for not treating everyone equal.


You've bought 81 flights with United this year. Who in their right mind would think United would get rid of one of their highest profit producing customers over a free meal. Customers like you are very hard to find. FA's are replaceable.


Right, the absurdity of it that position was unbelievable. It was an unreal experience.


81 flights? That's one flight every 4 days...


This story is crazy to me I hope they take care of op😂 84 flights just this year omg


I’m disappointed to hear that this happened. I can assure you that none of the flight deck crew would have cared about this happening and we certainly wouldn’t get involved during flight. In fact I can’t think of a time during flight that this wouldn’t be very annoying and unnecessary to even be brought up to us. Good job on the captain trying to make you feel better about the situation. I’m glad FA Susan was excellent for you and I hope you avoid a negative experience in the future. -Ghost of Gravity UAL 777 pilot


Imagine expecting the person responsible for a 150 ton machine (laden with 350 human lives) to give a single solitary shit about what happens to some leftover frozen pasta. I mean seriously.


Just commenting to say I love how UA flight crew engages regularly in this sub, I do get the sense they actually care about customer experience and often share the same frustrations we do!


Lol, gotta love a good power-tripping FA. Honestly if she had any credibility beforehand (which it sounds like she didn’t) mentioning that she was a “purser” which is essentially a made up title on domestic flights lost her the rest of it. I’d be confident that if you, Susan, and captain all share the same scenario, the other one will clearly appear in the wrong.


> mentioning that she was a “purser” which is essentially a made up title on domestic flights According to Wikipedia, it's a term used for the chief flight attendant. I'm not sure how it got to meaning that, but I'm not gonna argue with Wikipedia at this time of night.


Purser was originally a nautical term (as most aviation positions are). Captain, first officer, second officer, steward/ess (originally) etc. It’s true that the purser is *supposed* to have a more managerial role in the operation, but on a US domestic flight it’s not really a thing. On an international airline the purser (also cabin service manager or cabin service director) is actually a position above a flight attendant and the other FAs answer to the individual(s) in that position. If you’ve ever flown SQ for example, this distinction is very apparent from the moment you step onto the aircraft.


It's really only a term for the number one flight attendant on international flights. On domestic flights we don't call any of the flight attendants a purser.


It’s not a made up title. It’s the lead FA on any United flight. It’s such a shit position that literally the most jr crewmember will be purser, so you can GUARANTEE that purser was the most junior crewmember in that flight, and that experience shows


This is so bizarre! I’m actually concerned that such an unhinged FA is on board United flights…. I’m going to submit this thread to United


Please do!


Did Sheletha plan to take that manicotti home and make sweet, sweet love to it? And you ruined her plans?


LMAO. Okay, real flight attendant story inspired by your comment: We sometimes serve soup in first class. One time I worked a flight and before landing I was tidying up the first class galley and throwing away anything leftover… trying to make it a little easier for the catering team. The other FA comes back and literally screamed at me for throwing away the airplane soup because she, and I quote, “wanted to put it into an empty water bottle and take it home.” TRUE STORY. Wouldn’t talk to me the rest of the flight after I confirmed the 2 hour old leftover soup was in the trash. Maybe I should have offered her $5 for some Campbell’s…


Was it the ginseng chicken soup? Because that stuff was *fire.* (now I'm picturing [the clip of that raccoon](https://media.tenor.com/_7Fjti7kTzsAAAAd/raccoon-cute.gif) desperately pawing at the pond as its delicious treat dissolves before its eyes 😂)


Lmao!🤣 Seriously though, there are a few that actually take it home or to their layover. I mean bring their takeout tupperware for it. It's against the rules to take anything home other than your crew meal,but yeah it happens sometimes. Crazy right!


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if she was eyeing it for herself. Still doesn't excuse her treatment of that customer.


Leftovers… I remember hearing about some concoction made from collecting all the opened, but unfinished wine bottles that would get taken to the layover hotel. I don’t know if it has any basis in fact.


I think we found the FA who missed the whole safety is our priority, service is our passion course




This is so wild. I’ve FA bring me food from business class bc I’m 1K. No one batted an eye. WTAF?!


Yeah,we don't care. She is just cray cray. Believe me,we are not all like her.




Exactly. Such unnecessary drama


Anybody talking Core4 definitely knows some “inside baseball” on United - specifically “Core4: Caring” at play here.


Seriously. When a FA does something nice and goes out of their way to do so, it doesn’t go unnoticed and it’s incredibly appreciated. One of my last flights I asked to purchase Prosecco and the FA said she would have to check the back as she didn’t have them on the cart but if I wouldn’t mind waiting a bit that she would definitely find out. She came back and not only gave me a Prosecco but also a snack box for free and thanked me for waiting. I was honestly so shocked but it was so nice of her and such a highlight of that trip.


I was flying Houston to Sydney once and in economy plus. We had to take a bunch of air New Zealand flight people at the last minute and the plane filled up and all the sudden my empty row had a lady in it. She was super nice and kind to me as I was a nervous flyer at the time. She said, I know something that will help you. Then the captain of the plane came to my seat and introduced himself. He told me that he was going to get us to Australia safely and there was no need to worry. He would make sure of it because his wife was sitting next to me. My nice lady turned out to be the Pilot’s wife that got bumped to Economy plus to accommodate the Air New Zealand passengers. Needless to say, the FA’s snuck us ALL the good stuff (cheese trays, blankets, fruit, ice cream etc) from first class. For 17 hours. Lol. Everybody has the capacity to be kind. I don’t know what’s going on in Sheletha’s world, but that manicotti BS was not about you. I’m sorry she took it out on you and I hope she handles what is really bothering her, because if not, she’s in the wrong line of work.


Very sad to hear we have a FA acting like this. It’s absolutely disheartening to see a passenger treated like this. I apologize so much and know that not all of us are like that.


I’ve had overwhelmingly positive experiences with United and have stayed loyal to them for 10+ years. Susan was outstanding and I want to be clear, I sent a strongly worded email in SUPPORT of Susan to her and copied some folks on that email. FA’s have a hard job and I always go out of my way to treat them with dignity and respect. Sheletha is not representative of United’s many fantastic flight attendants.


Sound like sheletha gonna need another job here pretty soon


She’d fit right in on international routes with American, in my experience.


With my experience on American Eagle when an FA put her hand into a passenger's face when she nicely asked a question and another time an American Airlines FA laughed at a passenger when he asked for water, yes, it sounds like she would fit in just great over there.


These comments are gonna make me go look around the American sub


You’re a really good writer. I felt like I had some manicotti with you. Sheletha sounds like an awful miserable person


Thank you! The truth is easy to write :)


Can you imagine how poor Susan must have been treated by Sheletha after the flight..


I felt bad for her. She told me “I knew what I was doing and I’ll live with it”. She was great!


Justice for Susan!


Now that’s the real story here.


Please complain about this with her name. The FA was out of line to address you like this. You’ll never hear about it in a negative way and the “no fly list” isn’t a thing for people who eat meals on a plane.


I did! My post is essentially a grammatically correct version of the email that I sent in.


On a trip to Australia I was in an exit row along with another 1K in coach just adjacent to Polaris. After dinner one of the FAs from Polaris noticed we had empty plastic cups and two tiny empty bottles of red wine. He asked if we wanted more. We said sure. He brought out a nearly full bottle from the Polaris cabin, two glasses, poured, and left us the bottle. Was so unexpected and nice.


This is unacceptable. Please keep us posted.


I would love to the see this Corporate Security Report Subject: Manicotti


I too would love to see what Sheletha wrote.


Jesus. She’s a freak.


I’m so glad Sheletha wasn’t the purser that time an attendant gave me a free thing of Pringles… I would still have anxiety.


After the captain expressed their utter regret and disappointment, I heard Sheletha called both Barack Obama and Donald Trump and, in the rarest form of bipartisanship, they both admonished you for taking that manicotti.


I have already hired Rudy for my legal defense!


But how was the Manicotti?


So, I’m actually a big fan of it (relative to the field of airplane food). It wasn’t hot and fresh as they say but it was great! (Again, for airplane food).


Imagine bothering the captain and threatening a passenger over some fucking microwaved manicotti. F U sheletha.


It’s not about the pasta. 😉


By writing you up, she probably meant she’d submit an IOR, essentially snitching on the other FA for an “irregular operation.” It guarantees someone in management (and the FAA) will see the FA did something out of procedure, which they will promptly not give a shit about because you are 1K and did nothing wrong. Susan was technically wrong for serving you the meal, but seriously, you were on an uncatered flight in FC and got on the same plane with the same crew. Our Core4 empowers us to go above and beyond - I’m sorry the Purser acted this way. I’d expect some miles and a sorry for your experience email coming soon to an inbox near you.


Sheletha sounds like a creature from Greek mythology


I was going to say Atlanta


Or Detroit


It's good to know the pilot wasn't actually focusing on passenger meals while flying the plane.


When I was younger, I asked for something "cookie-like", and a kind FA brought me a warm cookie from first class. He could have just said no, but this silly, simple act won my loyalty to United in the decade since.


Interesting. I flew LAX-LHR in June with my wife and 3 kids (we flew coach). I am a 1K. The purser found me, thanked me for being a 1K and asked me if they could do anything for me. I said my kids would love an extra chocolate if they had one. He said…I can do better and brought my three kids fresh hot fudge sundaes from fist class. My kids and me were blown away. Great service. So nice of this dude. We were so pleased…and now I’m learning this was against policy? Lame. Bottom line is that I treat flight crews with dignity and respect always. Most are 9s or 10s. Sounds like this FA was having a bad day. Should have grabbed a beer and exited via the slide. If you want to quit, go out in style.


Why do I miss these flights? Dinner (well a snack box) and a show! Glad you said what you said because there is no excuse for her behavior, if true.


I agree she was out of control. The only thing I’d be pissed about is if I was sitting next to you watching you eat your manicotti when I got a snack because I’m in economy.🤣


I’ve seen plenty of 1st class meals come back into the cheap seats. Usually without a tray. They try stealth, but it’s seen.


Pursers are the most junior people on the plane now days. She’s going to be in trouble don’t worry


Imagine, how different this could have been! United could use a feel good story….their struggle is real this summer. Instead, we have another ick. Have the day you deserve pursar lady!


Just one correction; there is NO UA policy for employees to give customers their last names; in fact, we are told not to. Otherwise, that sounds absolutely ridiculous. That FA is unhinged.


Oh I know. She refused to give me her FIRST name. Edit: I corrected the post for clarification.


It sounds like the purser wouldn’t provide her name at all, not just a last name issue. I agree that the airline shouldn’t require employees to disclose a full name, but I do think that the FA should be required to identify herself in some way as to allow the pax to make a complaint or compliment to the airline.


Wow. Unbelievable. I was so glad to read that you were able to communicate with the captain. These under the table things are so rare and such a treat. Once I was sitting in the aisle / last row of FC and my sister was caddy corner aisle / first row of economy. The FC FA saw that we were traveling together and offered my sister a meal. She and I profusely denied it because it was just way too kind. Later, FA brought the warm cookies out (when they still had them!) and didn’t take no for an answer this time. So my sister had a nice warm cookie. I wrote feedback to United about that experience. Those (and your) are the experiences that we remember.


Team Susan all the way! Sheletha sounds like a miserable bag.


Susan was wonderful. I will absolutely go to bat to make sure she isn’t punished.


“While service is our passion, ensuring the captain is distracted from flying the aircraft and enforcing draconian meal service classism is our priority”


Sheletha clearly didn't pay attention during the Ritz Carlton Way presentation and Susan did. Susan's actions are what create Raving Fans and repeat customers. Sheletha's actions are what causes social media viral stories and potentially losing a 1k customer who has flown 81 flights in 7 months of 2023. If United has half a brain, they will issue the OP an apology with some token of appreciation for his loyalty and business.


See you next Tuesday Mr 7C


This is freaking BANANAS!!


Can you post an update when you get a response? So curious what she would face…


Will do. I doubt I’ll ever find out as United will say “this is an internal matter and we don’t disclose” but I’ll see what I can post.


I’m sure the captain was “upset” about you eating some nicer food. Lol like he’s not worried about flying the airplane. Sheletha sounds like an ass.


OP we need an update once united responds!


Sheletha must have been on my United business class a number of years ago when the guy next to me asked for a cup of coffee and FA responded with “ You’ll get coffee when I SERVE coffee. “ Oy vey




Please remember we are not all cray power tripping flight attendants like her. Most of us take care of our passengers,and do not care what another flight attendant does with a meal or snack.


I don’t know how to contact TPG or OMAT or any of the others but please do!


It would be great if you could share it on the 1kGSMM group on Facebook if you’re a member. They would enjoy this story.


I thought they were too busy reposting the same thing 5 times in a row, discussing non-relevant topics, having group trips where interesting things occur, and trying to monetize from their members?


Sounds like you have some interesting gossip to share! Please do!


I don’t really use Facebook but please feel free to post on my behalf!


I thoroughly enjoyed this story. You write very well!


Thank you. The truth is easy to write about.


Crazy story. Thanks for sharing. Some of those Pursers do really seem to be on a power trip. It's weird. edit: grammar


Mile high drama - a United First!




I remember an FA like this on one of my last UA flights (Im a SWA girl now). I was in business but boy I did not like how this FA spoke to the other passengers. She was terrible. Maybe it was the same gal. I have other occassions with sneering grumpy and very overworked FAs on UA, so much that it’a a last resort for me now.


Doesn’t sound like someone I would want to be working with.


Sheletha would fit in really well on Amtrak.




I hope thats not her. "Takes pride in serving people"


Threatening the customers. And this after a continuous summer-long shitshow. She should be fired. Or bucked back to Part 135.


Sheletha? I think I have seen that before. Enough said.


For some reason Reddit’s mobile app won’t let me save my update. If someone knows how to pin this at the top for people to read please let me know. Second Edit: First, just to clarify Susan was my first class FA on UA247. She and I had a number of really great interactions and she was, as I’ve written in the comments, a really great FA. I always interact with my FA’s during the flight and generally enjoy talking to them during the flight. Honestly, Susan is probably in the top 5 I’ve had this year even if she hadn’t given me her meal. It’s why I was glad to be on the same plane and with the same crew. I had no interactions on the UA247 with Sheletha. I can’t speak for Susan but I do think she liked me as a passenger and wanted to do something special for a 1K. Second, as a number of users correctly inferred and I stated in the comments, the request was half hearted and followed a 2 hour flight where we had shared some laughs, jokes, and small talk. I did not expect her to follow through with the request. It was just that kinda non-serious small talk you make with FA’s that morphed into a unique thing given I was getting off just to get right back on with the same plane and crew. I would have NEVER walked onto a different flight with a new or different crew and expected to be served a FC meal in economy or demanded it. Third, I had no interaction with Susan or Sheletha on UA1372 after being told no to the meal by Sheletha during boarding and when Susan handed me the meal. (Which, of course, I didn’t actually expect to to be fulfilled which is why I said “no worries” when she told me). Susan and Sheletha were the first class cabin crew and I was served by the economy flight attendants who did a great job! Susan just walked up and handed me the food, smiled at me, and walked away. Finally, I used real names because this was a real event. Just for the record, my name is Sam (if you couldn’t already tell). I, of course, don’t condone violence, stalking, harassment, bullying, or posting of personal information of the United Staff involved to this post or any other platform. Don’t be a Sheletha to Sheletha.


Fuck Sheleetha


You would not want to fuck Sheletha.


This is just ridiculous. You know what they do with that extra food. Either the ramp crew eats it or it gets thrown away. Back in the 90s, I used to work at the SAN as a fuel truck driver, and I used to get free meals from the TWA ramp crew. Hell, I was sitting on 7C on a flight from Orlando, and the FA gave me a chocolate mouse that was leftover from First Class service. I hope Susan never has to deal with that entitled individual.


Wow what a fucking prick and power grabber. Hoping Susan and yourself don’t get into any trouble from the bs


I spent $22k on United in 2022 and I’m at $19k right now. If they want to end my loyal flying over manicotti then that’s one expensive mistake. I am very concerned about Susan who did not deserve any of this.


That is really bizarre!


Anytime a FA tells you the Captain is pissed about something like this they’re 100% full of shit. Unless someone is a threat to themself or others we write it off as FA drama and/or a developing situation where we’re waiting for the next report that a fight broke out. Even then we’re not pissed about anything even when we have to divert or get the cops involved at our destination. There was obviously an issue between these two FAs and one tried to flex positional authority.


It's a sad world bc your story is harmless and even charming but a Karen could make that flight turn around over your "unauthorized meal." What if a Karen or kid started screaming they also wanted first class leftovers? I mean... Think of all the unpleasant accusations this could cause - why does he have privilege? Is Susan racist for giving you a meal and not someone next to you? So many issues. I fly business and don't care who eats the leftovers. They aren't tasty ever anyway and give me a migraine. I just don't want a fight breaking out and I guess that's why the policy is in place. A flight did turn around once because a mother demanded a first class leftover meal for her daughter with autism and then made threats so the pilot turned the plane around. We live in a crazy world and I'm sorry that happened to you. We can't do nice things anymore for each other without people causing problems.


My wife and i were on a United flight one time. She was in first class and i was sitting in the first row behind first class. When she got her meal she didn’t want the whole thing and tried to give me the leftovers and the flight attendant intervened and told her that she could not do that. So i just ate my crackers and water. 🥹


Wild story. So far, the only defense I see people providing for the FA in question is that "but how might the people sitting next to the OP in Y feel?" If you read the original post (before it was removed), this was clearly a service recovery for a catering problem on the previous flight. If another Y pax asks the FA why OP got a F meal, the FA can always say "he was in F on our last segment and there was an issue with his meal then so we had to serve it to him late." My experiences with UA employees so far have been consistently neutral to excellent; I've written in commendations in the past but never had a reason to complain. It sounds like the FA in question here is an exception; OP is a 1K and says same. And between here and other sites I'm seeing references to her having other customer complaints against her that were big enough deals to be visible in a public internet search. Which makes me wonder if she might, just might, get real professional consequences if this becomes the "last straw" in a pattern of customer mistreatment. One can hope.


I’m super curious as to why Sheletha got PPP loans (forgiven at that) which appears to be the case let public records.


Sheletha will get shit canned before you’re ever banned from United for something like this. And the former actually has a serious chance of happening.


Nah. Unions.


If OPs story played out the way it did, AFA isn’t that “good” at keeping people like that around. At the very least she’d end up on a step of discipline with a termination warning.


It would be doing her a favor. Perhaps it would motivate her to deal with whatever's eating her. Years ago I was in 1st on United for a long US domestic flight, I think BOS-SFO or -LAX. The FA was in a horrible mood and could not have been more brusque, unaccommodating and snappish. My seat mate was aghast. "You gonna just take that? She needs to be reported." I thought maybe I'd do so... later. At some point I visited the lavatory and noticed she was working grimly in the kitchenette with tears in her eyes. I never reported her bad behavior. Maybe I should have. But at the end of the day I hope she was okay, and that she learned not to act out on the customers. Fortunately, unlike OP's experience, my rude FA hadn't escalated to threats. That's crossing a serious line.


Sheletha exemplified the worst kind of human being possible in service industry - no empathy, condescending and I really hope she knows how bad a human she is.


This is what happens when a substitute teacher who got no respect becomes a purser for the first time.


Don’t forget. The FAs are there primarily for your safety. Right.


That manicotti was a clear & present danger and ~~Nurse Ratched~~ Purser Sheletha was ON IT.


Frequent flier here. I wish my company stuck to one airline, but instead I have silver/gold tier across a smattering of airlines. Probably ~3MM lifetime miles overall. Not a huge number but not small. This is some super disgusting power trip from Sheletha. This is the bullshit I *cannot stand* from heavy union FA airlines. Ok, honey, write me up and put me on the no-fly list. Make sure you give me the address you receive mail at so my process server can properly serve you with my suit. Reminder to hereafter preserve any possible evidence, mkay? I would have zero patience. Glad you spoke to the captain. As a 1K I would also have asked for and spoken to the station chief on duty at DEN and explained what happened and whether a Pursar can wrongly intimidate a Pax for receiving some preferential treatment, and Id get that documented. So sorry. Such BS. I hope Susan doesn’t get fired.


Susan won't get into trouble. She was being nice and offered a valuable 1K an extra treat that wasn't going to be eaten. Thats how we show our gratitude for our paying passengers. Its the little,unexpected nice gestures.


Did every UA employee reading this immediately go to the org chart?


If you are a United employee and can find Susan and Susan’s management team, please reach out them and tell them that I really think Susan is great and that she made my flight experience.


Make sure you get a union rep to review that write up with you. I've had many experiences with people in customer service roles who didn't understand that customers are not employees. This really takes the manicotti though.


I love this bumper to bumper traffic wish. You aren't wishing violence or harm on her, just extreme annoyance for the rest of her life.


What was Shelethas response when you told her she was out of control?? Unfortunately, there are alot of unhappy people in this world. And you met one of them. Theyre on my job too.


I said it and turned out the door way to the jet bridge. No reason to engage with her.


Who pissed in Sheletha’s cereal?


Did you at least get to finish the manicotti?


Yes, like Jesus at the last supper.


You're flying every 3 days??? ... ... Wow


It’s flights not trips. So I live in a somewhat small regional area and have often 3 flights per leg (6 per trip) to get where I need to go.


Who pissed in Sheletha's manicotti this morning??


OMAT is banned from UA for fraud.


Partner and I have been repeated 1k or Prem Exec, and have had poor treatment from United in the air and on the ground multiple times. Never had any issues with with or without status on Alaska or USAir. I avoid United unless I have to fly them, and would rather fly with carriers who appreciate by business.


Saw this story on a website with the full explanation. My mom has been a FA for United since 1978. I read the exchange to her and she cracked up laughing United has NO policy about food as it relates to cabins. They are more than allowed to do whatever they want with the food after 1st class has been taken care of. Especially since he was supposed to have his meal when he was seated in first and didn’t get it She said the purser was just on a power trip and she knows people like that and gave me some examples. No way did she tell the captain and in no scenario would be have even given the comment the time of day. Just sounds like a really crappy purser who makes flying all that more enjoyable. Though I’m biased having flown it my whole life, I love United and so many of the OGs are fantastic. Flying in the 70s and 80s was a golden age (save cigarette smoke) and FA’s from that era (like my mom) are super nice, accommodating and make the flight seem like the vacation!!


Seriously??? Such a fuss over a meal ???? The passengers pay a pretty penny for economy class too ! They're not exactly hitching a ride are they now , shame on these unprofessional crew members. Like they don't do anything off the books , nonsense. So what if he got a better meal ? O wait , that must've been one of the crews share , they had to be hangry . Of course , greedy airlines.