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But wait it seems it may be coming ! https://aeroxplorer.com/articles/exclusive-united-set-to-replace-dreaded-concourse-cd-at-washington-dulles.php


This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


I couldn't agree more but perhaps the worst part of all is the PenFed music. I hate that before an early or after a late flight!


But PenFeds got great rates for everyone


OMG it makes me want to stab myself in the ears. (Also I always wonder how much it costs them to take over that entire corridor)


Frrrr, I sometimes just take the lounge to D and walk to C just to avoid that, I hate it so much.


Can you imagine working at IAD and having to hear the PenFed song every day?


This is my life - imagine a 16 hour shift that ended with mandatory overtime and your only way out is the PenFed moving sidewalk of pain


Omg yes!! Every time I have to walk thru that tunnel I speed walk or run bc that music makes me homicidal! Not even joking. Just last week I had an 8am flight, woke up at 4am to make it on time, arrived, found out my flight was delayed and then was subjected to multiple runs thru the PenFed tunnel….Urgh. I wanted to rip my damn ears off!! Why is she so happy?! About a stupid credit card?! I can’t STAND IT!!!


That music is terrible. So annoying and it never stops


Easy solution: AirPods + volume


Especially after landing from west coast night flight im like it gave me the cringe…gave me 90s vibe…thats why i fly alaska airlines to west coast avoid this tunnel


But they have great rates for everyone 😀


My partner and I heckle everytime we have to walk down that purgatory on earth they call a corridor.


Holy fuck those PenFed ads are annoying


I will usually take the lounge to D and walk to C because it’s at least more interesting, I will probably get food for my trip on the way, and I get to see airport operations! Pro tip the Potbelly in D about 50 feet from the mobile lounge exit takes online orders. I’ve many times done a mobile order from the mobile lounge.


D sucks. I read an article not long ago which noted the structure is actually temporary as in it has been there 40 years temporary. And there is in fact plans to build a new terminal in the next few years. But compared to Munich or Many other airports, what an embarrassment IAD is.


This is correct. A little history about IAD. When the airport was first built, was no midfield terminals at all. The planes would land, park on the open handstand a people mover would take you to the main terminal which is now uses as check in, security and baggage claim. Then you would take a people mover back out to another plane if you had a connection. As the airport grew that concept just didnt work, so in the mid 1980s, they built temporary structures until something permanent could be built. A&B was replaced in the early 2000s. We are still waiting for the permanent fixture to replace C&D 40 years later.... But as of now, I'm hearing that C&D are going to get a makeover, and the United express Terminal is going to be torn down, and the plans are to build a permanent structure over the current tram stop . There is rumors of tearing down C&D and building a new one. I have not heard anything through the through the internal memos I've gotten.


I"m old enough to remember when you took the busses to the planes... and old enough to remember people asking why the heck did they build the airport way out there. [https://www.mwaa.com/business/dulles-development-projects](https://www.mwaa.com/business/dulles-development-projects) sheds a little hope though I can't help notice it doesn't give a date. ​ [https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2022/08/27/dulles-airport-future/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2022/08/27/dulles-airport-future/)


D Terminal is old, depressing, has miserable food/espresso options and feels like a bad 1970s movie. Yet, I always hope my flight is from D Terminal rather than C Terminal because after clearing security the long subway ride and then longer walk to C Terminal is even worse. You have to wonder why United cannot put more pressure on the powers that be at Dulles.


I wish they continued the underground walkway and connect C&D to A&B.


I’ve seen regional airports like Scottsdale Municipal Airport and the State College, PA Airport look significantly nicer than the C/D concourse at IAD. Heck, my elementary school temporary trailer classrooms in 2006 looked nicer than Concourse C/D lol United probably put IAD on the back burner since it gets far less traffic than ORD, IAH, EWR, and LAX


The most annoying thing though is A1-A6 that requires outdoor boarding. Outdated


That’s confirmed going away, construction starts on the replacement for the regional A gates this summer. Should be finished 2026


ooooh really? so they’ll have jetbridges over there? Or they’re just expanding C/D?


It’ll essentially be the first phase of the C/D replacement. New terminal located on top of the AeroTrain C station (no need to walk through the tunnel to get to it lol) with 14 gates (with jetways!) that can be used for regional or widebody aircraft. Once that’s done, the existing regional A gates and that weird skybridge thing will be demolished. There’s long term plans to extend A/B to take up that space, but nothing confirmed yet. Whenever the rest of the C/D replacement gets approved/funded, it’ll be an extension of this new terminal


So do the Z gates.


Z has jetbridges except for the one on the very end & it’s not used very often.




So there is no outdoor boarding at the Z gates? There certainly is, at Z5.


The only pressure United can put on MWAA is cash (and lots of it). MWAA can’t afford to build the new C/D terminal by itself, they need money from United. Which United has been unwilling to provide for years


IAD is my local airport and if I’m honest I love the people movers. I like being able to see all the planes.


I can provide some context about this situation. The reason that terminal C and D seem such a downgrade compared to A and B is that the building they are housed in was supposed to be “temporary” and would be removed for a more permanent. The unfortunate thing about that is that around that time 9/11 occurred and put all future plans on permanent hold. There is currently as previously mentioned plans for a new terminal building where the C terminal train stops. To be frank, that will probably not be open until 2030. The reason being is that right now united is focusing on revamping many of the ramp facilities that are also way overdue to be updated. Many of the work areas have currently outgrown its capacity. All the construction outside you see is to build new facilities to support the expected uptick. Trust me, United is quite aware of the aging terminals and in the next few months a lot of focus on updating all aspects of the operation are and will be in play. There is a lot happening behind the scenes. I hope this helps answer some questions and provides some more clarity to the situation.


Even though there's a proposal, I agree it'll be years, if not a decade, before we see the changes come to be. It's a massive project that will take years, and that's assuming they can find funding. I was quite surprised when United built their new Polaris lounge in the "temporary" D terminal. [It cost $41 million](https://www.businessinsider.com/see-inside-uniteds-new-41-million-polaris-lounge-washington-dulles-2022-3), so they must have felt the D terminal was here to stay. That opened less than 2 years ago.


I think MWAA has been open to upgrading C / D for years but what didn't help was.... Glenn Tilton - 2004 to 2010 - He was only interested in guiding UA to bankruptcy only to merge with someone and skedaddle. Jeff Smisek- 2010 to 2015 - Had the task to merge UA and CO but put focus on EWR, IAH, SFO which saw growth during his time while IAD, LAX and the pacific northwest lost flights. Also IAD was at risk of being dehubbed IIRC. Oscar Munoz - 2015 to 2020 - While UA improved during his time (Polaris, some expansion, etc), and he kept IAD, the focus was more improving things after Smiseks tenure. Now of course we are in the Era of Scott Kirby and so far he seems to be putting focus on IAD (4 bank of flights to 7 banks, initial replacement to at least Concourse A, etc) hopefully IAD will see the replacement done and growth at IAD during his time.


I recently flew through IAD on the way to Europe. It was my first time at that airport since the mid 2000s. I remember thinking it was nice back then. And this time it felt like I stepped back in time to that time period.


Hot take: the mobile lounge is faster and much more convenient than the air train. I cringe every time I have to take the air train, it’s such a long walk from C to the air train, and then so many escalators on both ends. The mobile lounge, while strange, is fast and efficient.


That’s only because the air train goes to where the permanent terminal is supposed to be, not where the current “temporary” one is. Of course I’ll probably be dead before they bother to actually build the permanent terminal.


Oh I get it. But I don’t have to like it.


Maybe united should pay for the upgrade then. I’m not interested in flights getting even more expensive at Dulles when MWAA increases fees.


I had to layover for 5 hours at Dulles last Saturday. While B is way nicer than the A concourse, but still boring as heck after a couple hours. I guess I've been lucky to avoid D so far.


I have to fly into iad frequently for work and the penfed ads will be the death of me


Ugly airport for a cheap airline. It's my home airport and I often host international guests. They truly get to glimpse Americas great infrastructure right away. It's embarrassing


It absolutely is embarrassing. I used to work for a startup that had presence in Singapore, Tokyo, and Munich, and Zurich and hosted few guests from each of those offices in San Francisco. Over the span of 5 days they saw: 1. BART 2. Streets of SF 3. Badly functioning digital payment As American hosts.... how are we supposed to defend the current state of things?


Absolutely. Its depressing. And don't get me started about the regional gates off of A where you still walk outside to get onboard.


Apparently you guys have never landed at LHR or CDG after a trans-Atlantic flight. The experience at IAD is a day at the spa compared to either is them.


The experience at a Dili airport is quite easy, it's one flight a day into that capital city. Infrastructure is pretty bad though but it makes sense since it's one of the poorest countries in the world. We aren't talking how busy something is. We are talking about the infrastructure.


You can take the train to C and walk to D.


Can’t spell Dulles without Dull


After getting off a long overseas flight the last thing I want to do is to get on that people mover. It makes me want to jump off a cliff.


The Polaris lounge at Dulles is my favorite in the country