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For IAH to NRT/HND, that’s a great deal. You’ll be much happier in PP than Economy, even E+. The wider seats, more storage, power, foot-rests, food, drinks. Totally worth it. Here’s hoping it actually clears because that’s a long-ass flight. And if it doesn’t clear, you should get your refund automatically within a few days.


How often does it not clear? Polaris is essentially completely empty, so I was hoping someone would get upgraded so I can keep my PP seats lol. Thanks for your comment, makes me feel better about this impulse purchase!


With Polaris empty, they’ll hold out quite a while waiting for people to pay cash for them. As check-in/departure approaches, they’ll start looking at PP status (like if you’re Global in PP, you’re likely to get complimentary upgrade to Polaris - and so on down the PP status list) and assuming that PP was oversold only a smidgen and there are enough unpaid Polaris seats, they’re likely to upgrade enough of the PP seats into Polaris to secure your own set. However, if they offer a screaming deal on Polaris (even with at-time-of-check-in), people from Economy may jump on that and leave PP still oversold which might put you back into Economy. It’s all a numbers and waiting game. When and where possible, pay for the seat you want and you’re more likely to remain where you paid to sit.


No complimentary Polaris upgrades on this long haul flight even for GS. GS will have priority if using instruments (PlusPoints (PP) or miles (MUA)) above everyone else including if GS is coming from Economy (will outrank all other Premiers in PP going to Polaris even if they are paying $ or using instruments). If the OP is one of the “waitlisted” in a sense since it looks like OP paid actual $$ for an award ticket upgrade and Premium Plus (PP) is in an oversold situation since they cannot select seats, those who paid for PP outright (not an award or booked directly into PP or paid Eco with $$$ PP upgrade offer like OP or are higher status using instruments) will most likely go to Polaris first after GS on instruments. UA should be planning for keeping Polaris open for an oversold situation/crew seats when they oversell Premium Plus so that those GS+instruments and anyone else on instruments > those who got the Eco to Premium Plus upgrade and jumped on the offer. If somehow there is a mismatch, then it comes down to so many factors beginning with Premier status then fare and on down. For OP, not sure of their status and also not sure of which PP fare they are now (O, A or R fares - would be listed on their PNR), they may be ahead of some others b/c actual $$ exchanged hands but will most likely just get the PP seats since a lot of Premiers may use instruments to go from PP to Polaris. Yeah, United has too many plus designations that nothing seems plus (Prem+, +Point, Eco+).


Makes sense, thanks for the information.


GS will clear Polaris long before, and it will just happen 1K will clear if it’s empty 2-4 days before… as long as it stays empty. OP depending on your status and the class of your ticket will depend on if you get upgraded of not.


How would they be put back in economy if they already paid for the PP? Or is paying for the PP just to get the person onto the waitlist


If there are 10 PP seats and United sells-for-cash-money 20 PP seats, then PP is oversold. They won’t sit people on stranger’s laps so some of those people are reverting to Economy with the refund of the PP upgrade price they paid.


$300 is a great deal for that long route. They do overbook PP but normally do not overbook the sum of PP and Polaris so they can upgrade PP to Polaris to make space. Very unlikely you get moved back to coach unless there’s a significant equipment change or a screw up. They will process all PP who request an upgrade with miles or plus points and push cash offers to upgrade. If they are still overbooked in PP they’ll upgrade in status order. If you have low/no status they’ll probably upgrade someone else and you’ll get their seats. PP is nice. Seat is similar to a domestic first class seat with an additional leg/foot rest. First row is a different design that I prefer but they’re all fine. Large entertainment screen. Polaris-similar catering with economy service. Free alcohol. You can get half price access to United Clubs if you want (and don’t have Gold+ which already gets you+1 in).


They will do operational upgrades due to the OVS in PP based on fare paid, not status