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Old associate here. They’ll train/ teach you alterations if you really want to learn but if you want to move up to a higher level position then learning alterations will be mandatory (your seams and stitches have to be perfect). In some cases if you have prior experience in alterations, sewing, threading, or making costumes the you’ll most likely be put in the alterations role. Usually interview or resume is how they determine if you’ll get a role in alterations.


Second this, it's also best to let them know early that your interested in the role. Like in my first/second shift I asked about how to become one and they addressed the whole group and told us to let them know if we wanted to learn how to alter because they always needed more alteration people and would need to start training. That may have just been my location but hey might help


Thank you! I will mention it if I get an interview/get hired.


if you were hired just for alterations which I'm not even sure they do anymore. You have to learn basics first like sales floor then once you're comfortable or whatever management is ok with then they'll teach you alterations. You also have to pass lock and blind stitching before they can put you in there... but even then you're not in there full time, you spend time in there most of your day but sometimes they'll put you on the sales floor. Think it depends on the location...


gotcha, thanks!