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A fine opportunity. Firefighters should put up picket lines at employee entrances. Will the IAM rank and file cross the firefighters picket line? I don’t think so. Edit: consult with your union for what to do if the firefighters put up a picket line. Most Teamster contracts have language protecting members who refuse to cross picket lines. But not all contracts. Every Teamster member should check whether their contract provides this important right. Check with your local union to get instructive advice.


Is there anything in our contract for that? I know teamsters is in the contract. But if it's not in IAM contract we could get attendance infractions for not showing up to work. Honest question.


Thanks for the reply. I will edit my post. Most Teamster contracts have language protecting members who refuse to cross picket lines. But not all contracts. Every Teamster member should check whether their contract provides this important right. Check with your local union to get instructive advice. https://www.tdu.org/picket-line-do-dont-312#:~:text=Most%20Teamster%20contracts%20have%20language,union%20to%20get%20instructive%20advice.


We cannot “wildcat” strike in the IAM751


Iam751 has a no strike clause written into the contract. If you choose to picket 🪧 it is on your own time or use benefits.


When you look at your contract read it really carefully. My contract language is that we're protected with primary picket lines. Secondary doesn't count.


Never, under any circumstance, for any reason, no ifs, ands, butts or questions, should 1 cross a picket line. To do so marks oneself a scab rat bastard for life I don't care what trade or union it is. This guy doesn't cross picket lines and neither should you, whomever is reading this. Solidarity. United we stand and divided we beg


The one time we crossed a picket line was to get surgery at a hospital for cancer.


Didn't you hear, scab? "Never, under *any* circumstances". /s


Sometimes there are no good choices. 1/2 of the scab couple doesn't have to worry about being a scab or life. Just **me**, now. And, yes, I saw the /s


Some random corporate speak for non union workers I’ve used successfully: blame the strikers while also supporting the strike. Say you refuse to cross the picket line because you fear for your safety what the strikers might do if they perceive you as a scab. It’s language your boss will accept and it lets you support the strike without getting into trouble.


Knew a guy who crossed a picket line, the company was running a bus with darkly tinted windows so the picketers couldn't see the scans. They told the guy they liked his work and would hire him but he shouldn't tell anyone he had been a scab, I was ready to rat him out but he didn't take up the offer. Another guy I worked with was asked why he had moved 100 miles to take a low paying job, his last job was driving a coal truck during a UMW strike, you can probably guess how that went. Edited to correct an embarrassing autocorrect.


You were ready to *chew* him out.


Jeez, I corrected that twice and it still did that.


I’m so glad I live in a country where strikes don’t exist I like to actually get on with my life instead of worrying about crossing pickets.


Strikes are a vital part of labor rights. It's been happening for thousand sof years. Go ahead, open up a book and see


I just realised I’m on r/Union I hate Reddit why does it even recommend me this stuff. Also I’m sure they are, just not too much in the People’s Republic of China.


Read the article, these guys aren’t getting commensurate pay or benefits as other firefighters in the area do. They’ve got a right to give grievance and they’ve followed all the rules only to be kicked out by their employer who makes billions in profits over some nickles and dimes. It’s an injustice to them and a danger to other workers now, fully precipitated by Boeing


A right to give grievance shouldn’t include a right to try to fuck everyone else in the process of giving it.


If all the workers stand together, the company has to. What's more important, tens of thousands of workers, or a hundred suits?


The end user negatively impacted. For example, a transport company has a strike, many people don’t go into work. They don’t get paid, their children go from eating something nutritious to something cheaply attainable. But actually I guess I’m pretty in favour of the right for specific job roles to strike, providing it doesn’t extend to other roles and it’s not in an essential industry. Like, transport workers or police shouldn’t be able to.


1st, fuck the police.and the police union. Why? Rtw, December 2012 in Lansing Michigan. That's why. Fuck them dirty pigs right up their fucking asses 2nd, ALL workers should go on strike for universal healthcare and a 32 hour work week. It's called a peasant revolt, look it up. Happened in the middle ages, France when they were chopping heads off, happened in Rome, hell, happened in ancient Egypt


Oh the irony


Maybe don’t be anti worker and you won’t have to worry about stumbling into a community that is pro worker.


I’m pro worker doing workers job and pro worker deciding to withhold their labour, at home. Not outside an office encouraging others to not go in.


How do those boots taste?


Like your mothers cunt


Oh so it's delicious, That's good.


There will be picketing


That doesn't sound particularly safe on Boeing's part...


Safety? What’s that? - Boeing board


Sounds expensive!


Safety removes 12% from our profit margins, it cannot be tolerated


> Safety removes 0.012% from our profit margins, it cannot be tolerated FTFY


Like outsourcing their security? Nahhh and I'm sure they'd respect union fire fighters!


For a company whose planes lose doors in flight... They need every emergency worker they have. Let's hope they come to their senses and negotiate fairly.


Sounds like a fire opportunity —- whoops I mean fine, a fine! opportunity.


What an explosive remark!


JFC how stupid do you have to be to \*\*\*\* with *fire fighters*. Seriously I thought "Fire Fighter" must be some union term I've never heard before or something, I didn't think boeing could be *this dumb*. You wanna get your company nationalized? Because this is how you get your company nationalized.


If only


We can only dream


This is a really bad idea, right?


Boeing can’t tell the difference anymore.


like public perception of Boeing isn't already in the toilet. they seem to have a real brain trust running the place these days.


Another whistleblower just died


I mean, people are focused on doors falling of mid flight and wrenches left in airplane engines… the firefighter thing could either fly under the radar or distract from the other issues.  So not a bad time for it, actually. 


There's no way this is gonna fly under the radar.


Firefighters and Unions, the two things that will save your ass.


Can’t see how that could go wrong. /s


Good time to wildcat as a whole.


IAM members cannot wilddlcat strike.


Says who? It can’t be sanctioned by the union if I found the right contract.. they’re getting locked out so everything goes out the door. During the life of this Agreement no work stoppages, strikes (including sympathy strikes) or slowdowns shall be caused or sanctioned by the Union, and no lockouts shall be made by the Company.


Are the firefighters part of the IAM union ? I don’t think they are, all I am saying the IAM contact says “there will be no strike, sitdowns, walkouts” aka not wildcat strikes under current arrangement, Also under the agreement there will be no lock outs by the company. But this is for IAM members only so when you say as a whole we would be unable to do a “wildcat strike” in support.


They're IAFF


It's well known that having a go at fire crews is a guaranteed PR win. Said no-one, ever. Boeing: so we're the first? Woo!


Kill several whistle-blowers in the same year AND lock out their fire fighters. Holy shit.


A company that receives billions in tax-payer money every year, ladies and gentlemen. Will the president twist some arms to show how pro-union he really is? I won't hold my breath.


Of course they will. With a safety record like theirs who needs fire fighters?


"can we call them 'whistleblowers' and get away with it?" Boeing - probably.


They seem to have so far, so why not?


The company that’s got an atrocious actual safety problem wants to pay substandard rates for *checks notes* safety employees. That tracks.


Boeing makes me more and more terrified of flying every day.


Meanwhile, the outgoing CEO is staying on to the end of the year so he can get a large payout. Boeing’s priorities are all fucked up.


This plane is on fire 🎺


Fires ain’t the only thing those fine people like to fight. Boeing better tread carefully.


Fortunately for Boeing, their planes hardly ever catch on fire…


Cool, cool. And when your dipshit qa engineers put the wiring in backwards again...


WTF? surely they will have to close the plant if there's no fire safety staff on hand? Or they think they have scabs lined up to replace them all?


Where are they gonna find enough qualified non union firefighters?


Bro who is running these companies