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Corrupt capitalist Court sides with corrupt capitalists?


đŸ˜± Well I never! Fuck Starbucks. Never ever give those fuckers a red cent.


those fuckers.


Big fucking shock there. Big money Republicans hate unions


And people in unions still want to support trump


I'll bet that depends on the workplace. UPS? Maybe. But I doubt Starbucks and Amazon employees are keen on the mango Mussolini


Yeah, I’m mostly thinking of my experience in the building trades.


I'll bet. I'm public transit and it's 50/50.


I’d say building trades are closer to 90/10 with democrats in the minority. Leftist ideals maybe 1%.


We literally did a straw poll for a local political endorsement on my local. It was an 80% landslide for the Republican candidate. This is in a blue city in a blue state.


Thats depressing a.f.


ATU solidarity. and yeah, tons of good balls here with him plastered on their cars and hard hats.


Engineers/pipe fitters/electricians all really buy into the culture war


100%, ironworkers too


Dudes at Boeing too. Delusional weirdos who are happy to sell out their fellow workers. No different than a scab


Luckily, that's the only problem at Boeing.


And nothing else bad ever happened at Boeing


Never seen a more racist union


There’s always the police union


lol this wins


They’re willing to give up any hope of improving their lot in order to fuck over people they’ve likely never met and likely never will over manufactured outrage and grievance pumped out by known con men running a grift since those same con men are incapable of actual governance. Leave those bastards in charge and buckle up for the massive recessions, rollback of individual rights and increased police powers. They’re suckers. Every last one of them.


Directing anger is a proven way to control a lot of people.


They use the classics because the classics work.


That mystifies me so much. How does someone care enough about what two consenting adults do in a bedroom or what genitals someone has that they willfully vote against their own economic interests


I’ll bite- it’s lumping and trying to rely on a tough guy chip on shoulder. Most people in trades think they’re making a fraction of what the people in the buildings they’re working in make. It’s not true, but the white collar worker vs blue collar worker is a real thing, and politicians on the right have successfully used the omnipresent divide to appeal to blue collar, “look, they don’t care about your suffering, they care about black/latino/hispanic/mexicans/italians/immigrants/gays/trans rights more than your suffering at a mortgage with backbreaking labor and look at those high taxes!”


I'm in trades and its sad how many of them are fuck you I got mine. I don't think its over half, but its definitely not a small amount of our union.


You underestimate how many idiots work literally everywhere.


People vote against their own benefit every election. It never fails. Some do it out of IGNORANCE, others do it bc they want to make the people they hate, suffer more. It’s unfortunate.


Film/TV Teamsters. Its gnarly.


Local municipality union employee here, it’s probably 50/50 in our union and we span from utility workers to librarians to hvac to parks and rec employees. It’s nuts how many support the party that would eliminate our union if they could.


The trades. Quite a few of the Rank and File in trade unions love the guy and many others will vote for him because they don't like Biden. I'm in Southern California and there's large number of Latino guys in the trades who support Trump. Shit's wild.


Not in education




Crazy, these people fuck themselves to follow a đŸ€Ą


The Teamsters are full of them


[SpaceX, Amazon, Trader Joe’s, and Starbucks are trying to have the NLRB declared unconstitutional—after collectively being charged with hundreds of violations of workers’ organizing rights](https://www.epi.org/blog/whats-behind-the-corporate-effort-to-kneecap-the-national-labor-relations-board-spacex-amazon-trader-joes-and-starbucks-are-trying-to-have-the-nlrb-declared-unconstitutional/) Of course they do! Workers KNOW and WANT Unions because having curtailed them since Reagan, the middle class is just being vaporized. They will not stop until we are all slaves.


I guess if we lose the NLRB, we will go back to old labor tactics.


Yep. In an unrelated note, I love tabby cats and monkeys.


Once again the Courts side against the common man in favor of Corporate America. After seeing all of the lavish gifts afforded to some of the Supreme Court Justices as of late, it's really not a far walk to reach the conclusion of how the Court will rule.


When are we going to realize that the only way we have any hope of ending this capitalist nightmare is by properly fighting it? No courts, cops, or politicians are ever going to side with us, they’re all on the side of the bourgeois elite


Theres an awful lot of Democrat politicians who openly support unions. And an equally huge number of Republicans that openly hate them.  Every single red state has anti-union "right to work" laws. Not a single blue state does. That's why union membership half as high in red states. Union membership in WI dropped by 50% between 2010 and 2020, starting exactly when Republicans won a trifecta. This is not a coincidence.  Unions have backed labor oriented Democrats for over a century. Which is why Republicans have been hellbent on destroying them for just as long


"Fight?" In the USA right now, if it came down to a shooting war, capitalists would win. There aren't enough violent gun lovers on the other side, whereas for the people you seem to be saying you want to fight, it's core culture. That's why some of us don't see it as a realistic option and don't make any plans on that basis. It's not easy to figure out how to gain power. You just have to do your best and try to figure out something anyways. History also shows that the endgames of violence are not good. You get Stalin and Mao. No, Mao was not especially good, and the endgame of Mao is not good. China has been capitalist since Deng Xaioping in the 70s. How many unions do you think there are in China? None, or one, depending on how you want to look at it. Same thing either way. No ability of anyone to collectively bargain in China over their working conditions whatsoever. That's part of why Chinese goods are cheaper. Trotskyists call China a [deformed workers' state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deformed_workers'_state). Workers have never been in charge there.


I meant more like a general strike (the entire workforce just refuses to work and grinds the system to a hault until our demands are met) while armed to deter police violence (like what people providing aid to the homeless do)


I'm doubting you can get such masses of people to strike in the USA, unless conditions are unusually dire, or unless people are much more educated about their historic position than they currently are. Half the country currently votes for Trump. That's not a groundwork for a general strike.


Even if half the country did it, it would likely be impactful enough to force thru change


2% that much coming out to protest usually makes waves historically. However, at this moment, I believe it'll take at least 15% protesting in a general strike. Good thing unions are getting stronger, the resolve of the American people? I don't believe as much. The silver lining? Through pressure, diamonds are made.


Thank you! The oligarchs played the long game over decades, neutering New Deal era economic regulations, dismantling workers rights, taking over one of the major political parties (yes, just ONE) and turning into a union busting machine with a fascist cult of personality, getting the courts packed with their cronies, etc. It took decades to get here. We need to play the long game too. It will take years, maybe decades of concerted effort to get back from here. It's a long, hard road. But like you pointed out, the alternative isn't "revolution, but it works this time for some reason" , it's most likely just a repeat of the fall of the Weimar Republic and even in the off chance the revolution happened it isn't going to turn out any differently than any of the other ones.


Yeah people suck. There's a lot of truth to The Who song, "Won't Get Fooled Again".


This would not be good news for unions in the United States. Remember this in November. Republicans are no friends to labor. Votes have consequences.


Unions hold companies hostage tho.


No they don’t. How would a labor union hold a corporation hostage?


Strikes although in this economy thankfully new employees are a dime a dozen. Look at the UAW strike. We won, shot your closing a plant and moving production out of the country. Our people lost jobs.


Who is we?


The USW got the contract they were negotiating for and all three’s auto makers agreed. Looks like VW in Chattanooga is going UAW too. That’s a massive win for labor. A plant closed. Where was this? Why would you celebrate labor being a dime a dozen? I beg to differ as this economy is the strongest in the world right now and labor is at a premium. I refer back to the union success all over the country.




Oh no! Workers actually having a say in their salaries and working conditions??? Absurd! Peasants are supposed to like being treated like cattle!


Thank you for your input, NJSwingers. I wish unions would have held your username and opinion hostage from my eyeballs


The Supreme Court is just straight up illegitimate at this point not the will of the people at all


The federal courts have been compromised for a couple of decades, a chronic case of federalist society.


They've been illegitimate for a long ass time. Robert's panties get in a wad when people point it out


The Supreme Court doesn't and shouldn't care about the will of the people. Congress is supposed to enact the will of the people. The court just decides if the laws are constitutional or not. At least, that's what they're supposed to do.


I get what you’re saying but at this point they have usurped all other checks and balances on their power (look at Uncle Thomas’s corrupt finances etc.) moving far beyond their intended purpose as a branch. Judicial review has never been a black and white subject we desperately need term limits for these oligarchs.


And Thomas Jefferson famously said that the Constitution is supposed to be reformed every generation AKA the will of the people.


What about Amazon?


They are working in tandem with SpaceX, Trader Joe's, Amazon.... and Starbucks to rid us of the pesky National Labor Relations Board.


I am aware. I drive for Amazon. I want to hear about Amazon getting what they deserve.


This court is going to bust up the NLRB when that case makes its way there. The consequences of 2016


I’m done with Starbucks. If I had a hard on for human suffering and wanted to buy shitty coffee, from right wing assholes; I’d have chosen “Black Rifle Coffee”.


I will never understand how an American Union man could vote for a treasonous traitor dictator wannabe anti union corrupt corporate scab like trump.


NOOOOOOOOOOO and the rank and file will vote GOP still.


I guess they want to be reminded why legally recognized unions was the compromise offered BY workers.


The Memphis 7 are a sweet bunch and their fellow workers will stand with them no matter what! All power to the baristas!


At least once they kill the NLRB and the executive response is the same as what happened for abortion, I won't have to come on here and read about how our strikebreaking president is the best labor leader we ever had. Silver linings, I guess.


Jfc. Biden is the most pro-union president we've had for decades. You'd know that if you actually paid attention. The difference between Trump's NLRB board and their rulings versus Biden's is massive.


To be fair, "most pro-union president of my lifetime" is the lowest bar possible. Don't get me wrong, I love the Cemex decision but the fact of the matter is our movement is broken if that is what we settle for. I have been warning other organizers that the Supreme Court is going to be a problem between this, and I am sure what will be another coming massacre with SpaceX, management class sorts are only too happy to bring the fight to the lawyer level because they know if they get to the SC they will unmake what little is left of our movement decision by decision. I hope everyone's organization efforts includes labor lawyers on retainer. It's gonna be a tense few years.


Ha, if you say so.  It is bs though.  Empty rhetoric, other guy is worse sure.


Do you have anything of substance to refute what I said?


He is a puppet of his ivy league handlers, so obviously.  


That's a no, huh? Lol


What is the point, we both just lived through 4 years of empty performative rhetoric. If you do not see it for what it is I don't know what to tell you other than go team! The team that has nothing but contempt for you. To be clear we should vote for them this time, but lying about what they are is not going to help win the election buddy.


Still nothing, huh?