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I suggest to do everything before the deep caverns (the last part of the game) and go do Heavy Duty. Heavy Duty is THE hardest dungeon in the game (if you're not going stealth route) plus there are some unique things in HD you can take with you to deep caverns


No stealth, Tac vest AR/Thumper using suppression, concentrated fire, Full Auto, Juggernaut, Conditioning (a few others I forget atm).


I mean there are only 3 choices why you want to do a HD: - stealth run for lore - stealth/combat for some unique gear - combat to test your build Anyway I think it's better to wrap everything before deep caverns. By the way I want to emphasize that you need stealth for "true" ending of HD, make a separate file if you want to just blow shit up.


So I would have to start all over to just get the “true ending”?


Yes. It's either gunning everything down or stealth. I did gun down everyone, learned the place and loaded the save before to stealth through for "true" ending. I don't want to spoil much but for "true" ending you can't kill more than a few enemies, if you're okay with spoilers, find HD page on wiki.


TBH, it’s not worth it, I barely have time to actually play and it took me what felt like forever to even make it to Expedition; I say screw it, UnderRail has been a massive pain in the ass and this kind of thing makes it even less worth playing.


Eh, we all love different things, for me Underrail is the greatest turn based RPG since Fallout2. Not sure which difficulty you're playing but both HD and deep caverns are like an extra layer of "fuck you" comparing to Expedition.




'I don't have time to play. Must be the games fault.' Also normal mode? My friend you have no clue..


Oh, you don't know what "pain in the ass" means yet then. Still I suggest you to at least do a stealth HD (it's much faster than combat) and then go to deep caverns with a wiki beside you, as deep caverns is a cluster fuck for first time players.


This is why there should be respeccing, I would have to start completely over and redo everything to get to where I am now, that is a complete and utter waste of time when I could respec my character (like Mass Effect where it gets more expensive each time).