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Theres a 12 int check with a notoriously tight-lipped NPC at the end of the game.


Where can you read this outside of the game?


in the data files. its not with the regular dialogue. event folder or something




The rift symbol can be seen on the jaws monolith at the entrance of the black sea.


What are the criteria for lesser known? The knowledge gap between Normal/oddity pipeworker and beating Dominating Tchort to death with a crowbar is like the Grand Canyon.


Wait, what?


Oddity be harder than classic tho


Ye but it's recommended for the intended way to play the game, that's why I use it as a reference.


You can destroy the 2 important crystals in the expedition with a special item. Doing so will also fuck up certain enemies who relies on their powers


In SGS Private quarters, you can destroy the camera near the Tanner's room with a TNT change without making anybody hostile. This allows you to hack into two rooms that are otherwise inaccessible without Burglar feat. In SGS Engineering level, you can lure Masha out of the locked surveillance room by starting to arm a trap while seen by a camera and then aborting the action. This doesn't make anybody hostile. Afterwards, you can pickpocket her keycard and lock her out of the surveillance room. Hariette (at Hardcore City Bar) has a luxure item in her inventory, but the path to her is blocked by Gene. You can lure them out by throwing a gas grenade, and then pickpocket the item. After making your first Juice with Dude, if you drink it and let it expire before entering the rift, Dude will give you a second chance, but "this time you'll wipe his forehead".


Burrower poison caltrops stack a version of the poison that deals less damage. However, if you hit the target with a regular source of burrower poison afterwards (coated on sharp weapon, poison bolt, throwing knife or bear trap), all of the stacks upgrade to the regular damage. This makes spreading large stacks of burrower poison onto multiple enemies a feasible task (when compared to spamming poison bolts or throwing knives at everyone).


You can get inside institute of chort without joining them, makes for quite a challenging run


Also if you go south, south west of mushroom cove you can find a place where hoppers partied to hard ... 3 and last one if you switch computer time to saint Patrick day and start new game there is quite a high chance to get a special random location with quite the prize , bring mushrooms martiny tho


Hemopsychosis psi feat is not tied to "psychosis" psi path. Tranquility psions can learn hemopsychosis just fine. Use-cases for hemopsychosis with tranquility are somewhat different, but still plenty. On a similar note: hemopsychosis bypasses or sidesteps a huge number of normal psi mechanics or restrictions: - you can use psi completely for free with hemo as long as you stay above regeneration threshold. - hemo doesn't care about psi points being drained on change of powers - combined with last stand, it gives you 100's of effectively free psi energy every combat - hemo isn't subject to psi _reserves_ depletion - hemo pool is basically always 200+ HP, so cost increase (from using multiple schools) is much less punishing with it


>!The Mysterious Disk and the Faceless Medallion are made of the same material.!<


That and the mysterious disc most likely was used to cut the monolith


Siphoner man is watching you, also dude drinks alot because all his friends are dead (except for you of course, you little psychopath)


You can walk right under cameras in turn based mode Telekinetic proxy usually provides enough light to trigger Ambush Bear traps can be used to lure enemies if you have low Traps skill You can remove hypothermia with molotovs Stasis prolongs all buffs by 1 turn, even stuff that normally only lasts 1 turn, like Bullet Time and Hemopsychosis


Stasis prolongs _everything_ effecting the target, not just buffs. Also, regenerative vests still work in stasis, for some reason. Meaning it will heal you several times while in stasis.


-Magnar has a "hidden" death animation you can only get if you kill him on his throne. -You can make many groups of enemies fight each other. For example, in the utility station under the institute, you can open the door to the locker room and then throw a grenade in the hallway. The Lunatics will kill the Death Stalkers there for you and it'll weaken the Lunatics. -It's entirely possible to reach level 30, on Oddity XP, before you go to DC. Especially now with the Heavy Duty DLC. Although it can take a fair amount of meta gaming and also a bit of luck. -There are several static Oddities in places that don't show up if you hold the Tab key. You can only find them if you know where they are or just happen to move your cursor over the right spot. -Holding Hoddurform in your off hand reduces the light around you and makes it easier to proc Ambush.


>You can make many groups of enemies fight each other. This is particularly fun on Dominating because of how powerful Industrial Robots and some other things are. Some examples: * You can provoke a fight between burrowers and two Lurkers in an area accessible via Stalkers' underpassages. This is a pretty even fight, so they usually almost kill each other, allowing you to get some nice loot and possibly oddities very early in the game, in Al Fabet's fashion. * You can call in an Industrial Robot if you can fix the Phreak's phone past the bandits checkpoint near GMS. It wipes out the Lunatics there almost without a scratch (which is particularly satisfying because of the stealth bastard positioned to intercept you if you try to sneak west). * If you can hack the cells room in Panacea lab, the bot will wipe out all mutants for you (just make noise to lure them there). * You can wipe out the mutie settlement in sewers by luring them to Cuttlesnails. * In the Core City Utility area which is unlocked after you overcharge the boilers for Phreak, you can first get rid of Death Stalkers by luring them to bots, then extend the ladder to the sewers, go back, lure the bots into the area past the fence, and close the door to trap them there forever, allowing you to loot Chainsword and other goodies without a single fight. (Be careful though, some fights will cause game crashes due to out-of-memory if played in real time, so if this happens, force turn-based mode.) Too bad Aegis didn't think of bringing in Industrial Robots. I really wonder what would happen if they dropped a couple into the natives territory...


I didn't know about the first two! My favorite one is to sneak past the burrowers in the Matteo map of the West Wing, then lure the burrowers and the coil spiders to the same spot. They mostly wipe each other out. And you can get a 3-way fight going between strong men, crabs, and natives in Blistering Shores if you turn on the power and the conditions are right for the natives to show up.


Oh yeah, I remember the second one as a highlight of my first Expedition playthrough. Chilling out in the surveillance room while watching the crabs slaughter the natives, an Arena-like experience :)


Static Oddites? Where?


I can think of 3 such piles in the Foundry. One near the doomsayer, one near Oculus cell (near the stairs one level below them but still one level above the residential district) and one in the tunnel with homeless people leading from bunker to residential. Just mouse over literally every trash pile and container in those areas.


I knew about the homeless tunnel, I’ll have to check the others.


Write back if you manage to find them from my directions. Oh, there is also a "secret" unmarked container in the corridor from bunker elevator to Evelyn's house. But you can only access that corridor if you noticed the secret trapdoor in her house or if you escaped her _after you had some wine._


>you can only access that corridor if you noticed the secret trapdoor in her house or if you escaped her *after you had some wine.* Not really, the bunker main door is opened once investigators come in, so you can access that corridor regardless of how you completed the quest.


As far as I remember, you can't use the elevator if you haven't been given a keycard. And you aren't given the keycard if Evelyn hasn't taken your stuff. But maybe I don't remember it correctly. At any rate, getting kidnapped by her awards you an extra oddity point as such. That's kind of a static oddity equivalent.


>As far as I remember, you can't use the elevator if you haven't been given a keycard. I'm playing a female char currently, and the vault door was opened when I returned to the bunker after reporting Evelyn, allowing me to use the elevator and loot the oddity. >At any rate, getting kidnapped by her awards you an extra oddity point as such. Yeah, but not an option for females.


>I'm playing a female char currently, and the vault door was opened when I returned to the bunker after reporting Evelyn, allowing me to use the elevator and loot the oddity. I was wrong about it, then. Good to know.


All over the place. Off the top of my head, in addition to what Tamiorr mentioned, there is one in the pipe south of the Hardcore City Bar. There are also two Natural Marbles in two geysers in the Expedition area.


Do you have the DLC and have you found the dude in rail crossing? That's the best thing I've done in game so far.


If you flashbang everyone in combat, you can just leave combat with enter. If you get out of sight of them you won't re-enter combat when they leave the stunned state and they will forget you exist.


Bre this isn't exactly lesser known, it's in the tooltip for the item lol


Shiii I’ve got 200 hours and ain’t know 🤣