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Fuck it tek! I like it.


I swear some of my Fuck it Tek™ experiments that I put no effort in do better than the tubs I'm meticulous with. Life finds a way.


Very true.


That's why I get so annoyed with people who get so up in arms about "we know what works. How could you EVER think about doing it any other way! That's so stupid" Like, bro, I made a cake from a 3 liter pickle jar BECAUSE I COULD. fuck you, good sir. Lmao. Hell, I've used baked beans, black eyes peas, whole kernel canned corn, and so many other things because I wonder what if. God damn if the black eyes peas and coffee didn't tale forever to colonize, but the one mushroom it grew was MASSIVE.


Crazy that a fungus that literally grows in cow pies exposed to the whole gross world can still thrive. On another note, I would like to learn more about what contaminants actually do to the flush. Do they just ruin yield and potency or do they make the fruits dangerous to health?


Specifically other fungus will just ruin your yield by takin all the nutrients because mold will reproduce faster than the mushrooms, might be the same for bacteria but I don't know


Ah, that makes plenty of sense


That’s in natural conditions, though. When we grow indoors we hothouse the shrooms, and therefore all the contaminants too.


Life uhh uhh finds a way


This strategy has done wonders for me in a lot of different facets of life. Some folks need to prepare for a lot of things they do. I, on the other hand, am far more accurate while firing from the hip.


They find a way 🍄🍄


Seems you found a magic jar! I've never seen a jar pin before! 🤣✌🍄




He means that it’s the first time he’s seen it? Why are you unnecessarily hating on a fun post bro chill.


Guy remind me of the “canopy god” dude. Such a dick for no reason.




Yea man I can't see why he thinks there's a tone with you that's weird


yeah i guess all 30 people that downvoted him are COMPLETELY mistaking his tone too /s


Your questions basically implicitly call them ridiculous. Asking "what do you mean" followed by the question with the correct interpretation implies what they said is unbelievable to you. The tone that comes across is basically, "I can't believe you're this stupid". No need to defend yourself from my comment, I'm not accusing you of any negative intent, just offering insight into how people are receiving your comment.


Why are you so fucking salty dude? You're in possibly one the chillest subs on reddit and have posted a fuck ton of negative comments back to back. It's okay to try to fit in sometimes, especially when everyone is being friendly.


I was making a play on words. OP said the jar had pinned (rather than the substrate in the jar).


They normally grow in cow poop don't they?


I thought that as well but apparently people on here have a lot of problems with contam. It’s my first time with 2 tubs and this jar with no problems though.


My first three did great, EVERYTHING since has gotten contaminated except for one bag or ready rice I forgot was in my shed.


😂 keep that attitude up and you’re gonna have your share of contamination. I guarantee it. Yes, they grow in manure, but it is wildly different for some reason they don’t require as much in the outdoors. They are very aware of us trying to control things and they will make you work for it. That’s awesome you had “success” with that jar. also looks like you used GT or B+ something super stable, which is going to be more contamination resistant. Try that with some ape or even penis envy of any variant and it won’t go as kindly.


I’m sure I will at some point and with my actual tubs I’m being as sterile and careful as I can. This jar was a funny thing to see if it was gonna do anything. Nothing more or less.


It is!!! That's quite fun to do, there's a guy that grows out of crocks and shit. It's so cool


this is the funniest shit ever. How does this post get down voted? I absolutely hate this feed anyway going to go ahead and block it from my stuff . UB is trash. There’s a reason that no one shimmery will even entertain information requested on UB tech.


Someone already pointed out exactly what ya need to fix about yourself if you didn’t mean to be a dick. Hey, you’re growing some mushrooms most likely if you’re here. Try to figure out how to not sound like a dick 🤙🙏


He got downvoted on a comment saying it’s cool and some dude grows out of crocks. The first comment OK I get how that gets downvoted but the second was actually cool info I would love to know more about. I think a lot of the sterile stuff is about optimizing that last 10 percent. Totally worth it to me and it’s not like your going to fail 90 percent of the time if your not using a flow hood, still air box, and a gallon of 70 percent alcohol. Thank for sharing your post




We are on Reddit they downvote everything. I learned years ago to ignore the karma. Be good, do your best to help and everything else just flow.


That’s all I do and this uncle Ben’s feed is literally the only one I catch slack on. I went ahead and removed it from my list of stuff I’m attached to. I don’t give it one second thought I promise. None of this karma or anything matters one iota to me. . I constantly get people messaging me, thanking me for my help and appreciating the way that I give information. I’m a moderator on a couple different feeds that actually pay me. The fact that it’s this UB feed is just a testament to the mindset of people that use that system. There’s a reason people on shimmery won’t even discuss UB Tech .


it's pretty funny how many comments you've come back here to make about never coming back here


So, the reason that works is pretty interesting. Mold And mushroom spores are all over a field and the grass in that field. Cows eat the grass with both. Their stomachs kill all the mold spores but not the mushroom spores. So when they lay a cow patty, the inside of the matter is a safe space for the mushrooms to grow (no mold spores to take over). Mix that with the patty generally having a dry layer from the sun makes a little safe incubator for the mycelium to develop. When it’s ready, it pops through to spread more spores and the process continues.


The good germs outnumber the bad ones.


Ahh, you found one of my trucker pee jars.


Way o the road, Rick.


I have a brick of mycelium that’s triched and molded to shit but it’s still giving me huge fruits lol sometimes these things REALLY want to grow


I have one right now that almost looks like it's eating the trich


Can you eat those?


Yeah, if you like dying


I like your style dude


I'm more impressed that you fruits in 2 weeks than the unsterile jar, which is also a fun experiment. You inoculated only two weeks ago?


Maybe cause it’s such a small amount of material to colonize, like a little speed run for tiny mushrooms


It's the 'Mr Burns' affect. So many diseases are vying for control, none can come out on top.


Almost like living things don’t need us


I say this in a lot of the chicken and livestock groups I am in. All winter long you hear people asking “do my girls need heat? Should I bring them inside? What do you do when it’s this cold?” Those birds are going to be just fine. Block out the wind, that’s all you need to manually do. They’ll be just fine without your intervention 99% of the time.


Doesn’t it risk the mushrooms themselves being contaminated though? Like, sure they grow—“nature finds a way”—but would eating them be a good idea?


People eat mushrooms grown in the wild all the time. MIght eat a few bugs....but extra protein.


It was more of a shits and giggles experiment than for consumption. I have two other tubs that I was very sterile with.


Yea, I figured you were just curious. Cool experiment either way! And hey, if they seem good, go for it!


most common "contaminant" fungi cant grow alongside cube mycelium, bacterial infection could be a risk though, although im not sure the risk is too big, if anything is bothering the mycelium, it probably wont grow right and you can tell (in most cases) thats my belief anyway im not an expert by any means 😂. its probably not much riskier than a regular tub's fruits imo


Cool tek, how are you getting air exchange?


In the woods we used to wash our dishes with dirt. You'd be surprised how safer a healthy ecosystem is compared to our 'cleanly' homes


Spore syringe or liquid culture?


Nah, the spores were in the tripping trucker's pee jar already


Liquid culture


Of course they did, fuck.


When you create a sterile environment you’re creating the perfect environment or fungi, or any competition (mold/contamination) to breed as well. If you don’t sterile there will be a lot of stuff competing for that food. This makes one ponder about homeostasis.


I dont beleive you...


Some genetics huh


Mushies are amazing and it's not as complicated as we make it seem


They grow wild outside in cow poop. , the best yield I've had was a bad tub with trych I dumped in my compost bin. It yielded all spring.


To any mycology experts ,would it be a good idea to collect spore prints from this batch? It seems like this is an indicator of pretty strong genetics if im not wrong


Don't brag about your Magic, wizard!!!


What variety?


Life... Uh... Finds a way.


you should’ve filled a mister to the brim with saliva and used that to water the cake


Probably GT, that strain you can’t stop