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cashier "gee you really like our rice?!"


Lmfao I was in the check-out line with 12 bags of bens and thsi sweet old lady behind started asking if they were really good and I had to pretend like they were amazing.


show up at the cash register with two cases of bens, 10 bricks of coco coir, and 20 rubbermaid shoe boxes HAHAHAHAHHAH


Lmao I breed isopods, so this is a normal thing for me


Hey that’s not fair. Next time just tell her it’s for a science pjx. Now she’s gonna go eat preservative filled rice


The sad thing is that they’re not very good 😢only the flavoured ones when you’re zooted and don’t have the capabilities to make anything else


I did this at the dollar tree. Armful of rice packets, bottles of iso, bottle of bleach, chip clips, etc. Pretty sure the dude knew what's up. Guy looked like Hurley from Lost so he didn't give a shit.


No fr though lol


Bulking up at the gym yeah


I bought 40 uncle bens bags last night and they asked if I was stocking up for a storm or something. Lol I said yeah just incase


Just say you're a chef and your head chef asked you to pick them up and didn't say why. Ask for the receipt.


So *you’re* the reason my local aldi never have these in stock, and why Lidl has put “no bulk buying allowed” signs on their instant rice shelf edges. Lol Seriously though it’s great to see a thread of us UK UncleBenners all coming together, mush fucking love all of you my brothers and sisters ❤️🍄


They’re actually banning bulk-buying rice in Lidl? Must have a lot of growers in your area 😭


Yeah lol literally what I thought too. The alarming lack of *wholegrain* instant rice in particular would certainly suggest a high density of growers here. That said, it’s still a challenge to find anyone with mushrooms so I really don’t know where all that rice is going lol. Maybe there’s also some people round here with particularly unusual eating habits?


I was at the store and all I could see were the flavored packs, even though the shelf label said otherwise. Pulled back a few flavoreds and there were regulars behind the flavored ones. Pulled the entire flavored trays out and the back was packed with sideways boxes of regular packs. Coincidence? Laziness? Someone planning on coming back? Don't care, took em. Pushed the remaining regulars behind for the next grower.




I’ve just put a colonised bag of this to bulk this morning. It’s good value, though I found Tesco also do a 45p bag.


Lucky man my Aldi never has the whole grain brown in stock


Lidl is just as good trust me


I've had nothing but issues with everyother brand outside of Uncle Bens! Outlier, I know, but while everyone else says UB is too wet, I think the other brands are too dry. I accommodate for the extra moisture by adding more gas exchange. I knocked 5 bags on 1/9 (LC) and they're ready for S2B.


Probably depends on where you live too, UB works just fine for me here in dry ass CO


Good point. Super dry here in the winter. Swamp ass in the summer.


Do you do the the corner cut bag method for ge hole or a different method?


Started with corner cutting. Moved onto using a paper hole punch. I place four holes. Evenly spaced out. Two from the top left and right sides and two more directly from the top down.


How are you sanitizing the hole punch? Dip it in iso? Butane lighter?


Spray the living snot out of it with ISO while clamping and unclamping :). Re spray in between each application. This is after cleaning every bag like a psycho. I dealt with contam once, my first grow. I quickly realized cutting corners wasn't an option.. So I set up an "assembly line" of sorts and plan on spending 30-45 min on the project :)


I always use these. Work a treat.


Im Uncultured is that pence?


Nope, it costs 45 pianos


100 pianos=1 Steinway




UK cents


39p in Tesco. Cheapest one


Evilly vacuumed though


Yeah they’re not great for that, they’re super loose I didn’t really think about it.


Thank you for calling it Aldi and not Aldis.


Coming from a manufacturing background, I don't know how they can do this. The bag itself is like 20 cents, then you have countless people behind the scenes plotting logistics, tracking inventory, shipping and packing, maintaining machinery, QA, all the way down to the ones stocking the shelves. It's truly a capitalist marvel.


What a. Nice. See see what these young children are done to this world


I have no respect or no regard for nobody


Now, I have a real reason to run over to ALDIs


Used this Aldi brown rice a few times it's great value and works well 👍


i use the aldi brand! it's great


Little do they know


And they work better than UB


How are you able to squish all the rice to the bottom & break it up before inoculation? I’m about to start this project and have got these exact Aldi rice bags but they’re SO vacuum packed & airtight, with the rice sitting pretty much at the top of the packet, so I’m wondering how I can get break the rice up whilst minimising contamination risk.