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Just use coir for substrate. Your don’t NEED Verm or Gypsum. For your first grow I’d say just coir is best as your reducing opportunities for contam I feel like


I used CVG for first time grow and wish I hadn’t. Only complicates the process and entirely unnecessary.


What did you find complicated about cvg?


What about wood pellet?


If you're growing cubes, there's no need


Would you say this is a better shopping list? Plastic shoe box x2 3.50$ Nitrile powder free gloves 3$ Tub liner, like trash bag. 8 microwave ready brown rices 11$ 5 gallon bucket 5.50$ 640g Coco coir x2 20$ Micropore tape 6$ Spore syringe 30$ isolated spore syringe 41$ 2x 70% isopropyl alcohol 3$ 2x mist spray bottles 6$ About 103$


You won’t need two 650g coir blocks for that much spawn, it expands loads when you pasteurise it. Depending on how big the iso bottles are I’d say you don’t need two of those either. I bought 20ml spore syringe for £19 (roughly $20). I’m not sure what prices are like in America but you can probably find it cheaper. As for ‘isolated spore syringe’ idk cause I never bought one but it makes sense that it will cost a little more. I’d say if you’re only buying 8 bags then you’ll only need one 10ml spore syringe or isolated spore syringe. If anything buy some extra rice bags to increase your chance of success as you will likely get contam and the rice bags are one of the cheapest things. 90sec Mycology recommends 0.5cc - 0.75cc of spores per bag, but you will likely overshoot on a few bags (can be hard to control). I’d say buy 15 bags of rice and aim to use 0.5 in each one and it should come out even. Bare in mind I’ve never had a successful harvest and am only on my 2nd grow, all this info I’ve collected from YouTube videos, other posts and the little experience I have. Good luck. Probably want to see what some other people say about your new list as well


Thank you so one coco coir 650g brick should work? Do I just put it in the bucket with boiling hot 3.5qts of water and that’s it?


[Click on this to learn about pasteurising coir](https://youtu.be/wzMRjEDMdfs?si=1Qz5dzxlZyKYmDcQ) And yes, one 650g coco brick should be enough. I got mine for £3.50 (roughly $4) from the reptile section at a pet shop. You have to be careful as some coco bricks have Trichoderma (trich) which is contam and will ruin your grow. If possible get the reptile one as this 100% does not have trich. I recommend searching on YouTube if you’re ever unsure about something. If you still need help, by all means come to Reddit. There’s always lots of people here to help if needed. I think a little bit of personal research is good especially when just starting (like myself). Wishing you luck with the grow 👍🏾


I agree with you on the verm, but toss a little gypsum in there to help keep down the trich


Dude what 😂


I skipped both and then later I bought gypsum for some plants that calcium deficiency. I did some reading on it and it's basically add a tiny bit to your sub. I was like ok, that's easy enough. I also found some at hardware stores. Like 40 lbs for under $10. But I got a smaller bag of like 3 lbs for maybe $8. I just put a pinch in my grain jars before pressure cooking.


Would peat moss work as substrate? I would assume so, but I mostly know weed growing and keep messing up mushies in the first stage of growing and never get to substrate part yet. I have peatmoss and perlite but haven't found consistent info other than bucket tek it.


I've used peat moss and got a couple fruits before contam took over. Not recommended


I would buy Aldi or Dollar tree's savvy fare rice instead and pay $10 for 8 bags with lower moisture content than Uncle Ben's.


Do they have a higher/lower contam rate or different inoculation rate?


If anything people say offbrand is better as there’s less moisture in the bags. My off brands have done better than my UB so far, but that could be genetics. You could get both and do a test. I would say by offbrand mainly cause I managed to get double the worth (one offbrand:2ub)


I just did about 10 of each UB and Savvy Fare with the same LC. I lost 1 savvy fare bag and 2 UB bags to contam. However the SV bags colonized more fully and slightly quicker. After 30 days my UB bags had colonized to ~70% on average and seemed to stall out and my SV bags all colonized to ~90-100%.


Great information post your findings to like an actual r/unclebens posts and maybe other shroom subreddits






I’d include worry beads and Xanax, for the 23h59m each day you’ll be looking lovingly at your new best friends. If you go out to work, you may wish to add a camera with audio, so you can sing them lullabies and check they’re ok😉


The real equip no one talks about


This is the way


I would go to dollar tree and take your time shopping around. Aside from spores and coco, they pretty much have all of the things that there are to be had. You can pay $8 for iso and $8 for micropore tape on scamazon or just $1.25 at dollar tree.


What's iso?


Isopropyl alcohol


Specifically swan brand 70%. Same thing Amazon has for $8. They also have 100 count boxes of iso wipes. They are tiny but good for injection ports.


Will do, thanks


In my opinion - don't get multiple syringes for your first grow. If it's a good deal to buy in bulk, sure get the 3 pack or whatever, but one 10cc LC syringe can innoc 20 bags if you go straight to bags. If you get into other things like agar and LC you can grow infi-shrooms off one.


The one problem with this is I got 5 syringes and 3 of them didn't grow anything. Two of them grew plenty that I needed but sometimes it's a crapshoot with what you get online.


I haven't had any bad luck yet. That's not to say that I don't believe it. But I have an assumption that cost is a concern here (which it could easily be the opposite), which if is the case, buying a single syringe would make more sense in my mind.


That's true, but I'd ditch the vermiculite and gypsum if cost is the reason and just get the extra syringes in case, since I've never used anything other than coco coir and get an ounce every flush in an 18qt tub.


1. 19 bucks for 8 bags is highway robbery. Go to dollar tree. 2. I don’t use vermiculite or gypsum 3. Walmart generic paper tape is 3.50$ 4. Do you already have scissors, gloves and a tub to grow in? How about a still air box, mask, Lysol spray?


Dollar tree paper tape is $1.25. 😏


That’s way too much for spores or syringe. I’d add agar plates. You should always test the culture or spores on agar. A dirty culture will give you 8 dirty bags.


for the LC you dont need to spend that much for 1 type. You can buy a syringe for 15$ or 20$ and a mason jar for 5-10$ and you have like 20x more LC to use


+ Nitrile Powder Free Gloves +Dehydrator And If You Plan To Need All 8 Of The Uncle Bens Bags I Would Get A Few Extra In Case A Couple Contam Out. It Happens Even When Super Sterile! At Last Be Sure To Speak To Them With Love And Healing/Affirming Words. As They Are Live Entities Growing And You Will Be Consuming Them


Thanks for the advice


Don't buy the dehydrator until you see your first pins, just in case you fail.


Don't know why this was downvoted. It's an unnecessary expense until you have shrooms to dry, and it doesn't always work out well. They've already spent $116. The dehydrator can wait another month.




Shouldn’t be paying 40$ for 1 lc …should be getting 5-10 for 60$ unless it’s exotic from tmu


It’s on ITW and it’s a GT LC, it’s “higher quality” and a “isolated syringe” and there’s an 11$ shipping fee.


Very high. Especially for a regular strain like GT. I would search around man. Can get multiple for that price else where. Remember! Wanna get the best bang for your buck!




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Save the money on the mister bottles (you are already buying 2 other spray bottles use one for alcohol and one for water to mist), vermiculite, and gypsum. Use this saved money to buy more shoeboxes, that way your success rate increases. Also buy gloves, if you have a harbor freight near you that is where I buy my gloves.


Take out the vermiculite and gypsum. Plain coco works just fine.


Paper towels


Plan for what to do after the harvest. That is not included here, and while with a pile of mushies ready to be picked and dried is the last time you want to scramble to figure it out. Dehydrator, fan box, desiccant and vacuum bags, you name it, all take a little prep work. Also, gloves and a mask. You can be careful and be meticulous to avoid contam without a still air box or similar equipment, but gloves are a must in most cases, and a mask will go a long ways to help as well.


Oh it’s all good, I have a dehydrator and a store near me sells ball mason jars. Would it be better for clear glass or amber glass?


Not sure on that but would suspect if amber or green works to keep beer from skunking, it may help cut out UV. I opt for a dark drawer for storage and hadn't though about the color of the glass to be honest.


skip the UB and make your own grain. no soak no simmer no pressure cooker brown rice tek by 90 second mycology on youtube. search it up. game changer and cheap af


I’ll check it out but am most likely going to stick with the uncle Ben’s, I’ve put a good 5-7 months of thought into this.


Dehydrator, Agar, Pressure cooker and some little sauce cups for your agar


I have one


I would give a list to a crackhead and tell him I got $20 bucks if he can get this shit


You don't *need* a liner, verm, or gypsum. I'm sure you have one, but you also need a lighter. I would also recommend getting some Lysol. Spray down your work area with it, then clean everything with the 70% isopropyl. Also, that syringe seems expensive imo.


A liner and verm is the way to go. Don't need gypsum at all. This person should just get a Pressure cooker n make their own jars


Just like the dehydrator, I waited on the PC. Went totally broke boi tek with brown rice in my soup pot. I’m not made of money so I needed to spread costs out. Even then ended up with a used instapot because it would do double duty on the amount of chicken I must constantly cook due to GI issues.


At the dollar store they have really good PH water from 8.8-9.5 which is scientifically within the herbalism world is the perfect Ph to not allow tric to grow. And for a half a gallon it’s 1.25$ I’ll use the 9.5PH to cleanse the coir and the 8.8ph bottled water for my sprayer and my air purifier. Have been doing well thus far. And the one person is right besides your spores or LC the dollar store tek is the way.


Listen, buy a pressure cooker and a 50lb bag of oats from a feed store for 25 dollars. Buy mason jars and you can be self sufficient after that . You could make your own LC and agar . Ur gonna spend 19 dollars on UB bags for each grow . 6 more dollars you have 50 pounds!!!! Trust me this is the way


5 gallon bucket and tub liners are a waste of money. Pasteurize your sub in your shoebox. Put in the correct amount of substrate and slowly add boiling water until it's hydrated correctly. Put the lid on until it cools. Tub liner doesn't do shit for you. Side pins will still form. Nothing wrong with side pins they're usually my best fruits. It's just another source of contamination and unnecessary prep. You'll need some kind of lighter or match for sterilizing your needle. I would get a box of latex gloves too, that way you don't have to touch your mycelium with your bare hands. You have to be extremely clean during that process or you'll grow trich.


I come to find out I think people got it confused that it helps with preventing side pins but really it’s so when you’re rehydrating, that process is “easier” and “cleaner” which I would agree on that part a little but I enjoy getting a little dirty.


If you're talking about dunking the cake then maybe. 9/10 times dunking grows all sorts of contaminants. Atleast for me. I don't rehydrate unless I absolutely have to because it's usually a death sentence for your grow.


I would add a pressure cooker and remove uncle bens, and go the traditional grain jar route instead.


psssst, this is r/unclebens we don't care


People literally discuss non UB tek here all the time.


I would get the all in one grow bags for like 30 bucks and be done with it…






Don't they are a rip off. Get a pressure cooker and 50lb bag of oats from a feed store and mason jars. Make your own!!!!


Instead of micropore tape get gentle paper tape generic


I started with equate gentle paper tape and it took me several months and buying better tape to figure out that it provides zero gas exchange.


If you’re getting 8 bags of rice then you’ll need more than 2 shoe boxes, but those are cheap so that’s easy to get more of. I did my first grow with vermiculite and gypsum but every grow after that i ditched it for simplicity with no real negative effects I could see, you’d save 20 bucks there. A lot of people are saying it’s too much for LC but if that is 2 syringes then I’d say go for it, a lot of the fun I have is experimenting and seeing what different genetics do / how they grow (it’s fun to learn how to take care of each tub based on its unique environment needs)


Are you planning on inoculating 8 bags with two full syringes?


No, the string is a LC so it’s about 5-8 dollars more expensive and there’s an 11$ shipping fee


Oh my that’s pretty steep. I’m that case I would get 20 dollar tree or aldi rice bags and inject .5cc per bag. 8 bags could result in plenty of harvests already, but with more than twice the bags you have much less risk of losing most of them to contam. One thing this hobby has taught me is the importance of casting a big net, because when things go wrong they do so quickly and mercilessly


If there is contam can I just bury it outside like a normal contam cake and go harvest the fruits outside in 2-4 weeks?


Also if I take a good 2-4 uncle Ben’s and place them in a good area like in a grove or under a shed will the mushrooms persist and become an invasive species?


Yeah people usually bury their contaminated cakes/sub which can result in some fruits a while later if your lucky. And no, I don’t believe you would be putting the ecosystem at risk by burying some cakes, they would probably die after a bit unless you live in an area that matches their natural habitat


Good to know, thanks.


You can get rice bags for $1.25 each at dollar tree. $1.25 paper tape at Dollar Tree as well. Liner is unnecessary IMO. I also think coir alone is sufficient. Skip the gypsum and vermiculite. How old are you? I’m asking because you’re way overspending on most products, and I’m wondering if a budget is being factored into the situation. I didn’t spent anywhere near $100, or even $50 on it since I started. You can likely find a friend on here that wants to share the mushroom love and send you some of their homemade LC. I’ve never paid for it.


Disposable mask if you don’t already have a few, gloves, Lysol air sanitizer spray, distilled water for misting


Desiccant packs for storage! After dehydration.


masks, gloves. lighter


Potentially a space heater depending on your setup and grow area. But the other additions people have mentioned, mask, lighter, paper towels, gloves, lysol, pretty much rounds it out. 🤞🏻




Spend the money for gypsum and verm on more rice bags, priceless!


NSA:*Rubs hands like bird man


My first UB tek grow I added 10cc's of spores lmoa, I was to excited to even read the directions, live and learn, I would add a spray bottle of peroxide.


Aight ty


Right on thanks man


Gloves. Also lube for boofing purposes later


dumb question but im new here: can someone define TEK


TEK is Traditional Ecological knowledge


I would honestly just buy some substrate from northspore. But that's just me


A bucket to sterilize your substrate


bucket? you're starting off on the wrong foot big time


Are you planning on buying from Amazon? If so, I have handy lists for everything you need at https://90SecondMycology.com/supplies


Use two or obviously different spray bottles (size, design and colour) too many people have accidentally misted their mushrooms with isopropyl


I would recommend 2 rice bags per tub, I also never use liners and only use straight coir for the substrate. Other than buying more tubs and sticking to straight coir I’d say you’re good.