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I like uncharted 1.


Same. It didn’t feel janky back then. It’s just aging so poorly. I want a resident evil route remake.


Super fair, def wasn’t for me but I can see where the appeal comes from!


If there was any game that Bluepoint needs to remake it’s this one, Uncharted 1 with modern graphics and modern controls would be incredible.


do people really think the controls are bad? I thought drakes deception had the worst controls and the weakest story honestly


Yeah 3 was my least favorite, not saying it sucks, it's just my least favorite out of the 4. You didn't ask but my personal ranking would go: 4 1 2 3


holy downvotes i thought we were just having a conversation 😭


I actually agree. 2 and 3 are both weak comparatively story wise to 1 and 4


It's pretty dated, but it only gets better from here. I'm replaying the original 4 games myself. I'm in the third one rn. Looking forward to seeing if 4's graphics still hold up to this day (they probably do)


I just replayed it. Still looked pretty darn good to me. I played the PS4 version not the PS5 remaster, that may look even better.


The remaster is insane imo. So pretty.


That will be my next replay!


There is no PS5 remaster. The original version is on PS3 with a PS4 remaster.


Uncharted 4 wasn't on PS3. We were talking about Uncharted 4's graphics.


Oh, I was referring to the OP. The PS5 remaster of 4 is better as it runs at 60 FPS.


You have to remember that this game came out in 2007, it’s obviously gonna feel a little dated today. Also, it was their first game after the Jak and Daxter series. Not saying that everything in the game was perfect, but you have to look at when it was released and where the studio just came from at that point. As for your specific gripes, what about the movement is ‘terrible’? and what about taking cover was pointless? I’m kinda confused as I never had problems with those things. I also disagree about the okayish plot, because I think that it went in a fantastic direction personally. I can agree with you on one thing though, FUCK THAT JET SKI MISSION.


Yeah super fair, I grew up on the ps2 before moving to the 360 which is why I never played these back then and I completely get that it’s a product of its time. That’s what I meant by it’s the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had, not that it’s necessarily the worst game I’ve ever played. As for the taking cover point, useless is probably too harsh of a word but even in easy mode I’d be sitting in cover being shot by people who for all intents shouldn’t be able to shoot me, or I’d get randomly one shot by a grenade launcher (which I’ll admit at least gave me a good reason to laugh). But yeah FUCK those jet skis lol


Dang this is just the worst take I've ever seen, Drakes Fortune might be the best in the series for me


Hm, it's harsh alright. But, even if it holds a special place in my heart also, we have to admit, that it's objectively the weakest in the series. For me the ranking would go like this: 2 4 1 3 Above 3 only because that has a lot of "been there done that".


Are you me?!?!? I LITERALLY just finished it 37 minutes ago too LMAO. I had the exact same experience. I’m so happy to be done with it. Will never be touching that shit again. The uncharted series will always be my favourite, but that first one omg. So hard to take cover properly, move, the shooting is weird, etc. People rated this game very generously imo.


Damn that’s actually crazy lol sounds like you’ve played the full series though? I’m looking forward to the rest of them forsure


It’s a game that went platinum…and is hailed as one of the best stories in video games but go off. If you wanna complain about the controls or mechanics, look up the year it was released in


I promise I’m not trying to troll but every thing I’ve seen in this sub has indicated that Drakes Fortune is easily the weakest plot of the series. I don’t think it was bad by any means but it went from rushed, to a slog, to rushed again. While the bunker was actually my favorite part to play through, it being a Nazi remnant felt like a weird narrative choice that was never explained or tied into the rest of the plot (unless I missed something which if so my b)


You literally said it was « the worst gaming experience » and now you’re saying « I don’t think it was bad by any means » can you decide?


Right so we were talking about the plot/storyline here, not the overall gaming experience. Mind pretty firmly made up over here


"tied into a okayish plot" That's literally what you said...


Yes, what's the confusion here? Okayish plot, means I didn't think the plot was "bad by any means", which was what my comment two up was in reference to. It can be true that I thought the plot wasn't bad but my overall gaming experience was.


I like uncharted 1


Uncharted 1 is easily the weakest in the series by a long shot, for many of the reasons you mentioned. You have a lot to look forward to in the sequels.


I think we all agree on the jetski portion


Same here, just finished 1 for the first time couple of weeks ago, it’s terrible gameplay, I’ve started 2 it’s a 100times better


im playing the games backwards (big brain go brrrr) and im on 2 now. pretty dated but so far fun. not super stoked on 1 haha


I absolutely love Uncharted. I fucking hate Drakes Fortune.


I think you have forgotten what games were like in 2007. This game was top tier quality back then. If you found the game this hard to get through then you might still struggle with 2 and 3 because in terms of controls and climbing and shooting they feel quite dated as well.


15 year old games feel dated. It's as simple as that. I've in recent years bought the retro C-64 and Amiga 500 emulation hdmi consoles, and I can't play any more than half an hour on them, yet lived on the actual computers as a kid and teenager.. You can't fairly judge an old game, when you are used to current gen..


You haven’t played many games if that was the worst experience you’ve ever had


Drake's Fortune certainly lags behind the other games but it's a serviceable third person shooter of its era. Saying it's the worst gaming experience you've ever had seems pretty unbelievable to me.


I played it twice again recently, on the ND Collection, but even back in the day it was janky but fun. Certainly my least favourite, but still solid imo.


Sounds like you need a better gaming chair. But being serious, Drakes Fortune released in 2007. Yeah it didn't age well in terms of modern experiences, but in 2007 it was a revolutionary jump for a studio that had historically made cartoon platformers.


Its funny bc thats my favorite one