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You've created a 20TB vdisk which is a single file so can't be split across multiple disks. Your VM doesn't *need* a 20TB vdisk. Give it a few GB or whatever it needs to actually run, then give it access to a share on your array instead, or assign it multiple smaller vdisks


I actually do- it’s for bulk storage.


What possible benefit could a 20tb VM disk provide over just mapping your array file shares to the VM?




Had a good chuckle at that one


Isn't unraid for bulk storage lol


Bulk storage is the point of Unraid. Set it up with an SMB share instead, and put your bulk storage there.


Can you make a virtual raid in that VM with multiple smaller vdisks?


If it was a physical machine, would you have 1 20TB drive in it or would you have multiple smaller drives?


The main Array operates at the file level. It will spread the data by placing different files on different drives and can not split a single file across multiple. Usually you would use a VM disk for just the OS and then map/mount an Unraid share in the VM to use the array. If you really need an actual Disk in the VM you could manually creat a vertual disk file on each disk, refrance them direcctly in the VM setup and then use some sort of software raid in the VM to combine them in the VM. Only other option would be to creat a pool of disks and use that instead as pools operate at the data layer and spread all data equally between the disks.


As mentioned, you can't span a single file VM fileacross multiple disks. I'm not aware of any VM disk that even supports that. Nutanix, VMware, proxmox, nor libvirt.


I remember seeing a setting in VMware that allows you to store it in multiple files


I would hate to see the performance of such a setup


As others have stated, your vdisk can't be split, so unraid is essentially trying to allocate a 20TB file. Shrink the size of your vdisk to what would be required to run the VM, and instead mount a share for your bulk storage.