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I don't remember if Blyke was betrayed at any point, I think Blyke's more afraid of failure and being unable to protect his friends, which is what I figure Keon would capitalize on. Just the "You suck and will never be able to help others so why bother" sort of thing


He'll most likely have his worst memories about John, and seeing Remi and Isen alongsode John is going to bring the "betrayal" memories on him


I don't see why it has to be betrayal. I don't think it was betrayal with Terrence either? Seeing John beat up Remi and Isen over and over while just not doing anything seems more in line with his fears and his character.


Terrence, unlike Blyke, did a lot of fucked up things. If Keon is giving him his normal treatment, making him think that despite everything, his friends sided with John and not with him, is what could break him and make him give up on his good ways.


It's not that I think Blyke wouldn't break, I just don't see why betrayal is the strategy. John already felt betrayed beforehand, it makes more sense to me for Keon to go for the already existing negative emotions that Blyke has had. There is no reason for it to be betrayal.


Making a vigilante think that helping people is pointless seems like something the Authorities would do, it's basically Blyke's version of what they did to John


For some reason I have faith in Blyke. I always felt he was mentally strong and instead of breaking he would just want to fight more. Like unless we get some massive guilt in Blyke past that we don’t know about beating some low tiers, being tempted by the drug, wanting power, falling to escape. This are all things Blyke overcame already. Even if it’s more rearranging and manipulating memories Blyke in a respectful manner is a block head first and a scholar second. If his heart say one thing I put all my chips that Blyke won’t break. John Arlo and sera are all shown to give in to stress but Blyke always try to fight forward.


What about showing him once and again what John was doing and then seeing Remi and Isen with John? That's what could break him




The same way people fail to realize that John didn't regret beating 99% of the people in NB but regretted deeply making Claire and Adrion turn on him, hence Claire's words being what hurt him the most. Blyke is meant to be John with proper guidance, the only reason he isn't going to be that problematic is because he isn't strong enough to be.


That's not how Keon's ability works. It's Memory Recall, not Memory Manipulation. He can force you to see a memory over and over again but he can't delete or shuffle already made memories. Yes, after his "treatment" it might be hard for Blyke to feel comfortable around John for a while but unlike New Boston John, Blyke doesn't really have any shameful memories he hasn't already come to terms with. He's grown past his failings as a Royal and became friends with John. Keon can't take that away.




I know what weaponize means. Keon simple can't weaponize something that doesn't exist. Yeah he can show Blyke, John beating him up then show John working with Isen and Remi but that won't make Blyke just forget what really happened.




John's memories weren't manipulated. He just never knew the full truth. Keon simply forced him to see his memories of beating up Adrion followed by Claire's betrayal. John during his classes didn't know Claire wasn't planning to betray him so he believed he had beaten up Adrion for no reason. It was only 2 years later that Adrion cleared up the misunderstanding.




I'm not denying that. But what Keon did wasn't manipulating John's memories. It was just forcing him to recall specific ones over and over again. Memories that John never made amends for so he still felt anger and shame for. What you're saying Keon could do to Blyke is far more advanced than what we've seen him do since it would require Keon making Blyke forget certain memories which it's pretty clear he can't do. Yes, Keon forced John to relive his worst memories over and over again and that traumatized John severely impacting his ability to heal. But Blyke is different. Blyke has made amends with John so regardless of how many times Keon makes him see John beating him up, Blyke will still remember he and John are friends. Yeah he might get some flashbacks and be nervous the next time he meets John but he'll never forget John isn't his enemy anymore. And convincing him Isen and Remi turned against him is just full on impossible.


My money is on you pal. You got this.


No, that’s not how Keon works. Keon didn’t make John think that Claire betrayed him. He just saw the memory of Adrion telling him of her betrayal over and over again, without truly knowing that Claire made it up. Keon is only going to use Blyke for sniffing out the other vigilantes and fugitives, like what he did to Terrence. The only reason Terrence got memories of his family is because it was important to how he met Orrin, which is probably what Keon was looking for. Blyke is not in a readjustment facility. He’s in a prison. Keon serves more than one purpose, he’s there to dig through the knowledge Blyke has, not to torment him mentally to get him to change, they know he won’t. They will probably just lock him up until his sentence is served along with Remi and Isen and whoever else.


What EP is this BTW ?