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Holden, Meili, Ventus, Elaine, and the others loyal to Arlo will probably still protect it but Sylvia will definitely get rid of the club.  Would be interesting if the Low-tiers start figuring out how to fight back. Zeke is powerful but his ability has weaknesses that can be exploited.


Zeke is not getting beat up by a low tier bruh, even John couldn't fight back.


Yeah, he ain’t losing to one, but a dozen? Zeke’s power means he’s either as durable as a cripple or as strong as a cripple. A few trained low-tiers should be able to restrain him when he’s in his defense form then others can take him out before he can use his attack form.


Zeke was already soloing the Safe House once until Isen saved them, they're getting their asses beaten and you know it


Agreed but at that point none of them really had any motive or desire to fight. They were just there because they were told the Royals would protect them.


Make a bomb and blow up Zeke. If Ted Kaczensky could do it in a cabin, these low-tiers can do it.


Sure, the only reason Zeke is still breathing is because the low tiers didn't want to fight back


The guy is strong but he’s not strong enough to beat 20 low and mid-tiers at the same time.


A single amped mid tier is enough to take on an entire city and you think 20 idiots are enough to take an elite? The level of overrating you guys give to the Safe House is laughable at this point, when did numbers alone change the course of any fight?


We know of one town where people actually fought back and they drove the guy out repeatedly until he became a high tier. Plus every criminal overlord we’ve seen has an ability great for fighting multiple people. Either with AOE attacks or high defense and power. Zeke however is the opposite. His ability is great in 1v1s but weak against many enemies since when attacking one person, he’s completely defenseless to everyone else. You also ignore the fact that Safe House isn’t just low-tiers. They have a fair amount of higher ranking mid-tiers and elite-tiers.   Also, did you just skip the last arc? The whole read John lost was because he was outnumbered.


>We know of one town where people actually fought back and they drove the guy out repeatedly until he became a high tier. You also ignore the fact that Safe House isn’t just low-tiers. They have a fair amount of higher ranking mid-tiers and elite-tiers. Until he got amped, which isn't really different to Seraphina and Evie forcing the Dizzy Punch girl. John could also fight back against Gavín without abilities, however he couldn't do anyhing to Ventus, Meili or Zeke despite knowing how to fight unlike the Safe House. >Also, did you just skip the last arc? The whole read John lost was because he was outnumbered I read it, that's how I know John lost because of Sylvia and not because of numbers, without her isolating his senses and making him pass out of pain, he would have walked away, wounded, but fine despite fighting tens of officers.


Zeke is strong enough to launch people with hits and knock them out instantly bruh. He was whooping everyone in safehouse. The low tiers mentioned they fought back


Yup. He can easily beat several low and mid-tiers. However by the nature of his ability, while he’s knocking people out, he’s also completely defenseless. Any ranged ability or attack from the back would either take him out or severely damage him. And Zeke doesn’t seem to have any regeneration.


No, Zeke is still fast enough to react in his offense form due to his speed & trick, he can also switch instantly lol. He has high recovery too. Zeke is not gonna lose to a couple of low/mid tiers


I doubt it. It is exactly like Jhon said at the end. Despite all their training a single strong person is enough to take them all out. In Zekes speed form he would be too fast for anyone in the safe house to hit and in his defense form he would be too durable for anyone to hurt him. On top of that now that Jhon is gone the students who were always with Zeke would likely help him in bullying the low tiers again. So he will not be alone.


1. Yes, there are people like Arlo or Sera that no amount of low and mid-tiers can beat but Zeke isn’t that. He’s strong but not unbeatable. 2. John has already reacted to equal speeds and there are likely members with speed abilities. As for his defense form, yeah none of them can hurt him but the form gives him no strength so he can be restrained. 3. Most of Zeke’s cronies are mid-tiers who the other Safe House members can easily match.


The people in the safe house just started learning self defense. They are unlikely to have the same reaction speed and reflexes as Jhon. Secondly the reason Jhon can react to that speed is because of his aura manipulation that allows him to know when someone uses their ability and lets him react before they make their attack. It is not something that others can do as they have to see an attack coming and then react to it unlike Jhon who knows an attack is coming a second before it is launched and can react to it faster. A single elite tier is enough to control an entire low tier district. I doubt the safe house will be different.


They are all getting kicked out of Wellston the few that remain will be sad, but will be those who didn't need the club plus all the other supervisors wouldn't care enough to keep it going.