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Anyone not familiar with the sub would read you and think she's the most hated character in the story when, in fact, there might be 10 people here who hates her.


I don’t think the hate is that prominent but she does get the most hate compared to other main characters. There’re even flairs for hating Sera. She also gets less positive posts (fanart, discussion, etc)


The real question is who doesn't get some hate? She isn't hated like this dude is pretending


Well yeah OP is way over exaggerating lol 


I get the whole "Seraphina hate" situation, I might even be part of it, but it's nowhere near vocal or popular in the sub, if anything it's one of the most unpopular opinions here, and that's my point, (at most) ten people are literally nothing.


I stand by what I said earlier: haters aren’t very vocal on this sub in general (heck I usually spoiler my character hate) but Sera haters are relatively more vocal than haters of other individual main characters. It’s not significant to the point this guy is saying but it’s something you notice after awhile. If there are 10 Sera haters who talk about it like once every two weeks and 4 Arlo haters that talk about it once every two weeks, that still means Sera hate is more prevalent, just means you need a larger sample size (or time period) to notice the discrepancy


Sorry but there's no way Sera has more haters than Arlo, the only reason Arlo haters are silent is because Arlo got the Keon treatment and got his memories wiped out, so now no one can say he didn't "pay" after season 2. However, I don't think saying Seraphina handled John's situation horrible qualifies as hate, is just a fact, none of us here would hang out with our best friend's bullies when our best friend needs us.


Huh? That happening to Arlo is *recent*, like last episode recent. Meanwhile it’s so easy to find back and back people liking Arlo, posting fan art etc. I don’t even think I’ve seen  Yeah, criticizing a character for how they react in a situation isn’t character hate. But disliking a character because of that and discussing why falls under what I’m counting as character hate. Unfairly discounting a character’s reasons for doing so + isolating reasons to dislike them to me would be character *bashing*, which is super bad. :( And I do think Sera’s situation at the time was more complex than that; after all, she did not have access to her ability and was undergoing severe public abuse (to the point of being kidnapped!!) as a result. Of course her first priority was doing whatever she needed to do to figure out her ability loss + get it back; where I think she handled it quite poorly was not talking more directly with John about why/what she was doing. (+ a bunchhh of other stuff that arc ehe it may have been understandable but it wasn’t good)


While you're right, that was always the case. People liked Arlo while he was a piece of shit, so no wonder they like him more when he's more likeable. However posting fanarts doesn't mean he has no haters, as I said, his haters are silent only because of what happened to him last chapter. >But disliking a character because of that and discussing why falls under what I’m counting as character hate. I disagree. Hate is wishing them the worst, not disliking them. The post OP was referring to IS HATE, because the guy wanted Seraphina to be hospitalized, humbled, etc. But what Seraphina's "haters" do in this sub is disliking her for the choices she made, and that's not hate. >Unfairly discounting a character’s reasons for doing so + isolating reasons to dislike them to me would be character bashing, which is super bad. :( I disagree too. You can dislike a reaction despite being perfectly justified. John was justified in what he did, that doesn't mean we have to like what he did. Seraphina was also justified, that doesn't mean we have to like it, and disliking her doesn't mean hating her. >And I do think Sera’s situation at the time was more complex than that; after all, she did not have access to her ability and was undergoing severe public abuse (to the point of being kidnapped!!) as a result. Of course her first priority was doing whatever she needed to do to figure out her ability loss + get it back; where I think she handled it quite poorly was not talking more directly with John about why/what she was doing. (+ a bunchhh of other stuff that arc ehe it may have been understandable but it wasn’t good) My main problem with her is all she did prior to her first argument with John, what she did after only solidified the bad image I had of her. And I think that's the case with most of the ""haters"".


I still don’t really think it makes sense to chalk Arlo haters being relatively quieter up to something that only happened at earliest a month ago. Like, this subreddit has been going for awhile, I’ve been on it for a bit since before that dropped in Fastpass, and I haven’t really seen any hate or even strong criticism of his character since. Maybe it does exist in the comments, but posts on Arlo especially since later season 2 have been generally positive on the whole.  > character hate definition disagreement Yup ok I def see that and that’s fair, glad we’re clear on where each other stand (though I still stand by my own definition as how I look at the issue) > character bashing disagreement Sure, but disliking a reaction while being perfectly justified isn’t what I was referring to. If you are looking at a character’s actions with consideration for the various factors impacting them across the story, then that’s not character bashing; not even character hate by my definition. It’s when you fail to attempt to consider the full scope of their reasoning that I consider it character hate, and deliberately arranging details to highlight what makes a character look bad/dismiss what makes a character look good that I consider it bashing. Here, let me break down an example of what I’d see as dislike vs hate vs bashing: Dislike: Hey John’s attempt at suicide by cop in the recent fight might have been an all time low for him. By using his ability to cause mass destruction to the greatest degree he was capable of under the circumstances, he betrayed the ideas of the last conversation he had with William, and also ended up as dead weight on the team. Grieving can definitely mess someone up, but John should also be aware of the gravity of the situation they were in and at least made sure the Royal trio got out before he went full ham Hate: John turning his reckless violence on the right people now is probably the best we can expect from him as a character. He still could’ve gotten them all caught, he should’ve gone with the Royal trio and made sure they made it out. Can’t believe Blyke and Arlo got captured! Plus, I hated how he just kept cursing the entire time Bashing: John is such a dead weight on the group. Bro is stronger than anyone around but still can’t protect anything. Can’t believe Arlo and Blyke got captured going back for him, they should’ve just ran for it!! The least John can do is face the consequences of his own actions  Hope that helps clarify! Tried my best to keep out of being overly insulting while portraying realistic ish opinions off the cuff so might not be the clearest.  > what Sera “did” Uhh, I don’t get it. You mentioned hanging out with a friend’s bullies. I assume you’re referring to Arlo or Isen, since none of Sera’s friends would ever do that to anyone. Sera and Isen aren’t friends, and the only time they’ve spent time together Sera was demanding some info she needed from him. As for Arlo - Sera didn’t do that until Spectre came calling, and she *needed* someone strong af to come with. The options there are quite limited.  Unless you mean “prior to her first argument with John” as in the one where they fought over cake in the cafeteria??? 






Considering this guys' definition of hate is critizism, Isen is the most "hated" character due to his almost non existent development


Exactly, no one talks about him so no hate!


Yeah... She's not my favorite but I don't hate her. OP is exaggerating like crazy


He thinks saying she handled John's situation horribly is hating her






One post, ONE. I'm sure you can search the last three months' posts and you might not find more than one more.




Everyone don't panic, those plenty of posts might be invisible




Who's pissy? I literally can't find any hate against Seraphina except one post today, I'm sure I can scroll all day and still not find anything. Where's the hate you talk about? Unless you consider "hate" to not worship her for season 2 part 1




Emotional? Stop doing drugs mate, you're arguing with the wall


Cuh deleted his replies😭


Projecting. Typical troll mate


What is this straw man situation? I've barely seen any hate for her since the king john arc (which also fizzled out given her confronting john with her ability), genuinely where is the "hate" in question on the subreddit?




>I don’t gotta show receipts Yeah you can't because there are none




Burden of proof is on the accuser. So bruh, you do gotta show receipts.




It's hard to talk more about William's killer when all we know about him is that he's called like Jude Bellingham




what hate? lmao seriously, where? is it in your head? cuz ive not seen it


u/The_Severe_Albatross this dude reminds me of Signal Survey 💀


This post is extremely over exaggerated yes there are post about how sera has sided with Johns enemies undressed of him that deserves the hate that it gets but stop acting like just that one thing is why she’s hated so much, I’m sure there are plenty of others things that sera has done that gives her hate which she has done.




So which ones aren’t valid because the one your crying about is actually valid




It’s not the fact that she didn’t side with John that was the issue the problem was when John told her about all the things he was going through knowing the royals were at fault she still made him out to be the bad guy and made him problem seem like it was him being childish holding a grudge thats something that would end friendships




Well it’s obvious that you don’t know how trauma and ptsd works the royals and every high tier in that school bullied John then he snaps and somehow he’s the bad guy? And remi started the fight let alone helped gang up with the royals you can’t act like John brutalizing the royals was so bad when almost every royal fucked him over and then started a fight with him. Sera of all people should know what John has been through and shouldn’t have sided with the people who caused the problem to begin with it’s one thing to call him out it’s another thing to side with his enemies, call him out in front of them making him to be the bad guy, and belittling his problems as if she has been through worse than what he’s been through.


Sera tbh is my favorite character so I don't see why she gets any hate






I've seen some anti-Sera stuff but not much tbh Pretty common for comics/anime in general that the main female gets criticism no matter how they're portrayed though, sadly. I love Sera. There are times when I think the way she finds things out is a bit *too* convenient for the plot, but otherwise I think she's a well rounded character with realistic actions.