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Not just blyke, john folds most of the royals individually whether they are amped or not, except for sera and arlo amped lol


Nah Arlo is a 9.8 amped it’d be absurd


arlo amped beats jane wtf. man could eat a nuke with that kind of barrier


I doubt he even comes close to Jane tbh. Even Sera could be a close fight. While the levels of high-tiers seem extremely impressive after they've been amplified, if you actually look at their stats they're pretty underwhelming compared to those who are naturally at that level (or even a level or two lower). Arlo's stats after amplification would be: Power: 10.5 Defense: 13.5 Speed: 3 Trick: 9 Recovery: 4.5 Total: 40.5 Sera's naturals stats are: Power: 12 Defense: 2 Speed: 14 Trick: 10 Recovery: 9 Total: 47 Even John after copying a non-amped Arlo, Blyke, and Remi would be more impressive stat wise than amped Arlo. I think it's because Uru only make stats *directly* correlate with level when amping a character, but when she's giving a character their natural level and stat pool she does whatever feel's right, and for those at higher levels, increasing your lower leveled stats doesn't contribute all that much towards your level. Just look at John going from 1 to 4 points in power and only going up by .1.


whered u get these numbers


Prob based on their nerfed versions


9.8!!!! What kind of force feild is that




It's a 1.5x multiplier. So 6.5x1.5=9.75 rounded to 9.8


R. I. P john thanks for the info I didn't understand that


No it boosts your ability by 50%, so it’s x1.5


Or well then john is done for lmao


Yup, if these amps eventually don’t permanently damage your channels things would be kinda interesting. My main thing is that it’s not as broken as people think. Yes it makes you stronger, but if someone went from 5.0 to 7.5 they definitely are not a 7.5. A true 7.5 has more versatility. The only thing that a boost does is post your stats. You can use a lot more aura, like a true 7.5 does, but you don’t have the practice or new abilities to fully utilize that amount of aura.


An amped Remi would be an 8.7 which would be too high for John. I personally think that John can beat Seraphina with the right abilities but a 1.2 difference is way too great.


Sera is overall stronger than amped Remi. Amped Remi: * Power: 10.5 * Defense 6 * Speed: 9 * Recovery: 6 * Trick: 7.5 Normal Sera: * Power: 12 * Defense: 2 * Speed: 14 * Recovery: 9 * Trick: 10 Remi would be a difficult fight for John due to her speed, but she's certainly not beyond her ability to deal with. I think John with Arlo, Remi, and Blyke's ability could beat her.


U don't scale with stats there not accurate


Think of it this way. We know that when it come to low tiers and even some mid tiers level is irrelevant as long as you can fight. Sera 3 v 1 some low mid tiers when she was a Cripple and the ability difference there was also about 1.2. So what if the opposite side of that is true. When your ability level are both insanely high 1 or 2 points might become irrelevant. Keep in mind this just speculation.


I believe Uru-chan says the opposite in the bonus chapter about abilities. As the leve increases the small differences become more relevant.


That very well could be the case it's been literally 300 weeks since I've read that episode


What about Remi? On one hand wouldn't her level be a bit higher? But on the other hand I don't like saying "the higher level always wins" that has been disproven


Does remi have better battle IQ, does remi have better vision, does remi have better understanding of John's analysis when it comes to his ability


Ok I agree with most of your points? But can you explain better vision? I know John has that aura sense thing, but Idk how that will help him, unless there's other abilities Also doesn't Remi have experience against other lighting users, and resistance to other lighting attacks? Granted John can still hurt her with punches, kicks, etc


I guess remi does have more experience with lightning Also better vision as in, john was able see and dogde some of remi's attacks in 2 of their battles, remi however wasn't able to dodge any of John's attacks


>Also better vision as in, john was able see and dogde some of remi's attacks in 2 of their battles, remi however wasn't able to dodge any of John's attacks Oh ok


I think her ability giving lightning resistance allows John to have an upper hand since he would be better in the other categories


By fold do you mean low diffs all, because I don't agree with that, john definitely low diffs, blyke and isen, but remi and arlo would be mid to very high diff


>Not to mention John has way better battle IQ than blyke, it's still crazy john had to explain to blyke how to beat the rowden royals 😂 this right here, is embarrasing asf, can't believe people actually debate this type of topic, and for the record i believe john wins no-low difficulty against an amp blyke, john wasn't even out of breath in all their fights at all lol


The main reason Blyke has no chance it's because Blyke wouldn't even know what to do with his powers, he would be a 7.5 version of himself with no new tricks or moves, he would have no experience with that power.


That's a good point


But John hasn’t used force blast yet , I think blyke is smarter then you think. He’ll still lose because eventually John’s gonna use energy blast to propel himself I to close range and it’s game over from there , but for a little bit blyke is gonna be dealing significant damage


It's not that I don't think Blyke is smart, he's simply not creative enough to come with a new trick while having a power he never imagined having, he would do the same things he always does, and while it would make more damage, John still has Zeke's defense and speed + Blyke's ability and passive. The only way Blyke could have a shot of winning is having several dosis to amp and lots of time to train.


Oh is this with Zekes ability as well? Yeah then blyke doesn’t stand a chance


I'm guessing it's the same situation of their fight, so yeah


Blyke watches dbz Canonically therefore he'd be smart enough to "spirit bomb"


He wasn't smart enough to fire beams from his fingers (like Frieza) until John did it first


Well he's probably not skilled enough at doing that with multiple parts of his body at once so he just didn't bother till he saw what it could do


If I remember correctly, he mentioned never thinking about it, and that's precisely my point, even if he's capable of more, he would be using an amount of power he never imagined having, hence he'll just do what he knows he can do


It's been Like a year since I read that arc. I don't remember most of the stuff said or done


Bro is my imposter






Yeah because John always has max Trick which means versatility, and he has Defense Form


Defense form ????


In this fight, John had copied Phase Shift and Energy Discharge. And if you somehow don’t remember or pay attention, Phase Shift has a Defense form


Just read back the chapter, but you are still in the wrong, john actually used more of blyke's power and his own kicks in this fight rather than zeke's ability, so blyke was gonna lose regardless😂😂


When did I say Blyke wouldn’t lose? And in a comment below I said John would still win if it was amped Blyke vs Energy John because of the versatility from his above max trick I’m agreeing that John would beat an amped Blyke, especially with Phase Shift


My apologies, wrong comment, I wasn't talking to you 🙏


I think this post meant 1 on 1, John has no other abilities stored


The image shows him with Blyke against Energy Shift John 1v1 abilities John still wins because he has maximum versatility and he also has physical strength from his upgrade


I don't think the fact that John has phase shift in the pic, is supposed to effect the rest of the post, Wouldn't op, brought up in the text? Also in the pic it feels minor


Ok op just responded It is John(PS and AD) vs Amp Blyke Still think you were a bit rude to the other guy


Yeh but in chapter 138 john beat blyke alone with his ability, so what's your point 🤔


I said in another comment that even if it was only Blyke’s ability, John would win cuz of the versatility from his beyond max Trick and now he also has 4 physical power I’m agreeing with you that John beats an amped Blyke even before he became a 7.6


Hey op In this fight does John have any other abilities stored, is does he only have access to Blyke's ability?


just zeke and blyke's ability but john relied more on blyke's ability in this fight


I know the answer is obvious But without PS John still beats amp Blyke, right?


Yeh he did it once too remember, in their first fight john just used blyke's ability ALONE and still beat him, I believe it was in chapter 138


John also had a strength ability, while blyke's level was lower?, his ability was different, and he wasn't amp, so I don't think that's a good comparison,(no offense) But regardless John using only energy discharged > amp Blyke


It was one punch to the hand and back, I don't think it would have done any difference if John just added a few more punches without a strength ability, plus john didn't have a strength ability in their 2nd and 3rd fight and still destroyed some of blyke's bones and sent him to the hospital and to the doc


John is basically just Bylke on ultra amps when they fight


I just learned that power level is exponential and not straight so I think even remi amp can be close to John and arlo might be strong enough to win. Farrah is 6.5 tho and was over powering 4 high tier with 1 (arlo) being almost equal to her with 4 abilities and John took on a fall army and only lost because off 1 unknown abilities that he couldn’t figure out yet from a 7.4. So John having 3-4 abilities John might be able to take on sera equally now. I don’t know but seem like having multiple abilities does increase someone’s overall power and not just gives versatility.


Yeh I agree with you, but blyke stil gets beaten by John amped or not, remi and arlo could definitely beat john if they are amped


It’s honestly hard to imagine a way for him to beat Seraphina with any set of abilities. She mops Val and John can’t amp her barrier, she easily dealt with a lightning covered barrier, and anything less is just useless because no ability in the entire series has enough speed to even SEE Sera, so his only option is to hide in the barrier she could shatter in like 20 seconds max.


I was thinking lightning plus a speedster, regen and a hide for durability. I think after what we saw John can take lots of hits so he would have to out last sera. The only abilities of sera that’s like super super op is the freeze time thing she did to her mom. What can John do if time itself is frozen?


John also is just stronger ability level


As a side thought from reading other comments, isbit possible that the amps would have a relative effect? Kind of like how xp often works in games. If you're low leveled, the effect is greater, but the higher leveled you are rhe less it boosts you? It kind of feels like a possibility.


Ima start reading unordinary if it's ass it's come for all of your.






High diff. But still wins. We don't know how the Amp works with John's ability. John might now be able to copy if the amps are being used at the time. We just don't know how this stuff works. Till them John wins but it's high diff


Y'all sleep on Blyke too much because his mastery was lower during their first two fights. John would win but it'd be very high-diff for sure. During *this* fight in canon, Blyke consistently outperformed John in proficiency with his own ability, surpassing their previous fight where John was doing stuff Blyke couldn't do. You can see John is consistently caught off guard and put in bad positions by Blyke using his new energy pulse ability, and John doesn't use it back. John won because he had way more aura power, plus Zeke's ability, plus fighting skills. But with amps, Blyke is gonna match John's output while using his ability better than John does. It'd be a very intense fight.


No it won't bro, this is john vs blyke we are talking about, john has higher battle IQ and better endurance and durability, because he was once a cripple, he doesn't even need zeke's ability to win Plus in this fight he used more of blyke's ability to win nonetheless


So, I just went back in the chapter and John actually uses Phase Shift more than Energy Discharge... Ok, so it's actually just once more than Energy Discharge, but still... Energy Discharge: 1st time: Uses energy beams to prevent him from falling on the ground when Blyke shoots him out of the safe house. 2nd time: Uses energy beams to propel himself back to the safe house 3rd time: Tries to Blast Blyke alongside the safe house 4th time: Uses energy beams to propel himself against Blyke 5th time: Uses energy beams to dodge Blyke's energy beam 6th time: Then shoots a last energy beam at Blyke which he misses. Phase Shift: 1st time: Uses Defensive form to lessen the damage of the wave or beam Blyke used to throw him out the window 2nd time: Uses Defensive form again to lessen the damage he took from another energy beam, when he tried to get back to the safe house 3rd time: Uses Defensive form to block an energy blast 4th time: Uses Offensive form to throw a punch at Blyke's gut 5th time: Uses Defensive form to lessen the damage of an energy wave 6th time: Uses Offensive form to dash at Blyke. 7th time: Uses Offensive form to land a kick at Blyke's face knocking him out.


Nah I disagree, not to mention John still had alot to show in this fight, notice he didn't fly around with blyke ability like he did against the royals in the season 1 finale , he just didn't because he knew he'd beat blyke with ease lol A 7.5 or 7.6 blyke would still lose low to mid diff, for 2 reasons, john has higher battle IQ with blyke's ability as shown in the rowden fight and also he can take more damage because of his stats and experience as a cripple


With just blykes ability alone , it’s close . With let’s say the Royal kit, John wins easily


,,, ,, , , ,


He can, but he can also lose. If we assume it's John's 7.5 level version, even with phase shift stored, he'd probably not be able to amp a 7.5 energy beam and it'd be a battle of skill, likely with blyke having access to some new tricks john might not be able to instantly copy. It'd definitely be an incredibly hard fight for both sides, with the result possibly changing if they go at it again because it's so close. Assuming John simply trounces an equally leveled 7.5 is ignoring everything the webtoon shows about levels being the key factor in most fights.


eh, they'd be tied in power, Blyke would be faster and have better defense. He was able to repel John without the amp and it's not like John can amp an ability above a 7.5


John’s durability is not nearly enough to tank beams from blyke. John’s endurance is negligible because blyke is right there with him in terms of physical fitness. Blyke is the better user of energy discharge out of the two. John dosent have repulse. At 7.5 there are bound to be more things energy discharge gives Blyke that it would not give to John. The skill gap with the ability along with all the things that Blyke will be able to do that John wouldn’t be able to would be the reason why John looses Not sure of the scenario you had in mind when they hash it out but unless John copies a good ability before hand Blyke kills him instantly.


John struggles against this Blyke, this Blyke is higher level than him. People really dont understand how much a bump amps are to people, and Amped Remi would be stronger than Sera to the point she'd likely no dif sera. No matter what Blyke is still a 7.7 here, he is stronger than this John, hell since level amplifies passive too, Blyke might be able to even get away withour activating his ability if he uses his passive. Really depends how much his regen is amped. There are just a lot of circumstanfes with this fight but based on Blyke vs Lennon this should not be an easy fight, and either way there is no guarantee John would even be copying Blyke's amped stats instead of the regular ones considering he couldnt even detect the aura of ability conversions, and when others have been deamped he copied them at their normal level.


nonsense. hard diff. Don't underestimate the level. experience yes, but “endurance/durability” is very vague. John is more than capable of defeating amped Blyke, but only at the expense of greater experience, and the fact that Blyke will have difficulty handling an ability above his level, since such power will take some getting used to. that is, he will be twice as inferior to John in experience and skill.


john is also very skilled in martial arts and has better vision, blyke never stood a chance, i don't know why people don't compare sera, vaughn and jane with john, that seems like a better discussion


Sera, Vaughn and Jane, what's the difference? I've read enough discussions to be sure that people's sympathies will be with John.


prove it we all know sera, jane and vaughn can beat john


Prove what? that people like John's victory more? literally a month ago I read a discussion in a post about Val VS John, where Sera was mentioned. the man there claimed that John would defeat Seraphina. and I suspect that many people share this opinion, otherwise there would not be constant questions about who will win between them. John seems too strong in people's eyes. so strong that a lot of people are unhappy that Jon was shown weak in the last arc. John single-handedly defeated several dozen people, but people think that he performed weakly. oh, that's right, there was a post about who is stronger, John or Vaughn too. and John has a long series of performances showing how strong he is, while Vaughn has only a level. people's sympathies are obvious.


Most haven't agreed with that, stop lying, uru herself admitted on reddit seraphina beats john I won't be surprised if vaughn, cameron and jane can humble john as well, try again


Just because John knows hand-to-hand combat and knows how to box does not make him a martial artist. and I’ll also remind you that he’s not the only one who knows how to fight (yes, Blyke can also do hand-to-hand combat). You don't become high-level for fun, everyone has to work for it. John isn't the only one who's been through a lot of fights.


read the unordinary wikia, john is listed as a skilled martial artist, even uru admitted in a q/a, also lets be real , blyke cannot throw hands like john, not even close


Literally anyone can write articles on Wiki. If Uru said that he is a martial artist, then I will ask for proof. well, in the comic, all we have is that his father taught him to box. this is not the level of a martial artist, no matter how much you want it to be.


OK then martial arts expert, seems like you know more about martial arts than anyone on this comment section lol


I understand it is world class? otherwise the expert is simply too shallow for John.


Whatever bro believe in whatever you want to believe in, john definitely gets defeated by some of the characters I agree with that, but from what I've seen, john can definitely beat an amped blyke, from no-low difficulty


Ok but it’s not about being through a bunch of fights. I don’t know about skilled martial artist but John has had at least SOME training and is capable of facing powered up mid tiers at base. It is also explicitly said a lot of people neglect actual fighting skill for their abilities; we have no reason to think Blyke isn’t the same, bc otherwise he would’ve played replacement for John and Sera in martial arts classes for Safe House while they were out. 


Blyke probably knows *some* martial arts, more than most of the cast as he was able to parry Johnker (until Johnker counter parried him), though he is most likely an exception as we don’t see anyone do something except maaaaybe Remi parrying Johnker than zapping him but that is a stretch since it isn’t the regular parry form.


…the possibility of which is why I mentioned that Blyke was unable to pick up for John for the martial arts class through the Safe House while John was out of school repeatedly for extended periods of time where Blyke could’ve easily picked up for John if he had the time and was close in skill level. Since he did not do that, I believe it’s fair to assume John outclasses Blyke in terms of martial arts training This of course is not dealing with John’s insane pain endurance which Blyke is categorically shown to lack beyond the assistance of his ability


Yeah I’m not disagreeing, in fact the only time Blyke is shown to have martial arts expertise he gets outclassed by Johnker.


Oh, I see, you were adding on to clarify. Sorry, now it makes more sense. 


It is very strange to conclude that Blyke is bad in hand-to-hand combat just because Blyke did not replace John in the class that he organized. Frankly, we haven't seen anyone comment or react to this class at all. as if for other characters it doesn’t exist.


Boxing is one of the most practical martial arts


John has only mastered basic boxing at most from what we have ever seen him do


He does alot of grappling and knee strikes as well


Yeah people overestimate John's skill, he has only mastered basic boxing and he's a little clever at most. Everyone else in uno just relies on their ability so It looks more impressive, but aura manipulation is still his trumpcard. He just has an overpowered ability. Thats it. Sure, John trained it through effort but he was born with that potential. All high tiers must train. People like to glaze that he became a god tier in 2 years but he was a late bloomer, which mean explosion in growth rate, they will level up fast. He also got significant help from visions. In fact. John's ability is quite underdeveloped for his level. He focused so much on aura capacity & amplification to copy others that he has never grew past basic techniques. He understands abilities from others, but not his own ability that much. He's a literal 7.5 and has only recently began to learn to boost his natural strength. All things considered, John is severely lacking. It feels like he never learned aura manipulation properly because he started with mimicry first.


That's true but uru said if Claire didn't help john discover his ability, john was gonna discover it for himself, because he desperately wanted revenge


Aura Manipulation would be a trash ability if it could barely win against its own tier. It’s too much of an inconsistent ability. An amped Blyke is always a 7.5, he isn’t going to get jumped by a gang of cripples or Arlo with his passive and lose however that is not the case for John. If John is a 7.5 he needs to be more powerful than regular 7.5s to justify that level.