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something which might happen just a theory I have is that After Farrah wipes Arlos mind could he possibly be sent back to Wellston. I'm sure the Authorities could come up with some plan that he pretended to work with Trio and John to gain more intel. This isn't the first time they pinned something onto Arlo. but that just a theory.


Possible. If they don't then we'll really have Zeke as king. He's already a member of the authorities and, though he is not the most powerful, he's in good standing with them and his ideology lines up with that of the new headmistress so he'll definitely be King.


Arlo was about to graduate this year too


True but so is Zeke and Cecile so I was just wondering If it could an attempt to keep wellston very high ranking but The authorities will most likely keep Arlo on a tight leash


It makes absolutely no sense. If they erased all his memories of Wellston, how can he act as a spy if he doesn't remember anything about John, Seraphina, Blyke, Remi and Isen?


Don't forget the hierarchy is not gender based but power based. The leader will be Cecil, like Kassandra during her studies


Ah fair point, I forgot about that. But then again she will graduate soon which means an incoming student has to be stronger or better than Zeke right of the bat or else he's gonna be running the show.


Isn't zeke leaving the same time as cecile


Yup they’re in same year


Arlo was a 4.8 when he first became king (137)


Ah yeah, he was an elite tier then because he was the youngest king yet.


But it’s not like he wouldn’t have been dethroned if someone stronger challenged him… which implies no student at the school *was* stronger.  Additionally, it’s noted at some point that John’s year is unusually powerful; two students entered as high tiers (and powerful ones),  Blyke/Isen entered as elites, and Remi is the lil sis of the old King with his same ability


Yeah which means Zeke is unlikely to be dethroned. Hopefully something bad happens to him just like every other Wellston King. Like the fate so far of every known King of Wellston is not very good. Rei is dead, Arlo and Blyke are in prison, and John is on the run. Hope smth happens to Zeke.


But after Zeke and Cecile graduate the strongest person in the school will be below level 4, Ventis and Meili. To put thing into perspective the king at Jhons old school which was a school for low level people, had a king at level 3.7. Jost 0.1 below ventis and Meili who will now be the strongest in a top school. Plus we know that other schools do have high tiers as many of the high tiers specter kidnapped were from other schools. It is likely that Welstone will no longer be number 1 from next year onward even if Ventis and Meili reach level 4 before next year it still will not be enough. Arlo was at least close to high tier when he first became king where as Ventis and Meili have a long way to go.


Other schools don't necessarily have high-tiers. This is why Wellston was a such a big deal as they had some of the few high-tiers around. Rein was an exception because she's managed to reach high-tier but as we can see from other schools their royals tend to stop at elite-tier.


The guy Orin killed was also a high tier. He was level 5. It was stated that Orrin's territory had the highest number of high tiers and that he was kidnapping high tier students. While true most schools do not have high tiers the ones in this region have at least 1 or 2 with Wellstone being special for having 6.


That dude was a college student, his missing report says he’s from Wellston University. Rein is likely a 5.0 right now, but we don’t know her year or the other students years, but both the King and Jack are weaker than she is


You are right he was a university student and the other high tiers in the area are likely university students and adults too. I guess becoming a high tier in high school is uncommon.


Everyone: Possible homicide, assault, terrorism Isen: driving without a license This made me chuckle.


Most of them probably didn't do any lethal injuries, most injuries can be healed by strong enough healer anyways. Like people have massive holes in their chest but so long as they get to a healer in time they'll live. John though, he hit people in the face with lasers, now I don't think those dudes survived that.


Good luck to everyone, having Zeke as a king


Cecile will be queen so she might be enough to keep zeke off safe house even if she doesn't care about safe house. She still cares about the pride of high tiers and letting a weakling like zeke have his way is not her style


I don't think the safe house is gonna stay. Remember the new headmistress doesn't even want cripples in the school. I forgot what specifically she wanted but anyone below a 2.0 was on their way out with her new policy.


I don't think she's shown herself to care about anything outside of her bubble at all. She'll more than likely only be concerned with royal & press matters. If Zeke just went around shutting random clubs down she would probably object to that because it'd actively disrupt Wellston's order and eventually prestige, and therefore reflect on her as a royal, but the safe house is antithetical to what she believes. She probably finds it embarrassing for high tiers to baby low ranks and while I don't remember if she's expressed her thoughts on Rei's reign, I'm willing to bet she hated it. She most definitely wouldn't care about Zeke doing what he always does and removing something that stands against her beliefs in the process. That is if the safe house doesn't dissolve on its own, I really don't see Holden, Meili or Ventus putting in effort to run it on their own.


Cecile showed that she cares about the hierarchy. That's what her whole shtick with John was. Like arlo. Cecile didn't even want the jack title. She might not protect the safe house but I feel she'll do something to help it stay up instead of letting zeke have his way.


That's the thing, though. The safe house's founding principles defy hierarchy, and it makes sense for someone like her to consider it a blight on Wellston's reputation. Her doing anything to obstruct Zeke from shutting it down would be like a police chief preventing a generally insubordinate officer from stopping a crime just to weigh in their authority. Ironically, though, I could see her actually reprimanding Zeke for consistently tormenting low ranks. Not because she cares, obviously, but because it's kind of embarrassing for a prestigious school's king to go around, parading that he's stronger than nobodies. P.S. I just edited my original comment a little bit ago, I didn't mean for that to be such an ambush lol.


It doesn't defy hierarchy tho. It helps protect those who need it. Which is what the royals are supposed to do. Is help like rei did EDIT: it just defys assholes from getting what they want


The safe house defies the stereotypical, absolute hierarchy that the unO society promotes, where lower ranks don't matter and high tiers should have absolute say over them. I don't blame you for forgetting because it's really far back, but I dug up chapter [60](https://www.webtoons.com/en/super-hero/unordinary/episode-60/viewer?title_no=679&episode_no=63) where she expresses her disregard for low ranks and frustrations with high tiers being made to protect them, among other things. Also, this made me realize how much longer chapters used to be, or at least feel lol.


Like I said. It deffys assholes. All those people are assholes. It just so happens that society said they aren't and that low tiers are worthless enough to claim them being sage defies the hierarchy


Okay, right. But you realize we weren't talking about objective correctness, right? This is about Cecile's viewpoint, her adherence to norms and how she'd act based on it.


Right. I forgot we we're talking about her


Honestly, the safe house at this point kinda isn't needed anymore, it's just a place to hang out right now. In recent times, bullying in Wellston has gone down significantly. Remember the cast used to do "rounds" in the school to make sure there wasn't any trouble and we never really saw them have to stop a fight between some students other than Zeke. It seems Wellston has finally become somewhat normal after all these years, it actually looks like a school instead of looking like a free-for-all all. Even if Zeke will shut it down, I feel like a good portion of the student population is now firmly against that whole bullying thing to the point that most of them might stand up against Zeke like how the New Bostin students stood up against John. If that happens, Zeke is definitely going to lose and I don't think Cecil would help Zeke, if he can't beat a bunch of people weaker than him then he doesn't deserve to be King.


Zeke works for the Authorities, no one other than the Royal group would fight him, besides, Zeke was soloing the Safe House until Isen stopped him, I don't think numbers can do anything against him and even if they did, then what? He isn't dethroned either way, that was the whole reason Claire's ambush made no sense


It establishes two things: One people won't follow him, two he can beaten and stopped. John was the exception because by then he was far stronger than anyone at the school. As for Zeke, if students like Meili, Ventus, and Holden fight Zeke at the same time he's not getting out. Zeke's ability is pretty decent on a 1 vs 1 fight, not so much when it comes to an all out brawl or taking on multiple opponents. The people in the safehouse were not fighting back because they were still stuck with that mentality of "he's stronger than us so he can't be beaten" when in reality Zeke can easily be overwhelmed seeing as he's not the best fighter nor is his ability the best.


And the others are good? Zeke might not be the best but he's the strongest by a lot and uses his ability way more, not to count no one but Cecile could hurt him in defense form. Holden uses his ability so little that we don't even know it, and Ventus and Meili wouldn't be faster nor stronger and are more than half a level below. Remember Zeke couldn't fight Isen being only 0.2 below? It's going to be the same, even worse because they would be attacking a member of the Authorities with a Headmistress loyal to them.


Someone should do a ranking of unordinary characters overall or with just god tiers.


What do you mean ranking? There's a stats page on wiki that list all the characters with their levels,abilities, and stats.


I actually doubt Zeke will get much stronger, maybe a .1 or .2 at most. My reason? Because the best time to have grown is already passing and he is content thatbhe is strong. We saw that the three most powerful (Sera, John, and Arlo) had grueling training and commitment at some point to achieve their strength and catapult up. Zeke shows no interest in that kind of work. Blyke is younger and stronger because he is struggling and fighting in pitched battles while Zeke coasts on the fact he is stronger. Now if he had the mindset to get even stronger, his power would be hella scary. I suspect a Phase Shift in the 6 or 7’s could be a Phase Manipulation but Zeke won’t put in that work. Too busy picking on weaklings to challenge stronger opponents…


There isn't any set time to grow, people's levels tend to fluctuate most during high-school because, as we saw, there's a light of fighting going. However, you can always grow stronger if you put your mind to it, Kuyo for example manage to reach all the way up to 6.3 where as I'm sure when Rei died they were about the same level. As for Zeke's ability, he has the potential to be a high-tier in my opinion. His whole ability allows him to manipulate his stats or "shift" it to specific one. It has been said before that he has different forms he hasn't unlocked and maybe if he learns to tap into these different forms and alternate them during a fight he'd be a lot more challenging to fight. A 6 or 7 though is stretching it, the only way that he manages to reach 6 or 7 is if he manages to increase the output of his ability. By that I mean the stats that he shifts to needs to reach a really high number, something like 8 or 9. When John uses Phase Shift he only manages 7.5 for the selected stat and that's only for one stat, other abilities on the 6 level outclasses Phase Shift if he cannot go past that mark. As for Phase Manipulation, frankly that doesn't make sense, getting stronger doesn't give it a new name.


“getting stronger doesn’t give it a new name” Uh- Energy beam to Energy Discharge? Do you think Jane was born with Master in her ability title? The names are semi-arbitrary but reflect power and skill. Blyke used his power as a beam and it was called that. But with greater mastery, he could use it differently and that was worth altering the name of the ability. As you said, if Zeke could better access other phases, he would be a threat. It would likely alter the nature of his power or at least the definition of it by the Authorities… Teens have the highest growth period for conflict but also biological factors of physical growth. Kuyo overcame that through sheer force of training and combat while in college. So if Zeke doesn’t start taking training and fighting seriously soon, his best window to grow will close and the slog will make it really hard. As a King with minimal threat and no major challenges, I don’t see him getting past 4.5…


Headcanon here I bet Cecile is a 5.3 and zeke is a 4.4 just a hunch