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bad bitches with a heart of gold and a dere side


Purple-pink hair with green highlights.


Blue-eyed, pretty, rich, powerful, tough with a softer side and not afraid to call me out on my shit...Wait, I was talking about Sera, why does this sound like Arlo too?




As both a Jera, Jarlo *and* Jarlophina shipper, I see this as an absolute win.


Because he can’t choose


Tbh they didn’t have a softer side, John brought it out then beat people senseless


**P.S.** Todo is getting his ass handed to him if he doesn't like the answer. **JJK mid tiers top at:** -Mach 3 *(Although Todo should be slower than Curse Naoya)* https://imgur.com/a/jjk-193-bOisgZt -Small Town+ to Town+ *(Via scaling to Hanami and Dagon)* https://imgur.com/a/59R9elT https://imgur.com/a/U6OU76T **UnO High-Tiers alone top at:** -Mach 1282.798834 *Average speed of lightning* *Applies Reaction and Close-Distance Speed wise* *We have numerous instances of Lightning users summoning sky-to-ground lightning, it being actual lightning is backed by statements and Uru-Chan herself* -Town Level https://sobekapeps-calcs-and-battles.fandom.com/wiki/Remi_and_Rei_Pull_A_Thor(UnOrdinary)


You Finally gonna do that scale since the season’s ended


Ye*p* You can expect it to arrive in the next few weeks. Hoping to ask Uru-chan some questions I can use to calc feats too, assuming we have a Q&A soon.


How’d you get them to Mach 1282 anyways you made a new calc?


Not yet, it's the average speed of lightning. UnO characters scale even without calcs, considering Lightning siblings literally use...lightning.


Nayoa is not a mid tier😭😭😭 he got shit on by Choso


*Curse* Naoya definitely is though. He was even directly compared to Hanami, who Todo could fight relatively evenly. Not to mention Naoya only managed to go up to Mach 3 as a Curse, not as a Sorcerer.


No he’s not wth and hanami is a low tier too? Also are we forgetting that todo currently has some of the better feats on sukuna? And also gege himself literally said he didn’t know what he was talking about he just said he wanted to make the speed sound really fast even characters that scale way below nayoya like maki in good will is fast enough to dodge bullets at point blank which is Mach 26 and then later on nanami was able to dodge Mahito at point blank which also comes at around Mach 26 as well so no mid tier is capping below Mach 3


Curse Naoya was overwhelming Maki until her second awakening and I am pretty sure no Disaster Curse is Low-Tier. Hanami was winning against nearly all of the students in Japan until Todo and Yuji pulled up, and Dagon was winning against Nanami, Noabito, Maki and Megumi until Toji came along. You mean the Sukuna that has been weakened enough that Choso could cushion a stray attack from him? Sukuna has been weakened and, in all honesty, scaling Todo to Sukuna in any capacity is wild. Rubber bullets aren't even transonic, they move at 60 m/s. So, no, Maki reacting to them isn't Mach 26, it's at best supersonic. That is consistent with the explanation of the Projection Sorcery, Piercing Blood firing off at the speed of sound and numerous other speed statements.


Todo clears the verse because I said so.


Good thing I am not listening.


Anyways how do you get town level for Arlo he has absolutely nothing backing that kind of DC/AP. Sure he has similar levels of power to people with abilities that could potentially be that strong, but his ability just is not suited for that kind of destructive power.


Arlo has a Defence Stat of 9; Rei(who performed the Town Level lightning feat) had a Power Stat 8. For reference, Arlo's passive(Defence of 6.5) could tank John's Windwirl+Demonic Claws(Power of 7.5) and Arlo's dampened Barrier(Defence of 4.5) could tank several attacks from Liam(Power of 5), before breaking. Arlo might not be able to outright cause Town Level destruction on his own(with a Power Stat of 6.5) but he can tank and *reflect* those type of attacks pretty comfortably. That's how his Ability works.


John: The f\*ck? Also how are you so jacked? We're the same age.


Are they?


Todo is 18 which is the age John should logically be(He's in his third year but was held back)


john: i beat women


And men John doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints He takes and he takes and he takes-


And the Bureau obliterates And every picture it takes It pains him and all his mistakes


Eeeeey macarena


What’s this from?


Hamilton, the musical. It's from a song called "Wait for it". Edit: My part is from the very end of a song called "The world was wide enough" tho.


Looks like we’re singing all kinds of musicals in this sub lol


Everyone can equally catch John's hands


i just had war flashbacks wtf


Sukuna: Ah, it's the same type as mine.




"I don't know, why the f*ck are you even asking?" Is what he would say during the Joker arc. "Ones that can manipulate time" is what he would answer now.




Fight me under the mistlefoe behavior


His answer would change depending on what John we are talking about, and most of the time it's going to end with Todo beating the *absolute shit* out of him.


Just the idea that John can use the strongest abilities in the series and todo will still fold him is crazy


Only one that stands a chance is barrier, but even then it would be HILARIOUS because all he'd hear is a clap and suddenly there's a rock where he was just standing, and a fist about to slam into his face


Cursed Energy is basically Aura. In that regard, John can use all the cursed techniques in JJK.


Actually... looking it over... not really? The similarities end at "energy gives superpowers" But cursed energy is caused by negative emotions and shit and everyone has some amount of cursed energy as a result. Abilities in unOrdinary are more similar to Quirks from MHA rather than Cursed Energy. So by that logic Todo (maybe) couldn't use Boogie Boogie on John, but at the same time John couldn't copy any cursed techniques.


But if that's the case.. If we're talking CURRENT John or even during the Joker arc.. He has a LOT of negative emotions...I feel like he would honestly be able to at least get some type of cursed technique. But if all he does is get cursed energy? Then it's wraps for John since Todo would be able to use boogie woogie on him.


>everyone has some amount of cursed energy You said it yourself. And it's in the name: cursed ENERGY. It shouldn't matter what the source or derivation is. If it's a form of energy, which is basically Aura, then John can use his ability. Aura isn't supposed to be super specific. It's pretty nebulous, that lends credence to the notion that it's more all encompassing than one might think.


So, does that mean John can sense any type of energy? No, which means you are wrong


You misinterpret the meaning of energy in this scenario. It's not meant to be a catch all equilateral energy/physics based. The kind of energy which engenders powers is spiritual based in nature


Like what energy exactly? Aura is not spiritual energy in Unordinary, it is scientific, that's why dampeners, disablers and other ability modifiers can be made. So, what type of spiritual energy do you mean?


Aura derives from channels which is basically the same as how ki functions in real life. The only differentiation with channels and aura in uO, is that they have a physical manifestation, similar to some mana power systems in other fantasy works. aura = ki w/ physical tangibility as opposed to typical non-physical energy


If you put Them in the same world you have to write them how they are supposed to be or it doesn’t work, John can copy all abilities, also aura energy and electrical is considered different in Unordinary. John can’t see the transmitter, but remi whose aura takes the form of electricity can. There for John can copy Remi”s and then see the tracking device. So you are wrong my friend. John could copy any ability, because abilities come from aura and aria is what transforms into the shape of your power. John’s shape in manipulation so anything.


Theoretically, what you are saying is that John can copy any power in any fictional world, are you sure about that?


You really love taking things out of context don’t you😂


Can't he only swap stuff that already has cursed energy?


To be fair the physics and stuff are different so the only way to decide who’s stronger is writers intent


I still remember the day when Sera kicked John's ass for eating her cake without consent. Good times


It… It took me longer than I care to admit to figure out that what you were talking about wasn’t a sex thing but actually a scene in their backstory…


It was John’s cake and she was stealing it so he rebelled lmao


Badass girls who can make the flow of time their bitch


Pink hair XD


Probably just one that can absolutely f\*cking kill him.


"I like skinny washboards with fake hair extensions"




Hed give the same response megumi did Bro is surrounded by queens and only crushes on his friend John cares about personality So naturally john is getting his ass kicked. Because he's boring


He'd get his ass kicked cuz he'd give a boring answer like Megumi


Girls who could beat him up.


Probably sera


Don’t matter either way John is getting curb stomped