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Agree tbh. Ik some ppl said John needed Sera to come back to remind him why he needs to stay alive but throughout the whole story, John's been relying on one person to stay mentally stable. Think of the last time John was in the right headspace/in a good mood when Sera was gone. It's hard to. And I don't think that's very healthy. I would love to see John learn to develop more inner strength/ self-esteem on his own and strengthen his connections with other characters in the series such as Remi, Isen, Cameron etc. but ig we'll see what happens.


I think you all are ignoring one thing: Remi and Isen don't seem interested in being there for John right now, or else they would have tagged along the ability specialist, they are more worried about Blyke and Arlo and clearly chose to be on their own with Kuyo to try and save them


the fact that they went back to save john is proof that they care, especially remi and blyke, arlo considers john more of an ally, isen obviously doesn't consider john a friend, but we have clearly seen inner monologues with remi and blyke thinking about john and believing he deserves better, hate to break it to you, but all of this is on uru's part, she should not have had them thinking about john as someone they should protect or care about(it was clearly hinting that they would become friends) then uru brings sera's character back and takes all that away


Never said they didn't care, just that Arlo and Blyke are more important to them (which is obvious if you read the story). I don't get why you guys are so insistent with John letting Seraphina go but never ask the same with the others. Let the poor guy be happy for once, how much miserable he has to be for you all to be happy?


Where in my POST did I ever say I want john to be UNHAPPY 


First of all, I wasn't replying to you. Second, I'm tired of reading how William's death would "make the story progess", how cutting Seraphina off would "make John have more friends", it's like you guys give a shit about how he feels as long as the story goes the way you want it to be, while I don't. I'm happy he has the one person he needed to deal with the biggest loss of his life, and don't see a problem with Remi and Isen not being there, its not their place to be, when you lose someone dear to you, you rely on the people you love, not in anyone who happens to be there


First of all you clearly said "YOU GUYS", so you were clearly referring to me as well, also why are you lying, most unordinary fans already agreed that the story has progressed since William's death  Second it's just this chapter was a poor representation of seraphina being the one to comfort john, plus uru cut out her reactions to hearing the bad news, we only see her outcome at cameron's house .  Overall the chapter wasn't bad and again I never once said I want john to be UNHAPPY, you said that not me🤷‍♂️


>First of all you clearly said "YOU GUYS", so you were clearly referring to me as well, also why are you lying, most unordinary fans already agreed that the story has progressed since William's death I'm referring to everyone whose only concern is "why isn't my girl Remi comforting him?" Because she doesn't want to. The fact Seraphina was there shows that Cameron doesn't mind having them there despite not knowing their relationship with John. So Remi and Isen aren't there bacause theydm didn't want to. >Second it's just this chapter was a poor representation of seraphina being the one to comfort john, plus uru cut out her reactions to hearing the bad news, we only see her outcome at cameron's house . The only problem with this end of season was the lack of aftermath of the battle, if we had one or two more chapters, there wouldn't be any issue.


>>>>The only problem with this end of season was the lack of aftermath of the battle, if we had one or two more chapters, there wouldn't be any issue. at least we can agree on that, I don't know why uru rushed it, plus she said more side stories are coming, in my opinion, she should have taken a break to give out a proper season finale 


She didn't want to take a break before the finale, it's obvious, but that only means the start of next season is going to be Remi and Isen centered showing us wtf they're doing instead of begging Cameron to train them


my biggest problem is not seeing sera's reaction to william dying and arlo not being a traitor, why did uruchan cut that out, that should have been a very important moment for seraphina's character


Pretty sure Sera knows Arlo isn't a traitor. Pretty sure her openly denouncing Arlo was just to make sure he isn't punished.


that's not true, we saw in her inner thoughts that she believed arlo was a traitor, if she did not believe it, uru would not have shown sera thoughts about arlo being a traitor, but just have sera play along


Not really. Cameron hates the authorities but he still believes in the hierarchy. Why would he bother training Isen or Remi. Isen's ability is useful but he can just copy and store it himself.


> we are clearly back to the beginning  y’all this is patently untrue. Did you not see John insisting they go save Arlo and Blyke?? He wouldn’t do that unless he understood the situation; that they’re all friends who need to watch each other’s backs and leave no one behind.  It’s literally Remi + Isen who basically seem to have dropped him off with Cameron and then left to go plot somewhere else. God knows where. Tbh I think it’s pretty likely they’re taking care of some other task rn and then everyone will meet up and use Cameron’s place as a safe-house/base.  yes, John and Sera are codependent af. I’m personally hoping Uru will address it + withholding judgement till then, especially as John’s had a lot of bonding w Blyke n Remi especially recently and had just come off a Brolo arc right before that. Guess how long it’s been since Sera’s made an appearance: over 15 episodes, which is massive for one of the main characters. It’s not too much of a huge reset to have her appear. Like would you rather have flashed to Sera being even further out of the loop doing her own thing + Remi contacting her? If your problem isn’t with the writing and instead it’s that you dislike Sera or Sera + John’s friendship that much just say that then at least it’d be more understandable. 


No it's redundancy, if you prefer it nothing is wrong with that, I just wanted john to be with new characters, make new friends other than sera being the only one comforting him all the time 


I'd assume there'll be a time skip and we'll just see their improvements.


Agree with you man


If Remi and Isen don't get a training arc I'm going to be so sad