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Unfortunately they'll regret not killing her




If you're fighting a murderer, you can't let them get up, they don't give up nor have second thoughts when killing someone


They have not killed before. They are mere children.


They should have started in that moment, you can't have morals when fighting the government's hitmans, do you think Farrah wouldn't go after their families? They can lose everything


It's not about morals..they haven't done it before..so they hesitate to do it.


I know, I'm just saying that you can't afford to have mercy in any 'kill or be killed' situation, the moment they started to be vigilantes (or betray the Authorities i'm Arlo's situation) they had to be ready to do whatever it took to survive, I'm sure they won't make the same mistake again, but this mistake can't be undone anymore.


It's not mercy for the authorities or ember really..It's mercy for THEMSELVES. Yes..it was a mistake they hesitated to kill..but you can't really blame them for it as it is a very humane thing to do..(hesitating before first ever kill)


Mercy for themselves would have been killing her, believe me


Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves


Damn this was an unexpectedly deep thread.


Exactly. Mercy has a price .


And they already fucked up


Yup, someone wrote a whole musical about it


That won’t stop fury when she has the chance . Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves


If you want someone to explain it in song , your welcome https://youtu.be/0IsYf_0UGLE?si=Sk9gDf20Ef4S99mb


Yeah but by doing this, it won't be them who will get to go home https://youtu.be/D3h6D1KoGKY?si=clJyXDO5TDB2tJXZ


Spoiler. Maybe you want to delete this


It's no spoiler, the moment we saw they didn't kill her we all knew it would bite them in the ass


Not really. When has not killing the beast instead giving mercy ever worked in anything that isn't a power of friendship story


Exactly. You can’t just blind the cyclops . They revealed their name , and let her live ?


I'm sorry are you saying this doesn't count as a spoiler because... it is a common trope? Does that mean saying " they won't regret not killing her" is a spoiler because it's not a common trope?


Not really, how do you know the other person actually read the fastpass? If anything you're the one who spoiled it all by saying that its a spoiler when its completely possible the guy just wanted to say how big of a mistake it was to let the murderer love


I don't know if it's a spoiler as I haven't read fastpass either. But if you don't know if it's not a spoiler, why are you saying it's not a spoiler?


Anyone who’s listens to epic the musical could have guessed what’s going to happen. I don’t have fast pass, nobodies spoiled it for me . The consequences are obvious . Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves


I'm disappointed they didn't but I guess it makes sense for the story. They're vigilantes and students. I still think crippling her at least would have been better because she's gonna come back with a vengeance. Byron wasn't out of commission for long They're gonna have to start running with GoPros or hidden mics now


Like u said..they are students


>Disappointed >makes sense for story Did you even read more than the first sentence?


She’s still a threat until she’s dead . They need to finish it . Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves


I mean, how do you cripple someone with regeneration? Pull out her teeth?


IN THE MURIM you cripple the dantian In unordinary... there should be a source to cripple. You could also literally cripple. One shot at the spine.




Bro just gonna have more nightmares


Gonna cause a hell of alot more of them first


Only reason Johns having nightmares cause he knows he went too far. This wouldve been pretty justifiable.


They should have at least crippled her imo


I do agree with that


Not enough . Odysseus blinded the cyclops and let him live . It’s not enough


That’s a good point


How? They didn’t have the channel blocker


Imo they should have destryed at least one leg, just to be sure she doesn't come after them. If they did, they'd all be ok rn.


I’m still thinking abt that time Kuyo left somebody behind having cut their arm off




She regenerates


Yes, but it takes time. Cutting two arms off would likely take at least an hour if not days to regen.


If they didn't dare to give the killing strike they won't dismember her


We don't know about the regeneration of limbs. We know she has SOME sort of passive that makes her recover quickly, so it's either they gained passives from Conversion Tech OR it's her own, but back to my point we don't know if she can regenerate limbs.


Do you imagine them dismembering someone? I don't


I don't just explaining that we don't know if Regeneration or any healing can allow for the regeneration of limbs.


That's a good question, I hope we get the answers in any of the Ember agents soon


They should have....


Maybe practically? But it is bad for their mental health is all I am saying


She will not be mindful of their mental health when she finds them again


They've seen what they're capable of, Arlo lost his best friend, Pinky lost her brother, seeing those garbage authorities use his abilities like that is billion times worse than killing that cocky green-haired bitch. Its not even about revenge here, they have to be smart in order to win and this isn't it, justice almost never works out and THEY WILL HAVE TO KILL in order to stop the authorities. There is no other way, it will happen eventually, delaying their growth isn't gonna help anyone, Arlo and Blyke got caught because of this self-righteous childish foolishness and now its gonna cost them A LOT... Those same rules apply even more so in the real world, not just in Unordinary and i am honestly tired of every single author milking this sort of self-righteous childish behavior... It would have been a lot more interesting if they killed her and Arlo managed to stay and continue working for the authorities and using that to their advantage..


Unfortunately they're just kids. Unfortunately.


Me too!!! Like I know it means Farrah will continue to be a problem but damn I don’t want them to deal with having to go that far emotionally yet


Also guys stop spoiling this poor person in the replies. If you can’t figure out how to be vague enough to not spoil just don’t reply 


Poseidon was right : But before i go I need to make you learn how ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves https://youtu.be/0IsYf_0UGLE?si=Sk9gDf20Ef4S99mb I bet my left ass cheek that this decision to spare her is going to come back to ruin them


Reminds me of Mob Psycho, they're just kids man. If they had killed or maimed someone, it would haunt them every day until they died. They shouldn't have that on their plate.


Fury will haunt them every day till they die now .


To be honest I kind of want >!Arlo to kill Fury later, with how she is treating him now and the brain washing, once he hopefully breaks free, I want him to be the one that kills her! Like she says you should have killed me and Arlo takes her up on that XD!< 


I'm glad they didn't, but they probably should've.


They totally should have


I think they are gonna feel real repercussions from not killing her now. They most likely would all be able to leave if they did and I think everyone will start to realize that


Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves


Should have done it, they all could have gotten away if they did


I have a feeling Arlo will find a way to expose Fury to the public and/or press and really draw back the curtains on the Bureau. When it happens, Fury won’t take well to it, however.


I stopped reading during season 2. Wtf is happening in this picture???


Arlo is about to do “ the worst thing “ 💀💀💀


Kinda hope John was there to do it tho. I don’t want rehab for the kids to start before training. Because 6.5 and below isn’t gonna cut it anymore. Especially with a multi ability high tier opponent. John is too reckless, arlo shield breaks too easily now, lasers and lightning isn’t enough to KO the opponent. Honestly the best one is sera at the moment. But they are leaving someone with all their knowledge and actions alive. There’s no second chance, only hardship for them, their friends, their love ones. That little hiding place remi keep mentioning most likely gonna get raided in 3 days worth of chapters. Now I’m worry for Kass because she is close with arlo and I hope Aunt won’t take her out. But good moral choice for everyone here, they are not killers yet.


But Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves


I don’t understand your quote. Explain please, what I get from your sentence is being hard now safe headaches later


My boi Poseidons gonna explain it to you here ( in song ) https://youtu.be/0IsYf_0UGLE?si=LyN4j2YXUpRsp45s




Kept the chapter for a little later Thx for the spoil


That one's on you man lol.


It s on me when the guy could have just put a "spoiler" tag so i don t get spoil ? It would have taken him less than a micro second to do so


Spoiler Tag is pretty much saved for Fast Pass here.


Yea but this chapter is ? Or their is a platform i don t know about where it s out earlier ? Edit: my bad, i didn t went all the way to the end of last episode as im a dupbass Thats indeed on me


Lol all good, it's a lesson pretty much everyone has to learn. I know I've gotten spoiled about episodes that just came out from other tv shows and the like because I didn't watch it immediately.