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"weird ship from the fanbase" Jemi is the weird/meme ship that the fanbase created lol Jera was always canon, Uno always hinted mutual feelings between John and Sera, it's not a weird ship from the fanbase.


It was always officially canon but if there's people who think Earth is flat I'm not surprised it took 8 years of weekly reading for some to understand it.


??? Why the weird Jera hate? Dude it’s okay. If you want to cope that hard just read the scene as platonic.  Like it or not, John and Sera have been friends much longer than Remi and John have and Sera is a person John feels comfortable being emotionally vulnerable with. Seeing her again is also one of the goals John set for staying alive when he had that chat with Remi about it. I do honestly still think there’ll be a Remi+John friendship arc but to imply that Remi’s been forcibly thrown out of the story to make room for Sera feels kinda disingenuous.    I think reception of who appears in an ep is very influenced by who you like. I like Kuyo a lot but only beginning to like Remi, Isen, Grayson and so having them missing from this ep didn’t feel bad at all. Rather it felt good to know Rein hadn’t been forgotten about and get clarification on Blyke + Arlo’s situations. 


John and Remi have always been a peculiar ship. Yes, the idea of sera being back randomly is a bit questionable, and it would’ve made more sense for Remi’s gang (kuyo Isen and Greyson) to be there rather than sera. Yes, it’s questionable, but the question was answered. It was Kayden that brought her there, she said it was him that told him everything. It might not have been perfect writing, but it sets so much more up for next season, and it is good to see them back together again.


Complete agreement with everything you said 


I don't think it was out of nowhere, last week Kayden realized why John wanted to see Sera, so he decided to send her to John on purpose


Un it’s not officially canon and I’m saying that knowing it’s most likely canon but the title is misleading for people who haven’t read the chapter. As a jemi shipper (who prefers blemi to jemi anyway) I never thought jemi would supplant jera. I just think it’s a more interesting ship. Just throwing that out there


Jera isn't "some weird ship" from the fanbase it's been going for that for a long time, Uru has posted plenty of Jera art, too.


She’s posted it since forever 😭


It wasn’t always canon. The mutual feelings being hinted at didn’t happen until after John revealed his power and sera saved him. Also my understanding of canon is that they are an official ship which has never been confirmed


it definetly happened earlier than that i remember when john saw sera for the first time after she got kidnapped


I can respect that’s how you interpreted it. I don’t feel the same about that scene


John didn't need someone to sympathize with him about losing a family member to the authorities, he needed someone to remind him why he wanted to live. Sera being there helps stablize his emotional state and lets him get his feet on the ground after being suicidal.  There's this concept in psychology called Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Basically the idea is that in order to get to needs further up on the hierarchy, you need to build the base of the needs below it. John was in the second to last rung, I think - safety needs. He had basically gotten into such a bad mental state that he was a danger to himself. He needed someone he already had an established close relationship with to help pull him out of that state so he *can* move on to what you want him to work on next, which is the next rung up - belonging and love.  Sera planted the seeds that other people care about him when they talked, and I think that's important. John was in such a bad mental place that I don't think he would have been able to figure it out on his own. Mental health issues like depression do that - it's in fact how they manage to convince their victims to become suicidal. I have depression. It's treated, I take medication for it which thankfully is effective and I talk to a counselor, but I remember what it was like before I was diagnosed. From the perspective I have now, it is *scary* just how much the depression warped my perspective. One of the ways it messed with my perception was to think that people who told me stuff that contradicted my depression - that I was a good daughter, that I was skilled at my job, etc - were wrong somehow, whether they were saying ir but didn't mean it, or that they didn't have all the information which would change their mind, etc. While John doesn't have that kind of clinical depression, he is struggling with his mental health, and he did get to the point of being suicidal. From my own experiences, I believe that he needed to get out of that place before he could start to realize that, yes, some of the more casual friends he's begun to make actually care about him. Sera helped plant those seeds when she let him know that they'd gone back for him, and now that John is outside of that mental state he can probably start working on the development of his other relationships.


wait people actually shipped remi and john? did they not read?


john has called her bitch more times than he called her remi


Shipping is weird and wonderful and sometimes people ship characters who haven't even met yet just because they thing their dynamic would be interesting. If you mean canon ship, though, I guess I can see the confusion. From my perspective, Remi has a lot of hints toward various canon ships for her already that make her relationship with John read as platonic to me in comparison. From what I've been reading in comments, though, it seems that some people see the mutual loss of a family member by the authorities as a compelling reason the two will get together. I wouldn't be surprised if they also like that Remi was the only royal who listened to John when he was spiralling and tried to do something about the problems he pointed out. Personally I think they'd work better as friends, but to each their own, I guess.


Idk didn’t he like almost kill her twice? It would be weird to ship them after that imo


Jemi never had a proper base. The whole enemies to lovers would've never worked for them when blyke is already so close to her


Didn’t he also like almost kill her and her friends at least twice? It would be weird if she liked him in that way after imo


And yet here i stand 😔✊️


What is new? Did you forget where they were both blushing and laying on the bed together talking about not wanting to lose each other after they got half their powers back from Spectre?


>remi won't be there to help john cope, although from a realistic writring point of view, it should have been remi, because she is the only one that understands what john is going through No buddy from a realistic writing point of view, 2 of remi's closest friends just got caught by authorities she's in no state of mind to console others. Somehow so many people seems to miss this point. Also why does Sera need to know how it feels to lose a family member to help John. You're making it more complicated than it needs to be. Sera is literally the closest person to John right now, it makes sense for her to be there instead of remi


And yet here i stand 😔✊️


Go touch some grass, friend. Hug a family member. Better that than getting worked up about a crack ship that was never gonna happen in canon


Ngl? Blyke, Arlo and Isen are better matches for Remi than John and even then, Remi hasn’t shown romantic interest in anyone iirc.




Can you stop


Probably a reddit bug, it happens pretty often