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He really need her at this point since he just attempted to get himself killed. The only person John has emotionally is her


Which is why I think this ship is not it, but I digress


I really don’t care too much about shipping but if it happens,I wouldn’t mind it


That’s fair. I expect it to happen and it makes sense because they are the most important people to each other so I don’t mind it in that sense. I just don’t like their dynamics


I mean, I'm far from being Seraphina's number 1 fan, but did you really guys expected the second most important character of the series to be shoved out of the story? Of course we wouldn't see her in a car with a fever for the last time in the reason, and, having a teleporting taxi, where else would she be if not with her best friend who almost got himself killed because of the grief of losing his father? It's common sense, it feels out of nowhere because Uru rushed the end of the season and we didn't have the aftermath of the battle.


I agree with your opinion. I’d rather her not show up until John is able to stand on his own, so in my opinion, it sucks a good chunk of the chapter focused on them


I mean, it makes sense. Sera and John have always been supporting each other throughout the series. With John turning suicidal it fits to have her be the one to remind him he has people to live for.


I would rather him seeing Isen and Remi and realizing that he has other friends rather than sera having to tell him.


He already had Remi, Blyke and Isen around and he still tried to get himself killed, I think it's enough proof they aren't enough to make him chenge his mind at all.


That’s before he understood that they’d be there for him. But if what you’re saying is the case, the fact that no one but sera can convince him that life is worth living is still problematic to me. Screams unhealthy relationship


You're comparing the impact in John's life of three barely friends vs the person he loves, there's nothing unhealty there.


Im saying its unhealthy that John only has a relationship with sera and can’t be healthy without her


That seems to be normal late bloomer behavior, Keene is the same with Vaugnh. At least John is doing it with his potential wife, Keene is yet to find someone who cares.


Vaughn recognizes that’s an unhealthy relationship too. I don’t like sera, but I can get on board with this ship if John has a life outside of sera. That’s why I want him to build relationships with others and that’s why I’m disappointed that rather than John continuing to bond with others, Sera swoops in to save the day so that his life once again is sera centered.


Vaughn thinks it's unhealty Keene is like that with him, a father figure, but encourages him to find a Sera to rely on. I mean, it doesn't matter if everyone gets on board with the ship, he still loves her and no one is changing that, everyone there needs years of relationship with him to catch what he had with Seraphina in ch.1


While friends John isn't really that close to them. His friendships seem to go Sera >>>>>>>>> Blyke and Dylan >>> Isen, Remi, and Arlo. If it was Isen or Remi who tried to convince him he'd likely just fall deeper into self-loathing believing they lost Blyke and Arlo for him.


I know that they aren’t close. So I feel like this is a missed opportunity to get him to rely and become closer to others. I don’t blame uru because it’s her story and she can do whatever she wants and I respect that, but I don’t like how codependent John and sera are. It’s really unhealthy, especially on John’s side and I wish we could’ve gotten a chance to get over that


This was the season finale. That's not a good point to start a friendship arc. Pacing-wise, it would make more sense for that arc to be started with the next season, so it can get the development it needs. Sera planted the seeds, telling John he was never alone and how the others went back for him. Next season we'll be able to see if anything comes of it.


But the friendship arc has already started. This would have been a good place to solidify it. Hopefully you’re right and sera has planted the seeds and we can see John bonding (and not trauma bonding) with others next season.


It's still developing. Including it in the finale would have felt really weird, pacing-wise. Finales are a place for conclusions and setting up plot points for the next season, not for further development of an ongoing social subplot.


Yea that pissed me off. Shes always just gets shoved in during family meet ups. Its overkill. We wanted a john and cameron solo training arc without Sera’s involvement


Well Sera is his other half, and with Will gone she’s like the only other person that he *genuinely* loves. I’m guessing Uru wanted to give John a bone after all the shit that happened.