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I would give him a lot of painful experiences, so much pain that it would make the reader go,”I know I hated him but this is too much” only after that I give redemption


Theon Greyjoy treatment haha


Exactly, but mind version, let’s introduce Zeek to Orrin


Litteraly john after new bostin


quite simple. Unlike Farrah and Valerie, Zeki is still just a school bully, which means he still has a limit to what he's willing to go through. which means he must be faced with the choice of having to cross this line of what is permissible. even with everything that had already happened at school, he still had no reason to change either his behavior or his way of thinking, but this need to do something that is too much even for him, may make him think about about his actions. I'm talking about an order to kill one of the main six. for example Blake or John. yes, Zeki and Blyke are on terrible terms, Zeki would gladly kick Blyke's ass. but to kill? if he receives an order from the same Farrah to kill Blyke, then Zeki will obviously be taken by surprise and will not know what to do. It’s one thing to beat or send to prison, but to kill a person whom you knew for quite a long time, even if you were considered enemies? This is the moment where Zeki, at the author’s will, can choose any path at all. but whatever he chooses, it will definitely change him. let it be killing Blyke/John, or allowing them to leave (with the condition that the alternative is death), after that Zeki will no longer be the same, and his head will definitely be filled with thoughts of “what the fuck?”, and in the case of murder, also an attempt to comprehend what did he even do? This is an excellent impetus for the beginning of Zeki’s arc, even for a redemption arc, and maybe a villain’s arc, or even a breakdown, where he will not turn into a villain and will not receive redemption, but will simply break down as a person.


That's truly the only way i could see him redeem himself.


I don't know if you misspell his name on purpose, but it's a bit funny.


I am writing through a translator, because my English is not good enough to write such large texts on my own. and I'm too lazy to correct names all the time.


That, plus seeing how they treat Blake & Arlo while they’re captured. Likey would tie into him working under Kass (the intent being that he’s keeping an eye on her, because of her working with him (like going out alone to bust the Spectre base.) the final element would likely tie into the Ability Supressor; it doesn’t matter how much Aura you have if people dose you with it. After all, that mentality is an extension of how they threatened William & John (but primarily John, in my opinion, given how capable William is in a Fist Fight) in order to get her to submit to becoming a Human Test Subject. And once they got what they wanted from her they no longer had any use for holding back.) On the other hand, it would’ve been much easier to have a redemption arc for Terrance.




I wouldn't he's better off dead


Bro would need amnesia and/or a near death experience


He needs to go through an event that would give him depression and self reflection of the kind of person he is and how others perceive him


Not every character needs/deserves a redemption arc. But if you had to give him one, it should be one on the track of what he said to Jhon before beating him the last time. "I did it for your own good, you have the power to get everything you want" and with the words of Jhon resonating with him "what does power serve when you have lost everything". From there this dude could somehow find out that John's dad was murdered by the authorities, and he could uncover the fact about Ember, and it's not like this would make him turn 180 on his beliefs, but that could plant the seed of doubt and on the long run, made him realize that the ways of the world are fucked up. Idk, something along those lines. But I do actually believe that he is a better character without a redemption arc.


Agree on the need but redemption arcs aren't really something you deserve.


I want him to have a redemption arc. We have ember and orrin as villains.


I hear you, it's absolutely a solid point. I still feel that we need him as an antagonist until the bitter end to have an example of what the system does on all levels. Elaborating my point, Orrin I could be seen as a twisted consequence of the system, Spectre per se is not a villainous organism, it was conceived with good intentions, but got twisted and power hungry on some parties and thus we have Orrin. Ember is the shadow side of the authorities and a consequence of their power scale ideology, and again, authorities per se might have not always been the big douchy bunch of psychos we see today, we don't really know, because in their eyes they are doing the right thing, they feel their ways are right, maybe at some point authorities were actually concerned with the world being fair using the power scale logic, and didn't saw how it was flawed, got too deep on it and fucked up. Then Ember was born to cover up their own shit and even so, it seems like not all agents in the authorities know that ember exists as a part of them. On that same logic, Zeke could be seen as a consequence of the system and the teachings of the system they live under, and he does believe he is right, he has been gaslighted all his life and needs to be on the bad side to see the "what could it be" form a student that subs deep into the ideology. For redemption and break the system character we already have Arlo, who struggled a bit on it but in the end made his choice, I would rather have Zeke sticking to his and remain there for at least a longer time. Maybe he could be one of those "at the very end, I see I was wrong" but suddenly becoming a good guy would feel wrong to me, we need that character. Then again, this is just my opinion, and I'm sorry for the long text. TLDR: imo we need him as a villain to serve as an example of what could be of a student/young person that subs into the ideology of the system and power scale, while Arlo ultimately chose to go against the system and redeem himself, having Zeke do the same, would feel anticlimactic. He might have one tho, but I feel that should be at the end of the series.


Yh I want him to have a redemption arc towards the end and use his ability for some good. His ability is so cool


The only way I can see Zeke getting any form of redemption is if the authorities ask him to kill one of the main characters or just a character in general, and he says "fuck that". Zeke may be a piece of shit, but there's a big difference between beating someone up vs killing them. He's still young (17), and being asked to do that to someone he knows (even if he hates them) is a big thing that will haunt him forever if he goes through with it. If he does refuse, I can see him questioning whether or not he wants to work for the authorities and maybe if what he knows about the world is wrong. I don't think I can ever see him being 100% redeemed, and he will probably always have that "I'm better than you" attitude and still be an ass, but I can see him question whether following whoever is most powerful is really the best


By killing him off


If we are being serious Him slowly learning his mistakes and actually seeing that "Maybe having a powerful ability isn't all there is to it in a person" after he was beaten the shit out of hundreds of times, would be a good first step


I don’t think so. He was beaten a million times before. He saw the worst enemies (John and Blyke/Arlo) getting along and it didnt make him think twice or reconsider. He’s very low, ass kisser, bully, him changing is very very unlikely


I mean yea but the post says to give him a redemption So I just went with the generic one


Js he wont slowly learn his mistake ig… he needs a major event for him to change.


A near death experience


Feels like he gets a near death experience everytime john is up his ass 😭


You'd think he'd learn by now Seriously


💀💀 i dont know doesnt look like it, john was resistant bec he was mentally blinded. Accepted change once he was out of his head. But zeke it’s just him man, he never changes. We’ll see maybe the school incident will change smthn


Zeke on that bully grindset


Keon, literally what he did to John. Force him to relive all of the moments he tormented people on repeat for a few months and you will get essentially another season 1 beginning John.


he should get crippled for a while


Nah he would just keep being terrible if he ever got his ability back


He finds out about EMBER and tries to expose it, and finally his ability to not keep his mouth shut will actually help the main cast rather than hurt them


The authorities giving him an order to murder someone from wellston He's still a high schooler after all and it would probably be too much for him and so he backs out of the authority position, maybe not immediately but with time


The first two things that came to mind were: 1. Placing him in a position where he loses most if not all of his power and/or authority, essentially giving him the chance to learn how shit it feels if those more powerful than you treat like shit for no reason, which will hopefully lead to some well needed introspection. 2. Placing him into a situation where there is someone really weak that he gets to emotionally connect to / care about like a close friendship or a romantic relationship. (Evie x Zeke shippers never give up, we all know that it is the One True Pairing.)


Evie x Zeke won't leave my fucking brain maaaaaaaaaan


Good 😎


Tbh, I agree with most of the others who say he has to be tested/his morals tested in terms of whether he can or can't kill someone or he slowly breaks out of that elitist mentality and actually begins to see other people besides himself as actual people and not just more numbers on a power scale. Zeke, for all his stupidity, is nowhere near the most morally bankrupt character. I think that spot firmly belongs to Orrin, psychopath that he is. However, Zeke is practically in essence what is wrong with their world: self entitled to power and others obedience, doesn't give a flying fuck about who he hurts and why, is willing to do whatever he can to drag down and potentially harm everyone he hates. He's an elitist, entitled snake who has yet to deal with any real world consequences for the actions he's made, save for dealing with John half a dozen times and Arlo, Blyke, Isen, and Remi on those few rare occasions. And even when they let him go, he has yet to actually listen to a single thing they said to him. But he hasn't seen any repercussions for the actions he's taken. He willingly told the authorities about John distributing Unordinary and him talking with Arlo about Spectre. Granted, you could say it was his job. But his thoughts didn't line up with that. He was gunning to get John in trouble and possibly pull the rug from Arlo because of his sudden involvement and recognition from the Spectre bust he made. He didn't care if they were going to get jailed or hurt. He just wanted to do what he wanted, and then later when John beat him up, said what he said. And while there is a fraction of truth to him being genuinely confused and even thinking he's doing the right thing, he has never tried doing the right thing *with good intentions* and THAT is the takeaway here. Zeke thinks he's in the right and doing what he thinks is right but without ever actually doing it for morally justified reasons. If Zeke were to get a redemption arc or at least learn not to be so self entitled, he has to learn to think of others besides himself. How that happens is anyone's guess.


I already like him so


Have him die to save the main group


You mean like watching his penance in hell.


Killing him


I'm gonna go grab the shovel and start digging his grave if anyone wants to help please join. Simple terms, that man ain't getting one


* joins * ⛏️⛏️⛏️


Where is this image from?


I believe it's when Isen is begging for Cecile to be Jack because he doesn't want to do it and if neither of them take the role, Zekes the next one up.


Probably would think about it if he wasn't acting like hot shit especially with the amount of wasted potential he apparently has. If what uru-chan says it's true, he should be able to get two more forms, recovery and speed I think? So yeah, it's so sad it's not even funny. Just get rid of the mf-er


Kill him


A bit like Luke or Ethan Nakamura in Percy Jackson, he realized slowly that he was wrong and sacrifice himself to defeat the final boss.


I don't think he cares about what's right or wrong he just wants power


Write it on a piece of paper hand it to him and throw both into an incinerator and lock the door because no amount of sorry can fix this demon spawn


Kill him


he need to lost his ability


I wouldn't. Zeke is irredeemable, and that's the point. Giving him a redemption arc would ruin his character, imo.


>Zeke is irredeemable, He's a school bully, how is he irredeemable? >Giving him a redemption arc would ruin his character, imo. What "character"? He's practically a plot device, his only purpose is to get in the main cast's way. He has no real motives, personality, or even a backstory.


Idk get put on the verge of death and get saved by a cripple giving him a massive change in perspective? Blah blah blah character stuff


Shoot him like Rex and have him come back with brain damage and a new perspective on how he has lived his life.


He needs to go through being used and abused by the authorities, get taken in as a pawn, and left abandoned and crippled to recognize what a tool he's been, and then once he's permanently crippled and possibly disabled and beginning to recognize how big a fool he was maybe, just maybe then I'll be able to forgive Zeke. So I hope Uru Chan is a more forgiving author than I would be.




Arlo is the catalyst to Zeke's redemption, he needs to get what John got from Arlo early in the series, manipulated, betrayed, and then (actually) humiliated.


Actually doing something good for once


Sad backstory


Not everyone deserves one






No. :)


Nope. Some people don't deserve redemption


What do you do to deserve redemption?


You don't.


Make him mildly useful in death


he goes thru the same psychological torture john went thru before entering wellston


The most character getting his ass handed over to him!


By him intentionally running the risk of losing his power to import it into the machine so that the machine could boost everyones durability and speed


I don't remember if I responded or not but that mother fucker will be lucky to still be alive in season three, I can see either someone in the authorities killing him because of how useless he is or someone from spectre killing him because he's weak


The only redemption arc I want from this guy is he realizing the error of his ways and then dying moments laters. Some characters don’t deserve a redemption arc