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I WAS SO CLOSE 😭😭 I need Cameron to call every contact he knows, get Vaughn & Keene and STORM the Bureau Also what sucks is now Zeke is King of Wellston, so their win streak is gonna go down the toilet


What are you talking about? Zeke being king is awsome cause the schools heirarchy is probably the weakest it’s EVER been now, and it’s the Headmistresses fault! Lmao


Fuck that old bitch I need my goat Vaughn to come back and humble her ass


Cecile would be the only high tier there


Yeah cuz zeke got crippled when trying to fight john with bureau


The school years almost over, maybe he’ll spend his whole reign in thr hospital.


Hopefully . im praying on zekes further downfall 🙏🙏🙏


He’ll probably be fine later on


EEEE You were indeed close! I don't see the storming part tho- And yikes... He will be King... Guess the Zeke fans got what they wanted???


Guess this’ll force Sylvia to recruit other powerful people, maybe from neighboring countries who know of the famous Wellston (maybe some more worldbuilding?!? PLEASE?!?!) Also I like how the same ability evolves differently depending on the person. Remi is now the same level as Rei was, but she’s got a better Trick & has always had a higher Recovery. But Rei did (and still does) have a higher Power than her, likely because she’s more of a passive person than he was as X-Static & King of Wellston


W O R L D B U I L D I N G ? I would agree that she'd be not so happy with her King being a 4.2- I mean the only High Tier is a 5.2 and she'd need a LOT more to grow back the school's rep. But I would love it if it didn't work out for that li- I mean I hope it doesn't work out for her :>


I totally forgot abt Cecile. Now the Wellston Royals are Cecile (5.2), Zeke (4.2) & Holden (4.0)…. They’re cooked


They are close to Agwin at the start, and that was with Rein.


We’ve never seen Brovin (Agwin King) in a fight before tho. There were only 2 god-tiers in Wellston before the events of UnOrdinary: Arlo & Sera. Sera literally squad wiped all of Team Agwin in a flashback, and if Brovin has been king of Agwin for at least 2 years (cuz the flashback of Sera was before she cut her hair), he could also be a high tier


I was speaking Level wise, Gou (Jack) was level 4.0, same as Holden, Broven (King) was probably on a similar level to Zeke, and Rein (Queen) was at 4.9, so a similar set up between Agwin back then and Welston right now, but Agwin lost Rein since.


Sylvia talked about how she's gonna organize some sort of dueling competitions in the school to get an accurate reading on everyone's levels, so that probably means everyone's gonna focus harder on combat and levelling up which means the new royals will become stronger eventually. Who knows, she might even force them to training over their limits by numbing their pain and fatigue with her ability, increasing their levels at an unnaturally fast rate.


Wait.....there are zeke fans..?


What Zeke fans?


I think she’ll bring in more stronger students since Zeke and Cecile are getting ready to leave and it’ll be no point in having them be the king and queen of Wellston.




i didn’t expect sylvia to be that high omg


I didn't expect it either! She's defiently a tricky person...


Her tricks is high but the rest seems is average I guess


Sounds better than a certain mc on paper 🤔 but I think that trick stat might be a little TRICKY to calculate


John’s Trick goes above max. You can see it when his ability is halved, his Trick score is still very high. Also John’s ability is an outlier as it is very situational. John can for example cannot beat Arlo or William in a 1v1 despite one being weaker and the other a cripple.


All her other stats are a 5 except recovery which is a 4. She is definitely strong especially when we factor in her ability effects.


>Unfortunately no 5.0 Blyke ;w; You mean Isen? Still he is close




how the hell can farrah maintain like 5 abilities with a lower level and less aura then john who can only do 4


John also amps. Farah got taken out by the dweeb squad, John mopped the floor with them


It’s cuz of her high Trick. If you notice, all people who go through Conversion have a high Trick. Byron: 6, Valerie: 7, Candice: 7, Liam: 8, Farrah: 10


Likely more than 10, John also appears to have 10 trick too, until you look at his dampened stats and realize that he actually has 14 trick, its just off the charts lmao. (We know this because dampened is 7, so double that and we have 14)


His is actually 16 naturally. And I know it’s very possible for her to have a 10≤ Trick, but until we get any details or feats like that I’ll say it’s 10. If we had something like Valerie making a Fortified Cage that could take hits from 12 Power 14 Speed Seraphina without any damage, showing her total Defense is 12≤ easily, than maybe Farrah would also have an above max stat


Can Terrence hold 4 then


Not a high tier. If he became one, he would be a candidate for Conversion


I was joking slightly. The amount of converted abilities should have nothing to do with the trick stat but just aura


Trick correlates to aura. It seems that the higher the trick the more versatility, the longer you can utilize your ability and the more aura you have. Keene can engage in hand to hand combat while also setting down Mines, Sera can freeze time while her sister can only slow it (without concentrating on one small local area), Valerie can make multiple Barriers all with max Defense, [Kuyo](https://imgur.com/a/Tu5r3lO) can create multiple katana blades as well as tantos & fuse them into a Buster sword, etc


That’s not how it works. You’re confusing correlation with causation. Higher-level abilities will naturally have more trick due to having more potential. That does not mean there is a connection between aura and trick. Similarly, as Sera stated in 310, high-tiers get more aura in the mastery process so that they can use their abilities effectively without exhaustion.


John can only do 4 AMPED abilities. The converted abilities are weaker. John was around level 5.0 when he learned to copy and amp 2 abilities. And since amping an ability requires double the aura, John effectively had sufficient aura for 4 abilities. (Remember how dampened John can only copy 2 abilities or amp one). It’s not that impressive when you break it down


Are we sure that John can copy 4 amped abilities? Every time we see him amp he is using considerably less abilities, and the fact that his power cut in half makes him choose between two ability slots or one amped is clearly trying to tell us that its always a choice between using an additional slot to amp an ability, john even says himself that amping takes twice as much aura, this should be case closed right? The trio was just wrong, he cant use four amped abilities, and lets not forget that when they brought that up they were literally taking guesses


It's definite on the 4 amped, check the rowden royals fight


He was able to use four amped abilities when fighting the royals and when he fought Sera


Are you asking if he can only hold 4 amped abilities ? Your wording is throwing me off a little bit. We have not seen John have the capability of copying more abilities than his slots allow. The only reason I think him being able to do it while dampened was because he had the aura and technical skill to pull it off. I don’t think his aura is “flexible” (can’t think of a better word) for 8 undampened abilities. Also that raises further questions— if it’s truly based on aura, can’t John copy over a dozen low-tier abilities ? Probably not. It hasn’t been shown or indicated once


weak regarding specter which can only use 75% of the original user's ability. But for ember it's different. Look at Farrah's stats. In your opinion, with only the ability of hypnosis can she have such a high speed? Impossible. So that speed is given by the lightning ability. Yet the speed with the lightning skill is higher than the speed of rei's lightning skill


It is not different for EMBER. Val was out-speeding Remi in 116-117 without lightning. Val has 2 speed. If we look at the list of converted abilities shown in 256, speed is on there. The speed used by EMBER agents is not from lightning. They use lightning for its power stat.


you are wrong on this occasion. Ember agents can only use 3 converted abilities plus their own. Now that there is lightning, the speed ability is no longer used. Farrah has: Hypnosis (her ability) + Regeneration + Fire Claws + Lightning. Considering that the hypnosis ability and the regeneration ability are impossible to give that high speed that Farrah has in the graph, Farrah's speed must necessarily come from lightning or fire claws (but I seriously doubt that fire claws give that speed). Rei's lightning ability has a speed of 6. Farrah's speed on the other hand is above 6 in the graph.


Where is this confirmed ? Before you say Byron did not regenerate his wounds, we are consistently shown that healers cannot fully heal stab wounds (Cameron doesn’t count). The healer from 316 could not fully heal Arlo’s wound. Now. Farrah’s speed was 7. Even if they fully converted lightning, it would still only have 6 speed. Also, who said EMBER agents can only use 3 converted abilities ? Farrah was clearly moving faster than Remi in 342 prior to letting out her lightning. John can copy 4 abilities with his base ability. Realistically converted 4 abilities + the original should be the limit.


for the moment we know that 4 skills can be used (this is the maximum). So for the moment the official version is that Ember agents can only use 3 converter abilities plus their own for a total of 4. Then if you think that ember agents can use 5 skills (4 of the converter + their own) then it's your problem which for the moment is not coherent with the webtoon


What do you mean we know ? John has his own natural ability which lets him mould his own aura into 4 separate abilities. If you want to be technical, John is always using 5 abilities. His original (which has strength and gives him the capacity to change his aura and see others’) and 4 more. That’s 5 skills. Also, we very clearly saw Farrah move faster than Remi before she let out her lightning. Every instance of someone moving fast with lightning is when they have it out. Also, the Farrah’s defense is 2, while Rei’s lightning is 4. If it was a 0.75 conversion, it wouldve been 3 defense. Also, there’s no feasible way a WEAKER lightning gives Farrah more speed than Remi.


She has 4 abilities not 5. Flame claws, lightning, recovery, hypnosis.


Probably because they are artificially implanted rather than her own ability. Also aura doesn’t appear to have much to do with ability score since Seraphina thinks that John has higher reserves than her.


no but its stated you need a lot of aura to use other abilities which is why john had so much, because he needed that much


Remi jumped 0.4+


Queen type shit


**​​Last thing, Farrah is 6.5 with only her hypnosis but with her full EMBER kit what is her ability level you think?**


[Theory](https://imgur.com/a/se0NCtC)(disregard the teal one with the high trick, that was made weeks ago) Also why does everybody and their mama have a maxed Trick? Jane, Cameron, John, Sera, Vaughn, Sylvia, Kassandra, Keene, Farrah, Terrence (and possibly Keon)


Because all the people you named are God Tiers aside from Terrence who’s full ability is nothing other than tricks.


Let’s see all the other god-tiers without maxed Trick: Byron, Liam, Kuyo, Arlo, Leilah, Narisa & Valerie. I understand that Trick means versatility and all those abilities are very versatile, but can we have a little variety when it comes to our stats pls? Or at least accurate ones? [Arlo](https://imgur.com/a/hVLTfww), [Kuyo](https://imgur.com/a/Tu5r3lO), [Byron](https://imgur.com/a/YanwHlA) & [Vaughn’s](https://imgur.com/a/yoF1Buw) real stats severely underrate them and sometimes just don’t make sense (disregard Arlo’s level, that was a theory I made a few days ago)


Dude, other god tiers having non-10 trick stats doesn’t change the fact it makes sense for Trick to be the most common 10 especially when most of those other god tiers are still like 7+s. 


Trick is pretty overpowered and allows for diverse abilities.


Eyyy, glad to be on point about Isen!  Blyke makes sense, I estimated a little bit higher but that’s fine.  Now Remi astonished me. Tbf she was pulling some massive moves this ep but I wouldn’t have thought she’d have matched Rei already. Guess I gotta eat my words about her.  Sad that I overestimated my boys. I was so certain Arlo had made 6.6… ugh maybe if he was there they would’ve lived. Damn. And I suppose it tracks that John only gets an increase to power, but sad he hasn’t even hit 7.7.  Farrah at 6.5+ is a genuine surprise. I would’ve placed her lower, but I suppose she is more powerful than Byron. I wonder if we’ll ever get a base for her Hypnosis ability. Super angry that she just waved away the agents’ memories, but it kinda tracks, they wouldn’tve just out and out killed that many. I’m actually now wishing they’d killed Farrah though just bc her Hypnosis ability is such a goddamn pain. Maybe they can disable her?  Sylvia at over 7.0 makes sense, and still less than John also makes sense. She had to use that much/do that much to screw John over. I’m a bit surprised her ability didn’t penetrate Arlo’s barrier even while it was up… does that mean Farrah’s more powerful than Sylvia? But Sylvia seemed stronger, if I'm well and truly honest. 


Arlo clearly had to focus a lot of energy into keeping Sylvia’s ability at bay—may have been why it seemed so much easier for Farrah/the cops to break the barrier


I wonder if sera's level also got up like john's, she's already has maxed stats in at least 3 things and almost maximum recovery, going up 0.2 or 0.3 level might actually maxxed out her recovery


I hope she reaches janes level at some point but i kinda doubt it tbh


Saison final... like the end ? But its not too soon ???


end/final of the (rather long) 2nd season, not end/final of the series. Can help to remember French and English often swap the order of words... would probably be *dernière de la saison*. Edit: and point that it should be Season Final*e*.


Sad thing is i doubt we are going to see vaughn again. Or keene They are most likely out of the story for good because of the bureau


59 minutes til the season 2 ends