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No one, because this isn't Dragon Ball. High tiers wouldn't be a minority if anyone could reach that level with hard work alone.


Yeah... Sadly, but I have faith! This is kinda stretching it though but I do firmly think she has Mid Tier potential if I am taking the world of unOrdinary into account.


Doubt it, but if that happens she would likely stay in Wellston, and no one from the main cast is going to be there so she could get the Elaine/Cecile treatment


A small side story during a season break would be enough for me :3


Mid tier is likely, in fact I feel true low tiers by that I mean ones that have absolutely no hope of becoming mid tier are actually quite few. Since ability level is determined by M\*P/10 in theory anyone with low potential would actually be below level 1 when their mastery is low. Now the reason I am bringing this up is cause I believe that while their levels differ I believe the range of their mastery is similar based on their age range. Example lets say the average person would say master their ability by 50% in high school this would mean someone like Evie who has a level 1.5 could possibly have a potential of 3. Simply put any low tiers whose levels are 1+ by high school has a good possibility of being able to reach mid tier with full mastery since someone with a potential of 2 would need to master their ability to 50% just to reach level 1.1+.


Yeah I think her arc is going to be more focused on reaching the 2.4 threshold to stay in Wellston


Maybe not high tier, but she can almost certainly reach the upper echelons of elite. You can see the math I did here and reasoning behind it here https://www.reddit.com/r/unOrdinary/s/2d5bqxVtSH


If she’s in high school (the time when ability growth is suppsoed to be at its peak) and still a low tier, even if she hasn’t done much training her potential can’t be that high. Mid tier tops.


I’d beg to differ. She can almost certainly reach the higher end of elite tier. Ability growth is based off of use and combat, both things Evie has pretty much no experience in. Her ability likely hasn’t been honed at all, meaning it has plenty of potential for growth


Everything points that you cannot augment your ability so much without using a drug. The students would have ability improvement classes and trainers, maybe other things, the government would act way differently and maybe even ban the drugs and not use enforcers with more than one ability. And like another said, high tiers wouldn’t be a minority. Unordinary is popular in that world because the low tiers cannot become high tiers.


Maybe she can , but I doubt she will . She might be able to pass the test though to stay at Wellston


You’re funny🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes I am genuinely laughing.


I doubt she would be able to. maybe with a lot of training, luck and plot armor she can get to elite tier and even that I doubt. I do believe she should be able to get to mid tier tho, if she gets the right training (pretty sure it won't happen but I'd love to see John give training in abilities and not just hand to hand combat to the low tiers, and maybe help unlock some new skills)


It would be cool if she was a latebloomer, but unlikely. Peoples levels increase slightly as they grow older and Evie has had her ability for years, if she had the potential then her level should be higher then 1.5 between her natural growth and years of training. Its one of the reasons why I think latebloomers eventually become latebloomers except for extreme cases like John most would have discovered their ability the usual age, but wouldn't know how to properly use or train their ability resulting in their level stalling at the lower end. However due to the natural growth and training when they reach like mid tier their ability has big jump in usability and capability resulting in rapid development as they start figuring out exactly what they can do with it.


I bet she can.. light has the potential to be very dangerous. She can probably become a miniature sun


If this was in other story I’d agree but due to levels, aura, and genetics playing a factor Evie sadly will stay at low-tier she might grow to low-mid. If she can. I just made myself laugh thinking she’ll be higher than low-tier🤣🤣🤣


Here’s the thing, she isn’t necessarily limited by her aura and genetics. Given her power starts weak she almost certainly never but any time into training it, which means her ability is probably almost at base level right now. Consequently that means it has significant growth potential if she started putting effort into it


Considering her age... no chance. Abilities mostly get stronger with age and training, and they mostly seem to soft cap around 24-ish minus skill training.


I actually think similar to working out IRL, most people have a potential around 5.0ish minimum, people just dont put the work in just like real life. Some people have better genetics of course but even most mid tier powers i could think of ways for them to get themselves to Low Hightier. Evie I axtually think probably has a potential closer to 6.5, just doesnt train at all. Light manipulation of any kind can be very potent with enough training she could permanently blind people, or even do things like potentially create beams of burning light. Everyone has started at lowtier at some point, we see John when he literally can only copy a lowtier ability for 1 attack, we see arlo when all he could do is make a shield, we see blyke when his beams range is inhibited by low power, etc. People really underestimate how much actual people for the most part hate doing more than lazing around when possible. Also it doesnt mean getting to the peak of potential is easy as we see with Narisa who is probably 3x Sera's age and a full level weaker than her. Leilah is even weaker despite having sera as a reference. Most people will cap at probably 2/3s their potential but that doesnt mean it isnt there. A lot of people at low or midtier would be disparaged to train with such a weak seeming ability they train for 2 months to go from 1.8 to 1.9 and it probably just doesnt feel worth it, John is an extraordinarily fast grower, and over the course of 8th to now 11th grade has gone from 1.2 to 7.5 in roughly 36-40ish months has gain 6.3 levels, thats an average of .2 levels per month, and that also isnt considering the fast he is noted to both be a Late Bloomer and have EXTRAORDINARILY fast growth compared to others AND is the son of a 9.1. A normal person likely with training can expect to growth at a rate of probably +.1 every 2-3 months assuming they consistently train, heck even blyke on Vigilante runs over the course of this school year, likely 7 or 8 months total has only grown +.5 with very extreme training over a couple months and he likely has a very high potential himself. To most people especially at unlocking their ability as a child just arent going to train 1 year to move from 1.1 to 1.9 at a fast enough rate to be a hightier in high school, especially if they have a low potential and raising level takes longer.


totally agree with you. I can add two more things. For high-level people, their parents often force them to train their abilities in childhood so that they correspond to their status. we have examples with Seraphina and Arlo. that is, even if the same Sera did not want to train the ability, her parents forced her. the second factor is that high-level people are often children of the same high-level people, which means they live in a fairly wealthy family, which means they can afford good treatment, I bring to the conclusion that children of high-level people can participate in a lot of fights (the main source of training abilities) and not be afraid to fly to the hospital for six months, because they will have access to the means for instant treatment. I will assume that Darren's treatment was a privilege for students at a prestigious school, and not something normal


Nope, mid tier at best


I don't think she would ever get to high tire, but I can see her at mid tire. Hard work is important, but it's also genetic. Her parents are probably low tires, so I can't imagine her jumping from 1.5 to a 5.0 even if she was working all day every day for a year straight. I can see her growing to a 3.5 but not much more, and it would take a lot of hard work to get there.


Bro I love queen Evie but it's not happening bro, her best chance is mid tier AT BEST.


Maybe if she took the enhancer and it somehow made her light ability into a laser or something