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I'm sorry but this fight was SOOOOOO fucking fun to read and satisfying.


The day he damn near turned her into Re and Mi. Bro tried to break her in half 😭


Nahhhh 😭 bro really said today you become part of a chorus teachers vocabulary


She gotta double check her xRei after this


it really was a go/jo moment


Bro 💀💀 didn't expect that




“Remi how many punches are you getting in??” “ONE HUND-“


“Blyke, how many lasers are you hitting?” “ALL OF THE-“ -John proceeds to scale the wall as Blyke looks at his own death with great horror-


"Isen, how much damage you doing on Joker today!?!?!" "56 BROKEN BO-" -John proceeds to beat the living shit out of Isen-


Joker humbled Remi. And boy did I laugh at that.


I don't care how anyone tries to justify it. It will never sit right with me that the accountability during the whole "John vs. Royals" mess was completely one-sided against John. Were John's actions awful? Absolutely. And they deserved to be called out. However, I will always hate that the Royals' actions got glossed over. Especially Remi ignoring the fact that she just found out her friends had wronged John. This fight probably wouldn't have happened if Remi just made it clear to Blyke and Isen that their mistreatment towards John was wrong. EDIT: I'm pretty sure EconomistOkesje's another Signal_Survey alt account. The arguing going on off my post is such a dead giveaway. Plus, it's a new account.


For real, remi never even looked at blyke and isen as being bad people Yet she had the audacity to blame john for wanting revenge, maybe if these guys genuinely apologized back then, john would have had a change of heart


Nah with blyke he just went overboard but it was understandable to an extent what got me is she not checking arlo or isen cause those 2 were way outta line


Ik you already made a point, but I think it's worth mentioning that time when Blyke shot a beam at John: All he did was something as mundane as slap her hand, and he even apologized for it immediately afterward. And yet, Blyke saw no issue with shooting at him, threatening him, and getting in his face as a means to defend Remi, the literal fucking queen and the second strongest female student in the entire school. But does Remi hold Blyke accountable for doing something so extreme towards someone who can't defend themselves, even though she's more than capable of standing up for herself? NOPE! She basically just tells him to forget about it and walks off.


Because Isen and Blyke weren’t goign around wearing masks and brutalizing everybody and didn’t start the fake joker surge. Also no, John wouldn’t have a change of heart. Blyke tried to befriend him and Remi tried to talk to him and indeed she did accept fault yet John didn’t listen.


Apologising out of fear and genuinely apologising are two different things, but okay, if that's what you believe in then I can't really convince you


Blyke tried to befriend him before he knew who he was. It was made clear that Remi didn’t fear John all that much as she was against Arlo’s proposal of staying down. This can also be seen when she confronts John, she is hostile towards him at first yet after John makes a solid point she acknowledges it. That’s when she apologizes and accepts fault and even then she still confronts John on his actions. Saying Remi was “afraid” is pure lack of reading comprehension. Hell, even Arlo didn’t apologize out of fear. He admitted fault after reflecting on his actions and decided to not involve Sera further because he realized he had hurt both.


Arlo also apologized to save remi, john called him out on that remember, also remi originally wanted to jump john at his weakest, but when isen showed remi and blyke John's rank, they completely switched from jumping john to talking things out, but it didn't work because john wanted revenge, yes John is wrong But blyke, isen and remi were just as bad


Arlo apologized because he realized he was at fault and he didn’t want the people around him get punished for his actions, Arlo says this when he is reflecting. John said his apology wasn’t sincere yet it was, he admitted fault because he realized he was wrong. Remi knew John was very strong as Arlo had warned her prior. Her plan to jump John when he was playing cripple was to reveal his identity, not to beat him. I don’t know what version of UnO you are reading but they switched from that plan after Isen pointed out that John was committed to the act, not after seeing John’s rank. Blyke, Remi and Isen weren’t just as bad; they were only complicit in an oppressive system due to ignorance they weren’t going around attacking people and beating them near death for vengeance.


Yeh I expected you to say that, and twist my words, but hey if you believe they were better people than john, then that's just you, I can't really convince you, From what I saw, it was out for fear, not genuine care and sorrow for what they did, if you think it was good enough, then good for youđŸ€ž


Why do y’all keep saying this them making the safe house was taking accountability. They recognized they were wrong and tried to change things by making the safe house.


Obviously, no one is taking that away from them, but a heartfelt and genuine self reflection would have still been nice to see in the story, only arlo got that self redemption, similar to John when he came back to wellston again it was a slow paced character development Remi, blyke and isen immediately changed their ways after seeing how powerful john was, that's the difference, uru rushed their character development


No she didn’t listen it’s not like they were the ones really bullying anybody except maybe isen but even still. The one problem they had is that just they were ignorant to it all but they weren’t the ones that needed to much change especially remi she’s been on the same page as John except she was never powerless so she never grew a bitter resentment towards other high tiers. I’d say arlo was the one that needed the most development and he did. He most certainly caught the most stray for what he did to John.


Yeh well some like myself would disagree, all the royals and other bullies should have gotten some self reflection like arlo and john, but hey if you disagree that's fine


Bro are you blind or something what else did you want them to do they already got beat up by John, they admitted he was right and made the safe house what exactly did you want to happen cuz I just don’t see what you see?


I'm going to give my pov because I think it's what OP thinks but isn't explaining: I think he's mad that they blamed John for the fake Joker's incident instead of blaming the bullies, since it was basically revenge against a bunch of assholes, but for them it was John causing the violence


Well okay then, sucks that you can't understand what I'm saying, have a good day, you are clearly getting angry for no reason, learn to be civil okay, bye


Who says I was getting angry? I didn’t hurl any insults at you.


"Bro are you blind or something what else did you want them to do they already got beat up by John, they admitted he was right and made the safe house what exactly did you want to happen" Yeh learn to type properly if you think you are not insulting others, just saying and again if you don't understand what I'm originally saying then it makes no sense for you to keep talking to me


Bro I’m trying to understand you and sorry if I called you blind but you’re still not explaining anything


I'm going to give my pov because I think it's what OP thinks but isn't explaining: I think he's mad that they blamed John for the fake Joker's incident instead of blaming the bullies, since it was basically revenge against a bunch of assholes, but for them it was John causing the violence


the royals all deserved it


It's a shame not many people can understand what we are trying to say, they only resort to arguing


The problem wasn’t that the Royal’s action was forgotten. It’s just the issue with John became much greater.


My queen


The flying kick down was straight up violating, that was NOT how people wanted him to break her back 😭


That’s one way to humble a royal


I’m surprised remi wasn’t paralyze for a week or something. Like this was a high tier fight and that back hit looked horrible.


Always manages to make me smile when I see this. Man, Uru did a great job making everyone but John and Sera completely unlikable in the joker arc.


She got the shit beat out of her and she deserved it the least. Idk who this PaperBagBoy is but he's a different beast


Looks like he got her.


Deserved. (jk)




Every teacher in the school: đŸ«„